Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 104: Production


It was late at night, but the Changchun Palace was brightly lit, and people were one after another.

Wei Yingluo, Erqing, Mingyu, and the eunuchs and eunuchs of Changchun Palace were all in a hurry, some holding water basins in and out of the bedroom, some replacing the old fire with new candles, and some guarding outside the palace gate. But every now and then, his head glanced inside the palace gate, and everyone's face was scorched.

"Ah—" The Queen's screams came from the room.

Hongli walked back and forth outside the door, his footsteps getting faster and faster.

Li Yu said with relief: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the entire Imperial Hospital is waiting, and the Empress will be able to give birth safely. Hongli is silent."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another scream from the door, which sounded long, and soon lost its breath.

Hongli stopped and quickly ordered: "Quick, go and have a look!"

"Hey." Li Yu rushed out hastily.

There was a mess in the bedroom, and there was a water basin on the edge of the bed, full of blood.

The queen was lying on the bed without a sound, her face was as pale as paper, as if she had been drained of blood from her whole body, and her body had no color at all, except for her hair, the rest of the body was white.

The midwife sweated on her forehead and said, "The baby's feet are first, this is a serial birth!"

Wei Yingluo's lips were trembling, her face was as pale as the queen on the bed.

After a long time, she shivered and said, "If you can't save the Empress, you won't be able to benefit either! If you can't do it, ask the imperial doctor!"

The midwife said: "In this situation, the imperial doctor can't save people! The only way is to reach into the birth canal and touch my brother's little feet. I hope God bless me, my brother is smart, he hugs his head up, and there is still a chance!"

Just listening to this method was a life-and-death experience. Wei Yingluo was dizzy and staggered under her feet, almost unsteady.

"Miss Yingluo, are you okay?" the midwife asked worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Wei Yingluo bit the tip of her tongue, "What do you need me to do?"

"It's enough to hug the mother's upper body." The midwife hesitated, "If it can't hold up, can someone else come?"

"No." Wei Yingluo took a few steps forward and hugged the Empress tremblingly but firmly, "At this time, I must not leave the Empress..."

The queen forced her eyes open and looked at her.

"Niangniang." Wei Yingluo encouraged her softly, "Come on, Yingluo is with you..."

The queen was too weak to speak, but still nodded to her with difficulty.

Half an hour later, a loud baby cry sounded, like the rising sun, like nectar descending. Inside and outside the Changchun Palace, everyone looked in the direction of the cry, and Hongli pushed the door in almost immediately. , rushed to the edge of the bed.

Inside the house, the child was crying, and Wei Yingluo was also crying.

"Why do you look like a child?" the queen joked, raising her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, her eyes full of pity.

"Everyone else is laughing, why are you the only one crying?" Hongli strode forward, perhaps because he was in a good mood, he also canceled her.

"I..." Wei Yingluo choked and was speechless.

"Don't make fun of her." The queen gently held Wei Yingluo's hand and said, "Everyone is happy for the birth of Brother Qi, but she is the only one who has been standing by my side and weeping for me."

Money is easy to obtain, but bosom friends are hard to find. The Queen broke Wei Yingluo’s thoughts with one word, and she made her tears flow even more fiercely. She put the Queen’s hand on her cheek and sobbed: “Niangniang, Yingluo was really scared just now, I lost my mother, lost my sister, I don't want to be alone anymore, thank you, thank you for being alive..."

She has always been stubborn and stubborn, like a rock that can't be broken. It is rare to show such a weak and pitiful posture. Not only does the queen look at her with love and affection, but even Hongli's eyes soften when she looks at her.

After a while, Wei Yingluo remembered that Hongli was still in the house. Although she was reluctant, she still knew that at this time, she should leave some time for the two of them to be alone, so she stood up and resigned: "Miss, you After a tiring night, the servant will bring you some supplements."

She deliberately left some alone time for the two of them. The queen suffered so much for this child and suffered such a big crime. She must let Hongli know, let him see it, and let him remember it in his heart.

Closing the door with her backhand, Wei Yingluo let out a sigh of relief and went to the small kitchen. Supplements were already prepared in the kitchen. Since the queen was not expected to be greasy during pregnancy, the supplements were all light-tasting things, such as whitebait porridge, fried vegetables , as well as a bowl of biochemical soup specially used to replenish the body.

Putting these items on a wooden plate, Wei Yingluo returned to the bedroom.

Hongli saw her out of the corner of his eyes, and patted the queen's hand: "Okay, you are tired today too. Eat something and go to bed earlier."

After a pause, he turned to Li Yu and said, "I will be staying at Changchun Palace tonight."

The queen's face was pale, but her eyes were extremely bright. A swaddle was placed beside her, and her eyes were inseparable from the child in the swaddle every second. After listening to Hongli's words, she raised her head and smiled: "It's cold at night. The emperor is now returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and it is inevitable that he will catch a cold after drinking... Er Qing, please rest in the east hall."

"Yes!" Er Qing replied.

She bowed her head and walked respectfully to the door, turning her head suddenly, but looking at the eyes of everyone in the room was not so disciplined.

Night, East Hall.

Li Yu went to the thatched hut, and it's not good after cleaning himself. Every time he goes to the toilet, it takes time and effort to avoid spilling on his body. When he came back, he suddenly heard a woman's exclamation in the east hall, soft to the bone, flattering: "Your Majesty!"

Frowning, Li Yu pulled over the little eunuch who was guarding the door and asked, "Who entered just now?"

"A palace maid from Changchun Palace." The little eunuch replied in a low voice, "Here came to deliver the sober soup."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of cracking silk in the room. The little eunuch didn't seem to have seen this battle. He was about to open the door to check, and was slapped back by Li Yu.

"What are you looking at?" Li Yu said angrily, "It is her blessing that the emperor favors anyone, look less and ask less, and be careful to lose your head!"

The little eunuch shrank his neck and dared not speak.

With a cold snort, Li Yu held the whisk between his elbows, and while guarding the door, he thought to himself, "The atmosphere of this Changchun Palace should really be rectified, the queen has just given birth to her first son, and some palace servants can't wait to climb up to the emperor. I don't know whether to call her bold or cunning..."

One night, when the sky was dawn, the door of the lotus tent opened with a creak, and a woman with a sad face came out.

Li Yu looked back and shivered when he saw the face of the other party.

That woman has a beautiful face and a graceful posture, that's not the point, the point is... She is Er Qing! Fucha Fu Heng's wife!

Li Yu only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and until the other party walked away, he dragged his feet as if filled with lead and walked into the east side hall. After only one look, his heart was over.

I saw that the bed was messy, and the air was still filled with the charming smell of men and women after sex.

"Your Majesty..." Li Yu's knees softened, and just as he was about to kneel, a boot was thrown at him.

"Go away!" Hongli roared angrily.

If she felt anything, Er Qing who was walking on the way back to the palace suddenly stopped and looked back. There was no guilt on her face.

"Xita Laerqing, in my heart, you will never be as good as Yingluo! Your cruelty and viciousness makes me extremely sick!" Erqing repeated what Fu Heng had said to her, and then ate it. With a smile, the laughter was like venom, and he said endlessly cruel and vicious, "Fu Heng, this is what you forced me to do, you make me sad and despair, and I will also make you sad and despair!"