Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 61: 62|Barley porridge


The people of the Xiaoxi tribe were shocked by the fact that the Big Bear tribe raised dinosaurs: "Can dinosaurs be raised?"

Even if some small dinosaurs are not scary, dinosaurs like Sharphorns are huge and daunting. All the warriors of their Xiaoxi tribe join together, and it is already very powerful to kill one!

How can such a dinosaur be raised

"Of course, we can feed them. If we feed them grass, we can feed them. By raising them, we can directly kill and eat meat." Zhou Ji said.

The people of the Xiaoxi tribe looked at Zhou Ji in awe.

Could it be so? so amazing!

Why hadn't they thought of doing this before

If they can raise dinosaurs, they don't have to go hungry. If they don't go hungry, their clansmen will grow more and more. If there are more and more clansmen, their tribe will not be easily defeated by the giant tiger tribe...

When Leopard Cheng couldn't stop thinking about it, Xiong Bai asked Xiong Ye, "Xiong Ye, who are these people?"

When I came back from the salt team last time, there were many fewer people, so why are there many more people this time

"They are from the Xiaoxi tribe." Kumano said, "Let's go back, I have something to tell the patriarch."

The giant tiger tribe may come to attack them, which is not good news.

However, the place where their tribe is located is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not so easy for the giant tiger tribe to defeat them!

Moreover, he killed a lot of people in the giant tiger tribe, shouldn't there be too many warriors to fight

Kumano didn't know much about the situation of the Giant Tiger Tribe, so he thought that after seeing Xionghe and the priest, he should talk about it and let everyone come up with an idea.

It's a happy event to change the salt team back!

Someone had already returned to the tribe in advance to inform the people in the tribe about this, so when Xiong Ye came back, Xiong He, the priest and others were all waiting at the door of the tribe.

Seeing this scene, Kumano felt a little happy.

This is the scene he has always wanted to see, and he hopes he can do something for the people in the tribe.

"Grandpa Priest, I'm back!" Kumano said, and then saw the priest walking towards him excitedly.

Priest: "Zhou Ji, have you found what the Beast God asked you to find?"

Kumano: "…"

Zhou Ji smiled and said, "I found it." The bag of barley only looked like ten kilograms, some of which had lost their vitality, but most of them could be planted, and he had already picked out all that could be planted.

"That's really good!" the priest said: "By the way, all the eggs have been planted, do you want to go and see?"

It took almost a month for Kumano and Zhou Ji to go back and forth, and now all the eggs have been planted, and some have even sprouted.

It's been hot recently, water more, and the eggs can sprout very quickly.

"Okay." Zhou Ji nodded.

Kumano just watched as his partner was taken away...

He still has a lot of things to do, to give the salt to the patriarch, and to talk about the Xiaoxi tribe and the giant tiger tribe, so he can only watch Zhou Ji leave.

Forget it, Zhou Ji will be back tonight anyway!

Kumano immediately communicated with Xiong He, but at this time Zhou Ji saw more than 200 little dinosaurs that were scattered.

Don't you mean there are only a hundred or so? There are almost 300 little dinosaurs here!

Forget it, the people in the Big Bear tribe are not good at math...

Zhou Ji calmly looked at the dinosaurs.

Different dinosaurs are all raised together, and the food they are fed is in a mess. Even if these little dinosaurs are very strong, there are still many dying...

"Bring different dinosaurs separately, and then feed them the food they like." Zhou Ji said.

"Why are you being so nice to them!" Xiong Ping was puzzled. Although she ate dinosaurs, she didn't really like dinosaurs - there were always people in the tribe who died at the hands of dinosaurs!

"In order to raise them to eat meat." Zhou Ji said.

Thinking about it this way, Xiong Ping, who felt a little dissatisfied at first, immediately lost her emotions, but she also struggled: "These dinosaurs are not easy to raise, they eat too much, and the people of the hunting team are mowing the grass outside all day. can barely feed them.”

"How much grass do they eat every day?" Zhou Ji asked.

Zhou Ji also considered that dinosaurs are not easy to raise. Some dinosaurs are too big, and being big means eating a lot.

Therefore, he planned to raise all kinds of dinosaurs, and finally selected several kinds of dinosaurs that were most suitable for raising.

There are also many small dinosaurs.

Xiong Ping was stunned. Although she raised dinosaurs, she couldn't count, let alone count...

But Zhou Ji soon knew why the hunting team was so busy because they went far away every time they mowed the grass.

In the big bear tribe, everyone is used to not destroying the vegetation around the tribe.

After teaching Xiong Ping the farming knowledge that he didn't know much about, Zhou Ji went to see the eggs again.

The egg looks good. He used the plant ability to make it grow better. At the same time, he was thinking about finding a place to reclaim new land.

Zhou Ji set his eyes on the mountain that he almost razed to the ground.

There used to be a lot of giant trees on that mountain, but now all the giant trees have collapsed, revealing the very fertile land below, which is nourished by countless fallen leaves. If you clean it up, you can definitely use it to grow things.

Of course, land can also be cultivated around the tribe.

Thinking of so many things to do, Zhou Ji felt a little helpless.

"Zhou Ji, when do you plan to plant the plants that the Beast God asked you to find?" the priest asked.

"Wait tomorrow, I will hold a ceremony, and then plant this plant given to us by the beast god." Zhou Ji said.

The priest looked at Zhou Ji and suddenly asked, "Now, are you willing to take over from me and become a priest in the tribe?"

Zhou Ji looked at the priest: "I am the messenger of the beast god, and I will not be a priest."

It's okay to be a priest who has to take care of everything, but the messenger of the beast god can find a way to sit tight.

Priest: "..." So he still has to teach those little dolls? After seeing Zhou Ji's learning ability, he is really desperate for the learning ability of those little dolls!

Well, he also despaired of his ability to learn.

However, he has a reason... He is old, and his brain can't work as well as it did when he was young.

After Zhou Ji inspected the farm and land, he returned to the tribe.

The tribe has already started carnival.

Kumano and others brought back more salt than ever before, and the people in the tribe were naturally very happy! Only Xiong He's expression was a little tangled.

The threat from the giant tiger tribe made him feel a little worried.

But even if it was him, he couldn't worry about it for too long, just come and fight!

Before the big bear tribe had priests, they actually fought a lot with people.

Thinking of this, Xiong He calmed down, and found someone to start cooking eggs and bacon to entertain the people of the Xiaoxi tribe, and by the way, he had a carnival.

All the failed bacon has been eaten, so what Xiong He brought out was the good bacon made later.

The bacon made from a kind of fragrant tree is not only less smoky, but also exudes an attractive taste. The earthy eggs stewed with such bacon are particularly delicious.

Kumano and others were on their way all the way, and the food was not good. At this time, they had to eat a lot. The people of the Xiaoxi tribe were even more shocked—there is such delicious food in this world!

Leopard Rain came to Leopard Cheng and said, "Brother, I want to stay in this tribe and have a baby with Xiong Qi."

Leopard Rain failed to recommend himself to Xiong Ye, and he failed to recommend himself to Zhou Ji, and finally expressed his goodwill to Xiong Qi, and then Xiong Qi, who was unscrupulous, agreed.

Xiong Qi liked the wolf sound before, for two reasons, one is that the wolf sound is beautiful, and the other is that the animal-shaped fur of the wolf sound is white.

He felt that both of them were white and matched very well.

However, Langyin didn't like him, and he felt that he was too old, so he gave up. Now that Leopard Rain took the initiative to recommend himself, he accepted without hesitation.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in this tribe. Kumano is used to it since childhood, and even Zhou Ji is used to it.

Now that Leopard Rain wants to stay, it is not surprising that she and Leopard Cheng are the strongest in the Xiaoxi tribe, but they are placed in the Big Bear tribe...

In addition to the top powerhouses such as Xiongye, the Big Bear Tribe has a large number of powerhouses behind them. These people have awakened beasts like black bears, chimpanzees, and tigers like Huyue. These people's fighting power is no worse than Leopard Rain Leopard.

This tribe feels too safe.

The choice of the leopard as a pair of sisters is not surprising, and at the same time, it suddenly occurred to him that he can also find a woman in the big bear tribe to give birth to a child and live there!

The people of the Xiaoxi tribe were all excited, but Zhou Ji was cooking barley porridge at the moment.

He picked out a part of the barley that could not germinate, added a little more to it, and then began to cook the porridge.

This is really long-lost food... Zhou Ji suddenly felt a little thirsty.