Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 92: 93|Salamander


Ma Xiao listened to these people swearing. Although he maintained his expression, his face froze.

Their giant tiger tribe is so powerful that they were scolded like this by these people...

He must kill these people!

However, he thought so in his heart, but he had to respond to the words of these people on the face.

Kumano was lying on the haystack and felt a little funny watching this scene.

He didn't interject, neither did most of the people in the tribe, and even, in order to avoid revealing the truth, some of the people present did not know that Ma Xiao was from the Giant Tiger Tribe - the priest just explained them, and could not let others know about the Giant Bear tribe. very rich.

They also didn't want people to know that the Big Bear tribe was rich.

It will soon be a cold winter without food. Many tribes are very sad in winter. If those people know that the Big Bear tribe is so rich, maybe they will come to join the Big Bear tribe, and they will divide their food. !

They don't want their food to be divided!

These people all said nothing, silently listening to the priest and others swearing.

Cursing and cursing, it was time for dinner, and Xiong He began to divide the dinner.

He specially asked someone to find those small earth eggs, and this is what he divided. In addition, there are some collected plants.

"Our tribe hunts every other day today. Today is not a day for hunting, so..." Xiong He looked at Ma and smiled embarrassedly, and then gave him some broken eggs and a piece of stinky eggs. Bacon was given to them.

This bacon is his.

There was a shortage of salt in the tribe before. When he cured the bacon, he put less salt, and the bacon would stink. Even if it stinks, he would eat it, but then Zhou Ji came up with a way to make bacon. The tribe also picked up a lot of meat and there is no shortage of meat...

He dried the stinky bacon, and then hung it in the shed with firewood, intending to eat it later when he was really short of food—the smell of this bacon was really unpleasant, and he couldn't stand it at home.

When he put it away, he forgot about the meat, and only remembered it today.

Ma Xiao took the piece of stinky bacon and twitched the corner of his mouth. He hadn't eaten such a thing for many years!

But now he is playing a hapless guy who came out to exchange salt and was robbed of the goods... Ma Xiao could only eat it with gritted teeth.

For a while, he even wondered if the Big Bear Tribe saw something and deliberately tossed them, but soon, he no longer doubted.

Because he saw that Zhou Ji brought a big basket of grass for Kumano to eat.

That Kumano is said to be the most powerful warrior in the tribe, and he can only eat grass...

Some of these grasses were something he had never seen before, but some he had seen before, and even some of them he had eaten... Anyway, they weren't delicious, or they didn't look delicious.

Judging from the way Kumano eats grass, it can be seen that he definitely doesn't like to eat these, but he still eats it...

The Big Bear tribe must be poor.

Of course, the poorer the tribe, the more they like to store food in general. Just look at the situation of the Big Bear tribe... The food they store is probably all stinky bacon, right

Ma Xiao felt a little sick.

He was thinking so when he saw Kumano looking over and smiling at him.

Ma Xiao quickly smiled back, and then saw Kumano eating grass again.

Kumano was very depressed. After all, these grasses did not taste good, but they contained energy, which made him stronger... He ate seriously, and he suddenly thought of something: "Zhou Ji, what do you want? Don't you want to eat some too?" He said, and took one of the herbs that tasted better and brought it to Zhou Ji's mouth.

"I eat it for nothing." Zhou Ji said, and took out some other grass to eat - these grasses are much more delicious than what Kumano eats.

Kumano didn't know that there was still a difference in taste, and he was a little moved to see Zhou Ji eat all the grass with energy for himself - Zhou Ji was so kind to him!

However, how did Zhou Ji know that these grasses had energy? Did the beast god tell him

Kumano hesitated for a while, then let go.

He found that Zhou Ji likes all kinds of plants very much, and is also good at distinguishing them, which should be a gift from the beast god.

Thinking like this, Kumano slowly finished his basket of grass, and then received the admiration of the priest and Xionghe.

Priest and Xionghe: Kumano is really trying too hard. In order to make the giant tiger tribe think they are weak, they even eat grass! Eat it raw!

When Ma Xiao came to the giant tiger tribe, it was already late, and it was dark after everyone had eaten.

The three of Ma Xiao were arranged to live in the cave where Zhu Zhan and his subordinates lived before. As for Zhu Zhan and others... Because they were strong enough, they could not return to the tribe today, and were arranged to live in the place where the pottery was made. .

The priest also gave them a task, let them patrol at night, and don't be found by the giant tiger tribe where the pottery is burned, and the place for planting and breeding.

If their tribe is very prosperous, the giant tiger tribe may attack them because of their hot eyes, but they may not dare to attack them because of fear.

But if they are weak... The giant tiger tribe will definitely come, and they should not take them seriously!

So in the middle of the night, Zhu Zhan had to take people to watch the night outside.

Kumano and Zhou Ji didn't need to do anything. After eating the "grass", they went back to their house. Knowing that Kumano was definitely not full, Zhou Ji found a large piece of bacon and cooked it for him ate.

Kumano was injured and was nourishing his body, but he couldn't eat less.

After the night passed, Kumano felt that his body was much better, and the energy in his body was also full.

Sleeping really is a great way to regain your strength!

It's just... He was full last night, but he's actually hungry again today, very, very hungry...

"It's time to eat." Zhou Ji said.

When Kumano came outside, he saw Zhou Ji making wheat fry.

Zhou Ji made wheat frying this time. In addition to adding chopped vegetables into the batter, he also added chopped bacon. The fried wheat frying was a bit broken because of the amount of stuff added, but eat it. It looks so delicious.

Kumano once again felt that this was the best thing he had ever eaten.

After three or two bites, he finished the fried wheat oil that Zhou Ji gave him, and then remembered something: "Is there not enough meat for us?"

He was busy building a house a few days ago, and he also had to fight with Zhu Zhan and others. He didn’t have enough time, so he didn’t do much hunting other than group hunting. The fish is eaten by Zhou Ji.

As a result, they will not be able to store any food.

Now that they've moved and settled down, it's time to prepare a little more food for the winter—the room that's empty is just right for food.

"It's not that it's not enough, it's not enough." Zhou Ji said, they still have a lot of barley eggs, but the meat has been eaten up.

These days, I first moved, and then Kumano was injured and had to eat more, so he ate all of it in one fell swoop.

"I'm out hunting today!" Kumano said.

Zhou Ji: "..." You're all injured, so what are you going to hunt

Zhou Ji didn't want to let Xiongye go hunting, but Xiongye insisted: "There are priests and Xionghe in the tribe, I don't need me, and my injury is not very serious..."

"I'll go with you." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano is like this, it's okay to go out, and if you hunt... you can catch some small prey when you see it.

But he may be in danger.

In that case, he might as well follow. When the danger is really there, he can run away with Kumano.

"I'm injured, so I may not be able to protect you." Kumano panicked.

"Then go and call a few people." Zhou Ji said.

Zhou Ji's eyes were firm, obviously unwilling to change his mind, Kumano could only say: "Okay..."

Kumano originally wanted to call Zhu Zhan, but on the way, Zhou Ji suddenly said, "Isn't it bad for the two of us? Do you have to call someone else?"

In his own heart, Xiong Ye also wanted to go alone with Zhou Ji. Hearing what Zhou Ji said, he immediately gave up calling someone, and then took Zhou Ji to the river near the tribe.

Just him and Zhou Ji, definitely can't go to fight with dinosaurs, why don't you just grab some fish and shrimp or something and go back to eat, it's pretty safe here...

The river near the tribe is often visited by people, and the smell is very strong, so no dinosaurs come here to drink water, but there are still fish and shrimp in the river.

Fish and shrimp are not smart. Even if they catch a lot, some of them will come from elsewhere. Besides, except for Kumano, other people in the Big Bear tribe usually don't have the idea of catching fish and shrimp when they have enough food.

Kumano planned to go into the water to catch fish, but was stopped by Zhou Ji: "The effort you spend catching fish can't make up for all the fish you catch."

This is the truth... People in the tribe like to lie still and not go out to hunt in winter, just because they go out to hunt hard, and after eating the caught prey, they may not be able to make up for the energy they used up in hunting. What to hunt

But for the current Kumano, trying to catch a few fish is not enough to fill the gap between his teeth, so what else can he catch

Zhou Ji said: "Let's go further?"

Kumano nodded and walked forward with Zhou Ji.

As Zhou Ji walked, he used his mental power to pay attention to the surroundings to see if there was any danger and if there was anything to eat.

With this attention, he really found something to eat.

At the bottom of the river in the distance, there is a giant salamander lurking.

The giant salamander is an amphibian that also exists on the earth. It has a long history of living on the earth, so that it is called a living fossil, and Zhou Ji will remember it because one time, someone near his house ran to eat the giant salamander quilt. caught...

This is animal protection!

At that time, he specially learned about the giant salamander, and now he naturally recognizes it.

Zhou Ji discovered the giant salamander, but Kumano found nothing, and was ready to return without success.

He and Zhou Ji walked very slowly and did not hide their figures, so the prey ran away early, and occasionally such a witty little frog would jump out of the grass next to them.

But this thing is not enough for him to jam his teeth...

Just when Kumano was worried, Zhou Ji suddenly stopped and pointed to the river: "There seems to be something in the river."

"Any fish?" Kumano looked over, but saw nothing.

"No, it's a big guy at the bottom of the river... I saw it move." Zhou Ji said.

Kumano didn't see anything before, but now he heard Zhou Ji's words and looked carefully, only to find that there was a black big guy hidden in the stones at the bottom of the clear river that he had never seen before.

He didn't know what it was, but he could try scratching...

"I'm going to get a stick." Kumano said and walked not far away, broke himself a long stick from a tree, and then came to the river again.

The big guy was still motionless... Kumano stood by the river and observed it for a while, then he took the stick and plunged down.

Kumano is very experienced in catching fish, and this time he just stabbed the big guy and directly pierced the big guy's back.

Immediately afterwards, the big guy struggled, but the prey he got, Kumano wouldn't let it run away... He stuck the stick at the bottom of the river and pressed it hard until the big guy could no longer struggle. Raise prey pierced with sticks from the bottom of the river.

This is a round head, a long tail, and a black body. It looks a bit like a lizard but has a smooth body. Kumano has never seen it before: "I don't know what it is, can it be eaten."

"It should be able to eat." Zhou Jidao smiled and looked at Kumano: "Kumano, you are really amazing."

Kumano likes to be complimented the most, and now he is smiling happily, and then quickly dealt with the prey in his hand, and peeled it off with cramps.

This prey is about two meters long and weighs 70 to 80 kilograms of meat, enough for him and Zhou Ji to have a full meal!

Kumano was in a good mood, he didn't pay attention to the wound, and then Zhou Ji put a piece of herbal medicine on the wound: "Be careful when you move."

"I will!" Kumano said, picking up the giant salamander: "Let's go back."

Zhou Ji nodded.

After the two returned to their residence, Zhou Ji kept half the salamander aside, and then made the sauerkraut salamander with the remaining half.

Even the entrails of this giant salamander was wasted at all. After Kumano washed it, he chopped it up, and fry it with chili peppers and a kind of legume vegetable. exclusion.

When cooking, Zhou Ji stuffed some earthen eggs into the stove, and watched over them with mental power. When they took them out, they were all baked just right.

Roasted eggs with sauerkraut and fried fish sausages with chili peppers, he and Kumano both had a round belly.

After eating and drinking, they went to the col, and then learned that Ma Xiao had left.

Xiong Qi smiled and said: "Our tribe is very broken, there is nothing to eat, and we keep scolding them... They can't stay!"

Xiong Bai followed closely: "It's not that they can't stay, maybe they want to go back to find someone earlier, and then come to deal with us!"

Hu Yue, who doesn't like to talk, said: "I'm waiting for them, and I'll make them come and go!"

This spring, Huyue wanted a child, so she looked for a suitable man in the tribe, but she never found it.

But recently, she got together with a person from the giant pig tribe, but she has not yet conceived a child.

"Did they find anything?" Zhou Ji asked the priest.

"No, I've been looking for someone to keep an eye on them," the priest said, and then told what happened this morning.

After Ma laughed this morning, he continued to inquire about what happened in their tribe, and how they hunted the Chonglong - they put the bones of the Chonglong in the mountain col.

Then, they told Ma Xiao that a group of dinosaurs ran into their tribe not long ago, and there were terrifying carnivorous dinosaurs among them. As a result, those carnivorous dinosaurs didn't know what was going on. In the pond, two heavy dragons also fell, and then crushed those carnivorous dinosaurs to death!

Forget it, one of the two heavy dragons was still ill, and later died of the disease...

At that time, Xiong He said proudly that when Chonglong fell ill, he was by his side and took a few bites. He also said that because of these harvests, their tribe should be able to survive this winter safely.

Xiong He and the priest showed Ma Xiao the weakness of their tribe, and told Ma Xiao that they had saved a lot of meat... Zhou Ji knew that the giant tiger tribe would definitely come to attack them.

It's a tough fight for the Big Bear tribe, but it's good to fight a dozen and make them stronger.

That is... In this kind of battle, it is better to use your brain instead of relying solely on force.

Zhou Ji was too lazy to teach others to use their brains, so he took Kumano back to his residence and taught Kumano.

He had taught Kumano some tactics before, but this time he taught Kumano how to train.

Zhou Ji doesn't know how to train troops. What he knows about military training comes from novels, film and television dramas, and military training. There is not much that can be said to Kumano at this time, but he only emphasizes one point - he must let his subordinates learn to be obedient.

Sometimes, there are so many disobedient people in the team, it is very likely to tire the whole team.

Kumano nodded seriously, and asked Zhou Ji to write down this thing and write it on the bamboo slip.

Zhou Ji did it, and then he understood the ancient classical Chinese, why it was so concise.

It is really troublesome to engrave on bamboo slips, and of course it is impossible to engrave vernacular characters!

Speaking of which... When Qin Shihuang reviewed the memorials, if he read all the memorials in the vernacular, it is estimated that his memorials could not be drawn with a few carts, but hundreds of carts.

Zhou Ji now only hates that she has not learned classical Chinese well.

After engraving two words, Zhou Ji stopped engraving and said, "I'm going to cook, I'll do this later." He still waited for Kumano to engrave and use his mental power to engrave.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ji turned around and entered the kitchen.

The remaining half of the giant salamander... let's make the boiled giant salamander!

The so-called boiled giant salamander is actually similar to the sauerkraut giant salamander, that is, the sauerkraut in the soup is replaced with other side dishes.

But even so, he has become the best cook in the big bear tribe, attracting the worship of countless people.

In this regard, Zhou Ji is also quite helpless.

While Zhou Ji was having dinner with Xiong Ye, on the other side, Ma Xiao had already found Mao Huo, and said with a cold face, "How did you check the news last time? The news you checked turned out to be completely the same as the real situation. Different!"

"The last time I went to the Big Bear tribe to investigate was someone else, and I didn't go there myself." Mao Huo was a little embarrassed.

"You don't know anything about the Big Bear Tribe." Ma Xiao told what he had seen and heard.

"No wonder the big bear tribe suffered a big loss from us, but they didn't respond at all. It turned out to be because they didn't have the ability to resist!" Mao Huo said, and was annoyed at the weasel who "tricked" him back then.

This guy has always been timid, and what he ran back and told him at the time was probably all nonsense!

"No matter what happens to them, let's go back early," Ma said with a smile. "We're ready to take down the Big Bear Tribe, and then as long as we detain the priest, we can make the people in this tribe work for us."

Along the way, the Giant Tiger Tribe has encountered a tribe with priests.

The priests in those tribes are just as incompetent as the priests of the big bear tribe, but they are also loved by the people in the tribe just like the priests of the big bear tribe. Basically, as long as the priests are in their hands, those people will not let them hurt the priests. willing to sacrifice their lives for them.

The people of the giant tiger tribe came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

The people in the Big Bear Tribe went to take a bath immediately, and then had a sumptuous dinner party—with the addition of Zhu Zhan and others, now their tribe is really not short of meat at all.

Not only that, but the dinosaurs they raised are also bigger.

After Zhou Ji proposed to raise dinosaurs, the tribe brought in a lot of small dinosaurs for a while, but many died later. The last remaining dinosaurs looked like 70 dinosaurs, and these dinosaurs, according to different races, were imprisoned. in different fences.

They eat a lot of plants every day, and there are a few dinosaurs among them, which are a little too big, and if they grow, they may break the fence.

Those big dinosaurs are not suitable for breeding. In Zhou Ji's opinion, only dinosaurs weighing less than 500 kilograms when they are adults are suitable for domestication. In this case... Zhou Ji decided to pick a big dinosaur every other day. eat.

By the way, before the giant tiger tribe came to attack them, the people in the tribe were raised.

Zhou Ji's decision is very beneficial to Kumano, because he has been really good at eating recently.

After becoming an intermediate-level beast warrior, the beast's shape will become much larger. At this time, it is natural to replenish energy and eat more food.

Kumano now has to eat three meals a day, and it took almost no effort to finish the eggs and barley that Zhou Ji had saved.

Not even the pumpkin.

Zhou Ji could only silently scatter the barley seeds in his yard.

Barley is relatively cold-resistant, and if it is planted now, it can germinate and grow, not to mention that he has supernatural abilities...

With such a delicious offering, Kumano's injury was completely healed within five days.

He looked at the pig war and was eager to try it.

Pig War: "..." This pervert! He became an intermediate-level beast warrior soon after he became an adult. If he is like this, he might become a beast king in the future!

If he lived in a big tribe, he would be offered up as a treasure, but unfortunately he lives in a small tribe...

Zhu Zhan thought so, and looked away expressionlessly.

When Kumano was still a low-level beast warrior, he was able to deal with it, but now Kumano has become an intermediate-level beast warrior... He suspected that if he fought against Kumano, he might be the same as his subordinates. defeat.

He must not fight!

Kumano didn't know that the pig war had already made up his mind not to fight.

He doesn't actually plan to challenge the pig war now.

He is now very interested in the patriarch of the Giant Tiger Tribe. After all, according to the information they got, the patriarch of the Giant Tiger Tribe should be an intermediate-level beast warrior.

Zhu Zhan said a lot about the outside world. Kumano knew that in the Orc Continent, intermediate-level Beast Warriors were not very valuable, but in the Wild Forest, they were very rare and very powerful.

He wants to find Hutian to try his skills and try the tactics Zhou Ji taught him!

I was worried that the giant tiger tribe would attack their Xiongye, but now I have adjusted myself, waiting for the giant tiger tribe to come!