Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 133: old


This huge Fucha Mansion has no place for him.

Fu Heng wandered outside the house, unable to go back to the study, and unwilling to go back to his and Erqing's new house. He temporarily asked the housekeeper to arrange a sleeping place. He was afraid that his parents would be disturbed and the house would be disturbed. He walked silently for a long time, and finally turned into the garden. inside.

With the lonely moon on his head, Fu Heng sat down on a stone bench and stared blankly at the night sky.

Until a cloak fell on his shoulders.

"Master." Qing Lian came behind him at some point and whispered, "It's late at night, be careful with your body."

Fu Heng didn't look back, he still looked at the lonely moon above his head and asked, "Qinglian, do you think I'm wrong?"

Qinglian is a good and gentle girl, she won't take the initiative to ask, but if he is willing to say it, she is willing to stand quietly by his side and listen.

"Three years have passed." Fu Heng sighed, "She has become the emperor's woman, but I still can't forget it."

This was originally a secret, but after arguing with him for a long time, the secret gradually ceased to be a secret, and there was always one or two confidants who knew the inside story. Qing Lian didn't know if she was Fu Heng's confidant, but she was almost disfigured in Er Qing's hands before, and she was saved only by Fu Heng's action, so she indirectly knew the inside story.

Knowing that "she" in his words... is the most favored concubine today.

"Master." Qing Lian thought for a while, then said softly, "You are a person who lives in the past."

Fu Heng just felt too much pain in his heart, so he wanted to find someone who could keep his mouth shut afterward, but he didn't expect the other person to say such a sentence, and immediately looked back at her and said, "Living in the past?"

Qinglian honestly said what she thought: "The slave has never met the concubine, but she has been on the rise in just half a year, which shows that she is a person who knows the current affairs. Such people are usually smart people who know that the past cannot be recalled. Just keep looking forward.”

Thinking of Wei Yingluo turning a blind eye to him, remembering the passing of the two, Fu Heng smiled bitterly: "You are right, Yingluo is a person who always only looks forward."

Seeing the wry smile on his face, Qinglian felt a pain in her heart. Although she had never seen that concubine, at this moment, she couldn't help but feel resentment towards her. Although there are many men in the world, there are few such as the young master. There is only one man who can't find it anywhere. Why should such a man who is in love show such a sad smile

"Such smart people are often ruthless, because all the good things in the past will be discarded by them." Because of the prejudice in her heart, she is no longer polite when she says it, Qing Lian paused for a while and added, "Not only Memories, and people."

Fu Heng's smile suddenly became more bitter: "So, am I the one who was abandoned by her?"

"No." Qinglian shook her head: "You are always obsessed with the past, young master, and you trap yourself in a dream called the past. In that dream... there are your old inkstones and military books that you have broken through. There is a woman you have always loved, the old dream is too beautiful, you are too late to wake up."

Fu Heng was stunned when he heard the words.

As Qinglian said, he is an extremely nostalgic person.

In his small study, it was like a world, the old clothes, the old military books, and the inkstone with a missing corner were all left in his world and never discarded.

In the end, even that person was always in my heart, and he refused to let go for a long time.

"If it's just nostalgia, it's not a problem, but the young master's requirements for himself are too high, to the point of being harsh." The words had already been said, and Qinglian simply poured beans in a bamboo tube, and poured the rest of the I also said what was in my heart, "The servant heard that the young master was on the march, traveling a long way, pommel horse tired, but in order to negotiate military affairs, he often played all night, and even the emperor issued an imperial decree, and he forcibly took it away after Xu engraved. Your memorial, you are not allowed to toss your body like this again. Young master... You are so harsh with things and yourself, not to mention your feelings?"

Fu Heng was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Qinglian, I'm not as good as you said."

Busy with military affairs and caring for himself, half for the country and half for himself, at that time he still had a little thought in his heart, thinking that he would redeem her from the Yuanmingyuan by virtue of his illustrious military achievements...

When he achieved success, when he returned to the Forbidden City with a full body of glory, only to find that everything was empty.

One is the concubine of the king, and the other is the minister of the king.

Back home, with a wife like that, and a child from that kind of background, what else could he pursue in this life? He can only plunge into military affairs, and use endless work to numb himself, so that he can temporarily forget everything, forget her...

Qinglian didn't think so. After hearing Fu Heng's words, she eagerly denied: "No, no matter what others say, in Qinglian's heart, you are the best young master in the world!"

Apparently to comfort Fu Heng, he was inadvertently speaking out what was in his heart.

Fu Heng slowly turned his eyes away, avoiding her scorching gaze, and pretended to be indifferent: "Tomorrow will be my sister's sacrifice, so go and prepare for me."

Qinglian still had a lot to say to him, but after being cut by him for such a long period of time, it was like scissors cutting a love thread, and she fell silent for a long time before lowering her head and saying, "Yes."

She left reluctantly, walked halfway, and couldn't help but turn around: "Master, it's windy, go back to rest early."

Fu Heng didn't answer her, and even took off the cape on his shoulders, folded it on the stone table beside him, and sat alone under the moon, the plain white moonlight sprinkled on his shoulders and hair like white snow.

Qinglian felt sad when she saw it, and couldn't help thinking: Even such a person can give up mercilessly, Lingbi... What kind of person are you

On the second day, Changchun Palace.

The abandoned Changchun Palace suddenly became lively again.

The maids and eunuchs came and went, keeping the mourning hall clean and tidy. Before the portrait of the empress, Fu Heng inserted the three incense sticks in his hand into the incense burner.

White smoke curled up, drifting across the portrait.

"Sister." Fu Heng looked at the face in the portrait and thought, "Did you expect me to be today?"

She has gone, there are many things she wants to say to her, but in the end they can only be buried in her heart and will never be spoken.

Fu Heng came out of the main hall with an unconcealed look of sadness. Suddenly, a man came across from the opposite side. He didn't know how to walk.

The elder palace maid said angrily, "How come you brought the sacrificed meat and poured it all over Lord Fucha!"

The reckless man hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Slave sins deserve ten thousand deaths, Lord Fucha forgive me!"

Fu Heng looked down at his clothes.

A pot of sacrificial meat, soup and water was sprinkled all over his chest, and now it was dripping down, giving off a greasy smell, which made Fu Heng wrinkle his brows.

He was going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so it used to be a disgrace in front of the hall, but look at the person kneeling on the ground... but a little eunuch of twelve or thirteen years old.

"Hey, Lord Fucha, this child has just entered the palace and doesn't understand anything." The older palace maid tried to fight, "Let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

"Forget it." Fu Heng stopped him, "It's just a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child, so don't worry about it."

The older palace maid then stopped her hands and looked at him a little nervously: "Lord Fucha, how do you go to see the emperor now, why don't you clean it for you as a servant, okay?"

Fu Heng frowned and said, "I'm in a hurry to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation..."

"You change your clothes to the servants, only wash the dirty part, and iron it with an iron, it will be fine soon!" The older palace maid was eager to atone for her sins.

But not for himself, but for the little eunuch.

Including the fact that he wanted to beat him earlier, on the surface, it was to vent his anger for Fu Heng, but in fact it was to relieve Fu Heng, lest the favored minister in front of the emperor personally order him to deal with him, and he would lose his skin if he didn't die.

Fu Heng saw this, and he didn't refuse blindly. Anyway, it was uncomfortable to wear this clothes, so he simply nodded.

The older palace maid then breathed a sigh of relief, and while inviting him to the side hall, she turned back to teach the little eunuch: "If you are frustrating, you dare to knock over the sacrifice of the first queen, and I will clean up you later!"

The little eunuch admitted his mistakes again and again, and finally whispered: "Sister Feicui, let the servant iron it, so that the merits can be forgiven."

Jade snorted coldly: "It's good to know that it's wrong, but don't come over!"

With quick hands and feet, the two quickly cleaned and ironed the clothes that Fu Heng took off, and then the little eunuch held them in both hands and sent them to the side hall. Now, the clothes were handed in, there was a rustling sound of dressing, and finally the door opened, and the jade-like Fu Heng stood behind the door.

The two of them lowered their eyebrows and stood on the side of the road, sending him away respectfully.

When the black official boots walked in front of the little eunuch, they stopped.

"What's your name?"

The little eunuch's heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly replied: "If you go back to the master, the servant will follow the path."

"Xiaoluzi." Fu Heng didn't want to ask about his sin, but instructed lightly, "Breaking the sacrifice of the first empress is a crime to beheaded. What happened today, don't spread it out."

Xiaoluzi didn't expect him to say such a thing, so he couldn't help looking up at him.

Fu Heng's face was cold, but what he said was hot: "When you do things in the palace, you must be more careful. Once something happens, no one will treat you as a child, understand?"

Xiaoluzi was apprehensive and guilty, and after a long time he said, "Yes, Lord Xie Fucha."

After instructing him, Fu Heng was about to leave when a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him: "Wait."

Fu Heng thought he had heard it wrong, how could she be here, and even if she was really here, how could she stop him

Until a gust of fragrant wind drifted past him, Wei Yingluo circled directly in front of him, gave him a meaningful look, and then said to Mingyu, "Go and guard outside the door."

The concubines and the foreign ministers actually met in private, the elder palace maids had already lowered their heads, and they didn't need them to speak, so they took Xiaoluzi to leave, Mingyu gave them a warning look, and signaled them not to make extravagants, and then sighed, guarding. at the door.

Inside the hall, there was silence.

After finally the two of them were alone, Fu Heng had a bunch of things in his heart that he wanted to tell her, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly became hoarse.

In the end, Wei Yingluo spoke first. She asked, "Why haven't you left the capital yet?"

Fu Heng is not a civil servant. He is a military general, and his fame is more likely to come immediately. It is not good for him to stay in the capital for a long time.

It's just that she has a cold appearance, and it seems to those who don't understand the inside story that she dislikes Fu Heng and wants to force him to go.

"Yingluo." Fu Heng sighed, "After I went back, I thought about it for a long time, and felt that you entered the palace... for another purpose."

Wei Yingluo was stunned and said with a smile, "Purpose? What do you think my purpose is?"

Fu Heng didn't answer, just turned his face away slowly.

Wei Yingluo followed his gaze and saw a lifelike portrait hanging on the snow-white wall. It was... the queen's last portrait.

Wei Yingluo's heart jumped suddenly, and she pretended to be calm: "Fu Heng, don't think about it, I've spent enough time in Yuanmingyuan, and I don't want to be a lower-class palace maid, and I don't want to be a slave and a maid all my life!"

But Fu Heng didn't seem to hear her. He stared at the portrait and muttered to himself, "Two possibilities. First, there is something strange about my sister's death..."

"The first empress committed suicide!" Before he could finish, Wei Yingluo interrupted loudly, "It has nothing to do with others!"

So don't go check it out! Don't get involved! Don't risk your life!

"Second..." Fu Heng turned his head slowly and looked at her sadly, "You hate me."