Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 158: Approx


Wei Yingluo actually brought Yuan Chunwang to the Chengqian Palace where her successor was located.

Chengqian Palace is solemn and solemn, unlike other palaces that always burn with good-smelling incense, but it has more melon and fruit fragrance. Later, he ordered people to put a lot of seasonal fruits in the pot, which can not only serve as incense, but also satisfy The appetite for appetite, this pragmatic and not extravagant measure, greatly praised Hongli.

Xu is because of the fragrance of the fruit, which makes her subsequent members feel happy, so she looks very good: "Concubine Ling, why do you look haggard after you haven't seen him for a day?"

In contrast, Wei Yingluo's complexion was much bleak, like a flower that was beaten by the wind and rain, gradually drying up and withering, she smiled palely: "Niangniang, don't speak dark words in front of Ming people, everything is under your control. , isn't it?"

"Concubine Ling is really confused, to say such a strange thing?" Then he said with a smile, "Is this palace instigating you to take the medicine?"

Wei Yingluo: "No."

"Bengong asked you to fight with the pure noble concubine?"

Wei Yingluo: "No."

"Bengong ordered you to kill the Xithala clan?"

"No." Wei Yingluo looked at her, with disgust in her eyes, but a hint of admiration in her eyes, "Everything was done voluntarily by the concubine and concubine, from the beginning to the end, the empress didn't say a word, and there was not a drop of blood on her hands. .Easy and easy, get rid of the mortal enemy Pure Concubine, and then—give me a fatal blow!"

After that, she scratched the rim of the cup with the tea lid, and her movements were very elegant and decent, just like her behavior, every move, every frown and smile, others couldn't pick out the slightest mistake.

"Concubine Ling, you are not sick, you are suffering from hysteria." She casually pulled the rim of the cup and said, "Look at what you said, this palace is getting more and more confused."

Wei Yingluo suddenly raised her hand and pointed, "He!"

Then he followed her fingers and smiled, "Isn't he the most trusted manager around you?"

"No." Wei Yingluo sneered, "From today onwards, he will be the most loyal dog around the Empress!"

Yuan Chunwang said in shock, "Miss Ling, what are you talking about?"

Wei Yingluo looked at him, the most familiar person was also the most unfamiliar person.

"I should have thought of that earlier." She said slowly, "Er Qing's death alone can't shake my status. How can I make the emperor completely dislike me? The only way is to expose the fact that I have been taking Bizi Tang, but this This is my biggest secret, how did the Empress know about it? Unless there is an insider by my side."

"Yingluo, are you doubting me?" Yuan Chunwang looked a little hurt.

"Besides Ye Tianshi, you are the only one who knows that I am taking Bizi Decoction. I didn't even tell her about Mingyu. I was afraid that she would be impatient and would accidentally leak it." Wei Yingluo paused, holding a His fists trembled slightly, "... I've left everything to you with confidence, why are you doing this to me?"

Yuan Chunwang looked at her, the corners of his lips lifted slowly to both sides, and he gave a snake-like gorgeous and intimidating smile.

"Are you angry? When I heard that you were going to become a concubine, I was just as angry." He said with a smile, without the slightest guilt on his face, "How did we swear back then? Well, if you want to be my company in Yuanmingyuan, but you betrayed me, I will naturally betray you once, in order to live up to the original oath."

You don't know, I'm ready to go back to Yuanmingyuan with you... Wei Yingluo sighed inwardly and asked, "...When did you become the queen?"

Not seeing her hysterical, Yuan Chunwang seemed a little disappointed and dissatisfied.

His right hand still has old scars, tooth marks, and bruises. In the days and nights when she entered the palace as a concubine, he always hated it so much that he couldn't sleep, sometimes beating the wall, sometimes biting his hand with his teeth, turning the pain in his heart into a pain in his body.

The wound is always there, and so is his anger.

"From the first day I decided to return to the Forbidden City, I met the Empress in secret." Yuan Chunwang tried to provoke Wei Yingluo. It was best for her to be as heartbroken as he was, and then rushed over to fight with him, each other's blood spattered. Come out and pour it on each other.

"I take you as my brother, but you stab me in the back!" Wei Yingluo was really angry, "Very good, very similar to you."

Yuan Chunwang looked at her expectantly: "Each each other!"

Wei Yingluo glanced at him in extreme disappointment, and then turned to her successor: "Empress Empress, what benefits did you give him?"

Yuan Chunwang attributed all the mistakes to her, but if she said that she had no selfishness at all, she would not believe it. Both of them knew that he was an ambitious man, with an upward crawler flowing in his blood, like a snake always looking up at the fruit on the treetops.

Afterwards, I enjoyed this good show of brother and sister killing each other with great interest. In addition, now that Wei Yingluo was no longer a threat, she mercifully gave her a good time and told her: "Concubine Ling, this girl beside you. As a steward, Ben Gong appreciates it very much, and from today, he will replace Wu Shu's class!"

Wei Yingluo was stunned, and then smiled mockingly: "Mr. Wu has been in the palace for thirty years before he has climbed to where he is today. With Yuan Chunwang alone, his qualifications are far from enough!"

"Yuan Chunwang's errands in Guangchusi and Yuanmingyuan were very beautiful. Besides, why did the concubine forget it?" Until this moment, the successor finally showed her desire to control in front of others, the other side of her dignified and virtuous queen, "there is Ben Gong's support, he is the best candidate!"

Cultivating cronies, eradicating dissidents, leaving no trace of the entire harem and even Hongli in her hands, this is the real her.

After seeing her true face clearly, Wei Yingluo couldn't help laughing: "It's pity that I tried so hard, but I just cleared the way for the empress. Poor Wu Shulai flattered allegiance, but let the empress take the opportunity to get rid of it and put her confidant in! The elimination of the belt, the interlocking, amazing, really amazing!"

Then he smiled softly: "Concubine Ling, it's time for you to go back to rest."

Needless to say, Wei Yingluo will leave by herself, so why continue to stay? Kneel down and beg for mercy, or let her appreciate her end of the road

"No matter what Niangniang plans, the concubine finally avenged her revenge, benevolence and benevolence, no regrets." Under the surprised eyes of the following, Wei Yingluo bowed to her, "From now on, I wish the Empress Niangniang all the best. Ruyi, longevity and prosperity."

After the ceremony, she straightened her back again and turned to leave.

After that, there was a trace of regret and appreciation in her eyes, and she smiled at her back: "Wei Yingluo, you are the most graceful loser I have ever seen in my life!"

"You're also the most patient hunter I've ever seen." Wei Yingluo didn't turn her head back, she went out with a big laugh. The laughter was so free and easy, it reminded me of a poem - "Laughing in the sky and going out, what's my generation?" Basil people!

"What's wrong?" Then he turned his head and smiled, "Regret?"

Yuan Chunwang withdrew his complicated and unspeakable gaze, turned around, and gave a big gift to the queen, knocking his forehead on the ground: "The servant is willing to swear allegiance to the queen!"