Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 132: The broken mirror wants to be reunited


Xiao Quanzi is a habitual thief.

How the stolen goods were shipped out, and where they would be written off after they were shipped out, he knew all too well.

If you can sell it, you can buy it.

Concubine Chun could never have imagined that all the stolen goods in the palace market were all bought from outside the palace by Wei Yingluo entrusting Xiaoquanzi.

"Minions don't dare to take credit." Xiao Quanzi knelt on the ground and said with an apologetic smile: "Minions only run errands, and the master comes up with all the ideas. It's really wonderful. With one move, the concubine was caught off guard!"

Wei Yingluo smiled slightly, and threw the embroidered shackle in her hand to him: "You will be rewarded."

Xiao Quanzi was overjoyed. If he didn't love money, he wouldn't have done the things he had done before. He immediately raised his hand to take it and thanked him, "Thank you for your grace! From now on, the slaves will go to the mountain of knives..."

"It's the same rhetoric of going up the knife mountain and going down the oil pan again?" Mingyu pursed her lips, "You're not tired of it, our mother is tired of hearing it."

Xiao Quanzi was stunned, and was about to change his words, but when he looked up, he saw Wei Yingluo looking at him with a half-smiling smile, and said with a deep meaning, "Bengong has a good memory, you said it once, and Bengong will always remember it. , if you say you can't remember later... Ben Gong will also let you remember."

Xiao Quanzi suddenly felt a chill on his back, knocked his forehead on the ground, and replied shiveringly, "Yes, servant, servant dare not forget."

Wei Yingluo waved her hand and let him go down.

As soon as the person left, Mingyu didn't hide it anymore, and said happily: "Yingluo, you didn't see Concubine Chun's face in the afternoon, and the moment you saw the stolen goods, it turned pale, ha, when questioned by the Queen Mother, you couldn't even say a word of defense. Come out, it's really relieved!"

Wei Yingluo smiled slightly, and every word she spit out contained murderous intent: "Who spread the rumors all over the Forbidden City? Besides Xiao Jiabi, she is also fueling the flames, so I naturally want her to have a good taste. The taste of this person being talked about before and after."

If a pure noble concubine can do such a thing as spreading rumors, Wei Yingluo can also do it naturally.

Moreover, this matter is not a rumor. So many eyes have seen it, so many ears have heard it, and it can be spread to everyone with just a little push.


In Zhong Cui Palace, a guqin was pushed down from the table, and the strings were broken. Concubine Chungui trembled and said, "I had planned carefully to please the Queen Mother, so, let alone meritorious deeds, I am lucky if I don't remember any demerits!"

"Wow..." Brother Liu was playing next to him, frightened by her, he couldn't help wrinkling his nose and crying.

Yuhu hurriedly asked the wet nurse to carry the sixth brother down, and then stepped forward to comfort: "Mother, calm down..."

"Stop your anger!" Concubine Chungui pushed a box of chess pieces to the ground again, the chess pieces hit the ground dripping like rain, and her tears were dripping, "Now everyone says that the eunuchs secretly use me to prepare The palace market came to sell the stolen goods, I can’t tell what’s tricky in it, my good reputation for many years has been lost in one day!”

"Niangniang, don't be in a hurry." Yuhu said hurriedly, "The queen mother and the emperor still believe in you, it's just that you can't save face. After a while, the limelight will pass!"

"Wei Yingluo used to love rampages, and after staying in Yuanmingyuan for two years, she began to play tricks!" Concubine Chungui sneered, "At first, she pretended to be a wine-selling girl, wearing inappropriate clothes to seduce the emperor, and then she was in In Jiangnan City... think about it carefully, if it wasn't for Mingyu's voice, there would not be so many people calling."

Concubine Chungui covered her heart and was so angry that her heart hurt.

In addition to the pain, there was also a lingering fear.

"This person can't be kept." Concubine Chungui said in a deep voice, "Mingyu must have told her the cause of Qiage's death, and she must not be allowed to be favored any more, otherwise there will be no Ben Gong and Liu'er in this palace... Brother's place to stand."

"Niangniang is thinking..." Yuhu felt a little bit.

"Three days later, on the anniversary of the death of the first empress, Wei Yingluo will definitely go to Changchun Palace to mourn, and Fucha Fu Heng will definitely go too." Concubine Chungui suddenly turned to look at her with a strange look, and said in a low voice, "Bengong couldn't help it. Think, such a good opportunity, will these two meet again at one place?"

When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven.

Fu Hengshang didn't know that a conspiracy was brewing against him. He was rummaging through boxes, almost turning over the entire study.

"Master." Qing Lian stood at the door with a tray of refreshments in her hand, looking at him suspiciously, "What are you looking for?"

"Sachet." Fu Heng didn't turn his head back, and continued to flip through the box in front of him, "Where's my sachet?"

A slightly old sachet was handed to his cheek, Qinglian held the sachet and said a little uneasy, "Master, you fell off when you were changing your clothes earlier, and the servant saw that it was dirty, so he took it and cleaned it. …”

Fu Heng snatched the sachet, always with a gentle face, this was the first time he became so stern: "Don't touch my things in the future!"

He put the sachet back in his clothes, close to his chest, as if he cherished it, as if it was not the sachet but his heart that had just been put back.

"...Okay." Fu Heng turned his head and said lightly to Qinglian, "Go out."

Some people like to show their grief to others, while others like to hide their grief alone.

Fu Heng is the latter.

After repelling Qinglian, he sat alone by the window and took out the sachet to look at it. It took an hour to see until a sound came from the bookcase behind him, and he turned back suddenly: "Who?"

Immediately the bookcase stopped moving again.

Fu Heng stood up, his right hand resting on the sword at his waist, the sword was unsheathed, and it was snowing.

He walked to the closet step by step, after a moment of stunned, he put his sword in the sheath, turned his head and shouted, "Housekeeper! Butler!"

The door opened, and the housekeeper walked in quickly: "Master, what are your orders?"

Fu Heng raised his hand and pointed forward, only to see a small child hiding in the gap between the bookcase and the wall, staring at them with wide eyes - it was Fukangan.

"Why is the young master here?" Fu Heng asked.

"Ah, young master, I've found you!" The housekeeper was surprised when he saw him, "The young lady is going crazy, and she's looking for you in the yard!"

As he said, he went over to hold Fukangan, but Fukangan, relying on his small body, kept hiding in the gap, but refused to let him touch it.

Thinking that the child might recognize the birth, Fu Heng instructed, "Go tell the wet nurse and ask her to bring the child back."

Butler: "Yes."

The housekeeper left in a hurry, leaving only the father and son in the house.

Fu Heng knew the details of this child, so he didn't hate him, but he didn't like him anyway, so he turned a blind eye to him as usual, and went back to the desk to read a book. After a while, he suddenly looked down.

—A small hand tugged at the corner of his shirt.

Following the little hand, Fu Heng slowly looked at the little face with a little hope.

"What do you want?" Fu Heng asked.

The child turned his head and glanced at the table. On it was the plate of refreshments that Qinglian had brought in earlier. The bean-green pastries were brightly colored, like young leaves on the branches, pinched into small balls, delicate and lovely.

"I want to eat and take it myself." Fu Heng said.

This kid is well behaved, and only reaches out to get it with his permission, but the table is too high and he is too short.

Fu Heng sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand to hug him on his lap, and fed him a piece of mung bean cake.

Halfway through the meal, the door creaked open, and Er Qing hurried in. When she saw this scene, she rushed over without saying a word, slapped the half-eaten mung bean cake off Fukang'an's mouth, and then shoved the child tightly. Holding him in his arms, he said angrily, "Fucha Fuheng, what do you want to do?"

Fu Heng said lightly, "What do you think I'm going to do?"

Er Qing glanced at the half of the mung bean cake on the ground, suspicion flashed across her face.

Fu Heng thought he was disappointed enough with her, but he didn't expect that she could disappoint him even more. He laughed at himself and said, "I'm not you, I won't hurt innocent lives, and I won't use children as a tool for revenge."

Er Qing's face was a little unnatural.

Belly sinister heart of a gentleman.

She had indeed become suspicious just now, suspecting that Fu Heng quietly took people away, and quietly smothered the cake to eradicate the "evil seed" of Fukangan.

But Fu Heng is Fu Heng after all, he is not someone else, let alone a person like Er Qing.

"Xita Laerqing, since you're a mother, you should take responsibility and don't let your children run around." Fu Heng got up and walked towards the door. He hated Erqing, and even reached the point where he couldn't bear to be in the same room with her. level.

It was as if the air would become cloudy and smelly as she breathed.


After a pause, Fu Heng turned around in disbelief.

Fukangan hugged his mother's neck, but looked straight at him, full of innocence and admiration.

After looking at him for a while with a complicated expression, Fu Heng finally turned his head and left without saying a word.

Behind him, Du Juan quietly approached Er Qing and whispered, "Young madam, look at how good the young master is to the young master, why are you so nervous?"

Er Qing's hand holding Fukang'an froze, since it was impossible to tell the truth, she just casually said, "Nothing."

"Young madam." Du Juan persuaded bitterly, "Young master has a good temperament and a good family background, and now he has made military exploits and is in a high position. I don't know how many people envy you. Even if there are thousands of misunderstandings, for the sake of the young master, it should be resolved early!"

What do you know? Er Qing thought to herself: It is because of this child that the grievances between us will never be resolved.

Du Juan doesn't know what's going on, but it's really because the two couples are unhappy because of a trivial matter. This master is not happy, and now people's self is like walking on thin ice. All good, so continue to persuade.

"You can think about it carefully, are there still few people who want to put their sister and daughter into the house?" Du Juan cited several examples, and then somewhat resented that iron was not steel, "Continue to stand still, isn't it just to make room for others? ? For such a long life, have you and the young master hated each other like this?"

Er Qing finally hesitated after hearing this.

She has happiness and safety in her heart, and more of herself.

How can the status obtained by all means and the wealth obtained by all beliefs be handed over to others

"In the past, he thought about Wei Yingluo wholeheartedly and never put me in his heart, but now Wei Yingluo has become a concubine, the two of them are no longer possible, the rest of his life is destined to spend the rest of his life with women other than Wei Yingluo, why should I bother Continue the stalemate with him?" Erqing made up her mind secretly, "Like Du Juan said, if you stay still, it's like pushing him into someone else's arms, tsk! I like Tara Erqing, but you shouldn't be such a fool!"

It was night, and Fu Heng returned to the study.

He hadn't slept with Erqing for a long time, and stayed in the study all the time, so there was a wooden bed in the study, with a plain white tent on the bed, as simple as himself.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he was bending over to take off his boots. In the tent behind him, he suddenly stretched out a hand and wrapped it around his waist.

Startled by this, Fu Heng jumped up, one foot was wearing boots, the other was bare, his right hand was on the sword around his waist, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

Her slender fingers slowly pushed aside the curtain, revealing Er Qing's graceful body. She was wearing only a bellyband. Bai Shengsheng's flesh was exposed, and a head of blue silk hung down. She smiled coquettishly at him: "It's me."

Fu Heng didn't want to ask why she was here. From the way she was dressed and the way she smiled, he could guess one or two. Enduring the nausea in his heart, he said coldly, "Get out!"

"Fu Heng!" Er Qinglai lay on the bed and refused to get up, so she mourned him, "I know I was wrong!"

Fu Heng was too lazy to listen to her explanation, because every explanation that came out of her mouth turned out to be a lie in the end.

"If you don't go, I'll go." Fu Heng turned around immediately, put on his boots again, and walked out the door.

"Wait!" Er Qing was in a hurry, she didn't have time to put on her shoes, she chased after her bare feet, and wrapped her arms around his waist, regardless of whether he wanted to listen or not, she hurriedly explained, "I know I'm wrong, yes I was wrong! In the past, I couldn't understand. In the past three years, you have been on the battlefield, and I have been resentful in my mouth, but I have been waiting and looking forward to it! I hope you will come back soon, even if I know you hate me. !"

Fu Heng said nothing, put one hand on her finger, and then opened her fingers one by one.

There was a huge disparity in strength between men and women, not to mention that Fu Heng was a military general, Er Qing's fingers were quickly snapped by him. Seeing that her strength could not keep him, Er Qing simply let go of her hand and ran in front of him, trying to move her with tears. he.

"Fu Heng, it was you who broke my heart first, and I couldn't think of it for a while, so I took revenge on you." After revealing the past lightly, Er Qing told him tearfully, "Both of us are at fault, too. Just stop worrying about the past, and think about the future together, okay? I promise you that from now on, I will never bother, I will never make trouble again, I will be the daughter-in-law of the Fucha family and be good to you. wife!"

"Good daughter-in-law? Good wife?" Fu Heng couldn't help sneering.

"Yes! I will take care of the housework and be filial to my parents. I will never go out to socialize or pass on news to my grandfather. As long as you say it, I will do anything!" Er Qing ignored the sarcasm in his words and kept making promises. In the end, he lowered his head and said shyly, "...I can give you a son that truly belongs to you, okay?"

Fu Heng laughed.

Er Qing was overjoyed at first, thinking that the other party was persuaded by her rhetoric, but soon, the joy faded from her face little by little.

"Xita Laerqing." Fu Heng asked with a smile, "Why do you think I will promise you?"

Er Qing was stunned when she heard the words.

"When you're angry, you pull everyone into the abyss of pain, and when you feel regret, you want to make up for it easily." Fu Heng was still laughing, "You're always like this, you feel wronged, and you feel that everything is wrong. Mistakes are other people's faults, and then take revenge on others as it should, and forgive yourself as it should."

The smile on his face made Er Qing blushed.

Because he was right, she was such a person.

Even though she said something to reflect on, she still didn't think she did anything wrong, everything was Fu Heng's fault, everything was Wei Yingluo's fault, even the queen was at fault, but she was the only one who was pitiful and innocent. Bullying... also deserves the best compensation.

"Don't say anything about a good daughter-in-law, a good wife, etc." Fu Heng slowly restrained his smile and said lightly, "Since you did that thing, you are no longer Fucha Fu Heng's wife. "

The sword is still in his sheath, and the love has been cut off by him.

Er Qing chased his back for two steps, remembering that she was only wearing a bellyband, and she had to retreat with her arms folded for fear of being seen by the servants, biting her teeth and muttering unwillingly: "No, I don't care, I will let you forgive me, you will forgive me!"