Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 73: 74|Giant pig


The big bear tribe, which is considered very scary, is actually not scary at all.

Even at this moment, the patriarch of the Big Bear Tribe, along with the hunting party, fled once again.

Not long ago, Kumano and others smeared tree sap on their bodies and climbed to the trees that the heavy dragon was about to eat. Then, probably because they were small and didn't get together, the heavy dragon really ignored it. them…

However, although it was ignored, Chonglong's huge head was chewing on the leaves and branches beside him, and the thick branches were chewed and smashed by it, which was also very terrifying for them.

Kumano hugged the trunk and threw the poison wrapped in leaves into Chonglong's mouth while Chongryong was not paying attention.

The heavy dragon didn't notice it, and after eating most of the leaves on the tree he was on, it moved towards the next tree.

Poison is useless? Kumano was puzzled, and the clansmen in the next tree, like him, threw a poison packet into the mouth of Zhonglong.

However, the heavy dragon still did not respond.

Xiong Ye climbed under the tree and reconciled with the clansmen under the tree. Xiong He wondered, "Xiong Ye, are you sure this poison is really useful? Why doesn't this Chonglong have anything to do with it?"

"I don't know. I used poison to hunt before, and the effect was very good..." Kumano was also surprised.

Xiong Hedao: "Should we feed it more poison?"

"Let's see the situation first." Kumano said, if the poison is really useless, then they can only deal with the heavy dragon in another way...

Just thinking about it, the Chonglong suddenly roared, and then with a flick of its tail, it knocked down a tree.

The tree fell with a bang, pressing on the people of the Big Bear Tribe...

They took their way and fled.

While running, Kumano said: "I knew that the poison given by Zhou Ji must be useful!"

Xiong Hedao: "Don't say it, don't run!"

The heavy dragon behind them was a little crazy after being poisoned. If they didn't run quickly, they might be trampled to death!

Just as he was talking, a few more trees fell.

Kumano and others ran faster.

When a dinosaur like Chonglong weighed 20 to 30 tons, when it rolled on the ground in pain, the movement it brought was very large, not to mention that it was still screaming in pain.

Orcs can turn into beasts, their senses are sharp, and they can clearly sense movement in the distance. Therefore, almost all the orcs around them have noticed this movement.

On a mountain some distance from the Big Bear Tribe, a group of people are sitting and eating barbecue.

The group were all tall, and one of them was extremely tall, over two meters tall.

The height of male orcs is generally between 1.6 and 1.9 meters. His height can be said to be very rare. Coupled with the scars on his face, the whole person looks particularly fierce.

"Young patriarch, let's eat meat." A man who was 1.8 meters tall and had a perfect body, but stood in front of the tall man and was much shorter than him said, and handed over a piece of barbecue.

The giant over two meters tall took the barbecue and ate it, then said, "Don't call me the young patriarch, I am a blasphemer, I have been kicked out of the tribe, and I am no longer the young patriarch!"

"Even if the young patriarch is kicked out of the tribe, he is still our young patriarch!" the man said.

"It's just that your young patriarch has nothing to do with it? They drove Lao Tzu to this place just to make Lao Tzu die, do you know? You follow Lao Tzu, be careful and die!" The giant suddenly stood up and kicked hard. , kicked the next prey they caught and flew out.

"Young patriarch... your feet..." those people said worriedly, the leg that this man stretched out was bent and obviously injured.

"Damn it!" The giant ate all the barbecued meat on his hands and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Those people's expressions were firm, and they were obviously not afraid. The giant suddenly roared, and then turned into a beast and ran forward.

His animal shape is a dread-jawed pig, which is also called a giant pig. Of course, although he is called a giant pig, it has nothing to do with "giant pigs", and they look different from pigs.

This is a very fierce predator, with a body length of three or four meters, a weight of five hundred kilograms, and a very large mouth, which can easily bite off the beast-shaped head of an ordinary orc.

And the animal shape of the man in front of him is even bigger than an ordinary giant pig... He is an intermediate-level beast warrior, and after reaching the maximum size of a giant pig, he is twice as heavy.

As a result, his weight has reached a ton and a half.

At this moment, the giant pig ran forward, and he could see that one of his legs was bent, but even so, he ran very fast, and the people behind him turned into animals to chase after him. But some can't catch up.

While chasing, there was some movement in the distance.

The giant pig looked to the place where the movement was coming, and then ran away.

Among the people who were chasing behind, some of the beasts were pigs, but there were others. When they saw this scene, their expressions changed, and they continued to chase.

They are the people of the giant pig tribe.

The giant pig tribe is a big tribe, and the people in the tribe are also very strong, but they are not very good-their clansmen are always many, very, very many.

They're... all able to give birth.

The current patriarch of the giant pig tribe has more than 100 children, and the giant is the eldest of his more than 100 children. His name is Zhu Zhan. Before, he was a member of the giant pig tribe. Young patriarch.

This young patriarch has a strong fighting ability, and has no other shortcomings except that he is a little aggressive and likes to fight... No, he likes fighting, but in the eyes of other people, it is not a shortcoming - he always goes out to fight with dinosaurs, but he takes him with him. back a lot of prey.

In the beginning, the current patriarch of the giant pig tribe liked this son very much, but then he had other women, and the younger sons gradually grew up and surrounded him to please him. liked it.

Not long ago, Pig Zhan went out to hunt, but accidentally injured his leg by a dinosaur. After that, the bones became crooked, the patriarch of the giant pig tribe even expelled Pig Zhan from the tribe on the grounds that Pig Zhan was a blasphemer. Even forced him to come to this wild forest.

There are also some orcs living in the wild forest, but there is a big river separated from the place where the orcs gather and live. There is no beastmaster here, and it is easy to encounter giant dinosaurs. Not to mention, the orcs here The tribe also has no priests, doesn't know how to plant, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is the river.

All the people who were exiled to the wild forest went to the other side of the river in a canoe. If they were lucky, they could reach the other side of the river, but if they were unlucky... they all died in the river.

In fact, more people died in the river than those who reached the other side alive.

Zhu Zhan was still injured and in a coma, and was sent to the boat, and some of his subordinates who were determined to follow him quickly followed... In the end, Zhu Zhan came to the other side alive, chased seventy or eighty subordinates, but only ten survived.

They have been walking in this wild forest for a long time, and they have encountered tribes in the middle. As a result, the fighting power of a tribe is not as high as that of a few of them. Those people's life is obviously very hard, so they did not stop. Instead, keep going.

Now, they see a big movement in the distance...

The people behind the pig battle are anxious. Their young patriarch likes to fight very much. Now that he heard such a big movement, it is estimated that he will run over. He was already injured. If something happens again, what will happen? Is good

They can only continue to chase.

Pig Zhan ran quite fast. After running, he found that the movement was not someone fighting as he thought, but a heavy dragon was rolling and going crazy.

What a big dragon!

Pig Zhan ran over and bit Chonglong on the neck.

The heavy dragon was already about to be poisoned to death, but now it was bitten like this, convulsed for a while, and lost its life.

At the same time, he climbed up the tree to observe the "battle situation" in the distance, only to see a heavy dragon fluttering indiscriminately, so the suspicious cat fire was frightened again.

Before, he saw that only the heavy dragon was fluttering by himself, and he thought that the heavy dragon would be like this because he had a bad stomach. He was thinking that the big bear tribe was useless. The neck was bitten.

"Let's go back!" Mao Huo said to the people around him.

There is actually a strong man in this big bear tribe, he must tell Hutian the news quickly!

Thinking of this, Mao Huo immediately took people away.

At this time, Kumano had already brought people to Zhu Zhan.

Their prey was about to be poisoned, and suddenly someone stepped in and bit the prey hard...

Kumano: "Who are you?"

Zhu Zhan ignored them. He ran for a while, and his legs, which were already injured, hurt so much that he couldn't help but want to vent... Zhu Zhan took another bite and bit Chonglong's neck.

"This heavy dragon is our prey." Kumano frowned, wouldn't this person want to grab the prey? Where did he come from

Zhu Zhan gave Kumano a condescending look, turned and left.

Seeing that Pig Zhan didn't seem to intend to snatch the heavy dragon, Kumano was relieved.

Although he didn't know where this person came from, one thing is certain, that is, this person is very strong, and they may not be able to deal with it.

For such a person, it is best to be wrong.

Just thinking about this, Kumano saw the man fall headfirst, and the animal form automatically disappeared, turning into a human form.

Kumano: "…"

Xiong He didn't understand: "What's wrong with this man?" He was able to almost bite off Chonglong's neck just now, and now he collapsed so suddenly

"Zhou Ji asked me not to bite the poisoned prey, saying that it might be poisoned..." Kumano said.

Xiong He and others: "..." So this person ran out and bit Chonglong and was poisoned

Xiong Ye said: "I'll take him back and show Zhou Ji." This person is very strong, the animal shape is not a tiger, he should not be a person from the giant tiger tribe, maybe he was passing by... He can't be allowed to be poisoned like this.

Even if he is from the Giant Tiger Tribe... bring it back to the tribe for interrogation.

With that in mind, Kumano brought a large net and put the man on it, then carried the net and ran back.

When Xiong Ye returned to the tribe, Zhou Ji was looking at the peppers he had dried on the platform of their house.

He cut the chili fruit and dried it a few days ago. Now it has been dried into dried chili. After frying it with oil, he can make chili oil.

He kind of misses the fragrant chili oil.

As a result, at this moment, he saw Kumano returning with a naked man on his back.

Zhou Ji: "… "

Zhou Ji was very easy to find out that Xiongye was carrying a man, but the people in the tribe didn't realize it. They saw Xiongye carrying something from a distance, and they all said: "Xiongan, what did you bring back? ?"

"Is it for Zhou Ji?"

"That heavy dragon is silent, has it been caught by you?"

Another person said: "That heavy dragon is really not as good as the previous giant beast! We don't feel the movement of it rolling over there! I saw that the dinosaurs in our tribe's territory are also didn't run."

At the beginning, when the heavy dragon was poisoned, they were worried, for fear that the heavy dragon would move too loudly and drive away the dinosaurs that their tribe had finally attracted.

Fortunately, although this heavy dragon made some noise, the dinosaurs in the tribe did not run at all.

Zhou Ji also heard this, a little helpless.

He was tossing around there at the beginning, and the disturbance was not only about movement, but also a lot of energy was spilled, killing an unknown number of dinosaurs... Can the surrounding dinosaurs not escape? This heavy dragon is far worse... It didn't even break a few trees.

"Kumano, who are you carrying?" Zhou Ji asked.

"It's someone I don't know, he's poisoned!" Kumano said as he put the man on the ground in the col.

I don't know where this person came from, and he won't carry him to his own home!

Zhou Ji heard the words and came to the mountain to check the situation of this person.

This person is indeed poisoned, but the poisoning is not deep. Of course, if he doesn't save him, he will definitely suffer some guilt. At the same time, he has other injuries on his body, such as his left foot, I don't know. How is it crooked.

Zhou Ji said: "You cover him with an animal skin."

This man was naked, and Kumano felt that it was inappropriate. Now that he heard Zhou Ji's words, he immediately found an animal skin to cover him.

Zhou Ji said again: "Give him some water."

Kumano brought water to him.

Zhou Ji also stimulated his stomach with mental power.

"Whoa..." The man vomited immediately.

Zhou Ji said again: "Xiong Ye, go get some herbs in my room... You guys clean him up." This man is a little dirty now. He didn't want Xiong Ye to help him clean up, so he called someone else.

Fortunately, the people in the tribe didn't notice this at all. They quickly cleaned up the lying person and gave him a clean animal skin.

Xiong Ye had already taken the herbs down, and Zhou Ji asked him to feed the man, and at the same time straightened the man's bones through the animal skin.

Just a while ago, Kumano had already told the situation they encountered this person.

Judging from the situation they encountered, this person should not be from the giant tiger tribe, but may be a wandering orc. If not, the wounds on his feet would not have been injured for a long time, and he would not be treated.

A stray orc whose core color is darker than Kumano and has reached orange... If we can keep him, the big bear tribe will have an extra powerful fighting force.

Zhou Ji used energy to help the man repair his legs, and then asked Kumano to feed him some herbs that would make him weak.

"He's all right, send him to the collective cave to rest." Zhou Ji said, and asked Kumano again: "That heavy dragon..."

"The heavy dragon is dead! Everyone, come with me to bring the heavy dragon back!" Kumano shouted, and ran up to the mountain with the people from the tribe.

So much meat! They must move back soon!

After Zhou Ji finished speaking, he went back to his cave, thinking about making hot pot for Kumano at night.

Stir-fry the dried chili with oil to make the bottom of the hot pot, and then cook the dinosaur meat to eat, it must be delicious!

Zhou Ji was thinking about finding some vegetables to cook together, when the priest suddenly climbed to the entrance of his cave: "Zhou Ji!"

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ji asked.

"When the man first arrived, his legs were crooked, and now his legs are coming back!" the priest said.

The priest has been down there, and when the man was put down by Kumano, he saw the man's condition - his calf was bent, and it was bent very badly... This is a blasphemer.

Although their tribe does not pay attention to this, this person's legs have become like this, and the future will definitely be difficult.

As a result, Zhou Ji didn't know what to do with it just now, but his legs were healed, no longer bent!

"Oh... I helped him straighten the bones." Zhou Ji said.

"Can the bones be straightened?" The priest was stunned.

"Of course it can." Zhou Ji said, with the medical skills at this time, after some people's legs are broken, even if they are corrected, they may have one leg longer and the other short, or there may be other problems.

But he has mental strength and energy, and both can make people grow well.

Of course, if there's something wrong with this person, then it's too late to break his leg... He won't hurt anyone, and then let Kumano break his leg.

"This... this..." the priest said, "isn't he a blasphemer?"

"What blasphemers?" Kumano asked.

"The reason why those people's legs are crooked is because they offended the Beast God!" the priest said.

Zhou Ji: Beast gods really don't exist! Why do you all like to involve beast gods in everything

The priest was excited again at this time: "Zhou Ji, you are indeed the messenger of the beast god, and you can actually cure the blasphemer!"

Zhou Ji: "… "

The priest then asked: "There is a blasphemer in our tribe, can you cure him?"

When the priest said this, Zhou Ji remembered that there was a lame man in the tribe.

This person usually works with the collection team. Although one leg is inconvenient, he still lives like this, and he has no contact with him, so he has no idea of helping this person.

You know, a few days ahead, he still hid these skills of his own!

Zhou Ji said: "It can be cured, but he has to break his leg again."

"Great, really great!" The priest suddenly burst into tears: "Can you help him cure it?"

His teacher has always felt that he was a blasphemous, so unhappy, if it can be cured...

At such a great age, the priest even cried when he cried... Zhou Ji said, "Yes."

Soon, Zhou Ji was invited to his cave by the priest, and after a while, the priest brought the lame man back.

The lame man didn't know about the Blasphemer. He only knew that his lame leg could be cured. He was very grateful for a while: "Zhou Ji, thank you, thank you so much!"

"No." Zhou Ji said.

Then I heard the man say again: "Yes, yes, I should thank the beast god. It must be the great beast god who heard my prayers and made me feel better!" He said hope at the beast god sacrifice. Grow your legs!

Zhou Ji: "..." It's the beast god again!

Zhou Ji asked this man to break his own leg.

No way, everyone in the tribe went to move meat, but he and some old and weak did not go, and the strength of the old and weak like a priest is not comparable to him...

After he knocked off his own leg, he fell down in pain, because the knocking technique was not good, and the bone was not knocked properly...

Zhou Ji could only use more mental power and energy to help him fix the bones, and then asked the priest to take a few wooden sticks to tie his legs and tie his legs straight.

After doing this, Zhou Ji said: "You take good care of it, it should be fine in half a month, and it will be the same as before in a month." The physical fitness of these orcs is really good and very good. !

"Thank you, thank you!" the man muttered, crying

At the same time, the priest was crying, and the tears kept rolling down his wrinkled face.

Zhou Ji called the priest outside, and when there was no one, he asked, "What is the Blasphemer?"

The priest immediately spoke about the blasphemer.

Zhou Ji suddenly said: "So... that person just now, maybe an exiled blasphemer?"

That person's leg has been injured for at least a month. In this tribe, in such a situation, you should take good care of the injury - even if it is crooked, it is better than no leg, right

That person was different. That person didn't seem to want his legs to grow well.

If it's someone from outside, there's a reason...

Zhou Ji is still curious about the outside world, but at this moment, I hope that person can wake up sooner.

At this time, Xiong He and others, who were dismantling the heavy dragon, saw a group of animals running out of the forest.

The head of these people is an animal similar to the animal that suddenly came out and bit the neck of the heavy dragon before, but it is much smaller.

Seeing Xiong He and others, these people immediately turned into human figures, put down the things in their mouths, and put on clothes.

These people are wearing clothes similar to those made by Zhou Ji! Who is this

Xiong He watched these people warily.

The leader of these people smiled and asked, "Have you ever seen a person with the shape of a beast like me?"

Xiong He thought for a while and said, "I see! He ran here before, and then got into a fight with this heavy dragon, and then he fainted again for some unknown reason... I'll find someone to take him back to the tribe and ask the priest to help him heal. Go." These people in front of him... He felt he couldn't beat him.

They must not be allowed to know that person was poisoned by them!