Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 29: good sister


"Have you heard?" A palace maid quietly leaned into Linglong's ear, "The Empress likes Yingluo very much, and Director Wu specially instructed Mammy Zhang that day to transfer Yingluo to Changchun Palace!"

His fingers trembled, and a drop of blood was pricked from the needle, and Linglong wiped the blood without leaving any traces.

"She is really lucky to be able to serve the Empress." The palace maid sighed, "Linglong, it's a pity for you."

Linglong smiled lightly: "What do I have to regret?"

"In terms of looks and embroidery, you are no worse than her, but Mammy Zhang is so biased! If you were the one who went up to present gifts this time, and the one who went to Changchun Palace now, it wouldn't be Wei Yingluo!" Linglong's face became more and more ugly, and the palace maid hurriedly changed words to comfort her, "But it's alright if she's gone, without her, you'll be on your way!"

Who is rare in this broken embroidery workshop!

Linglong's demeanor was still maintained on her face, but the needles under her hands became more and more chaotic. The pictures she accidentally peeped that day kept appearing in front of her eyes.

"Mommy, you take care of me too much."

"Your silly sister is my most proud apprentice. Even if you look at her, I will take care of you two more points."

It's more than two points!

The best resources and the best opportunities are all with Wei Yingluo alone! The rest have no chance at all!

"If Madam Zhang was willing to take care of me like this, I would also be appreciated by the Empress. Those two satin and hairpins would also have my share! Ouch!" Linglong put her punctured finger in her mouth and looked in front of her. The embroidered stretcher, looking at the messy pattern embroidered on it, she got angry, picked up the scissors at hand, and clicked—


Linglong shook her hand, and the scissors pulled out a long slit on the embroidered stretcher. On the embroidered stretcher was the picture of a golden cat that she was best at. With a single stroke, from left to right, the cut was right on the golden cat's neck, and it was cut into the cat's neck. After the head was cut off, a picture immediately became bloody and unlucky, and the cat's two eyes were more like staring at her.

Linglong hurriedly folded the embroidered stretcher on the table and stood up to greet him, "I'm here, mama, what are you looking for?"

"I'm not looking for you." Mammy Zhang said, "It's Director Wu looking for you."

Linglong's eyes flashed with two rays of light. Could it be that her heart was turning from time to time, and it was finally her turn to be appreciated by the nobles

"... The Empress has an order to tell Director Wu to find the thief who stole the peacock feather line." Unexpectedly, Zhang Ma's next sentence was, "Starting from you, you all go over to answer one by one, and whatever Director Wu asks, you will reply. ,do you understand."

Every time she said another word, Linglong's complexion became paler.

Even the legs are a little sore.

It was as if a decapitated cat was holding her leg, staring at her with ominous cat eyes.

Not everyone has to be questioned, at least not Wei Yingluo.

In fact, when Director Wu came over, she was the first person he saw.

"My eyes have never missed anyone." He said kindly, "From the first time I saw you, I knew that you were definitely not something in the pool. Sooner or later, you will fly out of this small embroidery workshop."

"It's all thanks to you." Wei Yingluo was still as respectful as when she first saw him, she bent down and said, "If you hadn't upheld justice that day, how could I be today, I'm afraid it would have been because of That unprovoked slander was taken away by Aunt Fang Zhu Chugong. I will always remember this kindness in my heart, and if there is any use for me in the future, I also ask Director Wu to instruct me at will."

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome, let's help each other!" Director Wu laughed.

There is no good for no reason in the palace, today is good to you, the picture is to return in the future.

Director Wu was very optimistic about Wei Yingluo, and he did not intend to use up precious favors at this time. He asked her a few times, and even revealed to her some preferences about the queen. Finally, he patted Wei Yingluo on the shoulder and said: "When you arrive at the Empress, you have to serve her well, but don't be lazy and slack because of her kindness and kindness. The Empress is kind, but that doesn't mean the people around her are kind."

Wei Yingluo's heart moved, she nodded and said, "Yingluo understands, thank Director Wu for reminding."

The more powerful he is, the more cautious he is in his words and deeds. Every word he speaks is after passing through the nine-curved ileum in his stomach and going around countless times before finally considering it.

Every word has its own meaning.

"Forget it, think about it later." Looking at the sky, Wei Yingluo smiled, "There are more important things to do today."

In the dining room of the palace maid, a bowl of longevity noodles was gently placed in front of Jixiang.

Snow-white noodles are rolled in the soup, topped with rich and delicious red minced meat, and emerald green vegetables.

"When you know that the sun is gluttonous, this thing is not as fresh as peaches, and it is often connected with each other. Years and years are connected with each other. I wish Tianlun and the moon reunion together, a bowl of longevity noodles is not a respect." Wei Yingluo winked at the auspicious person across the table, "I wish you a long life and a safe year."

"Sister Yingluo..." This was a big surprise. It took a long time for Jixiang to recover, and she was so excited that she stuttered, "You, how do you know me, it's my birthday today?"

"On the day of entering the palace, when the eunuch in charge checked everyone's list, didn't they report it on purpose?" Wei Yingluo said with a smile.

"He only said it once, and you remember it?" Jixiang looked at her admiringly, "You have a good memory."

"Yeah, I have a good memory." Wei Yingluo smiled.

How could she have such a good memory? Seeing that Jixiang has been unhappy recently, she specially asked the eunuch in charge.

Even the noodles in the bowl are not easy to come by.

The masters naturally eat whatever they want. If the maids want to order extra food, they have to put silver in the hands of the cook in the imperial kitchen. Wei Yingluo entered the palace almost empty-handed. He was paid for his work, stayed up for several nights, and made a few pieces of embroidery for the cook, which was how he got this bowl of noodles.

"Eat it quickly, it will cool down if you let it go." Wei Yingluo handed the chopsticks to the other person, "eat them whole, so that you can live a hundred years."

"Yeah!" Jixiang took the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and put them in his mouth, sucking and sucking, and suddenly burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Wei Yingluo was stunned, "Isn't it delicious?"

She dipped the soup with another chopstick, put it in her mouth and tasted it... The taste is very good, worthy of the few pieces of embroidery she paid for, why did she eat it and cry

"Sister Yingluo, you are so kind to me." Jixiang choked, "You are the only one in the palace who really cares about me, woohoo, when you go to Changchun Palace, no one will care about me."

"It's not like I never come back." Wei Yingluo softened her heart and hugged her and said, "Even if I don't come back, can't you come and see me?"

"I... can I really see you?" Jixiang looked at her expectantly and worriedly, "Will it make you very embarrassed? Although I am stupid, I also know that not everyone can enter the Changchun Palace..."

"What's the problem?" Wei Yingluo put the handkerchief she had prepared in her hand, "Take it, this is a birthday present for you. If you want me in the future, come to Changchun Palace. If you don't come, I will ask someone to bring this veil in. When I see the veil, I know that you miss me, and I will ask for leave to see you immediately, okay?"

Ji Jixiang felt hot in her heart, tears fell again, and the salty tears fell into the soup, but when she ate it in her mouth, she only tasted the taste of honey.

"Wei Yingluo, Wei Yingluo!" A palace maid's voice sounded outside the door, "Are you there?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Wei Yingluo turned around and replied.

"There is someone from Changchun Palace, come with me." The palace maid said.

"Sister Yingluo, hurry up." Jixiang heard this, and was even more anxious than Wei Yingluo, pushed her arm and said, "I'll stay here to eat noodles, this bowl of noodles is enough for me to eat for a long time."

"Well, I'll be back when I go." Wei Yingluo glanced at her apologetically, then left with the palace maid.

After she left, Jixiang was not in a hurry to eat the noodles, but looked at the handkerchief in his hand cherishingly.

There is a yellow dog embroidered on the handkerchief, which is the one that Jixiang raised in her hometown. She lived a difficult life in the palace, and also lived a difficult life in her hometown. Her parents prioritized sons over daughters, and when her younger brother was eating, she could only drink soup. She couldn't even drink the soup, and she was so hungry that she cried, but her grandmother couldn't see it, so she took her by her side and squeezed something to eat from her teeth.

It is not the parents who support the grandma, but the old yellow dog in the family. Although he is not good-looking, he has a good hunting ability. He often comes back with some sparrows and voles from outside, otherwise she and grandma would have starved to death.

She seldom told others about these rambling stories, because no one liked to hear them.

Only Wei Yingluo not only listened to it, but also remembered it in her heart.

"Thank you." Jixiang pressed the handkerchief to his hot heart, and continued to meditate, "Thank you, Sister Yingluo, it's great to be able to enter the palace and get to know you... Jixiang only needs to live to be fifty years old, and the rest will be fine. I will give you all of your life, I hope you can live a long life and be safe every year."


A sigh interrupted Jixiang's thoughts, she turned her head to look, and immediately pulled her face down.

I don't know when, Linglong actually sat next to her, not knowing what she had experienced before, her face was as pale as paper, and there was even more anxiety in her eyes.

Jixiang picked up the longevity noodles and was about to leave, but Linglong reached out and pulled it back.

"Jixiang, how did you become such a person?" Linglong said sadly, "You were not like this when you were young."

The two are from the same town, and they are neighbors to each other, but Linglong's family is much better than Jixiang, and sometimes they will throw her snacks that they can't eat. Yes, if you ask her to climb a tree, she will climb a tree, and if you ask her to learn how to bark, she will learn how to bark.

"We used to be so good, but as soon as you entered the palace, you became estranged from me." Linglong sighed again, "Is it because of Wei Yingluo?"

"Hmph, you still know!" Jixiang was blunt, and immediately replied, "She didn't mess with you, but you always gossip about her behind your back!"

Linglong's face turned cold, in order to hide the coldness on her face, she raised a sleeve and looked like she was wiping tears: "You blame me for targeting her, but why don't you think about it, I work so hard, and my embroidery is not much worse than hers, but Mammy always favors her, can I not have any lumps in my heart?"

"It's a lot worse. You only have a good cat embroidery, and the others are not good. You can embroider any pattern and stitch any way you look like Sister Yingluo." Ji Xiang gave her a strange look, and said of course, "You want to be a mother. Mommy values you, so you should work hard, don't always embroider cats, embroider more... Oh, you don't always embroider cats because you can't compare to Sister Yingluo, right?"

Linglong stopped wiping her tears, and a cold chill emerged from her body.

"...Okay." After a long time, she slowly put down her sleeves, and said pitifully to Jixiang, "I will embroider more in the future."

Jixiang is not a person who holds grudges, and seeing Fa Xiao's pitiful appearance again, his heart softened, and his mouth followed with a sigh: "Forget it, as long as you don't target Sister Yingluo in the future, we will still be good sisters. "

"Okay, I swear to God here." Linglong put her three fingers together, pointing to the sky, "If I have any bad thoughts towards you or Wei Yingluo, I will ask God to punish me for crashing into the wall and die, I can't die!"

Jixiang hurriedly pressed down her finger pointing to the sky and complained in a low voice: "Don't say it, it's a taboo!"

"Then let's reconcile?" Linglong looked at her expectantly.

She has already done this, what else can Jixiang do, humming for a long time, and finally nodding.

"So auspicious!" Linglong reached out and hugged her, her chin resting on her shoulder, her eyes glowed fiercely, but her mouth smiled sweetly, "Speaking of which, today is your birthday, I have prepared one for you. a gift…”