Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 156: betray


It turned out that the day before the queen committed suicide, Er Qing had seen her once.

At that time, Wei Yingluo was not there, and Amber was in charge of serving tea and water. She had a bad problem with listening to the corner of the wall. The queen was talking with Erqing inside.

"woooo, woohoo..."

Amber finds it strange, the one who lost the child is the queen, why is it Erqing who is crying

The queen was exhausted both physically and mentally, but she still managed to cheer herself up to comfort her: "Er Qing, what's the matter with you, did you suffer any grievances at home?"

"The slave just met the emperor." Er Qing said, "I can't help but think about it, I can't help but think of that night..."

"That night?" The Queen was stunned.

"It was the night when you gave birth to the seventh elder brother that you sent the servant to deliver the quilt to the emperor, and the servant went, who knew that the emperor grabbed the servant's hand and insisted that the servant lie in bed..." Er Qing cried and cried, "The servant did not dare to resist, I'm afraid that bringing people in will ruin the reputation of the Fucha family, but who would have guessed that later... the servant was pregnant!"

With a snap, the queen slapped her face.

"Bastard!" She was already pale, but now she was shaky with anger, "You guys actually..."

Erqing kowtowed like pounding garlic, her tears kept flowing, and she was mournful: "The slave has long thought of quitting himself, but when Niang Pian'e heard about this, she thought it was the flesh and blood of the Fucha family, and she was very happy! The first one who can't stand it is E-Niang, so the slaves are living on! Niang-niang, as long as you say something, the slaves will die, which will save the Fucha family's face!"

The queen was trembling with anger, and after a long sound, she laughed mockingly: "The Fucha family has no face to speak of, you have ruined it all!"

Er Qing: "Niang Niang, slaves are sins and deserve death, but this was provoked by the emperor, and slaves are weak women, how can they resist the imperial power?"

Tears rolled in her eyes, and the queen murmured: "One or two... all of them are the people I am closest to, but it was you who joined hands to betray me! Get out, get out now, I don't want to see you again in my life. !"

Erqing got up in a hurry: "Niangniang, you must take care of yourself. The Fucha family is all counting on you. The slaves will go back now, go to Eniang to apologize, and let her go!"

The queen almost said words that came out of her teeth, and said with hatred: "From now on, this matter will be rotten in the stomach, you are not allowed to reveal half a word to E-niang, and you are not allowed to enter the palace again!"

Erqing said her goodbye with tears in her eyes, and after leaving the palace door, she brushed her temples slightly, straightened her waist, and smiled gracefully and quietly. From the outside, no one could tell that she was the one who climbed onto the dragon's bed and forced her to die. The master's woman smiled and said, "Let's lead the way."

The main hall of Changchun Palace is terribly silent.

Er Qing swallowed her saliva and said to Wei Yingluo, "You heard me too, I was forced, and the emperor took the initiative..."

"The emperor was drunk that night, and it was Li Yu who was guarding the gate." Wei Yingluo said coldly, "Li Yu is a person who knows the importance, you are not the maid of Changchun Palace, you are Mrs. Zhongyong, as long as you shout, Li Yu I'll come in to help you, and I'll do my best to cover it up."

Ke Erqing never thought of running away. She even avoided Li Yu on purpose and sneaked into the room while he was using the toilet. This was what she had in mind from the beginning!

"Niangniang has lost her beloved son and is heartbroken. You should never have given her the final blow." Wei Yingluo clenched the handrail, "I don't understand, you were born in the Changchun Palace and were well received by the empress. After the young lady of Fucha House, only if the mother is good, the Fucha family can be good, what are you trying to do when you do this?"

"What are you trying to do?" Er Qing simply accepted the matter. Anyway, she is now the young lady of the Fucha House. No matter how much Wei Yingluo hates her, what can she do to her? She laughed, "Of course it's for revenge on Fu Heng!"

She used to have a good heart, but now her heart is thorny, causing her blood to flow, and she wants him to bleed just as much!

"He never cared about me, he only cared about others, such as you, the emperor, the empress!" Er Qing said fiercely, "I couldn't do anything about you at that time, but it doesn't matter, I can make the emperor my servant under the skirt. , put a green hat on Fu Heng that can never be taken off, ha, you should really see the look on his face at this time, tsk tsk, it's wonderful!"

"Just for this?" Wei Yingluo felt incredulous, "Just to have a good time?"

"Yes." Er Qing sighed happily, "As long as I can see Fu Heng cry, I feel happy."

Wei Yingluo closed her eyes in pain. The death of a person is lighter than a feather and heavier than Mount Tai. She would rather Erqing be bought by someone else than now...

"You let the Empress die like a joke." She opened her eyes, and there were cobweb-like bloodshots in them. When she raised her hand, Mingyu brought a tray. From left to right, they were a dagger, Bai Ling, Crane top red.

"Choose one." Wei Yingluo said coldly, "Don't force me to do it."

The smile on Er Qing's face slowly disappeared, and her eyes slowly moved from the pan to Wei Yingluo's face, she said incredulously: "Wei Yingluo, are you crazy? I am the court wife, a first-class loyal and brave lady, you actually Dare to be executed in private!"

Wei Yingluo: "Choose it."

Er Qing finally panicked: "Wei Yingluo, don't be stupid. Now that you have everything, why would you self-destruct the Great Wall! Are you crazy!"

"If you don't choose, I will choose for you." Wei Yingluo chose Hedinghong, the most painful way to die.

She wanted to watch her bowels go rotten to dispel the hatred in her heart.

"No, no!" How could Er Qing be ready to capture her, she pushed Wei Yingluo away and rushed out the door. Several eunuchs rushed over to hold her down.

Wei Yingluo regained her footing and was about to bend over to pick up the Hedinghong on the ground, when Mingyu suddenly strode over, grabbed the bottle of Hedinghong first, then rushed to Erqing's side and pinched her chin with one hand. , poured the entire bottle of poison into it with one hand.

"Don't get your hands dirty." Mingyu said coldly, "I'll just come, I'll send this bitch to the underworld!"

The poison soon struck, Erqing rolled to the ground, holding her stomach with both hands, blood oozing from her nose and mouth, life was better than death, but she never died.

"Wei Yingluo!" As she was dying, she was like a beast on the verge of death, roaring at Wei Yingluo, "I betrayed the empress, and so did you! Don't forget, you personally promised her that you would never betray her. Good emperor, I will never rob her husband!"

Wei Yingluo was stunned.

And at this time, Yuan Chunwang's voice sounded outside the door: "The servant respectfully invites the emperor to be safe!"

Hongli pushed Yuan Chunwang away and quickly entered the main hall.

Er Qing, who was beautiful an hour ago, has now become a cold corpse, lying on the ground, bleeding from his facial features, staring at him with a pair of eyes.

Wei Yingluo stood beside her with a face full of indifference, and even blessed him: "Your Majesty, you are here."

"Wei Yingluo!" Hongli said in a rage, "The Xitara clan is a court-ordered wife, the wife of the first-class loyal and brave duke, how dare you—"

"She was the murderer who killed the Empress." Wei Yingluo's expression was very calm. "On the day that the goddess passed away, she went to the goddess and told the goddess that she was pregnant with your child..."

Hongli was stunned when he heard the words: "Yingluo, things are not what you think."

Wei Yingluo didn't cry or laugh, her expression was too calm, not so much indifferent, but more like despair. She stared at the corpse on the ground and said softly, "Then the emperor told me, what is the truth?"

"Yes..." Just as Hongli was about to explain, someone hurried in from outside. It was the follower who glanced at the corpse on the ground. She was shocked to support the maid next to her: "Concubine Ling, what have you done?"

Before Wei Yingluo could speak, Hongli said in a deep voice, "Queen, the first-class loyal and brave lady came to remember the first queen, but she was too sad and unfortunately followed the first master."

Wei Yingluo looked at him, a spark rekindled in her eyes that had withered to ashes. At this time, he still protects her

Hongli looked back at her with extremely complicated eyes. He had always hated women with vicious methods. No matter how deep his past relationship was, if he discovered it, he would not stay. Only Wei Yingluo, he kept her again and again and forgave her again and again, which was not a good feeling, and even made him feel embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, Madam Zhongyong is a court wife after all, so leave this matter to the concubine to handle it." The queen's voice became his life-saving straw.

"Then leave it to the empress." Hongli instructed a little tiredly, and glanced at Wei Yingluo again, unable to tell whether it was a warning or a disappointment, and then walked away.

"Concubine Ling." Then she walked slowly to Er Qing's side and sighed, "After all, Mrs. Zhongyong is the wife of a first-class duke. You said that if you give death, you give death, but you never asked what the emperor meant."

Wei Yingluo said lightly, "The Xitara family is the emperor's lover, is the emperor willing to kill her?"

What's more, this woman gave birth to a son to Hongli.

Then he smiled and said: "If you say that the killing is decisive, this palace has to obey you, but unfortunately, it is really worth it to break the emperor's favor for the sake of a mediocre Xitaraler?"

Hongli had already left, and he had not looked back for a long time. Wei Yingluo slowly retracted her gaze, and said lightly to the queen, "Isn't this fulfilling the mother's wish?"

Amber, a Xinzheku slave, wanted to break into Yanxi Palace to meet Concubine Ling without being summoned. It was not that easy. The guards along the way were enough for her to drink a pot. She can succeed, only the successor in charge of the harem makes her successful.

Afterwards, she already knew what Er Qing had done.

I also know that Yi Wei Yingluo's temperament, after knowing the cause and effect, will definitely attack Er Qing, so as not to wait for her to leave the palace, and from now on, she will never find a chance for revenge.

"It's a good way." After thinking about it, Wei Yingluo couldn't help but ask, "There is no pure noble concubine, so is it my turn now?"

Then he laughed without answering, like a silent wolf. Extremely good at patience, dormant in the grass, even if the snow is covered in winter, he does not move at all, until he sees an opportunity, he jumps up and bites the throat of his prey.

When she saw this smile, it was when she showed her sharp teeth.