Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 50: 51|Bacon


Primitives are really cute sometimes. For example, if they have an idea, they will say it directly, without thinking that it might be embarrassing.

Kumano laughed when he said he looked like he was pregnant.

Zhou Ji had the urge to "rectify the law on the spot".

However, even if Kumano looked very energetic, he was still injured, even seriously... Zhou Ji rubbed Kumano's head and said, "Go to sleep?"

"Zhou Ji, you can't rub my head in the future!" Kumano frowned, Zhou Ji's actions were repeated over and over again, I don't know how many times!

"Okay." Zhou Ji agreed.

"You touch me." Kumano said again: "I want it a little bit." Before Zhou Ji had been touching his stomach, he felt like he wanted to do something...

"Don't think about it." Zhou Ji silently pushed him into the bed to lie down - even thinking about it after such a serious injury, it's hard to live with him!

Kumano could only helplessly lay down and fell asleep.

He wanted to do it himself, but he also had a wound on his arm.

And... he was actually quite uncomfortable.

Kumano said he wanted to, but after he really lay down, he fell asleep very quickly, and slept very soundly.

Probably because he was too tired, he, who usually never snores, started snoring.

Zhou Ji pinched his nose, he turned his head to sleep, and stopped snoring. When he saw this, Zhou Ji went to look at his legs.

During the day, Zhou Ji wanted to help Kumano to see the injury, but yesterday's tossing, his mental power was the most damaged, and it has only been a little better until now, so that he can help people do the inspection.

And he was not in a hurry, also because Kumano looked good.

As a result of this inspection, Zhou Ji was stunned.

Kumano's leg was broken, and the bones inside were crooked. Not only that, but he was also injured in internal organs in addition to the scratches on the surface of his body.

Kumano's injury was very serious, and he didn't know how he could still come and go in the cave during the day, and even smiled at him.

Zhou Ji tried to use his mental power to help him straighten his bones, but the result was just right, and his mental power was used up, so he could only lie down and rest.

Fortunately, although Kumano was seriously injured, unlike the original Niu Er, even the crystal core in his body was about to collapse...

At dawn the next day, someone came from their cave, and it was a priest.

All day yesterday, the priest was busy picking up meat, and he didn't have time to come, so he came to see Kumano's wounds just now.

"Your injury is fine, but you must be careful with this leg." The priest brought some herbs over and asked Kumano to apply it on the wound, and said, "You must pray to the beast god every day, and let the beast god bless your leg not to. Crooked."

Some people who have broken arms or legs can grow well, but some will grow crooked. His teacher once told him that the reason why those people's bones grow crooked is because they have blasphemed the beast gods, because they are against the beast gods. Disrespect will be punished.

However, neither he nor his teacher said anything about it.

Because his teacher himself had a lame leg, he was originally a priest of a big tribe, but after his lame leg was driven away, he became a priest of the big bear tribe and became a priest of the big bear tribe.

His teacher has been repenting all his life, feeling that he must have done something wrong and that he would be lame when he angered the beast god.

At the same time, this secret, his teacher did not tell the people in the tribe, only told him, and he did not tell the people in the tribe.

Those warriors were injured to protect the tribe or hunt, and their bones would grow crooked, even if they did something wrong, but they had been punished, and he felt that he should not hurt them any more.

Now Kumano hurts his leg...

The priest said again: "You are a good boy, the Beast God will definitely bless you!" Shouldn't Kumano have done anything that would annoy the Beast God

Zhou Ji: "..." It turns out that the beast god also treats injuries!

Rather than praying to the Beast God, it is actually better to find him.

"By the way, Kumano! Zhou Ji and I found that drinking some grass and boiling water will make our body better. After I ate it recently, my whole body felt much better... I brought some for you, you can cook it and eat it." The priest said again, and brought out a ginseng.

This ginseng was accidentally seen by Zhou Ji.

He has no research on traditional Chinese medicine, but when he studied plants, he also learned about those plants and some herbs that nourish the body.

Something like ginseng would not have been ignorant, so it was brought to the priest to eat, but the priest brought it to Kumano again.

Kumano's current situation... Eating some ginseng may not be good, but it will not be bad, Zhou Ji said: "Thank you, priest."

"You don't need to thank me, you can eat some too." The priest said, "You are too weak."

Zhou Ji: "… "

"I'm leaving, and there are still many things to do." The priest said.

"Those meat... Has the patriarch thought about how to save it?" Zhou Ji asked.

"We're going to salt it, and then everyone eat more." The priest said, with a tangled expression—they didn't have enough salt!

"I have a way to preserve meat." Zhou Ji said.

"What method?" The priest asked immediately, looking at Zhou Ji curiously - although Zhou Ji was not in good health, the beast god probably saw him as pitiful and taught him a lot of skills, such as identifying plants and so on.

"You can use a little less salt to marinate the meat, then set it on fire, and smoke the meat." Zhou Ji said, bacon needs a lot of salt to preserve it for a long time. You can't do this anywhere else by using a lot of salt to marinate the meat.

Then in some places, bacon is made.

First marinate the meat with a little salt, and then smoke it with smoke to dry out all the moisture in the meat, so that the meat can be preserved for a long time and taste unique.

Of course, some people may find it smoky and unpalatable.

In short, if you use this method to preserve meat, you can use a lot less salt.

Zhou Ji just saw this method of preserving meat on a TV food show. How to do it specifically, how to make it delicious, doesn't know anything about it.

However, people in the Big Bear tribe should not mind that the meat is not delicious

So, as long as the moisture in the meat can be smoked dry.

"Does this really preserve that meat?" the priest wondered.

"Yes." Zhou Ji said: "It's the same reason that you can dry the meat into jerky, it can be stored for a long time, smoking it with fire is just faster than drying it in the sun."

"I'll try it!" the priest said immediately.

There is no shortage of firewood in the tribe, even if it is short... there is still a mountain of firewood waiting for them to pick up!

The priest found someone, and quickly lit a fire in a pit, then smoked meat on it, and smoked a dark piece of meat.

The meat smells like smoke and doesn't taste good, but it's dry, it should be able to keep it for a little longer...

The whole tribe got busy and started making bacon.

Picking up meat, making bacon, eating meat... The people in the Big Bear tribe have been busy for five or six days, and everyone has gained weight.

Then, the salt in the tribe officially ran out.

Zhou Ji and Kumano also ran out of salt.

After the collective salt in the tribe was used up, the priest asked everyone to take out the private salt, which was borrowed by the tribe from everyone, and they naturally handed over the salt.

Zhou Ji didn't care much about this. Kumano was injured and couldn't hunt. He went out for a walk every day, secretly eating outside and bringing some vegetables and fruits back to eat. He was too lazy to cook and naturally didn't use salt. …

Kumano doesn't mind eating the barbecued meat sent by the tribe every day. Now he eats at least 40 pounds of meat every day. If he eats so hard, his stomach will bulge almost every day. It was suddenly much bigger, and the fur was still shiny.

The body of the orcs is really good, and the meat that contains energy is really good for the orcs.

The only thing that is depressing is that Kumano was injured, so that there is no hair in many places...

Kumano was a little annoyed by this, but Zhou Ji felt that the hairless bear was pretty good too.

On this day, all the meat in the tribe was finally cleaned up.

There is still a bloody smell and a rancid smell in the valley, but it is much better than before... Zhou Ji made a few flower pots out of wood, and after planting a few pots of fragrant flowers in their cave, it was even worse. Makes the smell in the cave a lot fresher.

And that night, the priests will have a meeting in the Col.

Zhou Ji rested for a few days, and the injuries have all healed. Correspondingly, Kumano's injuries have also improved a lot with his help.

It's just that Kumano doesn't use that energy. The energy he sends into Kumano's body is only one tenth of the utilization rate, which is really a pity.

In order to avoid being discovered, he can't get Kumano's injury to heal quickly.

The ground of the col has been soaked with blood these days, and it is sticky when you step on it, but it is not muddy - the mud here is particularly solid!

"Zhou Ji!" "Xiong Ye!" The people in the tribe greeted Zhou Ji and Xiong Ye with a smile, and their attitude towards Zhou Ji was very good.

Although Zhou Ji was very weak, the priest said that he came up with the method of bacon this time!

The people in the tribe are very grateful to Zhou Ji at the moment, and even those who had an opinion on Zhou Ji stopped looking at him sideways - how much meat Zhou Ji helped them save!

I really didn't expect that Zhou Ji, who was so stupid and stupid, would actually become smart.

The people in the tribe were very grateful to Zhou Ji, and the priest also gave Zhou Ji a commendation - the priest gave him a big, red and colorful garland.

Zhou Ji didn't want it.

But Kumano liked it very much, and happily hung it around his neck.

The little bear with a wreath on his neck is quite cute... Zhou Ji's eyes fell on Xiong Ye, but Xiong He has already started serious business - the tribe is going to change the salt again!