Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 113: reunion


"This year's Longevity Celebration will be held in the Zhengdaguangguang Hall of Yuanmingyuan. The emperor, the queen, the empress dowager, and the pure noble concubine will all come. You are not allowed to make any mistakes.

Manager Zhang went over one by one, and finally went to Wei Yingluo and Yuan Chunwang, "You two are responsible for cleaning up the weeds by the back lake."

Yingluo: "The entire Houhu Lake?"

Director Zhang: "Yes! The entire Houhu Lake!"

Afraid that she didn't know the importance of this job, Director Zhang added: "This time, the Longevity Festival will be held in the back lake of Yuanmingyuan. Everyone should be vigilant. If there is any omission, pay attention to your skin!"

After Director Zhang left, Yuan Chunwang glanced at Wei Yingluo: "This job is hard and tiring, how can you still laugh?"

"When the emperor comes to Yuanmingyuan, Concubine Chun will definitely come too, can't I see Mingyu?" Wei Yingluo smiled happily.

After the queen was gone, the palace staff of Changchun Palace reassigned places, and Mingyu was assigned to Zhongcui Palace to serve Concubine Chun.

"I was a little worried before because I was afraid that Concubine Chun would not like her reckless temperament. Later, I got a letter from her saying that her life in Zhongcui Palace was not bad, so I was a little relieved." Speaking of this, Wei Yingluo said again. He frowned in distress, "But in the past few months, the letters have been inexplicably broken, and I don't know what happened on her side. When she comes over, I just ask to see how I can help..."

Yuan Chunwang was amused for a while, and he pointed his finger at her eyebrows: "You, you, you can't protect yourself, and you still want to help others."

Wei Yingluo murmured, "Is there any way, I'm just like that."

"You really should learn from me." Yuan Chunwang rubbed her head, "I never care about outsiders' affairs, just yours and me."

Wei Yingluo couldn't learn his temperament.

Yuan Chunwang is good at remembering revenge, but she is good at remembering kindness. Every bit of kindness, friendship, and even love can make her unforgettable in her life. Just like a grass in the desert, she will always remember the grace of a drop of water.

A few days later, the nobles came to the garden.

Behind a nobleman, there are always countless minions, so as one nobleman entered, the team became more and more mighty. Wei Yingluo searched for a long time, and finally found the person she was looking for.

"...Mingyu?" Wei Yingluo didn't dare to recognize that person.

Although the two were both the maids of Changchun Palace, their current situation was completely different. Wei Yingluo was sentenced to the Old Summer Palace, while Mingyu went to the place of the pure noble concubine and remained the maid of honor.

… but what’s going on here? How could she, who was on duty in front of the favored concubine, look worse than the one who was punished

Wei Yingluo calmly did the rough work at hand. After waiting for about half an hour, she finally found an opportunity to get close to Mingyu and whisper to her, "Mingyu, come with me."

Yuanmingyuan is full of mountains and rocks, lush flowers and leaves, and Tibetans are everywhere.

Wei Yingluo has lived here for half a year, she knows where is the best place to talk privately, and after pulling Mingyu to a rockery, she looked at him up and down for a while, and said solemnly, "Mingyu, are you having any difficulty? "

Mingyu's complexion was extremely poor, like a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness. Wei Yingluo held her arm, but only touched a handful of bones, and there was no meat at all.

No matter how bad her complexion was, she was still a little confused. She stared at Wei Yingluo for a long time in a trance, and then shivered as if she had just woken up from a dream. She shook her head and said, "I, I'm fine."

After she finished speaking, she broke away from Wei Yingluo's hand and was about to escape from here.

How could Wei Yingluo let her go in such a vague way, she immediately stretched out her hand and pulled, Mingyu screamed in agony.

"...Are you injured?" Wei Yingluo was taken aback by her, she came back to her senses, and regardless of her struggle, she forcibly opened her sleeves, but her skin was as smooth as jade, and there was not even a single wound.

Mingyu: "I said it's fine, why don't you believe it..."

Wei Yingluo stared at her: "Why does it hurt when it's nothing?"

Mingyu hesitated, I spent a long time and couldn't find a reasonable excuse.

"Mingyu, there's no one else here, just tell me honestly." Wei Yingluo pressed her shoulders and said in a deep voice, "Did Concubine Chun do something to you?"

Mingyu's eyes dodged for a long time, and finally focused on her face, she opened her lips, and was about to say something when a lukewarm voice suddenly came from behind: "Mingyu, why are you still lazy here, the empress is looking for you What! Come here!"

Mingyu trembled all over, as if a sharp arrow from behind him had passed through his chest.

"I... I'll be right here." She timidly replied, her figure hunched up involuntarily, not as hot as when she was in Changchun Palace.

Seeing her like this, Wei Yingluo couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart, looked up at the person who came, and said coldly, "What did you do to Mingyu?"

What came was the big palace maid next to Concubine Chun, the jade pot.

Glancing fiercely at Mingyu beside him, Yuhu turned his head to Wei Yingluo with an innocent expression: "What did you say? I don't understand what you mean."

Wei Yingluo pointed at Mingyu: "It's so good to be alone, but it turns out to be a frightened bird, unless a pure noble concubine takes care of her in front of her and abuses her behind her back!"

Yuhu: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"In the past, the imperial concubine always used the queen's horse as her head, but now that the first queen passed away, she abused the old man of Changchun Palace behind her back. It doesn't make sense..." Wei Yingluo sneered and looked at the jade pot up and down, "Is it possible, is there any hidden meaning in this? ?"

Yuhu's expression was normal at first, but after hearing this sentence, his expression became slightly unnatural.

Wei Yingluo was only bluffing at first. Seeing this scene, her heart thumped, could it be possible... Is there really a secret behind this

"Illness comes in from the mouth, and disaster comes out of the mouth." Yuhu quickly sorted out his expression, glanced at Wei Yingluo very coldly, and said lightly, "Wei Yingluo, I warn you, be careful when you speak, otherwise there will always be One day, you'll die inexplicably... let's go!"

Wei Yingluo watched the two of her leave, rustling behind her, and Yuan Chunwang's voice came lazily, "Why bother with such a villain."

Shaking her head, Wei Yingluo said solemnly, "I want to see if she really wants to kill me, if she really dares... Then there must be a big secret hidden behind Zhong Cui Palace."