Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 105: good news


On the second day, Mingyu was ordered to clean up the east side hall.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Amber come out with a mattress in his arms, his eyes dodged, and his expression panicked.

"What are you doing?" Mingyu stopped her and asked suspiciously, "Hiding in Tibet and being a thief?"

Amber hugged the mattress in his arms tighter, lowered his head and said, "The emperor was drunk last night and vomited everywhere. Manager Li instructed the servants to clean up quickly!"

"Really?" Mingyu's eyes swept across her arms, and she suddenly frowned, only to see a corner of the bed sheet showing a red color, like a woman's apron, silk texture, with a hidden hibiscus petal in the corner .

Jinghong glanced at him and thought it was his dazzling eyes. Before Mingyu could see clearly, a call suddenly came from behind him.

"Mingyu!" Er Qing's hand fell on her shoulder, she couldn't help but turn her over and said with a smile, "Mingyu, I'm leaving the palace today, and I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Mingyu was stunned: "So suddenly?"

"Fu Heng has returned to the capital. It would be inconvenient for me to stay in the palace again." Er Qing sighed, "In the days when I'm not here, I will rely on you to take care of the Empress."

Mingyu pursed her lips: "You don't need to tell me, I will also take good care of the Empress."

Er Qing smiled and didn't speak. After chatting with her for a few more words, she turned and left.

After she left, Mingyu turned around again, and there was still Amber behind her.

Mingyu went to the tea room with a lot of thought. The matter was too big or too small. If you want to find someone to discuss and think about, only one person can be trusted.


The flame licked and spat out the medicine jar, Wei Yingluo sat beside him and fanned, the air was filled with a strong smell of medicine, she asked without looking back, "What's wrong?"

Mingyu pondered for a long time, and finally said hesitantly: "Last night the emperor rested in the east hall, as if he favored the palace maid."

The fan movement stopped suddenly.

The queen had just given birth, so he favored the maids of Changchun Palace, couldn't he change the time and place

Just now there was some change in Hongli's opinion, but now the prejudice is even deeper. Wei Yingluo squeezed the handle of the fan tightly, and said expressionlessly: "This is the Changchun Palace. The truth is that the palace maid is favored, why don't you go to seek the seal today?"

Mingyu was stunned and laughed, "You're right, but... Forget it, maybe I was dazzled for a while!"

Both of them decided to keep the matter a secret.

The queen is already suffering enough, there is no need to block her at this time. As for this palace maid who eats inside and out... If Mingyu sees it wrong, it's best. If she sees it right, the two of them will find out and teach her what she can and can't do.

The atmosphere was a little dull, Wei Yingluo thought for a while, and suddenly said, "By the way, I just heard from the empress that the emperor has already named the seventh prince."

"Oh?" Mingyu's attention really shifted, "What name?"

"Yong Cong."

Yong Cong... Yong Cong... Mingyu repeated the name over and over for a while, and suddenly jumped up happily: "Oh, do you know what Cong is?"

Of course Wei Yingluo knew, but she still smiled and shook her head, giving her the opportunity to explain.

"Cong, the instrument of the imperial family's temple." Mingyu danced and said, "It can be seen that the emperor intends to let the seventh prince inherit—"

"Damage comes from the mouth." Wei Yingluo raised her hand and blocked the fan in front of Mingyu's big mouth.

Mingyu snatched the fan from her hand, and while fanning her, he said reluctantly, "It was originally! The inscription of the sixth brother is the sound of Peiyu's strike, but our seventh brother, it is The tools of the temple, which are lighter and which are more important, are clear at a glance!"

Yingluo glared at her: "Yes, yes, I'm busy cooking medicine, you can show off elsewhere!"

Mingyu wanted to share her happiness with her, but seeing her being so uncooperative, she couldn't help but get a little angry and pouted, "Why aren't you happy at all?"

"What's there to be happy about?" Wei Yingluo said in despair, "My lady almost died of a bloodbath in order to give birth to the seventh elder brother. The imperial doctor said that it would damage her longevity..."

Mingyu looked at her strangely: "But as a concubine, only if you have children can you stand tall! Not to mention the concubines and concubines of the harem, the same goes for women in the world!"

"If you lose your life, even if you have the power and wealth of the sky, what's the use?" Wei Yingluo said in a deep voice.

"But, but Niangniang doesn't care about power and status, so she is satisfied with the seventh brother!" Although Mingyu was still stubborn, her aura was much weaker.

"Women are also human beings, no matter when the time comes, your own life is the most important thing." Wei Yingluo smiled, "My lady's life has passed, and if I can't stand it, I will leave a child without a mother, and I can live well in the Forbidden City. Survive? Those who risk their lives to have children are fools."

There is joy, but not only Changchun Palace.

A few months later, Fucha House.

"Emother." Fu Heng walked into the hall, "What's the matter, I'm in such a hurry to find someone to call me back."

Due to the Queen's long illness, Mrs. Fucha cried and blinded one eye. Although she applied medicine every day, she could only see a little figure in a daze. She stretched out her hand to the shadow opposite: "Fu Heng. , a great news, you must be very happy when you know it."

Fu Heng hurriedly stepped forward and held her hand: "What good news?"

There has always been a lot of bad news. Mrs. Fucha has not laughed so happily for a long time: "Your daughter-in-law is finally pregnant!"

The blood on Fu Heng's face faded in an instant.

Mrs. Fucha's eyes were not good, so she didn't notice the strangeness on him, she still held his hand and said, "The Empress has recovered, and the seventh elder brother is deeply favored by the saints. E-niang doesn't worry about anything else, just worry about you. Now E-niang can rest assured, Erqing is really a lucky star in our family! You have to take good care of Erqing, don't neglect her!"

"...Yes." Fu Heng gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with disgust.

When he came out of the hall, Fu Heng didn't stop, and rushed into Erqing's bedroom. The sun was just right, Erqing was leaning against the carved window to embroider, and the flying needle was running. Reached over, grabbed her needle holding hand, and pulled her up from the chair.

What caught his eye was Fu Heng's furious face, and he said solemnly, "Whose is this child?"

Erqing laughed, like a newlywed couple playing a game in a playful tone: "Guess."

Fu Heng was too lazy to fight her, and clenched her wrist: "I'll ask you again, who is this child?"

Her wrist was in severe pain, but Er Qing laughed even more happily: "Everyone says that Fu Cha, Fu Heng, is extremely smart and has great skills. He entered the military plane at a young age. It's a false statement, my wife is pregnant, and I don't know who did it!"

"You!" Fu Heng was trembling with anger.

Er Qing threw off his hand and said nonchalantly, "You can spoil your maid, but I can't hold the pipa?"

She suddenly stopped talking.

Hearing a bang, Fu Heng pulled out the long sword on the wall. The sword in his room was not an ornament. Even if it was an ornament, it would be an uncompromising weapon in the hands of a warrior like him.

Er Qing looked at him vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"Fucha's family has a good reputation for a hundred years, and E Niang's hope can't be destroyed on you." Fu Heng's eyes were bloodshot, and he threw the long sword in front of her, "I won't kill women, you can do it yourself!"

The long sword fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Er Qing glanced at the sword on the ground and smeared Zhu Dan's lips upward.

"It turns out that no tolerant man can allow his wife, Hong Xing, to leave the wall! Unfortunately, you can't kill me, and I won't commit suicide, because..." Embroidered shoes trampled over the sword, Er Qing stepped in front of Fu Heng, her eyes Full of jokes and pride, "This kid, his surname is Aisin Gioro!"

Fu Heng petrified on the spot.

Erqing still refused to let him go, and continued: "You heard it clearly, I am pregnant with the dragon seed, the blood of the emperor, you dare to move a finger, and disaster will come in an instant!"

"No!" Fu Heng shook his head and said with a pale face, "The emperor is not someone who insults his wife!"

"Your Majesty is not, I am!" Er Qing broke his last hope and smiled cruelly, "In order to find a good opportunity, I have to work hard!"

Fu Heng finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed her by the throat, gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you want to design the emperor, why do you treat the Fucha family like this!"

"Cough!" Er Qing coughed, looked at him without fear, and laughed loudly, "Fu Cha Fu Heng, you are the elegant son in everyone's eyes, the best home for women in the world, even the great Wei Wei. Yingluo, you are fascinated by you! But I just want you to endure the humiliation and suffering, every time you kneel down before the imperial court, you will think about it, and every time you get a promotion, you have to think about whether you should use it or not. My wife got Dingdai Hualing! You hate me, but you can't kill me, you hate this child, and you want to keep him for the rest of your life! Hahahaha! It's funny, so funny! I've been thinking about this idea for a long time, right? So much fun!"

Looking at Er Qing, who was laughing like crazy, Fu Heng slowly released his fingers, took a step back, took a step away from her, and said with disgust, "You are not only vicious, you are also a lunatic!"

The word vicious ignited the grief and anger in Erqing's heart, causing her to burn all in her body, and she rushed over like crazy: "Yes, I am a lunatic, driven crazy by you and Wei Yingluo! Fu! Cha Fuheng, this is the price you have to pay for humiliating me, in this lifetime, don’t even think about getting rid of me, Hitaralqing!”

Fu Heng pushed her away and stared at her for a long time with extremely unfamiliar eyes, as if he knew her for the first time, and as if he had never known her before.

"Fu Heng, where are you going?" Er Qing called to him after regaining her footing.

The door opened with a creak, but Fu Heng ignored it and rushed out without looking back.

"Why did you run away, aren't you scared? Come back, come back to see me, look at your child, hahahahaha!!" Er Qing laughed breathlessly behind Fu Heng, and finally Woo cried.

After crying for a while, she raised her hand and wiped her tears. Since no one cared about her, no one loved her, and no one wiped her tears for her, why did she still cry

"I lived a humble life in the palace. I endured it for six years and looked forward to it for six years. I thought that when I had a warm and beautiful person and a splendid future, I would finally end up alone and lonely. This kind of pain, why should I come alone? Suffer?" Er Qing looked at the direction where Fu Heng was leaving, cold tears dried up on her face, she smiled slowly, "Fu Cha Fu Heng, your pain has just begun!"