Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 114: New backer


In the dead of night, two eunuchs pried open the door and quietly entered Yingluo's room.

A human figure bulged on the bed, like a woman wrapped in a quilt, sleeping on her side.

One person looked at the wind, the other walked towards the bed, waited for a moment, saw that there was no movement under the quilt, took out a dagger, and stabbed it fiercely.

The dagger plunged into the bedding and felt extremely strange.

The eunuch was stunned, opened the quilt and took a look, his expression changed: "No!"

Where is there someone in the quilt, clearly stuffed with two pillows!

"Someone!" It was too late to speak, and the two eunuchs saw the plot and were about to retreat when a loud cry came from outside the door, "There are assassins, hurry up and catch the assassins!"

The eunuch and the maid had already slept lightly. This scream was like a thunderclap on the ground, blasting open countless doors. The maids and eunuchs rushed out from behind the door. The fastest one just collided with the two eunuchs who rushed out. on.

"It's them!" Wei Yingluo walked out from behind Director Zhang and pointed at the two of them, "Look! The murder weapon is still in their hands!"

The two eunuchs complained in their hearts, how could they be so careless, the dagger was left in the room, but they had to bring it out.

Now there is no turning back. As Director Zhang took it down, the two of them waved the daggers in their hands and fled separately. However, they were outnumbered and were quickly taken down by everyone.

Looking at the two people kneeling on the ground, Director Zhang said coldly, "Who are you, dare to run wild in Yuanmingyuan!"

Yuan Chunwang walked up to him: "Director Zhang, now that the Holy Chariot is here, these two people made it clear that they were here to assassinate. They probably did not know the direction before they entered by mistake."

The crime of murdering the king, even if it was just a thought, was enough to kill the nine clans. The two of them looked at Yuan Chunwang in horror, not understanding why the other party had such a vicious hand, and one by one hurriedly defended: "No. , we just want to steal! We don't want to assassinate!"

Yuan Chunwang sneered. Although he didn't even know the two of them, since the other party dared to kill Wei Yingluo, don't blame him for being ruthless, and immediately fell into the trap: "Why do you carry a dagger when you steal something? Do you really think we are fools? "

After hearing this, Director Zhang no longer hesitated, and coldly ordered: "Two things with a thousand cuts, pull them down!"

the next day.

"I heard that you entered the assassin last night?" In the Changchun Immortal Hall, Hongli stood with his hands behind his back, facing Wei Yingluo.

"Yes." Wei Yingluo replied.

Hongli snorted, and then he stopped talking, and continued to stare at the statue of Empress Fucha in a daze.

The immortal hall was built for the queen, and the statue was also made in the image of the queen. The craftsman's craftsmanship is excellent. After passing through the netherworld, I looked at the queen across a pool of yellow springs.

Hongli stared at it for a long time before he lowered his eyes and looked at the flowers and cakes on the offering table.

Hongli: "I remember that when the Queen was here, I liked to eat this kind of cake... Wait, why is the color so strange?"

Li Yusheng was afraid that he would feel that his servants were being neglected, so he hurriedly said: "Emperor, every day is fresh, you see, there is still heat!"

The more Hongli looked at it, the more strange it became. He took a piece of cake and took a bite, and immediately spit it out, furious: "What is this! Who made it!"

Changchun Xianguan has always been managed by Wei Yingluo. When Hongli came, she also served by the side. When Hongli asked, she naturally stood up: "If you go back to the emperor, it is done by a servant."

Hongli laughed angrily: "Wei Yingluo, is this Jiangmi rice cake or a clay ball!"

Yingluo: "If you go back to the emperor, last night the slave dreamed of the empress. This is the first time in two years that the master has dreamed of the slave. She said that she misses this Jiangmi rice cake! It's a pity that the cook in Yuanmingyuan didn't know the taste of the queen, so the slave dared himself. Done!"

Hongli: "You did it yourself, and you made this ghostly deed?"

Yingluo was aggrieved: "In the past, Niangniang's snacks were designated for Mingyu to make, and the servants were just fighting, please forgive me!"

Li Yu scolded: "Funny words make you rude!"

Yingluo's eyes were red, "Your Majesty, the servants also want to fulfill the wishes of the goddess, but it's a pity that the servants are incompetent and wronged the goddess!"

Hongli was stunned. After a while, he suddenly turned around and asked Li Yu, "Where is that Mingyu... now?"

In the palace, it is not easy to say that it is easy, and it is not difficult to say that it is difficult to dispatch a palace servant. And when Hongli spoke, Mingyu was taken to the small kitchen in only half an hour.

This was originally the place where the people of the Yuanmingyuan Palace used to cook, but now it is temporarily borrowed for use. Li Yu pointed to all the ingredients in it and said, "Just here, make good snacks!"

As soon as he left, Wei Yingluo went up to meet him, held Mingyu's hand, and said with concern: "Mingyu, I lied to the emperor that I wanted to make a whole set of tributes for the empress, and transferred you here... Don't waste your time, tell me that you are hurt. where is it?"

"I, I..." Mingyu couldn't help holding her elbows.

Wei Yingluo rushed over to lift her cuffs and carefully observed her elbows, still clean and smooth... No! Wei Yingluo suddenly squeezed hard, and in Mingyu's pained cry, a long needle as thin as an ox's hair came out from her elbow.

"How dare she do this!" Wei Yingluo sucked in a breath, grabbed Mingyu and said, "Go, I'll take you to see the emperor!"

"No, you can't!" Mingyu hurriedly grabbed her, hesitating to say anything, if there were any hidden feelings.

She used to escape one more person, like a chirping bird, but now she is pale and silent like a bird with a broken neck, Wei Yingluo felt pity in her heart, and said in a slow voice: "At least, let me help you remove the needles from your body first. Pull them out, there must be more than one place, right?"

"I secretly looked for the doctor and looked at it. The doctor said that only eight can be found, and the rest have already entered my heart. Let's talk about it... I pulled it out today, and there will be new ones tomorrow." Mingyu shook his head and hesitated for a moment. , finally made up his mind, took Wei Yingluo's hand, and said very seriously, "Yingluo, I may have found the murderer who killed Brother Qi!"

As if a thunderbolt struck Wei Yingluo's heart, her eyes immediately turned red.

The death of the seventh elder brother directly led to the suicide of the queen. This was the scale in her heart. Wei Yingluo grabbed Mingyu's hand tightly: "What did you say? Tell me clearly!"

"There is God's will in the dark. After the empress left, I was assigned to Zhongcui Palace. At first, Concubine Chung was quite good to me, until one day, I accidentally discovered that one of the people who was on duty at the cooked fire place. The famous steward Wang Zhong is actually Yuhu's counterpart..." Mingyu said solemnly.

As she spoke, the dusty truth gradually unfolded in front of Wei Yingluo.

The New Year's Eve fire case is still an unsolved case to this day.

There were a total of 14 eunuchs involved, all of whom were sentenced to hang by Hongli.

On the surface, it was handled like this, but there are still many unclear points, such as the brazier is covered with a net cover, how can it still catch fire? Later, it was discovered that the brazier was made of flammable chrysanthemum charcoal. How could such a dangerous charcoal fire be used for the Changchun Palace

The most important point - the eunuch at the cooked fire should have used black charcoal to burn the fire at the bottom of the tank to melt the ice when the water in the tank was frozen. There was no water to put out the fire, and Qiage died in the sea of fire.

Obviously, this matter is by no means as simple as it seems, there must be something tricky behind it, but the real murderer is cunning, and Hongli's handling is too hasty. When the fourteen eunuchs go, it is equivalent to killing people, and no useful clues can be found.

Until Mingyu came to Zhongcui Palace...

"On the day of Seven Brother's accident, Wang Zhong escaped because he was not on duty that night." Wei Yingluo finally remembered this man, her expression condensed, "I said why his life is so good, everyone else can't escape death, Not only did he avoid it, but he was also promoted to an official post afterward..."

"I didn't think about it that much. Eunuchs and palace maids have a pair of meals. It is a common thing in the palace. At first, I just said it was normal." Mingyu shook his head and said, "It was Yuhu who was guilty of being a thief, and immediately reported it to Concubine Chungui. This matter, from that day on, they changed their face to me... "

In the palace, it is much easier to let a person die silently than to let a person live silently.

Concubine Chungui began to find various excuses to punish Mingyu, for a while she said that her hands and feet were not clean, and for a while she said that the tea she brewed scalded her mouth, big and small faults, and finally the same punishment - Concubine Chungui ordered someone to stab her with needles.

One after another, it plunged deep into the flesh and sank into the heart.

She pulls one out today, and puts in two more tomorrow.

Sooner or later, she will die silently because of these needles in her body.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Wei Yingluo was heartbroken, "If you had told me earlier, I..."

"She didn't kill me immediately, because she was afraid that the people in the Forbidden City would have a lot of mouths, and I would die suddenly, causing others to suspect." Mingyu smiled bitterly, "But since she has made up her mind to kill me, then kill one more and less. One, what's the difference, Yingluo, how could I have the heart to pull you into the water..."

After a pause, she closed her eyes weakly: "What's more, they have pinched my parents and family members. If I die alone, I can live for all of them..."

Wei Yingluo has watched her sister and the queen die. The pain of helplessness tormented her day and night, like tiny needles pierced deep into her bone marrow. At first there was only a little pain, but Over time, it was enough to make her hurt to death.

He raised his hand and stroked Mingyu's cheek. Although he was pale, at least there was still a trace of warmth, at least he was alive, at least he didn't turn into a cold statue on the stage.

How could Wei Yingluo just watch her die!

Rather than taking revenge afterwards, she would rather give everything now to save her life and keep her alive!

"Now Concubine Chung is the most favored concubine in the Forbidden City. If the celebrity beside the emperor can't come up with solid evidence, just relying on you and me to testify against her, the consequence will only be that you and I both die." Wei Yingluo said in a deep voice. Said, "Let me think about it, think about how to deal with her..."

Mingyu was taken aback, and held her hand instead: "You are now guilty, how dare you fight against Concubine Chung? No, absolutely not! Now is not the past, if you offend her, you will definitely be dead. Save... the Empress is no longer there, no one can protect you, protect me!"

Wei Yingluo was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "Yes, the empress is no longer there, so for you, and for me... We need a new backer, who can stabilize the backing of the pure and noble concubine."