Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 40: Evil dog


The dispute between the emperor and the queen came to an end temporarily.

Wei Yingluo thought that the queen would be born to question her, but after waiting for a few days, she did not come.

The phrase "do not doubt the use of people, do not suspect people" turned out to be really not an excuse.

The fact that a scholar died for a confidant was so important to her that Wei Yingluo took care of her more carefully after that.

The queen likes her smart mind, and takes her by her side from time to time. Today, she invites noble people to visit the garden together. She does not bring Er Qingmingyu by her side, but her.

The scenery in the garden is beautiful, but it is a little cold. The two empresses are wearing thick cloaks on their shoulders and incense burners in their sleeves. They slowly walk across the winding wooden bridge. Wandering like colorful silk.

"Don't be bored in the Yonghe Palace in normal times. Come to Changchun Palace for a walk if you have nothing to do. You can also take a look in the garden. However, you have to let the people below you be more careful and keep people around you at all times." The queen said softly.

The noble man was pale and thin, and forced a smile: "The concubine received the favor of the concubine, and I will never know it for a lifetime."

The queen smiled: "This palace is the queen, and should take care of the six palaces, it is not worth your repayment."

Mr. Yu first smiled and then sighed: "If everyone in the palace was as tolerant and generous as the queen, there would not be so much right and wrong."

The queen knew who she was talking about, but she didn't know how to comfort her, and she was worried that she would think too much, which would hinder the production, so she gave Wei Yingluo a wink and asked her to find some happy things to tease her. Don't let her get discouraged.

Wei Yingluo couldn't find any interesting topics for a while, but Yu Guiren herself looked around for a while, then suddenly stopped and said, "What a cute puppy."

I saw a snow ball rolling not far ahead.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a snow-white puppy with no variegation at all. Several little eunuchs chased after it, one holding a painted food bowl in his arms, which was full of delicate hot food, and the other side. Running and shouting: "Ouch my little master, wait for the minions, wait for the minions."

Wei Yingluo was amused to hear that a dog has become the master.

"What kind of master and slave, it's really outrageous." The queen was the most disciplined person, and she said with a displeased face, "I don't know which palace's concubine raised it..."

The puppy shrugged its nose in the air, and then ran in the direction of Wei Yingluo and the others.

Yugui liked that it was young and cute, a smile appeared on her face, she bent slightly, as if she wanted to tease it, and as the dog ran closer, the smile on her face became less and less.

In the end, there was only panic.

"Wang Wang!" The puppy grinned and rushed towards Lady Yu like a madman. Amid the screams of the palace servants, he madly bit her.

"Ah, don't come here!" Fang Cao, the maid of honor who was supposed to be beside Yu Guiren, seemed to be frightened out of her soul at this time. Closer to the dog.

Yu Guiren's face was as white as snow, because he was so frightened that he forgot to even call for help, and the whole person was frozen in place like wood.


A scream.

A parabola flew up in the air, fell to the ground, and rolled several times. The fur and the snow were almost melted together. The puppy whimpered a few times, but did not get up, but stared at Wei Yingluo with fearful eyes from a distance.


A hand smeared with red Kodan stretched out from behind it and carried it into his arms.

"What are you, you dare to hurt Ben Gong's pet dog!" Concubine Hui Gui said coldly, "Take her down!"

Wei Yingluo was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, no, she should have thought long ago, who is so arrogant and domineering in the palace, who dares to promote their own dogs to masters, only this concubine Huigui in front of her.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that several eunuchs were instructed by her to come towards her, Wei Yingluo took the lead and shouted loudly, "But you hurt people with dogs, intending to kill the dragon's womb in the belly of the noble man?"

Framed and framed, she will come when she opens her mouth. Even if Concubine Hui Gui has this heart, she will never admit it at this moment, and she cannot immediately deal with Wei Yingluo, otherwise she will be suspected of killing her.

"What a servant, not only hurts this palace's beloved dog, but now dares to slander this palace." Concubine Huigui sneered, "Empress Empress, how do you think such a person should be dealt with?"

"Before you deal with people, deal with your dog first." How could the queen let her ride on her head and bully her confidant in public, and immediately said lightly, "Dogs won't make trouble for no reason, look at its food bowl What's in there!"

Everyone immediately rushed to the little eunuch who was holding the food bowl, only to find that the food originally contained in it was missing. They asked the little eunuch, but the little eunuch hesitated and said only that the dog had been called Snowball. Eat up.

Nonsense, but for a while there is no way to get him.

A palace servant offered a suggestion to the queen: "Miss, there is nothing in the food bowl. Now if you want to know what the dog ate, you can only cut open its belly..."

"Presumptuous!" Before he could finish speaking, Concubine Hui Gui shouted sharply, "Whoever dares to touch a hair on it, Ben Gong will tear her apart!"

How dare the palace people offend Concubine Hui Gui, they immediately kept silent, and even regretted their talkativeness.

If there is no evidence, things will become a deadlock. The perpetrator is a dog who doesn't understand human language. You can't ask someone to arraign this dog, right

Finally had to give up.

The two sides parted unhappily, and when they passed by, the Empress suddenly turned around and said, "Prince Concubine, Yingluo's actions are considered to be helping you, if your dog really hurt the noble man just now, it will definitely cause trouble in the city, according to this palace. Come, you have to restrain the people around you! If they are so incompetent, even a dog can't watch it, let it make trouble, next time, this palace will not tolerate it!"

Concubine Hui Gui's hand suddenly tightened while stroking the puppy, causing the puppy to raise its head and let out a pitiful whimper.

Not only was she thinking about the Queen's words, but on the way back, Wei Yingluo was also thinking about the Queen's words.

"How is it?" The Queen asked with a smile, "Do you see something strange?"

"...Has Concubine Hui Gui been used as a spearman?" Wei Yingluo asked cautiously.

The queen nodded slowly, with a dignified expression on her face: "If something really goes wrong this time, I can't take the dog out in the end, and I must find the dog's owner. Although Concubine Hui Gui is arrogant and domineering, she will not do such things that are harmful to others and themselves. , behind, there must be someone else..."

For a moment, it was impossible to determine who this person was.

But one thing is for sure.

That is... Someone is going to start with Yugui.

Wei Yingluo carefully recalled today's situation, a figure gradually emerged in her heart, she smiled coldly, and said to the queen: "Niangniang, this servant wants to ask you for an errand..."

She asked the queen for an errand to visit the Yonghe Palace.

Not only to visit the sick, but also to send pearl powder.

After the gentleman was frightened, Ge Yinyu had nightmares every day, and he had to take the pills on time to fall asleep, but this thing is not good for the dragon fetus, so it should not be taken too much. If you want to take it, it must be accompanied by pearl powder. , but it is not something that an unfavored concubine can enjoy every day, so after the queen heard about it, she specially allocated some from her inner treasury and had someone send it to her.

This matter is complicated, and Yu Guiren is not a big man. No one likes to take on such a job. Wei Yingluo is willing to take it, but the others are relieved.

Today, as always, she came to visit with pearl powder. Because of the time she spent walking around, everyone in the Yonghe Palace knew her, and she entered the palace with ease. Seeing that Mrs. Yu was still curled up on the bed, she was obviously pregnant, but Standing on the bones, without seeing any flesh on his body, he forced a smile and said, "Yingluo, you are here."

Wei Yingluo looked around and asked with a smile, "Where's Fangcao?"

"She's going to prepare pearl balls for me." Yu Guiren sighed, "I haven't finished eating the last time, so you don't have to rush to deliver it, ahem, sit down, Ben Gong asked her to pour you tea, herbs, Herbs!"

"The servant is here, the servant is here." The maid next to Yu Gui pushed the door open and brought a cup of good tea to Wei Yingluo, but as soon as the tea cup was put down, Wei Yingluo grabbed her hand holding the tea.

"Fangcao." Wei Yingluo smiled at her, "What happened to your hand?"

Apparently because it was in a hurry, Fangcao only washed the hands in a hurry, but not completely.

"I was making pearl balls before, and I haven't washed my hands. I'll go wash them now." Fang Cao wanted to withdraw her hands, but found that Wei Yingluo's fingers were like iron tongs, holding her tightly, and she couldn't help but look pale. A change.

Mrs. Yu looked at her, then at Wei Yingluo, wondering, "Yingluo, what's wrong?"

"Your honor." Wei Yingluo slowly turned her head to look at her, "Beside you, there is a traitor."