Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 179: confinement


Wei Yingluo was furious at first, but now she gradually calmed down.

She finally found out—the woman in front of her was extremely dangerous.

Innocent, warm and generous, always seems to be on your side, speaking for you, thinking about you, but thinking about it later... Is she really thinking about you

Is it really you who benefited from what she did

"Yingluo." Shen Bi approached step by step, smiled and put the golden scissors into Wei Yingluo's hands, "If you won't forgive me, stab me with these scissors."

An indescribable sense of crisis hit, Wei Yingluo struggled hard: "Let go! What are you still doing, stop her!"

Only then did the palace ladies come back to their senses, and they all gathered around, trying to grab the scissors.

Shen Bi glanced at them coolly, grabbed Wei Yingluo's right hand, and poked her right shoulder together with the golden scissors...


As soon as the palace door opened, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps.

Apparently hearing Shen Bi's screams, the Queen Mother held Aunt Liu's hand, and before she could even hit the umbrella, she hurried into the Baoyue Building. After seeing the situation inside, the Queen Mother's face changed suddenly, and she let go of Aunt Liu. With his hand, he rushed to Shen Bi's side and covered her wound with his hand: "Go and call for an imperial doctor!!"

There was another roar of troops.

The queen mother protected Shen Bi in her arms, like a cow protecting her calf, and no one was allowed to approach.

"Shen Bi, tell me." The Empress Dowager looked around vigilantly, "What happened? Who is so daring to hurt you!"

Under the gazes of countless eyes, Shen Bi raised her head, her tearful eyes wandered around the crowd, and finally settled on Wei Yingluo's face.

Wei Yingluo's face turned pale.

"What are you waiting for?" the Queen Mother said angrily, "Take down Concubine Ling!"

When Hongli got the news, he arrived in a hurry, and the first thing he saw was the empress dowager's angered face.

"The Queen Mother." After salute her, Hongli quickly asked, "How is Concubine Rong?"

"The imperial physician just left, and the queen is with her inside." Seeing that Hongli was about to go to the dormitory, the queen mother stopped him, "Don't go yet... Speak!"

On the ground was the bead left by the maid of honor, who was slammed by her, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! Today, the concubine Ling came aggressively and accused Concubine Rong of being related to the death of Miss Mingyu. God knows, Mingyu is terminally ill, and there is no need to do so. Medicine can be cured, Concubine Rong took pity on Mingyu and concealed her illness for her, and she was greatly angry! Concubine Ling was so excited that she accidentally missed and stabbed Concubine Rong!"

Hongli frowned and said solemnly, "The Queen Mother, have you interrogated anyone else?"

The queen mother squinted at him: "Besides the left pearl, only the palace maid pearl is left. I ordered someone to send her to the Shenxing Division. As for the concubine, leave it to the emperor for disposal!"

Hearing the hint in her words, Hongli was silent for a moment: "Queen Mother, I thought you always liked Yingluo..."

Before he could finish speaking, the queen mother said angrily: "But I can't tolerate her hurting He An!"

Hongli: "Queen Mother, Concubine Rong is not He'an."

"She is!" The Empress Dowager insisted, "Your Majesty, regardless of accidental injury or intentional, your concubine's actions are too arrogant, and she should be taught a lesson!"

There is such a big movement outside, and naturally it cannot be concealed.

She quickly came to Shen Bi's side with the excuse of visiting her injuries, and smiled slightly: "It's amazing."

Shen Bi's arm was wrapped with a white cloth, and she looked pale due to blood loss, but this paleness not only damaged her beauty, but made her look even more pitiful, making her want to take care of her, take care of her, and not let her. She was hurt a little more, and she blinked at her successor, ignorant like a child: "What are you talking about?"

In the eyes of the follower, it was half admiration and half fear: "The concubine served the queen mother, devoted herself to the Yuanmingyuan for three years, and accumulated an unparalleled friendship. In the Forbidden City, the queen mother is her biggest support! But you, decisively step on Wei Yingluo to ascend to the throne, In less than three months, let the queen mother treat you like a family, and do everything possible to take care of you, making people look at you with admiration!"

Shen Bi smiled innocently: "You are overrated."

Afterwards, she did not dare to take her naivety seriously.

Wei Yingluo is a very powerful person, but she is playing as a monkey. The most powerful palace maid around her has died, she has lost the favor of the queen mother, and she has also lost the trust of Hongli. It can be said that everything she has is the same as Shen Bi. The same took away.

... Just because you believed her once, and ended up like this, do you dare to believe her in the future

"Empress Empress." Shen Bi patted the side and moved to the inside of the bed to make room for a sitting position, as affectionately as to Wei Yingluo, "Would you like to cooperate with me?"

But he didn't want to follow Wei Yingluo's footsteps, so he kept a safe distance from him, still standing on the edge of the bed, and said lightly, "You and I are mortal enemies, how can we cooperate?"

"You and I should be friends." Shen Bi looked at her seriously, "because we have the same enemy."

—The name of the enemy is Wei Yingluo.

After that, the corners of his mouth slowly curved up: "Concubine Rong, Ben Gong really likes you more and more."

She was right, the two of them could indeed be friends—before Wei Yingluo died.

Shen Bi raised a finger, pressed it against his lips, and snorted, "The emperor is here."

The two smiled at each other and said nothing.

The footsteps came from far to near, Hongli walked in with a lot of thought, raised his hand at will, and avoided the following rituals, then sat beside Shen Bi and said with concern: "Shen Bi, the imperial doctor said, you are old The injury has not yet healed, and new injuries have been added, so we must not be self-willed, and must stay in bed for rest.”

Shen Bi nodded with a smile.

"The empress dowager asked to severely punish the concubine Ling, and you have always been on good terms with her. I want to ask you, how should you deal with it?" Hongli stared at her, his eyes seemed to have no deep meaning.

This question is not easy to answer.

Even if she wanted to answer, she couldn't answer it, so Shen Bi pretended to think, but from the corner of her eyes, she glanced at the successor, and the successor received her gaze, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the concubine has lost her best friend and loyal servant, and she has suffered a lot. It is pitiful for people to instigate, but she is emotional and hurts others, and the crime is unbearable. According to the concubine, the servants who talk behind their backs must be severely punished, as for the concubine... let her think about it behind closed doors. "

Although this treatment was not good, it was not bad either. Hongli finally showed a smile: "Shen Bi, what do you think?"

Shen Bi smiled softly, as if she was thinking of Wei Yingluo wholeheartedly: "My concubine believes that Concubine Ling must not hurt others on purpose, please take it easy on the emperor."

Hongli breathed a sigh of relief: "Then let her think about it behind closed doors. You can recuperate in peace, don't think too much."

The handling of Wei Yingluo has been settled, but the specific matters are not under the control of Hongli. Even if he wants to, he can't. His every move is watched by everyone. If he takes care of Wei Yingluo too much, what will the Queen Mother think? I'm afraid I won't forgive her even more.

The one responsible for dealing with Wei Yingluo is the successor.

Using the excuse of the palace staff instigating Wei Yingluo to commit murder, she replaced all the palace staff of Yanxi Palace at one time. Old people such as Xiao Quanzi disappeared overnight, and the rest were new faces. Said to serve Wei Yingluo, but rather to monitor her.

A young palace maid put the food box on the table: "Please make the concubine niangniang eat."

Wei Yingluo coughed heavily: "Put it down."

The little palace maid handed her a pair of chopsticks, Wei Yingluo stretched out her hand to get it, but she saw a double image in front of her, and it took a long while to grab the chopsticks.

"Niangniang, are you alright?" the little palace maid said worriedly, "Did you catch the cold? The servants go..."

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Because Yuan Chunwang was standing behind her.

Like a snake spitting out a letter, he commanded, "Go out first."

After driving the little palace maid out of the door, he closed the door and sat down in front of Wei Yingluo very naturally.

Wei Yingluo looked straight at him.

Since then, her meal has not been shortened. Although it is not as rich as in the past, there are still three meat and two vegetables. Yuan Chunwang put a lion's head in his mouth, and said while eating: "The emperor's favor, the queen mother's favor. Trust, the company of close friends, personal freedom, all the same, you have all lost, if I were you, I should think about it, why did I end up like this?"

Wei Yingluo remained silent.

Seemingly provoked by her appearance, Yuan Chunwang suddenly slapped his chopsticks on the table, got up and looked down at her, and said coldly, "Because of Mingyu—for a servant, you actually ran to confront Concubine Rong, and you fell into the trap."

"Mingyu is my best friend." Wei Yingluo finally said, "No, not only a friend, but also my only relative in the Forbidden City..."

"Family?" Yuan Chunwang squeezed her chin and forced her to look up at his face, which was beautiful and twisted, admirable and frightening, "Sister, isn't your only relative me? "

Wei Yingluo struggled, "Let go!"

"What is Mingyu? Did she do more for you than I did?" Yuan Chunwang refused to let her go, his fingers clamped to her face like iron pliers, and said aggressively, "I take care of her like a real brother. You, give up the opportunity to climb up again and again for you, and even gave up everything to accompany you in Yuanmingyuan, but how did you treat me? Yingluo... Answer me!"

Wei Yingluo struggled even harder. Between the two of them deflecting the blame, they accidentally knocked over the food box, and the dish containing the vegetables shattered into several pieces, one of which cut Yuan Chunwang's hand.

He looked down at his hands, blood dripping.

"I'm sorry for you." Wei Yingluo's voice drew his attention, the light in his eyes just lit up, and she heard her coldly say, "But you are also sorry for me, now we describe strangers, what kind of brother or sister? , don't mention it again."

"Really?" Yuan Chunwang's eyes dimmed, and he laughed.

While laughing, he lifted the remaining plates, one after another, and poured all the dishes on the ground.

"Starting today." Yuan Chunwang finished the last dish and announced with a smile, "There will be no one else in the Yanxi Palace but you, enjoy it. I hope you don't have a grain of rice, and you can insist on not begging me. …”