Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 148: The water came out


It's night, Concubine Yu's bedroom.

The palace was completely empty. Wei Yingluo came here for a long time, but no one in the palace served tea. Concubine Yu personally poured her tea, and once she drank it, it was herbal tea overnight.

"Although it's not my ambassador, the emperor will never want to see me again." Concubine Yu didn't care, she took a sip from the tea cup, "I think I will be released from the palace soon, or guard the imperial mausoleum. , or go to the temple to pray for the ancestors, and never return to the Forbidden City for life.”

Wei Yingluo accompanies her to drink a sip of herbal tea, tastes this person and takes the tea to cool, then puts down the tea cup and says, "Concubine Yu, you are defeated too quickly."

Concubine Yu looked at her with a smile, kindly like Boya who had finished playing a song, listening to Ziqi to judge the pros and cons of her.

"Concubine Chun instigated you to use too much ginseng, how could the fifth brother find out? He suddenly woke up and woke up so timely that he gave Concubine Chun a fatal blow in time." Wei Yingluo looked at her and said firmly, "Yu Yu Concubine, everything was designed by you."

Concubine Yu laughed, very happy and understood.

"That's right." She said calmly, "Pure Concubine Chung threatened me with Brother Wu's life and asked me to help her deal with you. I simply decided to do it and ambushed by her side until finally, I attacked."

"Sure enough." Wei Yingluo sighed, "Unlike us harem women, the fifth prince is very talented and has always been valued by the emperor. Using his mouth to tell the crimes of pure noble concubine, the emperor will definitely believe... It's just that, why don't you tell the emperor?"

"I can't say." Concubine Yu said lightly, "If I told the emperor that I had a good relationship with Concubine Chun in the past, it was to do what I wanted, and to collect evidence of her crime, the emperor would definitely think that you and I conspired to frame Concubine Chun."

Hongli would never have imagined that the woman who knew him best in the Forbidden City was Concubine Yu. She knew how to make him doubt, and she also knew how to make him believe. It's a pity that she neither has the beauty of a concubine Hui, nor the temperament of a pure concubine, and she is not even as cunning as Wei Yingluo, so in the end, she is just an insignificant concubine of pleasure.

"Why are you so troubled?" Wei Yingluo sighed, "Even though you overthrew Chun Guifei, you still end up in this field, it's really not good at all..."

"I don't need any favors." Concubine Yu smiled lightly, she was the one who needed comfort the most, but she comforted Wei Yingluo, who was still brooding, "Yingluo, I am a cowardly woman. My friend died tragically, but I couldn't avenge her. If it weren't for the first empress and you to lend a helping hand, I wouldn't even be able to save Yongqi's life. But no matter how weak I am, I know the grace of dripping water and the principle of repayment by springs. For people, you should wear a grass ring and never forget it until you die, I'm not smart enough to think of this way."

After a pause, she stood up suddenly, found a cake box from the back room, and handed it to Wei Yingluo with both hands.

"Farewell today, it will be hard to see in the rest of my life. I have no other worries in my heart. There is only one person... I want to entrust it to you." Concubine Yu looked at her earnestly, and opened the cake box in her hand. Hibiscus Crisp.

It was three days ago that Wei Yingluo gave Yong Qi a box of hibiscus cakes. There were seven pieces in total, but now there are only three pieces missing. Yongqi only eats one a day, which is extremely cherished.

Wei Yingluo took the cake box with both hands, with a solemn expression, as if she had taken the life of Concubine Yu, and promised, "Leave it to me."

With tears in her eyes, Concubine Yu was about to bow down to worship when Li Yu's voice suddenly came from outside: "Concubine Ling, the emperor called you to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the matter has come to an end."

Wei Yingluo thought that the so-called unearthed information meant that Concubine Chung had framed her for poisoning, but after she went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she realized that it was not that simple.

Hongli's face was colder than before, Wei Yingluo had never seen him so angry, like a volcano ready to go. After that, he stood beside him and said to the jade pot, who was kneeling on his head, "Report to Concubine Ling what you just said to me."

Yuhu was soaked with sweat all over his body, and said dumbly: "Pure Concubine Chung ordered the servants to go to the cooked fire office to manage Wang Zhong, secretly bribed it for our use. On New Year's Eve that year, the first queen was kind and let the servants go early. Rest each other. The imperial concubine bought the little eunuch of Changchun Palace, put on chrysanthemum charcoal with explosive sparks, and arranged for Wang Zhong to move his hands and feet at the bottom of the auspicious tank, so that the fire of melting ice was extinguished in the middle, and then Qiage was buried in the sea of fire."

Hong Li had obviously heard this passage before, but now he is still angry when he hears it again, he grabbed the armrest of the chair with his right hand, and said solemnly: "I originally only ordered the Empress to thoroughly investigate the case of Concubine Yu, but I didn't expect that. This investigation actually involves the old past... I think back then, if it wasn't for the accident of Seven Brothers, Rong Yin wouldn't be able to... "

After a pause, Hongli still murmured suspiciously: "It's just that she would really do such a vicious thing?"

Why did you work so hard to get close to Hongli, why did you go to great lengths to fight against the Concubine Chun, why did you risk your life to fall from the horse just to drag the Concubine into the water—for today! How could Wei Yingluo let go of this opportunity, and immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, there is a witness for this concubine!"

Mingyu was quickly brought into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and revealed everything she knew. So the ins and outs of a murder case were laid out in front of Hongli.

Hongli suddenly threw the teacup in his hand at her, and almost expressed his anger: "Why didn't you say it at that time?"

Mingyu didn't dare to avoid it, let the tea cup hit her and poured hot tea all over her body, Wei Yingluo hurriedly protected her and said, "Mingyu endured for a long time, just because there is no evidence, just rely on one mouth to testify. The much-loved pure noble concubine is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. The emperor and the maid also have parents and relatives, even if they don't begrudge their own lives, they must also consider their families. "

Hearing the word "family", the jade pot kneeling on the ground shuddered suddenly, and began to kowtow: "Your Majesty, everything the servant said is true. For the sake of sin, I can spare the slave's family!"

Seeing her like this, Wei Yingluo suddenly realized that she had felt strange before that Yuhu was not Concubine Yu, she had been with Concubine Chung for so many years, and she was the most powerful right arm of Concubine Chung, how could she betray it so easily She, come to think of it... Someone threatened her with her family's life.

As for who this person is... Wei Yingluo glanced at the follower with kind eyes.

Do you think she is helping Wei Yingluo

No, Concubine Chung was only second to the Empress and gave birth to six elder brothers. If she fell, the biggest beneficiary would be the kind-hearted Empress in front of her.

If not, how could she be so concerned about this matter

Seemingly aware of Wei Yingluo's gaze, she gave her a smile, a smile that you and I knew, and said to Hongli: "After this jade pot confessed, the concubine interrogated Wang Zhong, and the explanation was correct. "

Hongli's face was extremely gloomy, and his hands were clenched into fists: "Then the concubine fell off the horse, most of it was ordered by her?"

When you love someone, you love all of her, and when you doubt someone, you doubt all of her. Only this thing was not done by the pure noble concubine, but it was also counted in her head. But at this time, one more sin and one less sin, what is the difference

Seeing that he nodded, Hongli couldn't hold back the anger in his heart any longer, slapped the table and said: "Okay, what a pure noble concubine, she is so vicious! Li Yu! Pass on my will! The pure noble concubine murdered Seven Brothers, it's a crime No pardon is allowed, and from now on, the title will be revoked, and it will be reduced to a promise, and you will live in a secluded palace."

What happened that night seemed to have exhausted Hongli's strength. After giving the order, he waved his hand to signal everyone to step back. Wei Yingluo took a step behind and looked thoughtfully at the back.

Many things came to light, but there was only one thing that she couldn't figure out.

The murder of Brother Seven was originally a secret, and few people knew about it. The only people who knew were Wei Yingluo, Mingyu, Concubine Chun, Yuhu, and a Wang Zhong, and there was no one else, even if there were, It must have been dealt with by the pure imperial concubine long ago.

It is impossible for Yuhu to spit out such a big secret for no reason. If she doesn't tell it, with Hongli's doting on Chun Guifei, she might have a chance to turn around in the future.

Unless the successor knew about it in advance, and took her family as a hostage, forcing her to admit it.

"But then... how did you know about this?" Wei Yingluo murmured to herself.

People are watching the scenery on the bridge, and others are watching you under the bridge. Wei Yingluo only cares about the successor in front of her, but fails to notice the complicated gaze behind her.

The door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation closed slowly behind her, but Hongli's eyes were still focused on her through the door.

"Do women have two faces?" In the empty Hall of Mental Cultivation, his own words echoed, "Pure noble concubine has a kind heart, and you... you have been deliberately guiding me, asking me to see her clearly. True face, and then punish her."

Hongli is not a fool. Wei Yingluo's actions, he can't really be ignorant, he doesn't blame her, the queen is so kind to her, she will reciprocate, he is not surprised at all, he is just worried about the relationship with her. …

With a sigh, the brush in Hongli's hand slowly moved, and the word "En" fell on the rice paper.