Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 111: exile


A wooden tray was handed to Wei Yingluo.

There are three things inside, from left to right, they are a dagger, a white velvet, and a red crane top.

"Girl Yingluo." The old eunuch holding a tray with kind eyes and kind eyes said to her, "This is the kind of treatment you will only have for the sake of your loyalty to the queen. If you change someone else, you can just strangle to death with a rope. Choose your own."

Wei Yingluo smiled slightly, speaking freely and easily.

She picked up the white jade-like medicine bottle without hesitation, and a relieved smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if a person who was extremely tired had finally found a medicine that could make him sleep forever.

Slowly unscrewing the medicine bottle, Wei Yingluo closed her eyes and handed the medicine bottle to her lips.

But before Hedinghong touched her lips, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and smashed the bottle.

Wei Yingluo opened his eyes, and saw Li Yu standing beside her panting, as if running all the way, sweat dripping from his forehead, he managed to breathe evenly, and then said, "Wei Yingluo, the emperor has forgiven you, don't you? must die!"

Wei Yingluo didn't appreciate it, and said coldly, "Why?"

That look, as if forgiveness was not a grace to her, but a living torture.

As if she had expected her to look like this, Li Yu sighed and handed over the letter that Hongli asked him to bring, saying, "This is the will of the Queen."

Wei Yingluo was stunned, and quickly snatched the letter from his hand, then unfolded it impatiently, only to see the letter written.

"Your Majesty, as soon as Rongyin leaves, it will be a farewell. Only the maid Yingluo, who is loyal and upright, would rather not bend, and should not stay in the palace. Please allow the emperor to let her leave the palace and let her be free. I hope that you will cherish it, and Fucha Rongyin will pay respects. "

"Niangniang..." Wei Yingluo's eyes filled with tears, and as soon as a tear fell, she raised her hand to catch it, so as not to fall on the paper and smudge the last thing that Niangniang left her.

"But the death penalty can be avoided, and the death penalty cannot be escaped." Li Yu said beside him, "Miss Yingluo, the emperor told you to leave immediately, and guard the statue of the empress at the Changchun Xianguan of Yuanmingyuan, and you will not be allowed to return to the Forbidden City for the rest of your life!"


Wei Yingluo was dressed in Tsing Yi and held a broom, like a maid who had just entered the palace, looking at the lake and mountains, pavilions and pavilions in front of her. For Yingluo, it is a peach blossom garden that escapes the world.

There is no need to mix in the intrigues of entering the harem, and there is no need to always be on guard against the dark arrows shot from behind. Although the cost of food and clothing is relatively simple, it has a benefit that is not available elsewhere.

"Niangniang." Wei Yingluo walked into the Changchun Fairy Pavilion and looked at the statue in front of her.

Three sandalwood incense sticks were burned on the offering table, and white smoke curled up over the offering image's face.

The skilled craftsman carved the face of the queen on the jade. At first glance, it was lifelike, as if looking down from a high platform, his eyes were soft, and he smiled at Wei Yingluo like a bodhisattva.

Wei Yingluo put down her broom, kneeled respectfully on the apricot-yellow futon, folded her hands, closed her eyes and prayed, and after three bangs, Fang got up again, picked up her broom and walked out.

Compared with the palace, Yuanmingyuan is her home.

Here, she can be accompanied by the statue of the Queen's concubine day and night, imagining that the concubine is still by her side, teaching her to write hand by hand...

Wow - there was no ink in her hand, Wei Yingluo swiped on the ground with a broom and wrote.

"It's quite leisurely." A playful voice sounded behind her.

Wei Yingluo looked back and said in surprise, "Brother! Why are you here?"

Yuan Chunwang was wearing the same simple palace attire as hers, carrying a bucket for sweeping and spraying, and said with a smile, "I have been transferred to Yuanmingyuan."

"You have already taken charge of the internal affairs warehouse, and you have been appreciated by Concubine Xian." Wei Yingluo murmured, "A great future is just around the corner, you... how are you..."

With a snap of his finger between her brows, Yuan Chunwang smiled and said, "Whether it is the Golden Palace or the Infernal Hell, we will always be together. You promised it yourself, have you forgotten it all?"

Yingluo touched her eyebrows: "Isn't that what you said?"

Yuan Chunwang sighed: "Let's say a few words, that is, to share the blessings and share the burdens."

Where are the words missing

Wei Yingluo was silent for a while, then said, "Are you crazy, trying so hard to climb up, finally got a chance, and now you have to give up!"

Yuan Chunwang scooped up a spoonful of water from the bucket, sprinkled it on the flowers, and said very calmly: "It's good to know! Remember everything I paid for you today, don't let me down, otherwise, I will definitely not forgive you. ."

Wei Yingluo was both moved and guilty, looking at his back wet with sweat, she suddenly stepped forward, snatched the bucket from his hand, and said, "I've finished sweeping the ground, sprinkle you with water for a while, you go. Sit by the side!"

Although Yuanmingyuan is a big place, there are not many people. From spring to autumn, you can help me sweep the ground for a while, you can help me water the flowers for a while, you feed me a sip of rice, and I will feed you a sip of water. Taste the ups and downs together. They walked together and supported each other. Many things happened during this period, for example, Fu Heng led his troops to go to Jinchuan, and for example... The country cannot live without success in one day, so Concubine Xian was canonized as the empress.

The third volume of Yanxi Palace Lord