Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 108: mourning [above]


In just one night, the warm pavilion built with carved railings and jade was burnt to ruins, and a little black gas rose from the broken tiles and ruins, and was quickly splashed out by water.

The Changchun Palace, which was decorated with lanterns yesterday, is mourning today.

"Go away!" The queen hugged the baby in her arms, frantically smashing the imperial doctor, the palace maid and others with pillows and quilts, "Don't come here, Brother Qi is very good, he is very good!"

Just as Hongli was about to walk over, he was stopped by Zhang Yuan: "Your Majesty, the Queen is too sad and lost her mind, don't get close!"

Pushing away Zhang Yuan's sentence, Hongli walked quickly to the queen and said, "Empress, Yong Cong is gone, let go of him first and let the imperial doctor see the injury for you, okay?"

Like a frightened female beast, the queen hugged her baby tightly, huddled in the corner, and stared at him vigilantly. The burns on her body became more and more miserable after a night, and blood was constantly leaking from the wound.

This is no way to go on like this, Hongli gritted his teeth, suddenly took a few steps up, hugged the queen hard, and then sternly said: "Take brother away!"

"No!" The baby in her arms was taken away by several palace servants, and her hands and feet were restrained by Hongli. The queen couldn't move, so she could only shout heart-rendingly, "Return Yong Cong to me, return it to me. I!"

Under Hongli's signal, the palace servants took the babies out of Changchun Palace and watched them leave. The queen's eyes were full of despair, and she suddenly turned her head and shouted at Hongli: "It's you, it's you who took Yong Cong, why do you want to? Take away my son?"

Hongli was extremely sad in his heart, but he still wanted to comfort her: "Because he is dead, the queen, Yong Cong is dead! Please cheer up, don't be so complacent, and don't forget who you are!"

The queen stared at him and said word by word, "Who am I? Your Majesty, who do you think I am?"

Hongli said seriously: "You are my wife, the Queen of Qing Dynasty in the mother world!"

"Yes, I am the Queen of the Qing Dynasty! Since the day I was enshrined, I have served the Empress Dowager, respected the Emperor, treated concubines well, and managed affairs carefully. I was afraid that I would make mistakes and be accused by the world. Jealousy, no resentment, no hatred, I helped the emperor protect his concubines, and even treated their children as my own, but what did I get? On New Year's Eve, the family was reunited, but God wanted me to lose Yong Cong on this day! He is the most precious person in the world that I bought with my own life!" The queen laughed, her hand covered with scars tightly gripped Hongli's arm, and asked desolately, "Your Majesty, tell me, Fucha Rongyin has never done a bad thing, why did he end up like this, why is God so cruel, why, why?"

Hongli held the Queen's cold fingers, with a faint tear in his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Queen, you are tired."

"No, I'm not tired." The queen suddenly pushed his hand away, "I'm going to find Yong Cong, I'm going to find him."

Hongli reached out to stop her again, but saw the Queen's eyes sharpen, grabbed Hongli's arm and bit it hard, her teeth digging deeply into Hongli's flesh, and blood immediately filled her mouth.

She has always been gentle and virtuous, and everyone has never seen her so crazy, and they were instantly stunned. After a brief frown, Wei Hongli shouted: "The queen is tired and needs to rest, what are you still doing, come here soon Take a break from serving the queen?"

Everyone came back to their senses and came to help, but under the frantic struggle of the queen, all of them were injured, either their face was scratched, or they were bitten, and because the other party was the queen, they dared not It was too offensive, so no one was able to get close to her in the end.

"I don't want to be the queen anymore." The queen stood up staggeringly, blood all over her body - her own blood, and the blood of others, muttered in her mouth, "I will be Fucha Rongyin, I will be Yong Cong's mother, I don't want anything, I don't want anything! Return Yong Cong to me, return him to me!"

Hongli held the injured arm, closed his eyes in pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Get the rope!"

Mingyu looked at him in shock: "Your Majesty?"

"I told you to bring ropes!" Hongli snapped.

"Yes, yes!" The eunuchs rolled and crawled, and soon took a rope. Hongli took a few deep breaths, and in the surprised cry of everyone, he rushed forward and tied the queen with the rope in his hand.

The rope was looped around her, and the queen struggled frantically: "Hongli, let me go! Let me go!"

Hongli also didn't want to tie her up like an ox and horse, but he didn't want to see her hurt others and himself. Holding back the tears in his eyes, he said in a hoarse voice: "Fucha Rongyin, you are my queen and love. Xinjue Luo Hongli's wife, you have no arrogant and willful power, and there is no possibility of quitting! No matter whether you are sick or crazy, you must firmly remember the responsibility on your shoulders!"

The queen is always good at patience. In the past, as long as she pressed her with the word responsibility, she could endure anything, but she is a person, a person, and there will always be a day when she can't bear it...

"Yong Cong!" The queen burst into tears and burst into tears, the saddest cry in the world from her throat and chest, "Yong Cong!"

Cries echoed in the Changchun Palace, but no one responded for a long time.

The child who covers his ears with his little hands when the firecrackers go off, the child who responds with babble when his mother calls for him, will never come back.

Coming out of the bedroom, Hongli raised his hand to wipe his tears: "Mingyu."

"The servant is here." Mingyu's eyes were also red.

"From now on, you have to keep guarding the queen, do you understand?" Hongli asked.

"Yes." Mingyu replied.

Hongli nodded, looked back at the dormitory again, and then left with a sigh. After walking for two steps, he suddenly stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Li Yu hurriedly reached out to help him, but Hongli waved his hand away. , slowly straightened his spine, and said solemnly: "I have passed the decree, I will personally treat the funeral for the seventh prince."

Li Yu looked at Hongli in shock: "Your Majesty, this is against the rules!"

The tears on Hongli's face were still dry, and he said coldly: "What I say is the rule!"

Li Yu hesitated: "The Queen Mother, do you want a servant to send someone to report..."

Hongli waved his hand: "The queen mother loves Yong Cong very much, I can only tell her this news!"

Li Yu: "Hey."

"Let's go." Hongli sighed again, and for a moment, he seemed to be much older, "I want to see Brother Qi again."

But at this moment, a eunuch came to report quickly: "Your Majesty, 800 li is urgent. The governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, Zhang Guangsi, made an emergency military situation, and the chieftain of Dajinchuan, Sha Luo, rushed to attack the chieftain of Mingzheng and other places, intending to annex the vassals!"

Hearing the sound, Hongli didn't speak for a long time.

Li Yu reprimanded in a low voice: "I don't have eyes, and the seventh elder brother just went, where does the emperor feel that way, get out of here!"

Hongli interrupted him coldly: "Zhang and the prince arranged for Yong Cong to deal with the funeral, and called the Minister of Military Aircraft to discuss the affairs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!"

Li Yu was stunned, and suddenly understood: "Hey!"

Hongli glanced at Changchun Palace for the last time, apology swept across his eyes, and he turned away without hesitation.

There is only one door between the inside and the outside, and the movement outside cannot be concealed from the people inside the door.

The queen was tied with ropes and lay motionless on the bed, her eyes staring straight at the ceiling, she didn't move for a long time, if it wasn't for her breathing, she would look like a dead person.