Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 72: 73| Hunting dragons


After making the pickled fish, the rest of the fish, Zhou Ji, were all marinated.

The fish will be stale and tasteless after a long time, it is better to marinate it.

As a result, for the next few days, Kumano would bring back some fish every day. Even if he was going to hunt during the day, he would use a fishing net to catch a few fish and bring it back at night.

Zhou Ji has no problem with eating fish, but he can't finish those fish.

If he can't finish it, he can only pick it up... He can't stand the smell of salted fish in the house.

This will affect him as a salted fish.

In the end, Zhou Ji donated these salted fish to the tribe for free, and put them together with the bacon from the tribe.

After five or six days like this, there were no more fish to catch in the river, and there were enough fish in the pond. Kumano stopped catching fish, and began to think about catching dinosaurs—the two heavy dragons ate too much. It was too fast, and Kumano felt that they could no longer be allowed to eat so uncontrollably.

If the plants around their tribe are eaten up, their tribe will be finished!

He began to discuss with the people in the tribe about dealing with the heavy dragon.

There is a swamp near their tribe, but that swamp is not necessarily useful to the heavy dragon, and the heavy dragon is not something they can seduce if they want to.

"One of the two heavy dragons went to the mountain where the giant beast ravaged before. There are many trees there. We climbed on the trees and threw poison into its mouth? After throwing it , you can run into the woods, there are those trees blocking, even if this heavy dragon goes mad, it will not necessarily hurt us." Kumano Road.

"Does the poison you mentioned work?" Xiong He asked.

Their tribe used to hide from those poisonous things, and no one thought about using poisons, so Zhou Ji got some poisons for Kumano from nowhere...

"It works!" Kumano said, when he was hunting in the past few days, he tried it and thought it worked.

"Then give it a try!" Xiong He slapped the table and said, "If we can really catch such big dinosaurs, our tribe will be too powerful! When the time comes, the priests will catch us dinosaurs, all in the cave. Draw it on the cave wall and chisel it out!"

"Okay!" Kumano was also very excited.

They really want to be able to catch such a big dinosaur, but this thing can be passed down and used as an experience for future generations!

His figure can still be painted on the cave wall and passed on forever!

The more Kumano thought about it, the more excited he became, and he was busy with the people in the tribe.

It was a sunny day, with a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, and everything looked beautiful.

Kumano took a few people and came to the vicinity of the heavy dragon that ran to the mountain where the giant beast was ravaged and ate the leaves of the remaining trees there.

"Don't mess with the poison. If you accidentally spill it, you will suffer! Of course, if you don't eat it in your stomach or hit a wound, it's not a big problem."

"When we climb up the tree, when the heavy dragon comes, we will throw the poison into its mouth!"

"One pack might not be enough...then throw in a few more."

Kumano explained to the people under his control.

Seeing this, Xiong He patted Kumano on the shoulder with relief: "You kid, now you can be on your own!"

If there are more young people like Kumano in their tribe, why can't the tribe grow and develop

Xiong He was excited for a while, and said again: "It's not difficult, we can definitely do it well, and then we can eat Chonglong meat!"

"Heavy dragon meat! Heavy dragon meat!" The people in the tribe were full of energy and emotional.

For a while, Kumano also raised his ambitions, and the huge heavy dragon seemed to be their meal.

However, at this moment, the heavy dragon probably found them and felt a little annoyed. He stomped his feet and flicked his tail...

The mountain shook for a while, and Kumano and Xionghe took the people from the tribe and rushed out.

When we got to a safe place, Kumano said, "We have a smell on our bodies... Let's smear some tree sap on our bodies and go over."

Although they are small, Chonglong doesn't take them seriously, but if they make Chonglong unhappy, they certainly don't mind stepping on them or biting them to death.

Even if the Chongsaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur, its teeth can easily chew through branches, they can't bear it.

When the people of the big bear tribe were about to hunt the heavy dragon, the people of the giant tiger tribe finally came to the vicinity of the big bear tribe after a long journey.

A total of ten people came from the Giant Tiger Tribe this time, and one of them was a strong man from the Giant Tiger Tribe, which was highly valued by Hutian. His name was Mao Huo.

His animal shape is a cat, but it is not an ordinary cat, but a leopard cat, and his lethality is not small. Of course, he has the ability to be a strong man in the giant tiger tribe because he has had other adventures.

In this team, there are two helpers brought by Maohuo, the remaining seven people, five are the giant tiger tribe who are small and suitable for going out to check the news, and the other two are the original Qingshan tribe. people.

"This is the Big Bear Tribe?" Maohuo looked at the large territory in the distance and said, "This Big Bear Tribe occupies a good place!"

"Yes, my lord, this is where the Big Bear Tribe lives," said the older of the two from the Qingshan Tribe.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe said that if one of their captives resisted, they would kill all the rest...

They hated the people of the giant tiger tribe, but in order to keep the tribe alive, they could only be obedient.

Now that they betray the Big Bear Tribe, they feel very uncomfortable, but they have to say... They hope that the Big Bear Tribe can become stronger, and it is best to destroy the Giant Tiger Tribe.

"Let's go and have a look!" Mao Huo said.

"Sir, the people of the Big Bear tribe are very powerful, and they have priests..." The people of the Qingshan tribe hesitated.

"Priests in this kind of place are definitely not serious priests!" Mao Huo disagreed, but he was still a little careful. He found the two smallest beasts in his tribe and asked them to go to the Big Bear tribe to investigate. He ordered the younger of the two people from the Qingshan tribe to follow him.

The two people from the Giant Tiger Tribe went to check the news. One animal was in the shape of a weasel, and the other was in the shape of a mouse. As for the person from the Qingshan tribe, his animal shape was relatively rare, and it was a mouse lemur.

The mouse lemur is the smallest monkey, the larger of which can weigh a pound, while the smallest is only ten centimeters in length and only thirty grams in weight.

This one from the Qingshan tribe happened to be the smallest mouse lemur.

When the Giant Tiger Tribe attacked the Qingshan Tribe, he hid in the shape of a beast, and the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe didn't find him at all. However, he was young, only twelve years old, and the animal shape was weak. Although he was hiding at that time. After that, there was nowhere to go back to find his parents, and then he was discovered by the giant tiger tribe.

The two people brought by the giant tiger tribe this time, one is him, and the other is his father.

"You'd better be obedient, or I'll kill your father." Mao Huo said coldly to the mouse lemur before these people set off.

The little mouse lemur nodded quickly, then was held in the mouth by the weasel and ran towards the big bear tribe.

The Big Bear Tribe has recently cleaned up a large area around the tribe due to planting and raising fish, so there are more places for children in the tribe to play. The priests also arranged some tasks for them to do, such as Plant fruit trees or something near the tribe.

In the past, these children often lay down in the collective cave of the tribe to save their energy because of lack of food. Now it is different. Now, they are full of food and drink, and they play around the tribe.

Those who have not awakened into a beast form use human form to play with people, and those who have awakened into a beast form play in a beast form.

The cat brocade turned into a beast.

She bit a person to death a few days ago, and Mao Jin felt very entangled, but after Leopard Rain praised her, her mentality changed, and she felt that she could not be more powerful.

She always thought that her animal shape was so small that she definitely couldn't be a warrior, but she didn't expect it to be the case!

Mao Jin has started to learn to hunt!

While catching frogs, Maojin suddenly smelled something... There was prey!

She ran out immediately and found a... mouse

This mouse is not from their tribe!

People who are not theirs, if they are friendly, when they see these children, they should turn into human figures to say hello to them, but this person is sneaking aside...

Mao Jin suddenly thought of the giant tiger tribe that the people in the tribe were talking about... She jumped up and bit the mouse.

The mouse "squeaked" and turned into a human shape, but there were already several large openings on its stomach that were bleeding out. At the same time, a weasel next to him turned and ran.

But a little guy didn't run away, Mao Jin was about to catch the little guy when he saw the animal that didn't know what it was, turned into a human shape, and started to kowtow to her: "Don't eat me, don't eat me, woo woo woo…”

Mao Jin: "..." You've grown so big, do you think I can still eat you? Also, I don't eat people!

Mao Jin didn't even think about it, then turned into a humanoid, and then shouted: "There is an enemy coming!"

Although the man whose animal shape was a mouse was bitten by Maojin, because Maojin already knew that he was a person, he didn't use too much force, so he didn't bite him to death. Now he was covering the wound on his stomach. Just as he was about to run, a person who was looking after the child while gathering nearby came and threw a net at him.

This net was used to catch fish, and the smell of fish covered his head, preventing him from escaping.

"A weasel ran away!" Mao Jin said.

"I'll ask someone to tell the tribe!" The people of the gathering team said, they didn't know what to do when this happened - neither Kumano nor Xionghe were there!

But one thing is for sure, that weasel can't be allowed into the tribe!

The weasel did not enter the big bear tribe, he had already run away, and quickly ran to the cat fire. He has been timid since he was a child, and he was scared to death when he saw Mao Jin biting people's intestines and belly.

Even his animal shape is actually as big as a cat brocade.

"Have you found any news?" Mao Huo asked.

"No... No..." The weasel turned into a humanoid, and subconsciously shied the responsibility: "The people of the Big Bear tribe are too powerful. The two who went with me are probably dead."

"Are you fooling me?" Mao Huo sneered: "How powerful a big bear tribe can be! Did you accidentally leak your whereabouts?"

"The big bear tribe is really powerful. I also heard from the big bear tribe that they are going to catch the heavy dragon." The weasel said, while the group of cubs were playing, they were talking about wanting to eat the meat of the big dinosaur.

"With them, do you want to catch Chonglong?" Mao Huo sneered, and was about to send someone to take a look when the ground suddenly trembled.

Mao Huo was startled, and immediately climbed up the tree, and then saw a huge heavy dragon on the mountain not far away, rolling and twitching.

This... they really went to catch the heavy dragon

How terrifying is this big bear tribe!