Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 21: Lotus root balls


If you are acting stupid, you can't see it in front of people, but you can see it behind people.

Zhilan walked out of Chuxiu Palace with a hexagonal palace lantern.

Deliberately pinch the wick so dark that it can only see an inch in front of you, so as not to startle the snake.

Taking a shortcut with ease, Zhilan rushed out of Chuxiu Palace before Wei Yingluo, and then lay in ambush on the only way for her to return to the embroidery workshop.

As soon as she heard the sound of footsteps, she blew out the palace lantern in her hand.

Immediately it was dark around her. Zhilan hid herself behind a big tree, and the shade fell, like a dark cloud and mist lingering around her, tightly wrapping her in a darkness that was hard to tell with the naked eye.

Before long, footsteps approached, accompanied by a burp.

"Oops!" The footsteps stopped suddenly.

Zhilan hurriedly held her breath, listening to what she wanted to say.

"Just take the balls back like this, what if everyone wants me to share them with them?" Wei Yingluo said in distress, "I don't want to share such delicious food with others, why don't you just eat it now!"

Under Zhilan's stunned gaze, she picked up the bowl and swallowed, but she swallowed half of it, and suddenly vomited out with a wow, together with the portion she had eaten in Chuxiu Palace.

She vomited and suddenly squatted on the ground and started crying. Zhilan thought she felt wronged, but she heard her sigh and sigh, "Why did she spit it out, hey, wasted, wasted..."

This man, this man is really a fool! !

Zhilan couldn't bear to stare, for fear that if she continued to watch it, she would dirty her eyes and ears, so she snorted and turned her head back to return to life.

Behind him, the sound of vomiting continued intermittently.

Wei Yingluo pinched her throat hard, she knew that the louder she vomited, the faster Zhilan would leave.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Wei Yingluo slowly raised her head after finally emptying her stomach. The violent vomiting caused crystal tears to ooze out of her eyes, but there were two fires in her eyes.

Play dumb.

Concubine Hui Gui's attack came too suddenly, and in a hurry, she could only think of this way to deal with it.

Anyone can pretend to be stupid, but because everyone can do things, it is even more difficult. The most difficult point is how to quickly eliminate the murderous intention of Concubine Huihui.

You must know that this master has a heart like a snake and a scorpion, and even the concubines of the harem can do anything at will, not to mention her humble little palace maid.

So these seven bowls of lotus root starch balls, she ate just right.

Presumably that concubine Huigui, who thinks she is a smart person, will not waste time on her "idiot" for a long time to come.

"Concubine Huigui won't come to me for no reason." Wei Yingluo wiped the residue on the corner of her mouth and sneered, "Who told her the secret?"

That person must be hiding not far from her.

The first person she suspected was Jinxiu. After all, she was an insider, and she led Zhilan to the embroidery workshop to find someone, but she couldn't produce any evidence for a while. Besides Jinxiu, there were three others who couldn't get along with her. People, secretly speaking ill of her, such as this moment.

After returning from Concubine Huigui, three days had passed in the blink of an eye, and the maids of Embroidery Workshop and Jin Yuzuo were suddenly called to one place, saying that the eunuch had ordered them to do something later.

When there are too many people, the mouth will be mixed.

I saw the three of them forming a group, whispering in a voice that was neither high nor low, just enough to be heard by the people beside them, and one of them said, "Wei Yingluo came back very late last night—"

"Didn't you be called by Sister Zhilan to Chuxiu Palace?"

"Sister Zhilan has given her instructions, so why do you want to keep her for dinner? Are you stupid? After they came out of Chuxiu Palace, they went to a tryst! She's a good friend, and she's a guard in the Forbidden City!"

They speak with nose and eyes, as if they have seen it with their own eyes. Half of them believe it, and half of them don't believe it, but they listen to it with relish. After all, everyone has a heart for gossip.

Everyone looked sideways, Wei Yingluo couldn't help clenching her fists.

"Eunuch Li is here!"

The little eunuch's singing and drinking temporarily stopped everyone's words.

Wei Yingluo only looked up and lowered her head quickly.

It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things come one after another. She recognizes the Eunuch Li who is walking across from him, isn't it the great eunuch who was with the emperor last time

Eunuch Li didn't recognize her. The weather was a little hot today, so he didn't need to talk. He only had to stand under the sun for a while, sweating profusely, and a few attentive little eunuchs hurriedly moved a chair to the shade and served After serving the tea cup and fruit plate, Eunuch Li took two sips of water, and then instructed: "Who's here?"

"It's the new palace maid from Xiufang and Jinyuzuo." The little eunuch on the side replied while fanning him.

Eunuch Li nodded: "It's still the same as a few days ago, let's start."

He folded his hands in front of his abdomen, closed his eyes and fell asleep in the chair, but he didn't really fall asleep, but raised his ears high.

"Come on, queue up to talk one by one." The little eunuch ordered, "Just say, this servant tickles the divine tree!"

What is this nonsense

Ladies, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't understand what this means.

"Hurry up, don't waste Eunuch Li's time!" the little eunuch urged dissatisfied.

Only then did a palace maid come out bravely: "The slaves give the gods tree..."

Before she could finish her words, Eunuch Li, who was lying in the chair, shook his head slowly. The little eunuch kept paying attention to his every move from the corner of his eyes, and immediately said, "Next."

"Slave tickles the divine tree."


"Slave tickles the divine tree."


"Slave tickles the divine tree."


There were fewer and fewer people in front, and the sweat on Wei Yingluo's face became more and more.

"Sister Yingluo, are you hot?" Jixiang handed over a handkerchief and said worriedly, "I'll lend you the handkerchief, so you can wipe your sweat."

Wei Yingluo took the handkerchief without saying a word, raised her hand to wipe off the sweat, and suddenly shook her body and fell to the ground.

Jixiang was startled, and hurriedly jumped on her and said, "Sister Yingluo, what's wrong with you, sister Yingluo?"

There was too much movement, and Eunuch Li slowly opened his eyes: "What happened?"

The little eunuch went over to check, and came back and said to him, "Father-in-law, it's a little palace maid who fainted from heat."

Eunuch Li looked up at the sky. Even though there was a cascading shade of trees on the top of his head, there were still a few rays of sunlight that fell through the gaps between the leaves and hit people, scalding like boiling water.

"This weather is very difficult." Eunuch Li raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and instructed to go on, "The one who is dizzy will be sent back first, and the rest will stand under the shade of the tree and continue."

"Slave tickles the divine tree."


"Slave tickles the divine tree."


"Slave tickles the divine tree."


The conversation got farther and farther, and Wei Yingluo, who was supported by Jixiang's half back and half back, opened her eyes and quickly closed her eyes with a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know why Eunuch Li was looking for her, fortunately she didn't show her face that day, and she was wearing the clothes of an ordinary palace maid, and there were no special embroidery on the collar and cuffs. have rights.

Eunuch Li can only find her in the little palace maid, and only by voice.

Pifang, Embroidery, Jinyuzuo, Ruyi Pavilion... He still has thousands of voices to listen to, and he is afraid that he will forget what her voice is like.

"This matter is not urgent for the time being." Wei Yingluo thought to herself, "The most urgent task is to deal with the gossip and gossip around me. Oh, although the gossip is limited to the wise, there are many stupid people in this world, and there are not many wise people..."

Even Mammy Zhang thought the same way.

After the work of the embroidery workshop was completed, she left Wei Yingluo alone, closed the doors and windows, and blocked the curious ears, and then asked with a serious face: "Everyone said that you are friendly with a guard, is it true?"

Wei Yingluo smiled and said, "Mother, have the rumors spread to you?"

"There are rumors like this everywhere in the embroidery workshop." Mammy Zhang said earnestly, "Although I don't believe it, but the three of them become tigers, the rumors are very lethal, you have to be extra careful."

The two looked at each other in silence. After a while, Wei Yingluo asked softly, "What's the worst case?"

"The worst case scenario is that the rumors reach Director Wu's ears," said Mama Zhang.

Although she had met before and was appreciated by the other party, but she knew the person and the face but not the heart. Wei Yingluo asked herself how much she knew about Director Wu, which was not as good as that of the nanny who had been in the harem for more than ten years. , so humbly asked for advice: "Mommy, then look, if the rumors spread to Director Wu's ears according to the worst case, would he deal with me indiscriminately?"

"That won't happen." Mammy Zhang thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "That manager Wu is a practical person, and most of the things that fall into his hands will be carefully checked, unlike the other few. Father-in-law, in order to quickly quell the trouble, just deal with people casually."

"I see..." Wei Yingluo thought thoughtfully.

If there is hatred, it will not stay overnight. If there is an enemy, deal with it earlier. Don't let the other party stay in the dark all the time, so that the other party may give her a knife anytime, anywhere. Out of the embroidery workshop, a plan has gradually formed in Wei Yingluo's heart, but there is a lack of props...

Suddenly, she stopped, and she turned her eyes to the opposite lane.

Several craftsmen were pushing carts past.

If a young craftsman felt something, when he turned his head, he saw Wei Yingluo smiling slightly at him, and his whole face suddenly flushed red, and he remained motionless, as if he had been pointed by a fairy. The statue was slapped on the back of the head by a companion who came with him, and reprimanded: "What are you looking at, don't have eyes, she is a woman in the palace, she looks so beautiful, who knows if she is a concubine..."

Several people hurriedly lowered their heads and hurriedly pushed the cart away.

Because the movement was too large, a lot of white debris was sprinkled on the place where the wheel ran over.

A pair of white embroidered shoes walked over slowly, and then a beautiful hand dropped down and picked up a handful of broken soil.

Looking down at the broken soil in her palm, a beautiful smile slowly bloomed on Wei Yingluo's face.