Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 62: 63| Jealous


The barley grains that had been husks removed with the power of plants were boiled in a stone pot over low heat, giving off a faint aroma of rice.

The barley porridge can't be cooked in an hour and a half, so Zhou Ji waited slowly, adding fire from time to time while watching the singing and dancing in the tribe.

It was rare to see strangers in the tribe, everyone was very happy, and some people had already started hooking up. Xiong Qi and Leopard Yu were already very close.

Along the way, they just had ambiguity, but tonight, it is obvious that they have planned to develop something.

Zhou Ji had helped Leopard Yu and others check their bodies before, and found that Leopard Yu was pregnant. Of course, she shouldn't know... Xiong Qi was afraid to be a cheap father.

But at this time, people didn't pay much attention to these.

Even if it is someone else's child, as long as the child believes that a person is a father, then the father will give him some care when he is young.

Just like some nomadic peoples in ancient times on earth, even more open than those people.

In this case, Zhou Ji didn't say anything.

Zhou Ji likes to be alone and quietly, but obviously, this is already a luxury for him now!

"Zhou Ji, what exactly is the food that the beast god asked you to find?" Xiong Bai, who has a little friendship with Zhou Ji, leaned over and looked at the pot of barley porridge: "Is it this? Can you let me taste it?"

"No." Zhou Ji did not hesitate.

Xiong Bai left in disappointment, but everyone else moved to Zhou Ji's side to see what Zhou Ji was cooking.

The smell of all kinds of animals fills Zhou Ji's surroundings.

Zhou Ji didn't like the smell of the mountain, and being surrounded by these people at the moment was even more helpless.

However, these people not only came to see the porridge he cooked, but also asked: "Zhou Ji, can dinosaurs really be raised?"

"Zhou Ji, what does the beast god look like?"

"Zhou Ji..."


Zhou Ji wanted to go back to the cave, but Kumano was still talking to Xiong He and others.

What he said was all the things he encountered along the way. Xiong Qi and Leopard Yu also added fuel to the side, so everyone listened with gusto and asked him to talk more.

Kumano continued talking with a smile.

These are all experiences, and people in the tribe should know more about them.

As Kumano was talking, someone suddenly came towards him, then knelt down in front of him, and gave him a kowtow: "Kumano, you have a lot, please forgive me! I shouldn't have offended you before! Please! You give me a way to live..."

It was Yang Ying who knelt down. Seeing her doing this, Kumano couldn't react.

After he broke up with Shi Li, he had no contact with Yang Ying, and his impression of Yang Ying remained the same as before.

Yang Ying in his memory was very weak at first, always crying, saying how pitiful she was.

She is indeed very pitiful. At that time, the old and the weak in the tribe could get food, but their family did not have it.

Seeing that she was pitiful, he took Shi Li everywhere to find food, and when he found it, he asked Shi Li to bring it back to her.

At that time, Yang Ying was very good to him. After Yang Su woke up, her attitude towards him changed, and Yang Ying would reprimand Yang Su.

But he doesn't like Yang Ying, nor does he like to be in contact with Yang Ying.

Most people would not like someone who would cry when they saw them, let alone Yang Ying who cried and cried for a few words.

Kumano hides when he sees her.

Later, when Shi Li joined the hunting team, Yang Ying didn't cry anymore, and was a lot colder to him, but he didn't care, instead he felt comfortable.

As for his and Shi Li's plans to become partners in the end, Yang Ying targets him everywhere... In fact, it doesn't matter to him, he doesn't care too much about Yang Ying.

But no matter what kind of Yang Ying, she had never been so humble before, and Kumano felt embarrassed.

"Yang Ying, what are you doing?" Xiong He reprimanded in dissatisfaction. There are people from the Xiaoxi tribe. What does Yang Ying want to do suddenly

Yang Ying just wanted to go back to her cave: "Xiong Ye, your relationship with Shi Li for so many years doesn't mean you can let it go, right? If you treat me badly, Shi Li will definitely be angry when he comes back..."

Yang Ying is also helpless.

When Shi Li was just taken away, the tribe was very busy, and no one cared about her. She even ate very well because she had enough food.

But things changed when the salt changer left.

Xiong He asked her and Yangsu to move out of the cave and live in the cave where the tribe lived together!

Forget it, they still have a lot of work during the day.

Every day is to plant eggs and cut grass, and there is not a moment of free time. It is clearly aimed at her and her son.

In fact, Yang Ying thought too much about this matter, and no one in the tribe really targeted her. Recently, there has been a lot of things... But she and Yang Su didn't work very much before, and now they work slowly, so they always do better than others. For a long time, this is true.

"I have nothing to do with Shi Li anymore." Kumano said without hesitation.

He admitted that he was worried when Shi Li was taken away by someone who was suspected to be Zhou Ji's father, but after thinking about it... Shi Li was taken away at that time, and he deserved it.

Originally, as long as he didn't speak, that person would not pay attention to him at all.

But he doesn't know why, he insists on calling Po Zhou Ji's identity... Obviously it has nothing to do with him!

"Why are you so heartless..."

"So what's the matter with you?" Kumano asked.

"You can't drive us out of the cave!" Yang Ying looked at Kumano with tears on her face.

Hearing her words, Kumano immediately understood why she came out like this.

What the hell are the people of the Xiaoxi tribe going to do, Bear River hasn't made a final decision yet, but prefers to keep them.

First, there are not many people from the Xiaoxi tribe, and secondly... These people are all young adults, not one old or weak!

Such a group of people will disappear after letting go!

Because of this, on the first day the Xiaoxi tribe came to the tribe, Xiong He planned to clean up some caves for them to live in, and the cave where Yang Ying and Yang Su lived was what he planned to clean up.

"That cave is not yours at all... and it's not that you don't have a place to live." Kumano Road, Yang Ying, can't they go to live in a collective cave

"We have lived in that cave for several years, and don't you know what a collective cave looks like?" Yang Ying said, when she first came to the tribe, the tribe allowed her family to live in the mountain out of sympathy. At that time, I lived in a collective cave, and the environment of the collective cave... was really bad.

"I know, I've lived there too." Kumano didn't understand what she was up to.

"I don't want to live in a collective cave... Your cave is very spacious, or you let us live in your cave."

Kumano looked at this man in disbelief, why

Yang Ying then said, "Didn't you let Zhou Ji live with you before?"

"He's my partner!"

"What is he? He just got in halfway through!" Yang Ying wiped her tears and said, "It's obviously Shi Li that you like! Have you forgotten about the past? There is not enough food in winter, and you are obviously afraid of the cold. Go dig up the ice and catch fish for Shi Li. Once Shi Li was ill, you desperately caught a dinosaur for him to eat, and you helped Shi Li fend off dinosaur attacks. You grow up together, and your relationship is the best... "

What Yang Ying said, Kumano did indeed.

Even if he and Shi Li were not partners at that time, they were still the best friends. He had a heart for Shi Li, and because of this, Shi Li betrayed him without hesitation, which made him even more unacceptable.

"You said it all, that's all in the past." Kumano said.

"That's right! Shili took so much advantage of Xiongye and did such disgusting things. You still expect Xiongye to help you!" Xiong Bai rushed out. She grew up with Shili and Xiongye. Sometimes Going hunting or something, Kumano will take her with her... If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't give up on Kumano.

Of course, this was the past.

The people in the tribe were also a little shocked at this moment.

When Xiong Ye and Shi Li were young, they knew that the two had a good relationship, but they didn't know that Xiong Ye had done so many things. Looking at it this way... Shi Li's behavior at that time was indeed a bit disgusting.

Lang Yin felt embarrassed, she didn't know that Shi Li was still supported by Kumano!

No wonder Shi Li eats her meat for granted, it's disgusting!

Thinking of this, when Langyin looked at Kumano, her eyes became a little closer—they could be considered to have the same problem!

Everyone sympathized with Kumano, and only Zhou Ji had an ugly face.

If it weren't for the fear of losing control, he would especially want to kick Yang Ying out!