Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 194: Southern Tour List


Yuan Chunwang said with a smile: "Because of being punished by the queen, I couldn't think of it for a while, so I threw myself into a well."

Seeing that he didn't tell the truth at this time, Zhener felt more and more that she was treated as an outsider by him, and couldn't help but sneer: "No one in the palace has ever been punished, only thirty whips, why did she kill herself?"

Yuan Chunwang is very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing that she seems to be really angry, he no longer hides it. He casually placed the bird cage on the stone table in the garden, took her hand, and said softly: "Zhener, you say Have you forgotten all about supporting me?"

"I didn't forget." Zhen'er's expression softened, but there was still a hint of suspicion, "But the emperor's misunderstanding of the niece is getting deeper and deeper, are you really helping the niece?"

"Of course." Yuan Chunwang vowed, "Zhener, only by doing this can the empress see the emperor's true colors and wake her up from her self-deception!"

"But..." Jane was still hesitant.

Although she was happy with Yuan Chunwang, she was also loyal to her successor, otherwise she would not have been persuaded by Yuan Chunwang to do so many things that would kill her.

At first, she thought that everything she did was for the sake of succession, but gradually, she felt more and more wrong...

"The fifth elder brother is abolished, the fourth elder elder brother is the culprit, the fifteen elder elder brother is only how old, and now only the 12 elder elder brother can inherit the lineage." Yuan Chunwang said softly, caressing her cheek, " You see, I have fulfilled my promise and have been helping the Empress."

Zhen'er struggled a little: "But the empress is getting more and more painful..."

"Long pain is worse than short pain." Yuan Chun Wang said, "When the 12th elder brother succeeds the emperor, the empress will no longer be in pain, and you and I can have a good ending."

Zhener looked at him. The man in front of her was like a poison wrapped in honey, but she was the only food in her life. She would either starve to death or eat it, so after struggling for a while, she finally nodded, almost Self-deception: "I believe you."

Yuan Chunwang smiled slightly and took her into his arms.

Zhener sighed deeply and closed her eyes in his arms, so she didn't see the stern look in his eyes, like the guillotine on the guillotine, the light refracted when the knife rises and falls.

"The fifth elder brother, the fourth elder elder brother, is just the beginning." Yuan Chunwang hugged Zhen'er as if he was holding a suffering lamb, and sneered in his heart, "I want to tell him the Aixinjueluo family to have a taste of what is called a disaster..."

Everyone didn't know that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, and everyone in the harem was discussing the ruthlessness of the future.

"That palace maid was full of burns, welts, and blood holes. Oops, I couldn't bear to see it."

"I heard that she was being abused, and she was so angry that she committed suicide by throwing herself into a well."

"Didn't you say you were only given thirty lashes?"

"The suicide of a palace maid is a serious crime, and the family will be implicated. If she hadn't been tortured inhumanly, how could she have committed suicide with a mere thirty lashes?"

These words gradually spread to the Queen Mother's ears, and even her eyes were different from usual.

"Are you getting better?" The Queen Mother looked her up and down.

After that, she dressed plain and simple on weekdays, but today she is uncharacteristically, with heavy makeup and gorgeous clothes, but no amount of makeup can suppress the dark blue under her eyes, she forced to hide her tiredness and said: "The queen mother cares, the concubine is very impressed. But You see, this dress was tailored a month ago, but it's half an inch narrower today, and my concubine is a lot fatter than before."

The queen mother nodded: "That's good, but don't force it, the southern cruiser is tired, if you can't stand it, you should stay in the palace..."

Immediately after that, he answered: "The body of the concubine is already in good shape, and she wants to accompany her to serve the queen mother..."

A hint of reluctance flashed on the Queen Mother's face, and she quickly covered it up. The two discussed the list of entourage on the southern tour for a while. A few high-ranking concubines naturally wanted to go together. There are some differences.

"Zhaohua and Zhaoyu are two gluttons. Yesterday, Zhaohua ate an eight-treasure duck by himself. He couldn't get over it, and his stomach hurt for a whole day." Take it and leave it unattended in the Forbidden City, I'm not worried."

Then he said: "The queen mother, Zhaohua Zhaoyu is always naughty, the emperor has the intention to keep them, and ask the mother to teach you the rules..."

The queen mother didn't like her at all, and when she heard her say that the two geeks who grew up beside her were naughty, she immediately lowered her face: "such a small child learns rules all day long and makes people stupid. What is a rule? , I set the rules, but I want to see, who would dare to say that the rules are not good for the children who came out of Shoukang Palace!"

Embarrassed after that.

"Chen and concubine also think they should stay." Someone actually spoke for her, but it was none other than Wei Yingluo, but she saw her smiling and said to the queen mother, "The two are young, especially Zhao Zhao. Yu, I went to the Mulan paddock with me last year, and when I came back, I fell seriously ill and traveled all the way around the southern tour. My concubine was afraid that the two of them would be unaccustomed to the environment, so I might as well stay."

Although the queen mother wanted these two children to accompany her, she was more concerned about their bodies, so she sighed: "Then let Aunt Zhao and Aunt Zhou stay, and then choose four smart maids to stay and serve. There was a slight mishap, they were the only ones who asked!"

Several people discussed the route of the southern tour again. After a long time, the queen mother gradually became tired and dispersed. On the way back to the palace, Xiao Quanzi asked in a low voice, "Niangniang, why do you care whether the queen goes to the southern tour or not?"

Wei Yingluo walked under the lanterns, her face was brightly lit at one time, and pitch black at the same time, she said lightly: "The children are all staying in the Forbidden City, if she also stays, I will not be relieved, so she has to go. No!"

She thought so, but Hongli didn't think so.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he glanced at the list of concubines who accompanied the Southern Tour, put the list down, and said to him, "You don't have to go."

After a moment of surprise, the already pale complexion turned a little paler, almost the same color as the wall: "Why?"

"You're sick." Hong Li said lightly, "This time, you will stay in the Forbidden City to recover from your illness. Don't follow the south and suffer from the fatigue of running around, so as not to aggravate your illness."

"Chen and concubine are not sick!" Afterwards, his expression changed suddenly, "Even if he is sick, he has to make a southern tour. The emperor will not let him, so the concubine has no choice but to remove the hairpin and act as a palace maid, serving the queen mother all the way!"

Hongli heard the threat in her words, and frowned: "Why do you have to hold on when you are clearly ill? This time you travel south along the canal, after thousands of miles, what if you fall ill on the way?"

Afterwards, he shook his head and said, "The emperor and the empress dowager are not in the Forbidden City. The ministers and concubines are left alone. How do the courtiers talk about it, and what do the people in the world say?"

Hongli felt that he understood the meaning of the other party, and couldn't help but snorted: "It seems that what you care about is not filial piety, nor etiquette, but the dignity and majesty of the queen."

Then he raised his head abruptly and said, "No, the dignity of a courtier and concubine is also the rules and decency of the Qing Dynasty! Could it be that the emperor wants everyone in the world to know that I, the empress of the Qing Dynasty, have become a decoration and a burden in front of the emperor. !"

This conversation, of course, came to an end.

Perhaps because of suspicion, and perhaps because of concern for her body, Hongli did not agree to let her tour the South together.

Afterwards, she was determined to go together. For this reason, she was not allowed to enter the water and rice for a whole day. She lay on the bed with her eyes wide open. After two days of starvation, in any case, she must travel south with her.

Otherwise, once the concubines and courtiers got the news, they would discuss it: "Is there not even her on the southern tour?" Is the queen sick and dying? Or made an unforgivable mistake and was rejected by the emperor

She had never suffered such a crime since she was a child. The first day was fine, but on the second day, her eyes began to turn black, and she even wanted to bite the quilt and eat it.

"Emother." Yong Ping got the news and came back to persuade her in a hurry, feeding a spoonful of rice soup to her mouth, "Just take a bite."

"Why are you here?" Then he avoided the spoon in his hand and said sharply to him, "You should study in the Shang study room at this hour, go back! Go back immediately!"

For whom did she suffer so much? It's not for Yongping, if she can't even catch up with the Southern Tour, if she falls out of favor, what will happen to Yongping's future

Yong Ping left with tears in his eyes, but after a while, he ran back.

Afterwards, he hated that iron was not steel, and was about to reprimand him when he heard him cheerfully shout: "Huang Ama agreed, he agreed! Huang E-niang, you can accompany him on the southern tour!"

"... What did you say?" Hearing that, he was stunned, "He... the emperor agreed?"

Yuan Chunwang walked in with a glass of water, Yong Ying ran all the way, his throat was dry, he grabbed the water glass without a word, and started drinking.

"Queen Empress, Brother Twelve is really filial and persuaded the emperor to change his words." Yuan Chunwang said with a smile.

Afterwards, looking at Yong Ping who was drinking water with his head held high, he couldn't help showing a touching and loving smile.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Yong Ping put down the water glass and said, "No, it's not me, I knelt at the door for three hours, Huang Ama ignored it, or the fifth brother was amazing, it didn't take long for him to enter, Huang Ama changed. Idea! Queen Mother, we have to thank Fifth Brother!"

He said it without any scheming, but then he heard his face as frosty, and said sharply: "Thank him for what!"

Yong Ping was stunned.

"You're still complacent about something worthless!" Then he looked at him pitifully and disappointedly, "Get out, get out!"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she already regretted it. What was wrong with Yongxing? The fault is also in the fifth brother, he is already a waste, and he is so fond of Hongli...

Yong Ying's eyes filled with tears, and she was pushed away by Zhen'er. When she was about to go out, she suddenly turned around and said, "Mother Huang'er, everyone said that you are ill. I didn't believe it before, but it turns out that you are really ill!"

After saying that, he quickly ran out.

Zhener wanted to chase him, but she couldn't worry about her successor. She was in a dilemma, and she said slowly, "Let him go."

"Niangniang..." Zhener turned back to the bed and held her hand in comfort.

"He knelt for three hours, and he couldn't compare to other people's words." Afterwards, he smiled, and the smile was endlessly bitter, "It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous... In the emperor's heart, we mother and son, what are we? Nothing! Nothing!"

When a person is disappointed to the extreme, it becomes despair.

And a desperate person can do anything.

How to make her despair? Yuan Chunwang looked at her, and a small figure gradually appeared in his heart...