Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 5: 5. Doubt


The Ridgeback Dragon slowly nibbled at the plant in front of him, and twitched its spine-like tail leisurely.

Kumano thought about it for a moment, then turned into a human figure and slowly approached, and when he got close to it, he lurked. At this time, Xiong Bai had already come to the other side of the Ridgeback Dragon.

The two lurked for a while, and Xiong Bai suddenly fell from the tree, startling the Ridgeback Dragon.

The Ridgeback Dragon subconsciously ran towards Kumano, but at this moment Kumano suddenly turned into a beast and rushed out.

The moving speed of the Ridgeback Dragon is not as fast as those of the Bird-footed Dragon. At this time, although he wanted to run, it was too late. Kumano first held it down, and then when it twisted its head and swayed its tail and struggled, he turned it over with force. come over.

Then, before the edged-backed dragon struggled, Hu Yue and Xiong Bai had already rushed over...

The three of them worked together to kill the Ridgeback Dragon.

The three-meter-long Ridgeback weighs about 400 jins. Excluding the scales and armor that it cannot eat, it can eat about 200 jins.

It was inconvenient to bring such a big guy back directly. The three simply cut the Ridgeback Dragon and turned into a humanoid to divide the meat equally. The meat was almost there.

Xiong Bai was very satisfied with this, she actually did not contribute as much as Kumano and Huyue.

After the division, some bones were thrown away, and no one wanted the animal skin—the skin of the Ridgeback Dragon was actually scale armor, which was of no use.

Kumano said: "If you don't want these, give me animal skins and bones."

Hu Yue said: "Okay."

Xiong Bai even had no opinion, and said, "I'll get it for you!" She knew what Kumano brought these back home for, and when she was a child, she also ate food from Kumano.

"No, I can move it." Kumano said.

He wrapped the meat and bones he had allotted in the skin of the Ristorilla, with the side with the bone spurs facing inward, and then turned into a beast shape, then carried the big bag and ran into the tribe.

The smell of blood will attract carnivorous dinosaurs, and they must go back as soon as possible!

Xiong Ye changed into a beast shape, but Hu Yue and Xiong Bai returned in human form. Hu Yue was because the animal shape was not good for holding things, while Xiong Bai was trying to talk to Hu Yue.

The drizzle was still falling and fell on Kumano's body, but it couldn't wash away the bloody smell on his body, but Kumano himself liked this kind of bloody smell and didn't care at all.

The three came to the vicinity of the tribe, and immediately someone saw them, all with envy on their faces.

What they brought back was all meat!

For the people in the tribe, food is the most precious and important thing. They are busy every day, just for a bite of meat, in order to be full

However, it is quite dangerous outside. Some awakened beasts with weaker forms are even more unlikely to catch those big guys, so many people can only envy them.

Xiong Bai was looked at like this, and stopped his bare chest. Soon, there were men in the tribe who went to court her. Of course, Huyue was also indispensable.

Kumano didn't get involved in these things. He carried his own animal skin package and went to a large cave in the west of the mountain.

This cave was not excavated by them, but existed before the people in the tribe came to this place. Of course, the people in the tribe excavated the cave a little bigger.

In this cave, there lived people who could not participate in hunting.

It is said that a hundred years ago, their tribe was like a big family, and everyone lived together.

At that time, they hadn't found this mountain col, life was very hard, and there were very few people in the tribe, and those children, who couldn't tell who belonged or not belonged, were raised together.

Older or disabled people, on the other hand, are often given up because of insufficient food.

Knowing that later, a certain patriarch accidentally rescued the master who sacrificed to the grandfather, and their tribe had a sacrifice, and all this slowly changed.

The sacrificial priest knows a lot of dinosaurs and knows the weaknesses of each dinosaur. He will also have a more perfect language, will treat people's diseases, and know how to preserve the meat...

Since there were sacrifices, few people in the tribe would starve to death. At the same time, people began to pay attention to their relatives and began to have some private property, not everything, belonged to the tribe.

It is all of this that makes their tribe slowly awaken to a powerful beast shape. Everyone's life is getting better and better, and the number of people is increasing. Now there are already 400 people!

However, although some changes have taken place, not everyone will raise their own children, and sudden death has always existed, so the vast majority of children in the tribe still live alone, and those old people who have no ability to move, They also live like this.

They get a lot of food, especially children. The tribe attaches great importance to it, but it is not as good as those children who live with their parents.

Kumano has a dream. He wants to be the patriarch, and he wants to make his tribe stronger and stronger. He hopes that everyone in the tribe will no longer have to go hungry!

When Kumano entered the cave, he saw a group of old people lying in the cave, but there were also people sitting in the corner talking to some children.

In addition, there are eleven or twelve-year-old children who are roasting earthworms to eat.

Children of this age are always hungry, and generally try to find a way to get themselves something to eat.

"Brother Kumano!" Those people were very excited when they saw the huge brown bear.

Xiong Ye put down the animal skin wrap in his hand, turned into a beast shape and wrapped the animal skin around his waist, and then said: "Hu Yue and I went out to hunt, and we hunted a long-distance prismatic dragon, and the bones and animal skins are given to you. "

"Thank you, Brother Xiongye!" The children cheered, the old people who were lying down also sat up, and the old man who was talking to the children in the tribe even said, "Xuanye, you still think about us."

"I didn't do anything." Kumano said, he also eats a lot, and it is impossible for children to develop the habit of getting something for nothing, so good meat is not given, but bones and animal skins are given.

Since he was a child, he liked to listen to the old people in the tribe talking about the past. It is said that their tribe used to be very weak, and the most powerful people had only awakened into black bears. It was very difficult to hunt dinosaurs. Therefore, they generally eat all kinds of plants. , or wait for the carnivorous dinosaurs to eat the prey, then pick up the dinosaur skin and bones to eat...

Carnivorous dinosaurs generally do not gnaw their prey very cleanly, and always have a bit of minced meat. In addition, bone marrow is also a good thing.

They never go to waste.

Now, people in the tribe will not want bones when they go out to hunt. Huyue and Xiongbai gave him the bones because they knew that he would give the bones to the old people and children in the tribe, and they did not lack any bones.

Kumano put down his bones and went out to find Shi Li.

This time, before he got to the entrance of Shili's cave, he saw Shili - Shili was standing at the entrance of the cave where he lived, looking unhappy, and at the same time, he was tightly wrapped in animal skins.

Shi Li was really not very happy at the moment.

In his last life, he became stronger and stronger. After he became the Beastmaster, he saw the vast world outside. At this moment, he really couldn't adapt to this dirty and messy tribe.

If nothing else... He couldn't stand the people in the tribe showing their breasts one by one.

In other places, people don't wear it like this!

These people... This is a little shame and I don't know!

Also... Huyue and Xiong Bai were covered in blood, which made Shi Li a little disdainful.

Shi Li began to think about whether to leave the tribe early, but soon, he rejected the idea.

He is still too weak now. It is easy to encounter danger when going to other places, but he stays here... At least he knows the next thing.

Moreover, he used to be the leader of this tribe, and there are many loyal subordinates under him, and he does not want to give up these people.

Of course, in addition to his subordinates, there are also people he hates, such as that Hu Yue... Shi Li began to think about how to kill people.

Shi Li was thinking about the future when he saw Kumano.

Kumano's appearance is more embarrassing than Huyue and Xiongbai.

When Huyue and Xiong Bai came back, they only carried meat, and they had already turned into humanoids. They wiped themselves on the way, but Xiong Ye didn't have time to do anything.

"Shi Li." Kumano called out with a smile.

Disgust flashed in Shi Li's eyes.

Seeing this, Kumano was slightly taken aback.

In the eyes of people in the tribe, Xiongye has always been carefree, he doesn't care about external things, and is willing to help others.

But only he knew that he was not.

His father and his mother didn't stay together for a long time. He died not long after giving birth to him. After three years, when he was a little older, his mother fell in love with a good-looking man and had sex with him. He had a second child, and when he was five years old, his father who occasionally took care of him also died.

In fact, he has been very good at looking people's faces since he was a child.

He could not care about some of Shi Li's reactions yesterday, but Shi Li's reaction today made him unhappy.

But he was also a little puzzled, why did Shi Li suddenly change

However, Kumano didn't show anything, but asked again: "Shi Li, I hit a Ridgeback Dragon, do you want it?"

Shi Li actually despised the bloody flesh on Kumano's back, but he suddenly thought that there was no meat at home.

He didn't go hunting with Kumano, so he could only cut off part of the meat that Yang Ying and Yang Su had eaten.

If it was Shi Li in the past, there was not much food at home, so he would eat less, but now Shi Li has no such self-consciousness.

He has been pampered for decades, where can he go hungry

Also... When he was cultivating, he would get hungry very quickly.

At this moment, Shi Li had already eaten up the food that was distributed to the tribe yesterday, and he was still hungry again.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't come out either.

"You put it down." Shi Li said reservedly.

Hearing this, Kumano asked without thinking, "Shi Li, do you remember what you said when we decided to become partners?"