Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 52: 53|Join the Salt Changer


Zhou Ji was very calm, pointed at the dirt eggs and said, "You talk so much, can't you dig it up when you have time?"

"I said it, I saw it in the morning, and the eggs are still very small." The leader of the collection team said, digging up a piece of mud with a long-handled stone shovel.

She dug an egg the size of an adult fist in half.

The leader of the collection team, who had a cold face just now, was immediately excited: "What a big egg! What a big!"

The people in the tribe like to eat earthen eggs very much. This plant tastes good and fills the stomach. Therefore, some people like it even more than meat.

For children, soil eggs are more of a necessity. Children can't eat too much dinosaur meat before they are one year old. Generally, their mothers let them eat soil eggs in addition to breastfeeding them.

Children will not start eating dinosaur meat until they are over a year old and have more teeth, but they still prefer to eat earth eggs.

Of the eggs harvested every year in the tribe, one third is usually reserved for the children of the tribe, one third is exchanged for salt, and the remaining one third is for adults to taste.

The soil eggs can grow twice a year, and it usually takes about 60 days before the first soil eggs can be harvested, and the soil eggs they harvest are generally the size of a child's fist.

And now, this egg is bigger than the biggest egg they've ever harvested.

The captain of the collection team was going crazy with joy.

Others in the tribe were also very excited, and even some people who were very devout to the Beast God knelt down: "Thanks to the great Beast God!"

Even the priest was shocked at this moment. He grabbed a soil egg and pulled it hard...

The soil egg was torn off, but several large and small soil eggs could be seen growing underneath, the largest of which was bigger than the one the gathering team leader had just dug up.

The priest's hands trembled, and he knelt down directly: "Thank you to the great beast god!"

As soon as the priest knelt down, all the people in the tribe knelt down except Zhou Ji. The priest also looked at Zhou Ji: "Kneel down quickly."

Zhou Ji: "… "

Zhou Ji said: "The beast god also told me other things."

Zhou Ji has always been doing things to help the tribe give birth to the surrounding plants.

He lives in this tribe, and although he won't take the initiative to take trouble, he will help with whatever he can, but before, he was afraid that people in the tribe would find something wrong and did not dare to do too much.

But not long ago, he brought out a gift from the beast god in front of the priest, and now it seems that it doesn't matter if he brings out something else.

Of course, there's a reason he's doing that today.

The priest is now convinced of Zhou Ji's words, and feels that Zhou Ji is really loved by the Beast God: "What else did the Beast God say?"

"The Beast God asked me to go out with the salt change team and find some edible plants." Zhou Ji said.

After being so troubled by him before, most of the dinosaurs near the tribe ran away.

Recently, a lot of meat was picked up from the tribe, and everyone didn't notice it and didn't talk about it, and there was no shortage of food for the time being, but Zhou Ji knew that this matter would sooner or later cause trouble.

But he didn't care too much.

He has a plant ability that doubles the egg production around the tribe and makes it easy for them to be harvested early, thanks to fertilization and weeding.

In the future... He can also ask the priest to lead the gathering team to reclaim the land and cultivate the land well.

On the earth, although human beings lived by hunting at first, but later they were able to grow, but they completely relied on farming and grazing.

After all, the uncertainty of hunting is too great. Although farming or farming also has the ingredients of watching the sky, it is really much better than hunting.

And he didn't mind developing farming so that the people in the tribe could have enough to eat.

But Kumano suddenly went to change the salt.

The salt change team killed so many people last time, what about this time? Will something happen to Kumano

Although he can't use force, to be honest, his mental power is there, and with him following, people who change the salt team can always be safer.

Since Kumano must go, he will go with him.

Zhou Ji said again: "The Beast God showed me several plants. He said that as long as I go out with the salt changing team, I can find those plants, so that the people in the tribe don't have to go hungry."

Zhou Ji was expressionless when he spoke, but because of this, it made people feel a little mysterious.

Those present believed it almost immediately, even the priests.

If Zhou Ji said these words directly to the priest, the priest would think that he made it up to go out with the salt exchange team, but now... so many eggs are growing in the ground!

This is definitely the will of the Beast God!

As for why the beast god chose Zhou Ji to convey his will... How unique is Zhou Ji? In their tribe, only Zhou Ji has no animal shape.

"Thank you to the Beast God!" the priest said again, kowtowing and bowing.

The collection team followed suit.

Zhou Ji: "..." So, can he change the salt

Of course Zhou Ji can go to change the salt.

After the priest knelt down, he immediately asked the people from the collection team to dig the eggs, and said to Zhou Ji: "It's hard for you, but you have to go out with the salt change team..."

How can the life outside be better than the life in the tribe? It is very dangerous for Zhou Ji to go out with the salt change team. Not to mention, it must be a good time.

"This is the will of the beast god." Zhou Ji said.

"Yes, this is the will of the Beast God!" the priest said, his face full of excitement: "With the blessing of the Beast God, you will be all right!" He was worried that there would be an accident when changing the salt team, but now the Beast God is doing this to Zhou Ji It's a dream, it's safe to change the salt team, right

The priest was full of confidence in the next salt change, and the captain of the collection team also found Zhou Ji: "Zhou Ji, I blamed you before, I'm sorry."

Zhou Ji is a person loved by the beast god. The captain of the collection team is very frightened now and begins to recall whether he has offended Zhou Ji.

There really is…

"It's okay." Zhou Ji said, he can understand what this person is doing, and he doesn't care at the same time.

Most of the things in this world, he doesn't care.

"Zhou Ji, you are such a good person." said the captain of the collection team.

"Zhou Ji is indeed a good person. He was gifted by the beast god, and he contributed all this selflessly." The priest said, and sang a song to Zhou Ji on the spot, praising Zhou Ji as a selfless person.

Zhou Ji: "..." This song was used by priests in the beast god sacrifice before to praise the ancestors of the big bear tribe.

The people in the collection team looked at Zhou Ji and admired them even more.

Before, they thought it was pointless to fertilize and pull weeds, but now... Since this is the will of the Beast God, it must be done.

As for why they didn't grow well after fertilizing, it must be that they didn't do it well!

The people in the collection team began to reflect on themselves and talked a lot.

"Zhou Ji suddenly fell ill before the companion ceremony, maybe it was the test of the beast god."

"He fainted from exhaustion a few days ago, and he couldn't wake up no matter what he called. Maybe he was going to see the beast god."

"Have you noticed? Since Zhou Ji is not stupid and walked out of the tribe, we have gained a lot!"

"He is definitely a person loved by the Beast God."

Things went much smoother than Zhou Ji imagined.

The priest brought the people from the gathering team and harvested a lot of soil eggs, and when he returned with the soil eggs, he not only talked about Zhou Ji's gift from the beast god, but also that Zhou Ji was going to join the salt exchange team. .

"No, Grandpa Priest, how can Zhou Ji go?" Kumano objected without even thinking about it.

"He must go, this is the meaning of the beast god! I tell you, you must protect Zhou Ji when you go this time." The priest was very excited.

The people in the hunting party were all at a loss.

The priest said again: "The beast god has made the eggs in the tribe mature, and he also said that Zhou Ji can find more edible plants!"

The priest spared no effort to help Zhou Ji speak, and by the way, he added a few more songs, the lyrics were straightforward and numb.

But the people in the tribe are very fond of this set.

Zhou Ji didn't say a word, the matter of him going with the salt change team was already a certainty.

Not only that, because of the praise of the priest, he also gained more attention.

Zhou Ji didn't like all of this, but he wasn't unacceptable. At the same time, he also knew that this kind of thing couldn't be done more.

Still the same sentence, every man is innocent and guilty, and the big bear tribe can't be too special.

Earth eggs are very precious and very popular to the people in the tribe, and the people in the tribe almost immediately fell into the carnival.

But Kumano was not happy.

Zhou Ji has been gifted by the beast god, he has known it for a long time, and he feels it - Zhou Ji can always get a lot of delicious plants.

However, even if he received the gift of the beast god, Zhou Ji was still very weak. He followed the salt change team to change the salt, and it was easy to encounter danger!

"Zhou Ji, do you have to go?" Kumano couldn't help asking.

Zhou Ji said: "This is the meaning of the beast god."

Kumano's expression was extremely confused.

Zhou Ji is very satisfied with this. Yesterday he was very entangled, and today it is Kumano's turn.

Zhou Ji went to bed early that night.

Kumano lay beside him, tossing and turning, and finally stopped moving, but he didn't fall asleep either.

Kumano, who slept well before, what happened? Zhou Ji was feeling strange when he felt that Kumano quietly got up, climbed under the cave, started walking back and forth, and turned into a beast shape, practicing his claws on a piece of wood.

There is no doubt that Kumano is cramming and training his combat effectiveness.

However, if he just cradled like this, it would be useless no matter what, and he might even crack his wound.

Zhou Ji took out the costume that he had worn in front of Xiangtian before, jumped out of the cave while Xiongye was not paying attention, and then took the big brown bear away and took him out of the tribe.

At the same time, Xiang Tian had already brought Shi Li back to the Hieroglyph Tribe.

Along the way, Xiangtian has been severely tortured Shi Li to extract a confession. Although he didn't ask anything, one thing was confirmed, that is, Shi Li really knew a way to absorb energy.

Xiangtian wanted to get this method, so he left Shi Li's life, but he was not friendly to Shi Li. For example, at this moment, Shi Li was thrown into a dirty cell of the hieroglyphic tribe by him.

Shi Li sat in the cell with a lot of feces left, and couldn't help but gag.

Although he had endured a lot of hardships when he was wandering outside in his last life, he had never suffered such insults and had never lived in such an environment.

It's so deceiving!

Shi Li hated Xiangtian to death, and even took, even Zhou Ji - if it wasn't for Zhou Ji, how could he be captured by Xiangtian

After hating, Shi Li snorted again.

Zhou Ji will not live long!

The Giant Tiger Tribe, which captured the Qingshan Tribe, is a war-loving tribe. What they like to do most is to invade other tribes and drive people from other tribes as slaves.

The catastrophe of the giant bear tribe in the previous life was caused by the giant tiger tribe.

After the Giant Tiger Tribe defeated the Qingshan Tribe, they learned about the existence of the Big Bear Tribe, and also killed some members of the Big Bear Tribe's Salt Exchange Team.

Then, the salt exchange team got less salt, not enough, Xiong Qi and Niu Er died...

After a period of time, about this time, the priest and Xionghe realized that the salt in the tribe was not enough, so they asked Kumano to take people out to change the salt, and by the way, find a new salt-changing place.

That time, Kumano didn't switch to salt - the Xiaoxi tribe was also defeated by the giant tiger tribe, and the salt-changing team couldn't find another tribe, so they could only return without success.

They didn't change the salt, but the giant tiger tribe's action began. They first drove some powerful dinosaurs to the big bear tribe. After the big bear tribe died a lot of people, they attacked the big bear tribe that winter.

The big bear tribe will encounter a lot of trouble next, Zhou Ji is so weak, he will die sooner or later!