Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 18: Guard


Wei Yingluo endured for a few days in fear, no matter when she was working or when she was free, her eyes were always consciously or unintentionally squinting at the door.

Afraid that someone would push the door and enter, she shouted, "Wei Yingluo, you have happened, come with us!"

Suddenly being tapped on the shoulder, Wei Yingluo almost jumped up in shock: "What's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" Jixiang gave her a strange look, "Sister Yingluo, look over there."

Wei Yingluo followed her gaze, and saw several guards walking along the corridor. There were six guards in total. They were tall and straight, with handsome faces.

"Look at that, the last one." Jixiang said in a nostalgic tone, "He looks like my brother."

"Come on." Jinxiu chuckled, "Stop sticking gold on your brother's face."

Jixiang glared at her: "How do you talk!"

"I'm not mistaken." Jinxiu waved her fingernails, which she secretly dyed red with impatiens juice, "You think the guards in the Forbidden City are ordinary people! The red wall of the Forbidden City is the dividing line between the guards! "

Jixiang didn't understand what she meant, and was unwilling to ask her for advice, so he turned to ask Wei Yingluo: "Sister Yingluo, tell me, what is the dividing line between guards?"

Wei Yingluo sighed and explained to her as succinctly as possible: "The guards outside the Red Wall belong to the Five Banners, and the guards in this Red Wall are the royal family members of the Three Banners."

Auspicious nodded, and shook his head again: "I don't understand, do nobles also want to be guards?"

"That's natural!" Jinxiu hurriedly said, she likes to be in the limelight, and she likes to show that she knows more than others, "Not to mention the highest-ranking guards in front of the royal guard, even the guards of the Qianqingmen will most likely come and go in the future. Xiang, extraordinary achievements! Don't forget, stick to the emperor all the time, and naturally you will rise step by step!"

The rest of the palace maids also started talking and pointing at the six guards.

"I heard that every year in order to compete for the number of guards in the Forbidden City, the noble children of the three banners have to participate in the competition."

"It's not enough to have a noble birth, and you have to be extremely outstanding in martial arts."

"It is said that the most outstanding of the guards is the Queen's younger brother, Lord Fucha, a true all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, and a royal and noble aristocrat!"

"Who is it? Is it inside?"

"The leading one, the tallest one!"

Jinxiu's expression changed, and suddenly he put the tray in his hand into Jixiang's arms, and then pressed his stomach and said, "I'm in a hurry, I have to find a place to go out, Jijiu, do me a favor and take the things to the embroidery workshop for me, oh, oh ,I go first!"

"Who are you, there are so many things." Jixiang muttered in dissatisfaction, but didn't think much about it.

Beside her, Wei Yingluo looked at the direction where the other party disappeared, thoughtfully.

It's been a while since I entered the palace. If nothing else, the ability to recognize the way must be improved, otherwise, if you enter the place where you shouldn't enter, you will inevitably have a board.

The direction of the guards is the Imperial Garden, which is also the way to Changchun Palace. If the six guards part ways here, then in all likelihood, Fucha Fu Heng is going to Changchun Palace to visit his sister.

Jinxiu hid behind a rockery, her face was flushed, her heart was surging, she kept poking her brains out, her hard work paid off, she finally saw a figure walking alone, her heart was ruthless, she grabbed a stone and slammed it on her feet. superior.


Fortunately, she put a handkerchief in her mouth beforehand, so she didn't cry out in pain.

Holding the rockery with one hand, Jinxiu stood up staggeringly, thinking that someone was already on the other side of the rockery, she used the other hand to fiddle with the hair on the sideburns, and adjusted the expression on her face to make herself appear more clear Poor, weak Liu Fufeng.

Everything is ready, Jinxiu rushes out!

But an arm suddenly stretched out from the side and pulled her back behind the rockery.

Outside the rockery, Fucha Fu Heng walked past.

Behind the rockery, Jinxiu violently broke away the hand covering his mouth and growled angrily, "Wei Yingluo! What are you doing!"

"I'll give it back to you." Yingluo stared at her, "Jinxiu, what do you want to do?"

"Women want to find a good way out for themselves, what's wrong with me?" Jinxiu suddenly looked up and down at Wei Yingluo, and asked suspiciously, "Is it possible that you also liked this tall branch?"

"I don't dare." Wei Yingluo sneered, then stopped laughing, and said coldly, "You and I are both dressed in Sanqi, when you were at home, did the children of the Dutong and Shenling families come to propose? Don't talk about the generals and the leaders, I'm afraid that the son of the leader has not even looked at you! Those people are still like this, let alone these real dignitaries?"

Her admonition, in exchange for Jinxiu's disapproval: "As long as you look beautiful, how do you know that I can't climb high?"

Wei Yingluo was stunned, then frowned and looked at her: "You mean... to be a concubine?"

Jinxiu nodded decisively: "It is better to be a concubine to the rich than to be a wife to the poor!"

Everyone has their own aspirations and cannot be forced.

Wei Yingluo shook her head, feeling that this woman had a good skin, but it was full of vanity, unrealistic desires, and extreme selfishness.

"What do you think is your business, but you remember one thing, this is the Forbidden City, and the guards and the palace maid have an affair. Once it is spread, he is a relative of the royal family and can be gently exposed, but what about you? There is a dead end." Wei Yingluo's face turned cold, and she said in a deep voice, "You and I came out together, and we live together. If you make such a scandal, we will follow you and be criticized by others."

Jinxiu smiled mockingly: "It turned out to be for yourself."

"Yes, you are also for yourself." Wei Yingluo smiled back, "If you don't want me to tell Aunt Fang what happened today, you can go back with me now."

Seeing that she used Aunt Fang to press herself again, Jinxiu laughed in anger, and was about to retort when she heard a sweet male voice from outside the rockery: "I think this girl is right."

Immediately afterwards, a man in a guard uniform folded his arms, turned into the inside of the rockery, and smiled at them: "It's time for you to go back."

"Lord Fucha..." The two daughters turned to look at him in unison.

Some people don't look like the emperor in dragon robes, and some people don't look like guards in guard clothes.

Fucha Fu Heng is such a person.

His demeanor is too graceful and luxurious, even if he stops there at will, it is like a phoenix falling on a phoenix tree, his feathers stretch gently, and a mere guard uniform is a symbol of identity when worn on others, but it is condescension when worn on him. .

The long and narrow phoenix eyes swept across Wei Yingluo's face, and there was a mole on the corner of the right eye, which added an incomprehensible ambiguous and sexy look to this grace.

"Wei Yingluo," he called, with a sweet voice like wine that had been brewed for many years, and the mud seal opened. Not drinking can be intoxicating.

Wei Yingluo repeated the old tricks, so that the other party remembered her appearance, she deliberately bowed her head deeply: "...What else do you have to tell Mr. Fucha?"

"Look up at me." Fucha Fu Heng said.

Wei Yingluo had no choice but to slowly look up at him.

No wonder Jinxiu shouted to be his concubine.

The pair of phoenix eyes in front of him are ruthless and affectionate. He doesn't have to speak, just look at you with these eyes, and all kinds of tenderness will arise in your heart.

"You are very self-aware, which is good, but you are still negligent." Fucha Fu Heng patted the saber on his waist casually, "The guards in the palace are all first-class Batulu, including me, any One... will find that there are people hiding behind the rockery."

In other words, Splendid's plan didn't work from the beginning.

Even if it worked, it was a deliberate trick by the guards, in order to play with this beauty that he had put into his palm.

Jinxiu lowered her head in shame, and Wei Yingluo next to her also lowered her head: "Yes, Yingluo is taught."

"Okay, it's time for you to go." Fucha Fu Heng pointed at Jinxiu next to her with his eyes, "Take her back and teach her more when it's time to teach, so as not to cause serious trouble in the future."

Wei Yingluo hurriedly helped Jinxiu to leave. Along the way, Jinxiu's face was ugly, and she didn't know whether it was because of the pain in her feet or because of Fucha Fu Heng's words.

"Have you heard, there are no fools in the palace, don't be foolish again." Wei Yingluo persuaded for the last time.

As expected, she was greeted with a sneer full of jealousy and hatred, Jinxiu pushed her away, and limped away to the palace maid, with a hint of excitement in her voice: "You stepped on me as a stepping stone again, Lord Fucha remembered your name but not mine!"

Wei Yingluo shook her head.

This is the last time. From now on, she will not persuade Jinxiu any more. She has nothing to do with anything that happens to her, and she is responsible for it.


A small pebble rolled to Wei Yingluo's feet, she looked in the direction the pebble was thrown from, frowned, and suddenly said, "Are you sure you want to walk back by yourself and don't want me to help?"

"Nonsense!" Jinxiu in front heard the words, and immediately accelerated her pace, "Who wants you to pretend to be courteous! I will go by myself!"

Enduring the pain in her feet, Jinxiu walked all the way back to the palace maid's office. As soon as she saw the bed, she jumped over and slumped on the bed. The sweat on her body left a human-shaped mark on the bedding.

"Ouch, what's the matter with you, you are so embarrassed." Jixiang who was passing by stopped, with a piece of cake still in his mouth.

"Eat, eat, you know how to eat. After eating your own share, you will also eat Wei Yingluo's share. You think she is doing it for your own good. She wants to eat you fat, and walking around makes her look slimmer... etc. Wait!" Conditioned reflexes provoked some differences, and Jinxiu suddenly looked around, "Where's Wei Yingluo?"

"Didn't she chase you?" Jixiang stuffed another piece of cake into his mouth, "Why, didn't you catch up?"

Jinxiu was stunned, lowered her head, and carefully recalled the situation just now.

Where is the stone thrown from

It is a clump of lush wisteria trellises, densely-leafed hidden songbirds, and beautiful fragrances.

A beauty indeed.

Just looking at the silhouette, one feels that the body is slender and handsome.

Jinxiu suddenly sat up from the bed, her eyes burning like two blazing fires.