Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 77: 78|Shards of pottery


Recently, the big bear tribe is really lacking people!

The eggs and barley planted in the fields need someone to take care of them, and making bacon requires a lot of firewood, and hunting cannot be put down, not to mention that recently, the priests have been tossing with pottery.

The pottery had to be dredged, and firewood had to be fetched, and it took a lot of work.

Originally, they thought that there were quite a lot of people in the Big Bear tribe, but now they feel that there are not enough people.

Because they are too busy, even people like Yang Ying Yangsu who always found opportunities to be lazy before have no chance to be lazy now.

When Kumano saw them these two days, he found that they were a lot darker, and the people who always glared at him didn't have time to stare at him anymore.

So fine.

However, because of the lack of people, they would not fight the Giant Tiger Tribe.

The giant tiger tribe has far more people than them, and their strength is also stronger. If they go to fight the giant tiger tribe, this is equivalent to running into the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex by themselves!

When the little monkey heard the words, his face was full of loss, and he looked a little pitiful.

Kumano said again: "You want to live in our tribe, you can't hide in the shape of a beast all day, and do nothing... Go to the priest to help, you can't do heavy work, you can always squeeze mud."

This person is really weak, he is twelve years old, and he is not as tall as the teenage children in their tribe. It's okay, he is also very weak.

Presumably because of this, the priest kept him, but did not arrange any work for him.

But Kumano felt that he had to do his work. He had no parents to support him, and he lived and ate in the tribe. He always had to do something to contribute to the tribe.

After explaining the child, Kumano stood up and said to Zhou Ji, "Zhou Ji, I'm going to dig mud."

Zhou Ji said: "Wait."

"Anything else?" Kumano asked.

Zhou Ji stood up from the reclining chair: "Today is the first day to burn pottery. Help me move the reclining chair over there."

He didn't know much about burning pottery, so after a few brief words with the priest, he let the priest go about his own business.

But now that the pottery was about to burn, he had to look at it.

Zhou Ji's reclining chair was made for him by a priest who was good at carving in the tribe. It was made of a whole large piece of wood, which was very thick and heavy. Usually, Kumano or others helped him carry it.

Everyone felt that he should not be able to move.

"You sit down." Kumano said.

Zhou Ji glanced at Kumano, sat down on the reclining chair, and was then lifted up by Kumano with the chair and moved to the place where the priest planned to burn pottery.

It's quite messy there.

Some people were kneading mud, kneading all kinds of strange-shaped things, and made some cuboid bricks, which were hanged aside, and next to the place where the embryos were made, the priest asked people to dig a pit.

"Wait for the pottery to be fired, is to put these things made of mud into the fire?" The priest saw Zhou Ji and immediately asked, "How long will it take to burn?"

Zhou Ji didn't know.

He had read about the method of making pottery in history books and some miscellaneous books, but he didn't remember it at all.

"Beast gods don't like people who get something for nothing, we have to try it ourselves." Zhou Ji said, he couldn't tell these people everything, and they still had to find out for themselves.

Of course, he can help a little, such as observing the condition of the fired pottery with mental power, and giving some suggestions.

Those things made of soil were placed in the middle of the pit, surrounded by a circle of bricks, and a circle of firewood outside.

When everything was placed, someone lit a circle of firewood around.

The flames burn.

The people of the Big Bear tribe looked at this huge fire pit and talked a lot: "What the hell is pottery?"

"I do not know either… "

"It is said that the beast god said something to Zhou Ji again..."

"Do you think you can burn it out?"

"This fire pit... I think we can make one like this in a collective cave, so that after the fire is burned in winter, it must be very warm."

The flames were burning vigorously. Zhou Ji looked at the situation and felt that the hole had not been dug properly.

If the pit is dug down obliquely, there will be a cover to keep it warmer.

Now, if you want to keep the fire going strong, you have to keep adding firewood to it.

It's summer now, and the weather is extremely hot. Staying next to such a fire pit, everyone is sweating profusely.

The priest was still reciting something: "Eighteen bundles of firewood have been used, and now there are nineteen bundles..."

Zhou Ji ignored the priest's thoughts, but observed the situation in the fire.

After about two hours of burning, the priest asked, "Zhou Ji, is the pottery ready?"

"No." Zhou Ji said, those bricks are a little cracked, some of them look good, but the things in the middle have not turned into pottery.

Since it was not finished, it was necessary to continue to burn, and the priest put a lot of firewood into it.

When the people of the Big Bear tribe were busy, because they didn't have to hunt today, the people of the Giant Pig tribe who had been idle, came to watch the fun.

Pig Zhan thinks this big bear tribe is a bit funny.

The people in the Beast Temple are busy for a year, and they can burn hundreds of pottery. It is said that the production method is very complicated.

They just took some mud and squeezed something and put it in the fire, and they wanted to burn out pottery? how is this possible!

According to the temple of the Beast God, this pottery is a treasure bestowed by the Beast God to the orcs. How could it be burned out of mud

However, pottery is really easy to use. If nothing else, pottery pots and bowls are better than stone pots and stone bowls, and they are also very light.

Of course, ordinary people have no chance to use pottery. In their tribe, pottery is a symbol of status. Some people even grind broken pottery into jewelry and wear them on their bodies.

"Didn't the Beast Temple say that pottery is made of a special kind of stone? What are they doing? Want to use clay to make pottery?"

"How could pottery be made of clay!"

"So much firewood, so wasted..."

The people of the giant pig tribe felt a little helpless when they looked at the scene in front of them.

Of course, what made them most helpless was Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji was a little close to the fire pit at first, but later felt it was too hot, so he left from the fire pit and went to the shade of a tree in the distance.

Then immediately someone moved his recliner over there.

Later, Kumano came back, and after being called by him, he didn't know where to get some fruit and came back to eat with him.

A person next to Zhu Zhan said "tsk tsk" twice: "This Zhou Ji is too good to enjoy it? His life is more comfortable than that of the priests of our tribe." The priests of their tribe jumped around every day for power. Heck, for those who are tired, this Zhou Ji is different. They have come to the Big Bear tribe for several days. Every time they see him, he is either getting food or lying down to rest, or he will go out for a walk, and then get Come back with some flowers and plants.

Even so, the people in the tribe still obeyed him, even more so with that Kumano.

They had already discovered that Kumano was a low-level beast warrior, even a strong one among low-level beast warriors. In a few years, he should become an intermediate-level beast warrior.

Such a strong man actually only knows how to revolve around that Zhou Ji...

Pig Zhan looked down on him a bit.

But they are foreigners, and it's hard to say anything...

Kumano didn't know his behavior, and he was disliked by Zhu Zhan.

At this moment, he is being pulled by Zhou Ji to learn to write.

Before Zhou Ji asked him to do math problems, he thought it was difficult, but now, he has encountered even more difficult!

These words... what the hell is this? !

Is there such a hard thing in this world

Just say his own name... Why is the word "bear" so difficult to write? He was a little regretful that he had awakened into a bear, but the characters of other animals are also difficult to write!

The name should not be based on his own prototype, he should be called "Yiyi"!

In this primitive tribe, some people, like people on earth, began to look forward to being called "Yiyi".

"Zhou Ji, why do you want to write? I think it's better to draw a bear." Kumano said.

Zhou Ji said: "There are so many bears in this world. If you just draw a bear, who knows if this bear is you or someone else in the tribe?"

That's right... Kumano nodded.

"But if you write about Kumano, it's you." Zhou Ji said again.

Kumano nodded again, and then said, "But... after a person dies, priests often give his name to the newly born people in the tribe... There is actually a Kumano in front of me."

Zhou Ji: "..." He really doesn't know about this...

Zhou Ji said: "You can engrave your name and my name on the stone together and show it to future people." It is actually quite difficult to teach some people who have never been exposed to writing to write simplified characters. This plan.

But since he and Kumano are going to be together forever, they always have to find something to do.

Moreover, the meaning of words should be very important. With words, some knowledge and culture can be passed down.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he can't pass it on, he may not be able to use an iron pot for the rest of his life, and what kind of culture is he talking about...

Kumano was very interested in Zhou Ji's proposal, and engraved his and Zhou Ji's names on the stone and passed it on forever, how good

He immediately had the motivation to learn to read.

Zhou Ji slowly taught him to write, and while he was writing, he knitted clothes by the way.

He made clothes for Kumano, but Kumano didn't wear it very much. After all, the clothes were worn on him and would be scrapped if they changed into a beast.

In contrast, the animal skin skirt is much simpler. Even if it breaks when it turns into a beast shape, it can be picked up when it returns to a human shape and can continue to be worn.

Zhou Ji was thinking about weaving some animal skin skirts for Kumano to wear.

The people here, I don't know if the development will be the same as the earth, if so... The people in suits and leather shoes on the street suddenly burst their shirts and turn into bears or something...

Zhou Ji suddenly wanted to see it.

Gradually, it got dark.

Today is not the day for the hunting team to hunt. As time goes on, the people who went out to get firewood and gather have also returned... Everyone gathered by the fire pit.

The priest even waved his hand and asked everyone to eat directly by the fire pit.

After the priest said this, the people of the tribe went to the fire pit to start a fire, and roast potatoes and bacon by the side.

Among so many people, Zhou Ji and Kumano eat the best.

Zhou Ji sautéed the peppers in oil, then added the bacon slices and a vegetable like beans and fried them. After frying, it was eaten as a dish with roasted potatoes. It tasted very good.

They don't even stop at this dish.

Zhou Ji had dried some mushrooms before, and now he also cooked a mushroom soup with pickles. In this era without MSG, such a soup is indescribably delicious.

The people of the giant pig tribe were very excited.

Although they looked down on that Zhou Ji a little, they had to admit that this person's food was really good!

Glancing at the food in front of Zhou Ji, they continued to nibble on their own bacon and their own eggs in a depressing way.

In fact, these are already delicious, why do they feel that the taste is not good enough

It's not just the people from the giant pig tribe who think so.

The people of the Big Bear tribe are also very greedy.

At this time, Zhou Ji said: "The things in the pit are almost burned, so there is no need to add firewood."

Relying on his own mental strength, Zhou Ji has been observing the situation in the pit, and from time to time people will add firewood.

But even so, the bricks and pottery in the pit were still burnt in a mess, basically cracked.

But anyway... it was also fired into "pottery pieces"

Hearing what Zhou Ji said, the people of the Giant Pig Tribe were ready to watch jokes.

How can pottery be so easy to make? The people of this tribe really want to be able to use mud and fire to make pottery, and they will definitely offer Zhou Ji in the future!

The people of the giant pig tribe don't believe that the big bear tribe can make pottery by playing around like this, but the people of the big bear tribe believe in Zhou Ji.

"I don't know what the pottery looks like..."

"When will the fire go out?"

"I must see the pottery tonight before going to bed!"

After not adding firewood to the pit, the fire in the pit will slowly disappear.

After the fire that had been burning for almost seven hours was extinguished, the priest had the still-red wood be clipped out of the pit with clips, and everyone finally saw what was in the middle.

One of the built bricks has fallen down, and the dishes cannot be seen clearly because of the darkness...

They waited another hour or so before someone took the shape of a beast and went down into the pit, and then got the contents out.

Many of those bricks were cracked, some were red, some were black, they looked weird, and some bricks, looking outside... turned out to be pottery.

As for the dishes made by Zhou Ji in the middle, most of them were broken.

"It's all broken." The priest was a little disappointed, but said: "This piece of pottery is very beautiful, I will use it to decorate my cave!"

"It turns out that none of them can be used." Zhou Ji found a barely intact plate from a pile of things and looked at it, and then found that there was something wrong with the plate, and it was afraid that it would shatter as soon as it was used.

Zhou Jizheng sighed, and Zhu Zhan and others were stunned: "You... actually burned pottery!"