Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 27: Gift


Great eunuch Li Yu walked in with a snow-white whisk between his elbows, followed by a string of eunuchs carrying red sandalwood boxes behind him.

"The Empress is a thousand years old!" Li Yu smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, "The emperor entrusted the servants to bring this year's birthday gift for Qianqiu."

The queen stood up and greeted her: "The emperor is very kind, and the concubine is grateful."

"Don't worry, madam, aside from the usual rules of gold, silver, silk and satin, the emperor has specially prepared a gift for you." After that, Li Yu clapped her hands, and two beautiful-faced eunuchs came in with a delicate make-up.

The time is just right, Zi Shi, the moment when Empress Fucha was born.

The small black box at the top of the makeup box suddenly opened, and an emerald green cuckoo popped out. At first glance, it was lifelike. When I got closer, I realized that it was carved from a whole piece of emerald, except for two black eyes dotted with it. Onyx, full of inspiration, delicate and lovely, when he saw Queen Fucha, he stretched out his green feathers and made a cry of "Cuckoo, Cuckoo".

The queen immediately showed her love: "Is this a clock?"

"In order to give you a surprise, the emperor ordered the bell to be made early. They worked hard for a long time and made a birthday bell, but the emperor said that we Chinese people do not want to send that thing on birthdays, so he specially ordered them to make it. You Look." Li Yu opened the makeup box, which contained all kinds of jewelry, mostly emeralds and agate jewelry, which just complemented the cuckoo's calling of the birds, Li Yu smiled, "This is a makeup box. , but the little box above can tell the time on time!"

Precious is second, and the most commendable thing is the thought that the emperor spends on it.

All the concubines present were envious, especially Concubine Hui Gui, the fake nails digging into the flesh of the maid next to her, although it hurt, the other party did not dare to make any sound.

"It's hard for the emperor to put so much thought into the palace." The queen's wife finally showed her first smile at this birthday banquet.

The people beside her gathered around and said compliments to her. The queen waved her hand, and the voices stopped. She said to Li Yu: "Eunuch Li, please go and tell the emperor that this palace will come to thank you in person later."

"Yes, Niangniang." Li Yu replied respectfully, and when she turned around, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Wei Yingluo stood on the side of the road, holding the tray in her hands as if nothing had happened, intentionally or not, the tray just covered her face.

Although she felt that this woman looked familiar, but this was the Queen's birthday banquet, Li Yu could not tell her to look up at this time, so as not to cause groundless guesses by others, and the Queen's instructions were on her body, so she looked back. Lift your feet and leave.

After he left, everyone's eyes and discussions were focused on the cuckoo. After a long time, Queen Fucha remembered that there was a palace maid who came to offer gifts, turned her head and asked her kindly: "What did the embroidery workshop give? Come?"

Wei Yingluo slowly unfolded the yellow silk on the tray, revealing the folded phoenix robe underneath.

There was a sound of exclamation all around, but it was not the beauty of the phoenix robe.

Rather... marvel at its crudeness.

"Bold!!" Without the need for Queen Fucha to speak, Mingyu, the maid next to her, shouted sharply, "How dare you give such a thing to the Queen!!"

The embroidery work of the phoenix robe is extraordinary, and the phoenix above it spreads its wings and wants to fly.

The difference is that the cuckoo is carved from precious emeralds, while the phoenix robe in the tray is woven from the fur of an unknown animal.

"I remember that the peacock thread was sent to the embroidery workshop. What is it made now?" Mingyu walked over quickly, grabbed the phoenix robe, and looked even more angry, "It's not gold, not even silver. Thread, okay, how dare the embroidery workshop dare to be so blatantly greedy for peacock thread, and finally come up with such a shoddy thing to make up the number?"

Wei Yingluo quickly knelt down: "Slave and maid don't dare."

"You don't dare? You've already done it, what else is there to dare?" Mingyu was about to throw the phoenix robe in her hand at the opponent's face, but there was a voice from Empress Fucha behind her: "Slow."

Empress Fucha beckoned and ordered Mingyu to hand over the clothes. She looked down for a moment, her brows could not help wrinkling, and she looked up at Wei Yingluo: "If this palace is not mistaken, this is made of deer's tail. silk."

"The Empress is holy," Wei Yingluo admitted generously without any cover up.

The crowd was in an uproar.

It is actually the lowest deer tail hair in the embroidery thread. Even the palace maids with a slightly higher status would not use this material for clothes. Such a thing to humiliate the empress

For a while, everyone's eyes glanced at Concubine Hui Gui, intentionally or unintentionally.

Even Empress Fucha had similar suspicions in her heart, her face gradually turned cold, and she asked, "Why does the embroidery workshop choose such silk threads?"

Does the queen only use this kind of embroidery thread, or is there something wrong with the material sent above? In the eyes of everyone, no matter what the answer is, it is a humiliation for the queen. Needless to say about the former, if it is the latter, it means that the queen is simply unable to control the harem, and anyone can change the materials, and then use a deer-tailed hair-phoenix robe to humiliate her at an important time like a birthday banquet.

Regardless of how the Queen will handle this matter after the birthday banquet, this little palace maid in front of me... is dead!

In the eyes of everyone looking at the dead, Wei Yingluo took a deep breath, still maintaining the gesture of holding the tray in her hands, and said clearly: "I heard that the empress is always thrifty, she once said that gold and silver threads are extravagant and wasteful, and she also thought about the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty. Before the customs, all clothing decorations were made of deer tail wool, but this time the minions took the courage to abandon the gold and silver threads and return to the old customs, which not only obeyed the empress’s decree of strict economy, but also reminded everyone to remember the hardships of the ancestors to create the imperial industry.”

"This..." Mingyu was ready to call someone to deal with Wei Yingluo, but when she suddenly heard such remarks, she was speechless. Turn your eyes to Queen Fucha for help.

What will Queen Fucha do with Wei Yingluo

Wei Yingluo has already guessed that it is almost inseparable.

Previously, she refused to come in to give gifts because the queen was in a bad mood at that time because of the Guanyin gift from Concubine Huigui.

Even a good person who eats fast all the year round, when he is in a bad mood, he is not sure that he will stretch out his feet and kick the house dog next to his feet.

So she waited left and right, dragged left and right, and finally dragged it to the emperor's gift.

The emerald green cuckoo sang brightly in the Queen's hazy heart.

Even a short-tempered person will speak softly when he is in a good mood, and even kindly reward a roadside beggar with one or two steamed buns.

"It's up to people to make things happen." Wei Yingluo thought to herself, "God... Please don't disappoint those who care."

Heaven, naturally will not let down the caring people.

"...You girl has a clever mind." She knelt on the ground, and could only hear Empress Fucha's voice coming from above her head, with ease and joy, "Nowadays, the luxury of the palace is rising, Ruo Ren Everyone can remember the hardships of their ancestors in starting a business, and they should give up luxury and live a simple life. Come and reward!"