Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 9: 9. Practice


The pentagonal dragon has a big head, but it is not very smart and has a bad temper.

After observing around the five-horned dragon for a period of time, the people in the tribe gave up the way they used to drive it with torches, and finally chose to find someone to provoke the five-horned dragon, and then ran to the swamp with the five-horned dragon.

Along the way, they changed people several times. Some people got tired of running, so they changed another group of people to continue running, but the five-horned dragon didn't find it, and finally chased behind them and ran into the swamp.

When the five-horned dragon didn't sink into the swamp, the head with many sharp horns was extremely lethal, but when it got stuck in the swamp, it couldn't move...

The tribesmen chopped wood and spread it on the swamp, killed the pentagon, cut its body open, and pulled his flesh out of the swamp piece by piece.

The whole plan, as well as all kinds of work, Kumano is rushing ahead.

It was the first time he had hunted such a large prey, and he was very active and eager to learn.

Kumano was working hard, and when he brought the five-horned dragon to the shore, he subconsciously began to look for Shi Li: "Lion..."

Kumano shouted a word, then his expression froze, and he swallowed the following words back in his stomach.

Seeing this, Xiong He asked, "Wild boy, what's the matter with you and Shi Li? Why did you suddenly beat him yesterday? Although he is a bit lazy, since you are planning to live your whole life, you still have to be tolerant of him."

"Uncle He, I know." Kumano responded, scratching his hair a little irritably.

Shi Li didn't want to become a partner with him, he didn't know how to tell people about this, so in the eyes of others, he beat Shi Li...

This situation made him breathe a sigh of relief, but he also worried about what to do next.

Shi Li... what do you want

Thinking so, Kumano subconsciously found Shi Li.

Then he saw... Shi Li was standing outside the crowd, with no swamp mud on his body, talking to Lang Yin.

Lang Yin is Xiong He's daughter, one year older than him, and Lang Yin's mother has been living with Xiong He since Lang Yin was born. Three of Xiong He's five children were born to Lang Yin's mother. of.

Among the three children, Lang Yin was the oldest, the most beautiful, and the most liked by Xiong He.

Xiong He is the patriarch of the tribe in the end, and Shi Li is still very powerful, so Lang Yin has never been hungry since he was a child. When Kumano couldn’t catch fish, dig crabs and snails in the river to eat, Lang Yin picked flowers by the river. catch butterfly.

Kumano was very envious of Langyin when he was a child, but he didn't envy it later, because Langyin who grew up so much didn't know how to hunt at all!

However, even if she doesn't know how to hunt, Langyin's life is still very good. She has a father who is the patriarch, and she is very beautiful. There are few men in the tribe who don't like her.

Kumano has always known that Langyin likes Shili, and once before, he also saw Langyin deliver food to Shili.

However, when he wanted to become a partner with Shi Li, Langyin began to get close to other men in the tribe, and now, she found Shi Li again.

Kumane felt a little uncomfortable, but everyone else in the tribe was coveting the meat of the five-horned dragon. Even Xiong He didn't pay attention to his daughter at all, but was knocking on the shield on the head of the five-horned dragon.

The garland on her head was long gone, but Xiong Bai still remembered Kumano. She squeezed to Kumano's side and swallowed, "Kumano, what do you think the meat of a five-horned dragon tastes like?"

Kumano said: "It should be a little old."

"Oh! You can't be hungry!" Xiong Bai was delighted.

When Xiong Ye and others were hunting, Zhou Ji followed the old and weak in the tribe and went out to collect plants.

There are many plants on earth in this place, as well as many extinct plants on earth. Zhou Ji is full of love for these beautiful little guys.

He followed behind the team, admiring the surrounding scenery with joy, and then used his supernatural powers to help those busy people get more wild vegetables—there was very little food that could be collected in the spring, so the wild vegetables were more plentiful.

After he passed through, the level of both abilities dropped, but he could still ripen some root plants like potatoes that people in the tribe liked very much, but he was afraid that others would find it wrong, so he didn't do it.

Anyway, the people in the tribe are not short of food.

He'd better wait for this plant to be harvested before moving his hands and feet...

Zhou Ji yawned, found a piece of grass to sit down and started to bask in the sun.

Sunshine, flowers, green grass, and the moist air that smells of spring, it's really beautiful.

Zhou Ji's eyes were half-open and half-closed, and she felt a little sleepy.

However, before he fell asleep, he heard the children in the tribe shout excitedly: "There are a lot of earthworms today!"

Those kids didn't pick vegetables, they went to dig earthworms.

Zhou Ji yawned again and lay down directly.

However, his spiritual power was still active around him.

In the apocalypse, these power users rely on the crystal core of zombies to cultivate, and this world... Zhou Ji found that there is something similar to the crystal core of zombies in the human body here. , there is a very large white nucleus.

This crystal nucleus should be able to bring power to people, and the source of power... The plants and animals in this world carry energy, and even the air in this world is filled with clean energy.

It's a really nice place.

Zhou Ji fell asleep in a daze, his body spontaneously began to absorb the surrounding energy, and absorbed that energy into his crystal core.

When the people around saw this scene, they couldn't help sighing: "Zhou can't go on like this..."

"It's good for him to be like this. He never left the cave before."

"Should we wake him up?"

"Forget it, even if he wakes up, he won't be able to collect much."

"There are a lot of wild vegetables today, let's dig more."

For Zhou, they all looked down on him, after all, Zhou was too useless.

But they didn't want to reject Zhou, and they even sympathized with Zhou.

When Zhou Zai's mother died, when he just left the cave, he didn't even know how to speak. He didn't understand anything, so why did they blame him.

Moreover, his good days are probably coming to an end.

Zhou cannot join the hunting team, his cave will soon be taken back by the patriarch and distributed to others, and he will have to live in a collective cave and eat the least amount of food in the future...

Zhou Ji didn't know that he was being sympathized with.

He has figured out a lot of things in this world, but he still doesn't know the rules of the tribe, and he doesn't know if his "home" is still alive...

When the people in the tribe finished collecting, Zhou Ji woke up automatically.

He took a finger-thick plant root that could chew sweet juice like sugar cane, and walked into the tribe while chewing.

Seeing him like this, the people around him felt even more sympathetic—this child was starving to eat grass!

When the gathering team returned to the tribe, they bumped into the returning hunting party.

Seeing the large pieces of meat wrapped in black mud brought back by the people in the hunting party, Zhou Ji felt a little distasteful, and soon, he saw walking in the crowd again, obviously smiling, but not very happy. of Kumano.

No one else knew what happened yesterday, but he knew what was going on—that lion wanted to repent of the marriage.

At that time, he felt a little sympathetic to the bear, and then saw the bear beat the lion, and looked at it... very happy.

However, although he did a happy thing, he was not very happy to see it...

Zhou Ji yawned and went back to the cave.

He doesn't make people happy, so he doesn't get involved.

He believed that the bear could sort things out.

Isn't he just a scumbag? If you don't want it, don't want it. How can it be important to eat

After entering his own cave, Zhou Ji gave birth to fruit to eat again.

The fruits he "planted" with his plant powers were particularly delicious.

The people in the tribe were revelling, celebrating that they had caught a big prey, but Kumano once again found Shi Li in the crowd.

As a result, Shi Li was talking to Lang Yin again!

Xiong Ye only felt a fire in his heart. He wanted to talk to Shi Li, but thinking about what happened yesterday, he was not happy anymore.

He turned and walked outside the col.

"Kumano, what are you doing?" someone asked.

"I'm going to take a shower." Kumano said.

"I'll go too." The people who participated in the hunt in the tribe responded in succession.

Shi Li frowned when he saw that Xiong Ye took a large group of people out.

He rejected Kumano, will Kumano speak ill of him and trouble him

"Shi Li, you can tell me about the raptor again." Lang Yin said.

Shi Li heard the words, turned around, and chatted with Lang Yin again.

With his experience as a Beastmaster, he could easily stun Lang Yin for a moment, and seeing the small eyes of Lang Yin's worship, Shi Li's heart also felt a sense of satisfaction.

When he was older, he liked such young and tender little girls.

Wolf Sound also likes Lion Li.

She gets along more with Kumano, but because her father treats Kumano very well, she doesn't like Kumano very much. Besides Kumano, the most powerful young man in the tribe is Shili.

When she picked a man, she naturally fell in love with Shi Li.

But before, Shi Li and Kumano were a couple and ignored her, but today is different.

"Shi Li, what's the matter with you and Kumano?" Lang Yin asked.

"I don't want to be a partner with him anymore." Shi Li said.

Langyin didn't find it strange, she actually didn't understand that Shi Li and Xiong Ye wanted to be partners before. There were only four or five couples in their tribe, and that kind of life was not something for her. It seems rather boring.

Let's just say that even if she likes Shi Li, she doesn't plan to be with Shi Li for the rest of her life! She still wants to try different people!

"You don't become a partner with Kumano, do you want to live with me?" Lang Yin invited directly.