Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Chapter 98: 99|Lay it down


As soon as Hutian died, the more than 100 people left in the giant tiger tribe would not be afraid.

In fact, without waiting for Kumano and others to take action, these people dispersed, separated and started to escape.

When they got together, Kumano didn't dare to fight with them for fear that his clan would get hurt, but now they're apart...

Kumano took the people and began to destroy each one.

While chasing and killing these people, they walked forward, and soon came to the place where the giant tiger tribe was.

This place once belonged to the Qingshan tribe, but now it has changed its owner.

The Qingshan tribe is built next to a mountain, they have a big cave, and there are many low round houses, which are covered with branches and leaves, small, but also sheltered from the wind and rain.

In addition, the people of the Qingshan tribe also made a wall with mud and stones.

They cherish everything in their tribe very much, whether it is the outer wall or the house inside, they are well protected, but the giant tiger tribe doesn't care about these things. At this moment, the people of the Qingshan tribe have worked hard to build Most of the houses that have been raised have been destroyed, and the surrounding wall has already collapsed.

Early in the morning, Hu Tian's younger brother Hu Yun got up.

He threw a woman from the Qingshan tribe who had been tossing him all night out of his room, and yawned while watching the woman being dragged away by the tribe.

"What did you eat this morning?" After yawning, he asked the people gathered at the entrance of the cave.

"There is barbecue." Someone said, and soon, a slave brought the roasted barbecue.

The roast meat was selected from the tenderest part of the dinosaur. Hu Yun stayed in the cave and feasted on it. Beside him, a few people from the Giant Tiger Tribe were playing with a female slave.

"I don't know if the Big Bear tribe has been defeated." A person sat in front of Huyun: "I'm tired of staying in this place, and I'm tired of playing with the people in this place. I really want to go to the Big Bear tribe to play."

Huyun is also very interested in the Big Bear Tribe: "It must have been defeated! The Big Bear Tribe should be quite interesting. Those women whose animal shape is a bear must be very interesting to play."

Hu Yun and this person talked about the big bear tribe.

They didn't take the Big Bear Tribe seriously at all. After all, Hutian went out in person and never failed.

They all said so, and the rest of the giant tiger tribe must also imagine the future.

A woman from the Giant Tiger Tribe kicked a male slave who was exerting force on her, but the strength was not enough: "Really, there is no strength at all... I don't know if the men of the Big Bear tribe are energetic enough. Son."

"You have to be motivated, find us! The energetic men of the Big Bear Tribe must have all been killed by the patriarch." A man from the Giant Tiger Tribe said.

"If you weren't too ugly, would I need to find someone else?" the woman said.

"Aren't you ugly yourself?" The man was dissatisfied.

"That's why the men in the tribe that I look up to will not look down on me!" the woman said.

These people were talking, and someone hurried in from outside: "Maohuo is back!"

"He's back? Is he here to announce good news?" Hu Yun asked happily.

The person who came to report stiffened: "Mao Huo... he..."

This man's expression was very ugly, and Hu Yun immediately realized that something was wrong: "What's the matter?"

"Has the patriarch come back?" Mao Huo's voice sounded, and Hu Yun looked over, only to find that Mao Huo was in a mess and had many wounds on his body.

Hu Yun's expression changed: "What's wrong with you? Also, isn't my brother with you?"

Hearing Hu Yun say this, Mao Huo's already ugly face became even more ugly.

Hutian left the team and ran first. He thought Hutian had come back long ago, but... Hutian didn't come back

If Hutian didn't come back... He wouldn't be dead, would he

Mao Huo's face was pale: "The patriarch came back first, he..."

"What happened?" Hu Yun asked.

Seeing Huyun asking, Mao Huo didn't hide it, and immediately told everything they had encountered.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe gathered and heard halfway through, someone said, "This is impossible!"

"It's true." Mao Huo lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

What the cat said was true.

After the cat fire, one after another, some people from the giant tiger tribe fled back - after they fled separately, many people escaped.

When these people returned to the tribe, most of them were injured, and even if they weren't injured, they looked scared, but even so, they were full of hope.

As soon as they came back, they started asking Hutian about the news.

They felt that Hutian would definitely be able to avenge them!

But Hu Yun told them a piece of news that made them desperate - Hu Tian did not come back!

"Why didn't the patriarch come back? There must be a mistake!"

"The patriarch is coming back first!"

"What about the patriarch?"

Hu Tianming took a step first, but didn't come back... Most likely he was already dead.

Everyone in the Giant Tiger tribe knows this, but no one wants to believe it.

"My eldest brother will be fine, it's just a small big bear tribe, can they still hurt eldest brother?" Hu Yun firmly believed that his brother was fine: "My eldest brother is the strongest!"

When Hu Yun said this before, many people must have responded, but this time, no one responded.

Mao Huo and others all know and have said that among the people who attacked them from the Big Bear Tribe, there are two who are similar in strength to Hutian.

"The two strong men of the Big Bear Tribe, one is a pig and the other is a bear, they are all very powerful! The beast of the bear is much bigger than the patriarch, and it can be done with a slap. Shooting an ordinary orc to death, the orc whose animal shape is a pig should not be underestimated, and can play a tie with the patriarch..." A survivor said, speaking, trembling uncontrollably.

Hu Yun's expression froze, these people look like this... Could it be that something happened to his eldest brother

Hu Yun didn't want to believe this, and was struggling when someone suddenly came running: "Hu Yun, something happened, a very big bear came outside!"

Hu Yun followed the people to the outside, and he saw a giant bear over four meters tall standing outside the fence of the Qingshan tribe, which was daunting.

The bear stood up straight and glanced at them, then landed on all fours and let out a roar.

Hu Yun trembled subconsciously.

This bear is so big and scary!

This is what Mao Huo and others said, the strong man of the Big Bear Tribe

If the big bear tribe's strong man is like this... his brother...

Just as Hu Yun was thinking about it, he saw the giant bear transformed into a human shape, and quickly wrapped an animal skin skirt around his waist.

"Who are you?" Hu Yun asked, his eyes inevitably showing fear.

"Big Bear Tribe, Kumano." Kumano said.

After Xiong Ye said this, he didn't say anything, Hu Yun could only ask, "What are you doing here?"

Kumano said: "I'm here to tell you some news... Hutian has been killed by me."

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe had already guessed this matter, but now it has been confirmed, it is still difficult to accept, Hu Yun said without even thinking: "Kill him! Kill him!"

To the people of the Qingshan tribe, Hutian was a demon, and they wanted to devour him alive, but to the people of the giant tiger tribe, Hutian was their hero and the one who led them to a better life.

In the giant tiger tribe, there is no one who does not worship Hutian.

Now Hutian is dead... Immediately, someone rushed towards Kumano, and someone threw spears at Kumano, trying to avenge Hutian.

Kumano directly turned into a beast, and instead of hiding, he rushed towards Huyun.

Those spears were all aimed at him, but he avoided most of them, and the rest... He grabbed a warrior from a tribe of giant tigers that rushed towards him, and threw it forward...

A spear pierced through the man's body and directly stabbed the man to death, but Kumano had nothing to do. Occasionally, a spear pierced his body, but it couldn't wear through his thick fur and could not stop him from moving forward.

His target is Tiger Cloud.

Hu Yun also realized this, and immediately turned into a beast.

The animal shape of Huyun is that of an ordinary tiger, and it is even the smallest among ordinary tigers, which is about the size of Huyue.

He is not even a junior beast warrior, and his strength is actually not stronger than Huyue.

When Kumano wasn't even a junior beast warrior, he was able to defeat Huyue, and now he has become an intermediate beast warrior...

Kumano slapped Huyun down and killed Huyun.

After he shot the person to death, he turned around and ran. After a few steps, he turned into a humanoid and said, "The warriors in our tribe will be here soon. I won't fight you today, come back in a few days!"

Saying that, Kumano ran away.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe wanted to chase, but they didn't dare to chase, and they all looked ugly.

The Big Bear clan is very strong... what are they going to do

"The news that Ma Xiao asked back before was all false! It's the people from the Big Bear tribe who told Hutiao that it may be true... There are really strong people in their tribe!"

"When we fought with the people of the Big Bear Tribe before, we saw the slaves we drove away... The Big Bear Tribe not only did not kill these food-wasting people, but also made them fat. The Big Bear Tribe must be very strong."

"What are we going to do now?"

Hutian died, Huyun also died, and the hearts of the giant tiger tribe were scattered all at once.

At this moment, there are still more than 1,000 people in the giant tiger tribe. Among them, there are at least 700 or 800 people with good fighting ability. Among these people, there are several junior beast warriors.

At this time, Kumano had arrived at the place where the people of the Big Bear tribe settled not far away. He transformed into a human form, covered himself with a piece of animal skin, and then said to the pig: "Let's go together tomorrow and kill a few more people. !"

Pig War agreed.

The way Kuang Ye dealt with the giant tiger tribe was not bright, but it was really interesting. He felt that he had to learn something.

In the future... He might be able to use this method to deal with his younger brothers.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe were frightened for a day.

Some of them wanted to stay and fight with the people of the Big Bear Tribe, but some wanted to run away. No one could convince anyone for a while. At this time, Kumano and Pig War came together. They killed a few powerful people from the giant tiger tribe, and they also said that they would not allow the people from the giant tiger tribe to kill those slaves. Tiger tribe.

Hearing this, some people wanted to kill all the slaves in order to vent their anger, but others rushed to stop them: "We can't hurt these slaves! If the big bear tribe is really that powerful..."

"They can't be that powerful! If they were powerful, why didn't they come to attack us before?" Someone said immediately.

People in the Giant Tiger Tribe believed in these words before, but now...

"Some tribes people don't like fighting."

"They originally... may have been too lazy to pay attention to us."

"The strength of those two people is the same as Hutian. We can't beat them. It's better to leave quickly."

There are many people in the Giant Tiger Tribe. It is not easy for such a large tribe to be united. Before, they were able to be together because of Hutian's tyrannical strength, but now, this tribe can't be united.

After thinking about it, they finally decided to leave here.

The food here is almost eaten, and they were about to leave. Now, instead of being killed by the big bear tribe, it is better to run away earlier.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe ran away overnight, not taking the slaves who were in the way, nor did they dare to take them.

The people of the Big Bear tribe obviously valued those slaves very much. After they took them, what would they do if they caught up with them

Kumano used to intimidate and intimidate before, hoping that the people of the giant tiger tribe could run away by themselves.

There are too many people in the giant tiger tribe, it is very difficult for them to win the giant tiger tribe, and they do not like to kill, and they are not interested in killing all the people of the giant tiger tribe, regardless of gender, age, and age. It is enough for the people of the tiger tribe to drive away.

As for those slaves... they can save them and absorb them into their tribe!

The big bear tribe is now short of people!

After the people from the Giant Tiger Tribe left, Kumano took his team of only 80 people and happily entered the place where the Qingshan tribe once lived.

There is an unpleasant smell mixed with the smell of blood and rancidity, and the slaves left in the tribe are in poor condition...

As soon as Kumano entered, he frowned, and the people from the Qingshan tribe he brought, had already found the survivors of their tribe, and then hugged and cried with those survivors.

This scene... Kumano sighed when he saw it, and was glad that the Big Bear tribe did not encounter such a catastrophe.

"thank you all!"


"You are really good people!"

The rescued slaves knelt down and thanked Kumano one by one.

"No thanks..." Kumano was a little embarrassed and a little happy in the face of this situation.

He was very happy to be able to save some people.

Because of this, he even became worried, worried that after the giant tiger tribe left here, they would attack other tribes.

Should he and Zhu Zhan keep up and kill a few more powerful men from the giant tiger tribe

Just as Kumano was thinking so, a man suddenly jumped out of the slaves and stabbed him with a knife.

Kumano was so unprepared that the knife pierced into his stomach.

However, his response was not slow. As soon as the knife cut through his skin, he turned into a beast shape, and when he turned into a beast shape with thick fur, the man would no longer be able to pierce it. He was slapped to death by Kumano.

This man fought desperately, but in the end he only made an incision in Kumano's stomach no more than two or three centimeters deep.

When Zhou Ji found out about this scene not far away, he was shocked at first, and then he was relieved quickly - such a small hole is nothing to Kumano. When he fought with the people of the giant pig tribe, he suffered more injuries than this Much more serious!

However, it was too early for Zhou Ji to feel relieved.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe who were almost killed by Kumano spat out a mouthful of blood and laughed. At the same time, Kumano also changed his face: "The knife is poisonous!"

Not far away, Zhou Ji's eyes turned red.