Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 154: Kissing silkworms


"Niangniang." Zhen'er came in and replied, "The emperor has left."

It was already noon, but after that, he still didn't get up. He was still lying on the couch. Hearing Zhener's report, he nodded slightly and continued to read the book in his hand.

Zhen'er hesitated for a moment and asked, "Niangniang, the emperor didn't hold you accountable for your rudeness, why are you still frozen?"

After that, he slowly turned a page of the book and said lightly, "Don't worry, the emperor will not blame you."

Jane: "Why?"

After hesitating, he turned to look at her: "Because he has a conscience."

Zhener was startled: "Niangniang!"

"Do you think Ben Gong is really crazy? Everyone in the world is crazy, and Ben Gong is very awake!" His eyes were calm and terrifying, not as rumored, because of his father's death, But his temperament changed so much that even the emperor ignored him, "If even the pro-Amma left, this palace would be as if nothing had happened, it really doesn't look like a living person!"

Jane finally realized the deep meaning inside: "You mean..."

Afterwards, he smiled coldly: "A person who has always followed the rules, but once in a while, the emperor will take it to heart! Only by letting the emperor remember my injustice and my resentment, can the entire six palaces remember it!"

Everything is as expected, everything is as expected.

Before the afternoon, Hongli ordered someone to send an old leather cloak.

There is precedent for this.

Emperor Chongzhen and the Queen of Zhou lost their peace, and the Queen of Zhou went on a hunger strike to resist her order. Emperor Chongzhen sent an old leather mattress, and the husband and wife were reconciled as before.

Now he imitates his ancestors and sends old clothes, the meaning is obvious.

"The emperor still remembers the injustice of the queen, and still remembers the old love between the two." - This meaning was not only passed on to the successor, but also to the entire harem.

Some people are happy about this, some people are uneasy about this, some people are because of this... start to do it.

Shoukang Palace.

"This year's drought in eastern Zhejiang, and the locust plague in Shandong." The queen mother gently pulled the tea cover and said lightly, "This gift of kissing silkworms will be avoided."

The queen sacrificing the first silkworm and persuading the silkworm, this is an old practice, not to mention that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared everything, as long as the Queen Mother has been asked for instructions, it will be implemented as usual, how can it be exempted suddenly

"The Queen Mother." After thinking about it, he said, "It is because of natural disasters in various places that people's hearts are fluctuating, and the concubines thought of picking mulberry and raising silkworms by themselves, encouraging folk sericulture, and praying for good weather in the coming year.

"Empress, when Rong Yin was here, the ceremony of kissing silkworms was held every year, but since you succeeded the queen, you haven't made any public announcements about this matter. I understand that you are wronged in your heart, but this year coincides with natural disasters, and the ceremony of kissing silkworms will not cost much. Fei, it’s really not beautiful to start a teacher and move the crowd again.” The Queen Mother’s intention was that she had completely turned an official business into her selfishness, and finally shied away, “If you really want to do it, it won’t be too late next year.”

How can this be avoided

After that, he gritted his teeth and said: "The Queen Mother, the silkworm altar and the mulberry picking place are all ready, and Fu Jin, the wife, and the wife also know about this, and they havetily canceled it. Instead, it attracted discussions inside and outside the court and the public, and the ministers and concubines dared to ask the Queen Mother, this year's The silkworm kissing ceremony must be held as usual."

After hearing this, the queen mother's face suddenly sank: "I said that I came to ask for my instructions, and they all instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare properly, and what ideas do you want me to come up with, queen, you are too presumptuous!"

Too good at it.

She put the words so seriously, not to mention saying it in front of a group of people, what else can I do next? I had to kneel down immediately: "The queen mother, the concubine followed the old practice, and the queen mother was not as thoughtful as the queen mother. Since the queen mother was not happy, the minister and concubine immediately ordered them to stop, just asking the queen mother to calm down."

The queen mother said coldly: "I'm tired, you should step back."

After speaking, without waiting for a reply, she took the first step and left with Aunt Liu's hand.

After returning to the Chengqian Palace, he looked gloomy and waved everyone away, leaving only Zhen'er, and then instructed her, "This palace wants you to find someone..."

At this time, who else can make the queen mother change her mind

In other words, who else dares to speak for the successor in front of the queen mother

"...and the Prince?" Jane asked tentatively.

Then he nodded and smiled: "Yes, it's him."

In the eyes of everyone, Hong Zhou is uninhibited and a useless dude, but in her eyes, anyone is useful, depending on when they are used.

For example, at this moment, no one can persuade the queen mother, but a prince can persuade her.

Besides, if he hadn't been used, he wouldn't go up the turret on purpose, and even asked Jane to come to him. Although he almost froze on the turret, the result was not bad...

"...Didn't he say that he is willing to do anything for me?" Then she smiled sweetly, just as she looked back in the corner building that night, "Then let him know what happened today, and let him persuade the queen mother for me. ."

After that, he was good at seeing people, and even better at using people.

A few days later, the queen mother really changed her mind and agreed to the ceremony of kissing silkworms.

Afterwards, he breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Wu Shulai say: "Empress Empress, according to your instructions, all the tools used by the Empress, Fujin, and Mingfu Caisang on the day of the silkworm kissing ceremony are all ready, please read."

Then he nodded, and in response to the little eunuch, he carried the tools into the Jiaotai Hall, the queen's golden hook, the yellow basket, the concubine's silver hook, the Zhehuang basket, the concubine's bronze hook, the Zhehuang basket, the iron hook and the red basket used by the Fujin and Ming women. .

He walked past the baskets and hooks, and then suddenly stopped in front of a yellow basket, the smile on his face disappeared little by little: "This is..."

Wu Shulai lowered his head and replied, "It's the silver hook and the yellow basket prepared for the concubine's concubine to pick mulberries."

Immediately afterwards, the color changed, and behind her, Zhen'er scolded: "Wu Shulai, the empress uses gold hooks, the concubine uses silver hooks, and ordinary concubines use copper hooks. The concubine is not a concubine, but uses silver hooks arrogantly. Do you want it? Are you dead?"

Wu Shulai hurriedly knelt down and said: "Please forgive the empress, this is the decree of the queen mother. The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported it to the emperor, and the emperor agreed."

Jane was dumbfounded and quickly turned her head to look at the face of her successor.

Afterwards, the gloom on his face has been restrained at this time, and he still smiles wisely as usual: "Since the Empress Dowager has a clear decree, everything can be done according to their wishes."

After the inspection was over, she returned to the Chengqian Hall, and Zhener asked anxiously, "Empress Empress, according to Concubine Ling's grade, she is not qualified to use a silver hook at all. What is the purpose of the Queen Mother and the Emperor?"

After that, while trimming the potted plants, he calmly said: "Of course, I have the intention to lift Concubine Ling and let her go further."

"This..." Zhener said angrily, "It's just that the emperor favored the one from Yanxi Palace, how could even the Queen Mother..."

The queen snorted and said coldly: "The queen mother was angry at this palace because of the Ama incident. Now, with the help of the prince, the palace has successfully held the silkworm kissing ceremony, and the queen mother is even more dissatisfied. Only then did I deliberately elevate the concubine, and deliberately embarrassed the palace."

Things became more and more difficult, and Zhener gradually wanted to give up, so she persuaded: "Niangniang, the empress dowager has a high status, and the emperor is very filial to his mother, why do you insist on holding a silkworm ceremony?"

Afterwards, he slowly shook his head: "When Ama happened, everyone in the Ulanara clan is in danger. The purpose of this palace's grand ceremony is to let the court and the public see clearly. The status of the Queen of the Qing Dynasty is the same as before. Only In this way, this palace will not be despised by others."

"The slave is just afraid..." Zhener said uneasy, "I'm afraid that the queen mother will always target you from now on."

"Then endure." He then held the golden scissors and said lightly, "Endure until the beginning..."

With a click, the scissors clicked, like a broken head, and cut off a red flower.

Different from the dignified atmosphere of Chengqian Palace, the atmosphere in Yanxi Palace is very relaxed and harmonious. There is a Western dance music on the music box on the table, and the brisk music melts in the air and in everyone's ears.

The news that Concubine Ling had to use the silver hook has been passed back to Yanxi Palace, and everyone took this as a signal, a signal that Concubine Ling was about to be promoted, so everyone was beaming with joy.

Wei Yingluo herself heard the news, but only smiled and didn't take it seriously, and then continued to point out Mingyu: "Hai Lancha already has a purse you made, so sending another one is meaningless."

Mingyu had been embroidering a purse for three days, and her fingers were tied into honeycombs. When she was in a daze, she suddenly heard such a sentence and replied reflexively: "How did you know that I was going to send Hailancha?"

Wei Yingluo didn't answer, she just looked at her and smiled.

Mingyu's face flushed from her smile, and she said softly, "Okay... I know what you're going to say, and it's written on my face, right?"

Wei Yingluo snorted and sat beside her and said, "Hai Lancha lost his father when he was young and was raised by a widowed mother. A man who grows up in such a family may have a weak mother and a strong child, or a strong mother and a weak child. Look at Hai Lan. Look at a strong disposition, and you must have a gentle and virtuous mother. If you want to win his heart, you must win his favor."

Mingyu's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

"It's better to make a pair of shoes for his mother than to give him a sachet." Wei Yingluo suggested to her, "Don't forget, in the future he will need a good wife and a good mother, not a romantic little girl. ."

Mingyu nodded and shook her head again: "But I can't make shoes, and I don't know how big her feet are."

Wei Yingluo hated that iron could not be made of steel, and gave her a finger between the eyebrows: "I don't want you to do it now! Let's do a forehead this time!"

Anyway, whether it's shoes, wipes, or purses, Hailancha will be happy to accept them, because it's all Mingyu's heart.

At this time, Yuan Chunwang walked in, holding a bowl of brown soup medicine in his hand: "It's time to take medicine."

At this time of the month, Wei Yingluo has to use a bowl of medicine, and Mingyu has become accustomed to it, so she took the medicine for Wei Yingluo. A loud cry: "The medicine is poisonous!"

Mingyu was taken aback, and Wei Yingluo also turned to look.

I saw Xiao Quanzi rushing in panting, pounced in front of Wei Yingluo and knelt down, and glanced at Yuan Chunwang out of the corner of his eyes: "Master, this servant saw with his own eyes, Yuan Chunwang put a medicine bag into the tonic medicine that Master drinks every day. inside."

Mingyu was taken aback: "Xiao Quanzi, these words can't be said nonsense!"

Xiao Quanzi: "Minions can swear to God, if there is a half-sentence, the sky will be struck by thunder!"

The room was silent, and everyone was staring at Wei Yingluo.

Wei Yingluo smiled slightly, then suddenly picked up the medicine bowl and drank it all.

Putting down the medicine bowl, she looked as usual: "Mingyu, Xiaoquanzi has no words or deeds, he will be fined one month's salary, you take him down, stare at him and recite the palace rules."

Xiao Quanzi grimaced: "Yes, but master..."

"Okay!" Mingyu came over and twisted his ears, "Come here soon!"

As soon as the two left, Wei Yingluo turned to look at Yuan Chunwang: "Did you show him on purpose?"

Xiao Quanzi has always been jealous of Yuan Chunwang.

He seemed to think that if Yuan Chunwang hadn't stepped in, then he should be the chief executive of Yanxi Palace, and Wei Yingluo's left and right arms should be his and Mingyu's.

So if there is nothing wrong, Xiao Quanzi likes to find Yuan Chunwang's fault, and he also makes fun of it in front of Wei Yingluo. With Yuan Chunwang's cautiousness, how could he be caught by the other party

"Yes, I did it on purpose." Sure enough, Yuan Chunwang smiled lightly, "I just want him to know how much you trust me, so that he won't provoke him again and again."

Wei Yingluo shook her head helplessly.

"...Yingluo." Yuan Chunwang hesitated for a while and asked, "Do you want to continue drinking this medicinal soup?"

"Drink." Wei Yingluo said lightly without any hesitation, "Why don't you drink, this is the medicine I need."

Knock knock knock, Li Yu's voice rang from outside the door: "Niangniang."

Wei Yingluo and Yuan Chunwang looked at each other, Yuan Chunwang hurriedly put away the medicine bowl for her.

The door opened, and Wei Yingluo asked calmly, "Mr. Li, what's the matter?"