Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 8: 8. Pentagon


Kumano went back to his cave, first hung the meat of the Ristorilla, and then ate the heart of the ostrich-like dragon and a large piece of meat that he hadn't eaten last night.

He was in a bad mood and wanted to eat more.

After eating, he took out the little salt he had left and rubbed it on the flesh of the Ridgeback.

One of the ways to preserve meat that their grandfather taught them is to pickle it with salt, but there is no salt near their tribe, and they need to be exchanged elsewhere for salt.

Generally, they will be replaced every spring.

At this moment, some old and experienced warriors in the tribe went to change the salt. Originally, Kumano also wanted to go and learn from it, but he wanted to become a partner with Shi Li, so he didn't go in the end.

Thinking of Shi Li, Kumano felt uncomfortably swollen in his chest, he touched his bulging belly, turned into a beast and fell on his wooden bed, and fell asleep.

Kumano was awakened by a knock on the door, and along with the knock on the door, Xiong Bai's voice rang out: "Kumano, Kumano! Go hunting!"

Kumano opened the door and saw Xiong Bai.

Today's Xiong Bai is not the same as usual. Her head is covered with a hat made of rattan, with two small flowers inserted on it, and her chest is wrapped with a red dinosaur skin.

Quite cumbersome.

"Let's go." Kumano said, he went out without a weapon.

Those people in the tribe with weaker animal shapes sometimes do not turn into animal shapes when hunting, but choose to fight in human shapes with weapons, but he is different. His animal shape is his greatest weapon.

"Xiong Ye, why did you fight Shi Li yesterday?" Xiong Bai chased after Xiong Ye and asked.

Yesterday, Xiong Ye and Shi Li had a fight. Xiong Bai saw it with his own eyes and was taken aback.

It's not that Xiongye and Shili have never fought before. The people in their tribe often learn from each other, and Xiongye and Shili are no exception.

Xiong Ye usually gives Shi Li a lot, and Shi Li won't really do anything with Xiong Ye, but yesterday... Shi Li was scratched by Xiong Ye, and there are a few big holes!

She felt that Kumano and Shi Li were about to break up.

Thinking of this, Xiong Bai was quite excited - if Kumano and Shi were separated, would she be able to have a wild child with Xiong

Xiongye is strong and good-looking, and the children who are wild with Xiongye must be very good, and Xiongye is so kind to those children in the tribe who have nothing to do with him. When they have children, Xiongye will definitely not ignore like some men in the tribe. child!

"Nothing." Kumano quickened his pace.

"Kumano, Xiongye, they all said that Shi Li was too lazy and annoyed you, so you beat him, is that true?" Xiong Bai asked again.

Kumano really didn't want to answer.

Although Shi Li's reaction and words made him uncomfortable yesterday, the two have known each other for eight years, and he always felt that what Shi Li said yesterday was not his sincere words.

Shi Li was so happy when he talked about the future with him before, and he didn't look unwilling at all.

Maybe after a while, Shi Li will come to him to ask for peace.

Xiong Ye didn't want to answer Xiong Bai's words, so he casually found a topic: "Why are you wearing such a thing on your head today?"

Seeing that Xiong Ye was paying attention to himself, Xiong Bai didn't care about the appearance of Xiong Ye and Shi Li, and hurriedly asked, "Does it look good?"

"You made this just to look good? It's a waste of time. When you turn into a beast, it will definitely be broken." Kumano said: "Next time you are free, you can change it into a frame."

Xiong Bai: "… "

Kumano didn't pay attention to Xiong Bai's changes at all, but several young men in the tribe surrounded Xiong Bai: "Xiong Bai, you look so good today."

"Xiong Bai, I went out yesterday, caught two frogs, and gave you roasted frogs."

"Xiong Bai, I have fruit here..."

The women in the tribe pursue either strong or good-looking men, and the men in the tribe also pursue those women who are either strong or good-looking.

"I caught the Ridgeback Dragon yesterday!" Xiong Bai said, leaving among these men and looking for Huyue.

Everyone waited in the mountain for a while, and then everyone came one after another, and there were a hundred people.

Xiong Ye looked around in the crowd, he saw Shi Li, but Shi Li didn't look at him, so he didn't look at Shi Li anymore.

When everyone came, Xiong Hedao, the tribe's patriarch: "Go! Go grab a big guy and come back!"

"Okay!" The crowd responded and followed him and left the tribe.

Most of the fighters in the team are young people, because many older fighters have gone for salt.

Xiong He took them and walked forward while explaining some knowledge and experience.

After walking for a while, Xiong He asked these people to divide into groups of ten and go out to investigate.

Xiong Ye Hu Yue Shi Li and even Xiong Bai are the leaders of this ten-member group.

Kumano looked around with the people under his hands, and suddenly found a few five-horned dragons, and when he raised his head, he found that not far away, Huyue and people were also lurking.

The two of them looked at each other, leaving the small beast-shaped people in the tribe that were not easy to be discovered, turned into beast-shaped and followed the five-horned dragons, but they went back together.

After they went back, people from other groups also came back. Some people found no prey, and some people found some small prey.

For example, Shi Li and the others found some Heterodon.

Xiong He weighed it and finally said, "Let's go catch the five-horned dragon."

Pentaceratosaurus is a kind of ceratopsian with five horns on its head. An adult pentagonal dragon is eight meters long and weighs more than five tons. To the people in their tribe, it is already a large dinosaur.

When there was no sacrifice a hundred years ago, when they saw such a big dinosaur, it was too late to escape, but now they can hunt such a dinosaur with their combined efforts.

"Patriarch, isn't the five-horned dragon very big? Are we really going to catch the five-horned dragon?" Someone asked, both excited and apprehensive.

"Yes, I'll show you guys." Xiong He said: "It's still early, if we can't catch it, we can catch others."

Everyone agreed and walked to the location of the five-horned dragon together. Along the way, Xiong He said something about the five-horned dragon: "There is a shield on the head of the five-horned dragon, which is very powerful..."

Shi Li frowned: "The shield of the five-horned dragon is hollow, and it is only used for courtship."

"So that's it?" Xiong He was a little surprised: "We've seen a five-horned dragon, but we haven't caught it yet, so it's not worth the fact that it's empty inside!"

Shi Li said: "The head of the five-horned dragon is very large, and it has horns. When it is time to attack, it cannot attack its front. It has to attack from its rear..."

Shi Li said a lot, and what he said was the experience he knew in the following days.

The people in the tribe listened carefully.

Yesterday, Xiong Ye beat Shi Li, and many people saw it, but the people in the tribe didn't care much about other people's affairs, so they didn't care.

What if Kumano and Shili had a falling out? These two are still very strong, and they are still the idols of most of them.

Moreover, most people in the tribe who have awakened to bear animals like Kumano, but there are also people who have awakened other animals like Shili.

The lion's fierce and mighty animal shape and enthusiastic and public character are still very endearing.

Seeing the people in the tribe like this, Shi Li said again, "We'll be like this..."

He began to arrange how to hunt.

However, when Shi Li was talking, Kumano said, "If you do this, you will die!"

Is the five-horned dragon so easy to mess with? This is a giant beast full of armor and horns on its head!

"How can I hunt if I don't hunt like this?" Shi Li asked back. Although he hadn't hunted for a long time, the hunting experience he had learned while wandering with the remnants of the tribe with Xiong Ye in those years was still there. He believed what he proposed. Must be the best way to hunt!

As for mortals... mortals are too weak.

Xiong Ye glanced at Shi Li and said, "Drive the five-horned dragon into the swamp." He had heard from his grandfather the sacrifice of their tribe's way of hunting prey as big as the five-horned dragon. Generally, they drove these big guys to the swamp. Let it sink in, and then such a big guy will be slaughtered by them.

Shi Li was stunned for a moment, and finally remembered something—the tribe seemed to have done this before.

However, the swamp used by the tribe to trap their prey is not available all year round, and such a big guy is not easy to come across, so the number of times he does this is very small, he has long forgotten, or even remember where the swamp is. .

"I chose the five-horned dragon this time because I want you to go and see that swamp." Xiong Hedao, then talked about how to drive the five-horned dragon away.

As for Kumano, he went to observe the terrain a few days ago, and also saw the swamp, so he also said some of his own views.

When Shi Li talked at length, many people paid attention to him, but now, everyone went to listen to Xiong He and Kumano talking.

Bear River and Kumano walked together and looked extraordinarily close.

Yes, they are uncles and nephews, and both have awakened brown bears. They are the only two brown bears in the tribe now. Naturally, they have a good relationship. Shi Li knows that Xiong He has always wanted Xiong Ye to be his heir.

In his last life, after Xiong He died, he could be the patriarch, or because there were a lot of things in the tribe at that time, and Xiong Ye was very busy, and he had to find a way to find a new salt-changing spot so that he could not stay in the tribe all the time, so he was made the patriarch.


Shi Li suddenly realized that what he had done before was a bit reckless.

His roots in the tribe are not as deep as Kumano, and if Kumano were to trouble him...

If said before, Shi Li still thought about not becoming a partner with Kumano but still together, but after what happened yesterday, he has given up this plan.

First of all, he knew that Kumano would not agree - when Kumano was young, sand could not be rubbed into his eyes.

Second, he couldn't get past the hurdle in his heart.

That being the case... Shi Li suddenly realized that he should think of a way.

Everyone in the tribe went to listen to Xiong Ye and Xiong He talking, but no one paid any attention to him. Shi Li was a little annoyed when a young and beautiful woman came up to him: "Shi Li, you are really amazing, you know so much about the five-horned dragon. ."

Shi Li was moved when he saw this girl.

He still remembered the woman in front of him. She was the most beautiful woman in the tribe, and also the favorite child of Xiong River, Lang Yin.

Langyin has always liked him, but compared to Kumano, the pampered Langyin since childhood is really too weak!

At this age, he never thought about Lang Yin, but after Lang Yin died in that catastrophe at a young age, he would often think of this beautiful woman who once expressed his affection for him.