Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 35: Visit sick


"Drink this bowl of ginger soup."

"Thank you Lord for the reward."

Wei Yingluo took the ginger soup handed over by the other party and took a sip, the warmth made her cold body shiver.

"Thanks to you, the flowers in the flowerbed were saved." The queen looked at her curiously, "but why are you there?"

"Last night there was a halo of moon, and there were dark clouds in the east in the morning. I'm afraid there will be wind and rain today. I was afraid that the flowers in the yard would suffer, so I rushed over after cleaning the inner and outer courtyards in the morning." Wei Yingluo replied respectfully.

When the queen heard this, she squinted at Mingyu.

Cleaning the inner and outer courtyards is not a job that can be done by one person, at least seven or eight palace maids do it together, and if, as she said, the entire inner and outer courtyards are cleaned in the morning, it is impossible to get up before dawn—Ming Jade, this is different from what you said earlier.

"Since I know it's going to rain today, why didn't I tell others in advance?" After all, she had been in Changchun Palace for so long, and Erqing wanted to say something for Mingyu, so she asked Wei Yingluo, "If you say hello to everyone in advance, do Be prepared, and there won't be so many flowers in the flowerbed."

The strength of one person will eventually be exhausted. Although Wei Yingluo tried her best, she could not save all the jasmine flowers. The rain beat the flowers and left the flowerbed with red residue.

"I said..." Wei Yingluo replied unexpectedly, then glanced at Mingyu intentionally or unintentionally.

Although she didn't specifically say who she had told, everyone in the palace had one more eye than others.

The queen immediately understood who she was talking about, and glanced at Er Qing, who was bowing her head and said nothing, she shook her head gently, and said softly to Wei Yingluo: "Okay, you don't have to work anymore today, just drink After this bowl of ginger soup, go back to take a hot bath, and then rest early, don't catch the cold."

"Thank you, Niangniang." After Wei Yingluo drank the ginger soup, she walked backwards and left.

But the disappointment in the queen's eyes could not be hidden.

"Master, I..." Er Qing racked her brains, trying to find a reasonable excuse for her behavior.

The queen raised her hand to stop her defense, or to stop her from continuing to fool herself as a fool.

"I have eyes, so I can see it myself." The Queen was half warning and half exhortation, and said to her, "Remember one sentence, if you say too much, you will lose it!"

Er Qing lowered her head in shame, but the moment the queen turned around, she raised a pair of resentful eyes.

The next day, Wei Yingluo did not contract the cold, but the queen had a headache.

A hand stretched out from the hanging gauze, and Zhang Yuanjuan put his finger on the other's pulse. After a while, he made a judgment: "The empress has a headache and body pain, it is because the lung meridian is stagnant and hot, and the outside is cold, so it is not in the way. Later, the minister will prescribe a dose of Qingjie Ningsou drink, with ginger and pear as the medicine, and after half a month of good conditioning, the phoenix body will recover."

The queen was crooked in the tent, and her voice was slightly nasal: "Zhang Yuan has judged that she is the holy hand of Xinglin, and this palace will naturally rest assured, otherwise she will not hand over the noble person to you. Speaking of noble person Yu, how is she recently?"

"This..." Zhang Yuanjian hesitated for a moment, then said, "Empress Empress, Yu Guiren often suffers from dizziness, and this minister took pains to take care of her, but unfortunately the results were minimal. The root cause is that Yu Guiren is too busy and emotionally disturbed. If things go on like this , fear... fear..."

"It will affect the dragon in her belly, right?" The queen finished what he didn't dare to say.

Zhang Yuanjian breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "Yes."

After sending off the sentence of Zhang Yuan, the queen struggled to get off the bed: "Erqing, change my clothes for this palace, ahem, this palace is going to visit the noble lady, ahem..."

"Master, it's absolutely impossible, you just suffered from a cold, you should take good care of your illness, how can you go out to get a hair dryer at this time?" Er Qing hurriedly patted her back.

There was also a hint of hesitation in the queen's eyes. She didn't care much about this little illness on her body. She was afraid that she would pass the illness to the noble lady and affect the fetus in her womb. She turned her eyes and landed on Ming Ming who was in the corner. On the jade body, the queen suddenly said: "Mingyu, take a trip for me."

"Me?" Mingyu was taken aback when she heard the words.

The queen nodded: "Take the box of tribute ginseng that was just delivered from the warehouse. You can take it to Yonghe Palace and tell Lady Yu to let her have a good pregnancy. This palace will visit soon."

"...Yes." Mingyu replied reluctantly.

When she came out of the warehouse, Mingyu was full of grievances. This kind of errands used to be done by just calling a little palace maid...

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and Mingyu shouted forward: "Come here!"

Wei Yingluo was cleaning the hall when she heard that she stopped the broom in her hand and walked towards her.

Mingyu raised her hand and threw it, and the ginseng box drew an arc in the air, and was almost caught by Wei Yingluo.

"Go to Yonghe Palace for a trip and tell Mrs. Yu that the Empress has been thinking about her and let her feel at ease to raise the baby, remember?"

Wei Yingluo didn't even think about rejecting it.

I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't know what happened to the poor Yugui.

Carrying the ginseng box out of Changchun Palace, Wei Yingluo walked through the forest passage all the way to Yonghe Palace, the red door was closed, she raised her hand and knocked: "The Empress ordered me to come and visit the noble lady, please open the door."

After waiting for a long time, no one answered the door.

"Honorable man, noble man?" Wei Yingluo knocked on the door again, "Is there anyone?"

Still no one answered.

Wei Yingluo felt a strange feeling in her heart. The palace was no different from the outside. Even if the master went out to visit, there would still be at least one or two eunuchs and maids left in the palace.

He was wandering in front of the door for a while, just as he was undecided whether to wait or leave, he suddenly heard a loud bang inside the door.

An unpleasant feeling came to her heart, Wei Yingluo suddenly gritted her teeth and roared, "Master Yu, I have offended you!"

Wei Yingluo took a step back, then leaned down and rammed the door with all her strength. With a loud bang, the door opened to both sides. She staggered a few steps, and then stared at the scene in front of her dumbfounded.

I saw that the Yonghe Palace was arranged like a mourning hall.

Incense candles, tributes, and white cloth were all available, and there was a copper brazier on the ground.

There was still a tablet on the ground, and I didn't know if it was knocked down by someone or if it fell off the table, but because of the sound of it falling, Wei Yingluo rushed in and saw—

Mr. Yu was lying on the ground, his neck held high, and a white scarf wrapped around his head.

A eunuch rode behind her, with his hands wrapped around the ends of the white towel, with such force that the back of his hand had already burst out with bloody veins.

"What are you doing!" Wei Yingluo shouted sharply.

Only then did the eunuch realize that there was one more person in the hall, and a ferocious look flashed in his eyes. He left the noble person behind and flew towards Wei Yingluo, choking Wei Yingluo's neck with both hands, and wanted to kill her!


A scream came from the eunuch's mouth.

He stepped back, holding his right hand tightly to the side of his neck—a hairpin was tied there.

Wei Yingluo has never been a master who was willing to take losses. When she saw the other party rushing towards her, she took off the hairpin and inserted it in the past without saying a word.

The eunuch pulled off the hairpin and held it in his hand.

Wei Yingluo slowly stepped back—there was no second hairpin on her head.

Suddenly turning around and running, Wei Yingluo shouted as she ran, "Someone, come here! There are assassins!"

She rushed all the way into the inner courtyard, and there were chaotic footsteps in front of her, and the joy just surfaced on Wei Yingluo's cheeks, and then she froze.

I saw a line of palace maids and eunuchs, surrounded by a palace concubine who was as beautiful as a peony, walking towards this side aggressively.

"Concubine Hui." Wei Yingluo's heart skipped a beat, "Why is she here?"

Not right, very wrong.

Although the Yonghe Palace is deserted, after all, the noble person is a master and a pregnant master, and there is no one around to serve.

Where did those people go, who were they transferred, held up, or silenced

And this group of uninvited guests...

The visitor was approaching, and Concubine Huigui and his party also saw Wei Yingluo. Seeing Concubine Huigui frowning, Zhilan immediately raised her hand and pointed at Wei Yingluo: "Catch her!"


Wei Yingluo turned around and rushed back to the main hall, quickly closed the door and fastened the bolt, then moved the table and chairs to block the door.

"Someone! Knock the door open!"


There was a sound of slamming the door one after another, like the more and more urgent waves crashing against the coast.

The situation in the house was also very bad. Seeing Wei Yingluo leaving and returning, the eunuch rushed towards her with a grinning smile. The two scuffled together. Fortunately, his neck was injured and he was bleeding non-stop. Wei Yingluo saw this. , his fingers continued to pinch his wound.

In the end, the eunuch couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes went black, and he fell to the ground.

"Huh, huh..." Wei Yingluo wasn't much better either, her clothes and hair were all messed up, and the other party had inserted a few holes in her body with a hairpin. Every time she took a step, her clothes were stained red with blood. She endured the pain. He staggered to Mr. Yu's side, helped her up and said, "Sir, wake up, wake up."

Mr. Yu couldn't wake up.

"What should I do?" Wei Yingluo murmured, her eyes wandering around the room, and finally she landed on the brazier that was still burning with paper money, hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth, "I have no choice but to resort to external force. …”

After half a cup of tea time, the whole Forbidden City was in chaos.

"Quick, this way, this way!"

"How can this amount of water be enough? Change to a bigger bucket."

"I'm coming!"

Fucha Fu Heng, who was about to visit his sick sister, stopped, pulled a young eunuch in a hurry and asked, "What happened?"

The little eunuch held a wooden bucket full of water in his hand and looked behind him pantingly: "There... Yonghe Palace has gone."

Fucha Fu Heng was stunned when he heard the words, he turned his head and saw a billowing plume of smoke rising to the sky in the direction of Yonghe Palace.