Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 87: 88|Build a house


The pottery was burnt with residual warmth in the pit. Lying at the bottom of the pit still couldn't blow the wind, and slept at the bottom of the pit all night. Everyone felt pretty good.

Sleeping at the bottom of this pit is even more comfortable than sleeping on the floor of a cave.

The next day, Kumano went hunting with the people of the hunting team, but Zhou Ji wandered around the tribe.

He has been dissatisfied with the cave where he lives now, and wants to build a house of his own, which is almost ready to start now.

Of course, before building a house, you have to choose the place first, and then get a blueprint.

After thinking about it, Zhou Ji took action.

The house can't be built too far from the tribe, but it can't be too close, he doesn't like being stared at by the tribe all day.

At the same time, the house should preferably be two floors, with at least three rooms, a large yard and a fence.

The yard can be planted with flowers and plants, the fence can be covered with creepers and morning glory, and if possible, a small pond can be dug…

The more Zhou Ji thought about it, the more he looked forward to it.

This is his dream residence.

When facing a polluted world every day in the last days, he especially hopes to live such a pastoral life.

At that time, it was definitely an extravagant hope for him, but now... he can have a manor in this place that is bigger than all the manors on earth!

Of course that's not necessary...

Zhou Ji finally drew a place about 400 meters from the entrance of the col, next to the hillside, a place larger than the col where they lived, and then called the priest and said, "This place will be mine in the future. "

"Okay, what are you going to use it for?" the priest asked.

"I'm going to build a house here." Zhou Ji said.

"What do you build a house for?" the priest wondered.

"I live." Zhou Ji said.

The priest was stunned: "You want to live outside the col? Aren't you afraid of encountering dinosaurs?"

"It can be a fence." Zhou Ji said, at first he wanted to use mud to make a wall, but then the area drawn out was too large, so he changed his mind.

He was going to leave some trees, and then knock some stakes between them to make a fence.

Of course, it is also possible to make a low fence near your hut.

After listening to Zhou Ji's words, the priest looked at Zhou Ji tangled, wondering what Zhou Ji wanted to do.

How safe are their cols, why does Zhou Ji want to live in a house outside? They also make a fence around themselves and lock themselves up like their dinosaurs...

But Zhou Ji thought so, so be it.

Maybe in the end, Zhou Ji can come up with something new again!

After thinking about it, the priest said, "The barley has been harvested and the ground has been turned. We can have someone come to help you tomorrow."

"Okay." Zhou Ji nodded.

On the same day, Zhou Ji marked some trees and asked someone to cut them down for him tomorrow.

It didn't take him much time, and when he was done, he wandered off to the place where the pottery was fired.

It has been a few days since the barley was harvested, and the sun is still very good these days, so it has almost dried out, and the grains of wheat just fall off the ears.

Zhou Ji let people beat the ears, smashed the barley grains on the ground, and collected them into some wooden barrels.

The best way to eat barley, of course, is to cook it after hulling it, but to be honest it's not for the tribes - that would be too much trouble!

You know, on earth, even in the Han Dynasty, everyone still didn't know how to boil wheat after husking, or make steamed buns and buns, and even more so.

They were all boiled and eaten straight from the shell.

At this time, some tribes that cultivated barley also ate barley in this way.

Knowing this, Zhou Ji asked people to fry some barley in the shell.

Barley is fried in a stone pot until browned and it becomes… barley tea

Zhou Ji grabbed some and chewed it in his mouth, feeling that although it was a bit rough, it was not unacceptable.

"Divided these fried barley and let everyone taste it." Zhou Ji said, and made himself a cup of barley tea by the way - when he made pottery before, of course he didn't forget to make a cup!

The fried barley was quickly distributed among the tribesmen, who each got a handful.

"This barley smells so good!"

"It tastes good too, a little bitter, but very fragrant."

"It's really delicious."

"After eating a small handful, I didn't feel very hungry. It should be good to keep this thing for the winter."

Zhou Ji felt that the barley with the shell was a bit rough to eat, but the people in the tribe obviously didn't care, and they even liked fried barley.

This barley has the aroma of grain. Although it is a bit bitter, the bitterness is not unbearable... Everyone eats barley as a snack, and they actually like it.

Kumano felt that it was good to chew it directly like this, but he was a little reluctant to let Zhou Ji eat such rough things.

"Zhou Ji, let me dehull the barley!" Kumano said.

"Okay." Zhou Ji gave Xiongye two hundred catties of barley: "These must be hulled."

Kumano: "..." A lot!

"These barleys have been in the sun for a long time, and the shelling should be easier than the last time." Zhou Ji said again.

Shelling the barley allows Kumano to exercise fine control of his energy, and he wouldn't mind having Kumano do more of the work.

"I'll go to shell right away!" Kumano said.

Kumano's technique of shelling barley this time is really much better than last time. In the end, most of the grains are intact.

Zhou Ji didn't use water to separate the wheat husks and grains this time. He asked Kumano to pour the mixed wheat husks and grains from one barrel into another, and he took a fan beside him to fan the air. Fan all the husks off.

When he got clean grains, he asked Kumano to smash the grains into flour.

Compared with wheat rice, the noodles must taste better, and... He knew that Kumano wanted to eat it.

With a clay pot, making flatbread is even easier!

Zhou Ji made the stuffing first as usual.

There are two kinds of fillings, one is pickled meat stuffed with minced fresh dinosaur meat and then fried with pickles, and the other is spicy bacon stuffed with chili peppers after minced bacon.

Each thick dough is filled with fillings, and it smells good after being fried in oil…

Kumano only spent two cakes that day, and let two people from the giant pig tribe fight with him.

Zhu Zhan and others cut the dough, and one person took a small bite...

"I didn't expect barley to be able to make something so delicious!"

"People in the Beast Temple have no chance to eat such delicious food, right?"

"This should be made of powder after removing the shell..."

After the barley is harvested, part of it is sown, part of it is stored in the warehouse, and the rest is distributed to the people in the tribe, basically five or six catties per person.

Zhu Zhan and others also had it, and the next day, after consulting Kumano, they began to learn to husk the wheat.

In the end, they also made pancakes according to Kumano's description.

Although the noodles they made are not as delicious as those made by Zhou Ji, they are not bad... Zhu Zhan said with emotion: "I was exiled once, and my cooking skills will be fine... Wait for you to go back and give Zhu Zhu a taste. After learning my skills, she must be reluctant to beat me."

"Brother, what are you going back, shouldn't you bring Zhuzhu?" Zhu Zhan's subordinate said.

"What's the name of Zhuzhu, I want to be called sister-in-law!" Zhu Zhan said, thinking about his partner again.

In fact, Zhuzhu can't be said to be hitting him, she just likes fighting, and always wants to compare with him...

Zhuzhu likes to eat, and she eats chubby. If she comes to the big bear tribe and sees so many delicious food, she must be very happy.

Zhu Zhan thought so, took a big bite of the dough, and said, "I don't know how that pickle is made... Next time Kumano fights with us, we'll ask how to make pickles!"

Pig Zhan's subordinates nodded.

They are really depraved, they even betrayed themselves for one bite...

Zhou Ji does what he says he does. After he told the priest about building a house, the next day, he asked the people in the tribe to cut down all the trees he didn't want in the area he demarcated. After the branches of these trees are cut off, the trunk can be used directly as a fence.

At the same time, looking at the cleaned area, Zhou Ji has more and more ideas about her future home.

He wants a small pond, a well, a garden and vegetable plots, and some fruit trees. Of course, the house is also very important. In addition to the mud house, he needs to build a cool wooden house...

Unfortunately, pets are not allowed.

This is nothing, when you want a pet, just let Kumano become a beast!