Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 42: Lychee feast


Jiabi was taken aback.

Of course, she could deny it flatly, but after thinking about it carefully, since Concubine Huigui was able to ask these words, it was obvious that she had already found something. Concubine Huigui could kill people for no reason, let alone a reason

Jia Concubine immediately threw herself at her feet: "Niangniang, concubines and concubines are doing this for you!"

"For Ben Gong?" Concubine Huigui sneered, "Use Ben Gong's dog to frame up Ben Gong, and then say it is for Ben Gong? I'm afraid it's not for Ben Gong, but for your fourth elder brother, so as not to have fun The nobleman has another elder brother, and it ruins your good deeds!"

If you deny it completely, it will be too fake, Jia Concubine gritted her teeth: "Yes, Concubine admits, I don't want you to have another elder brother, but Concubine Concubine is doing this for your sake, Niangniang has already tied up with Yonghe Palace. If you don't completely cut off Yu noble's back path, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles!"

Concubine Huigui pondered for a moment: "What have you done to the noble man, let's hear it."

"Yes..." Jia Concubine hurriedly revealed her previous calculations, and when she heard that nobleman Yu had eaten fake pearl powder for half a month, Concubine Huigui was slightly surprised: "This woman is really so stupid, and she didn't notice it at all? "

"That woman is stupid in the first place, and she only has a confidant like Fangcao. Once Fangcao turns against her, she will be finished." Jiabi smiled, "Yesterday, Fangcao came to report, saying that the shell powder sent last time has come to an end. Let's send a new past."

"Give it to her!" Concubine Huigui smiled cheerfully, "Give as much as you want, and put it in the belly of the noble lady!"

Seeing her happy, Jiabi breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, Niangniang."

Of course, Concubine Huigui could just try to be happy for a while and send boxes and buckets of shell powder to the Yonghe Palace, but Jiabi is different from her, she would rather be stable than fast.

"If we believe everything in Fangcao's words, we will become the second pleasant person." Jia Concubine put away the concubine face in front of Concubine Huigui, and calmly instructed her confidants, "Go outside to inquire, especially Physician, let's see what's new in Yonghe Palace recently."

The confidant quickly brought back the news.

"Ren Yu has always been suffering from severe abdominal pain recently. The people from the Taiyuan Hospital couldn't see anything abnormal, so they prescribed some anti-abortion pills and asked them to take a few more pearl pills every day." Ready for new shell powder?"

"Go... Wait!" Halfway through, Jiabi suddenly stopped her from behind.

"What else is there to order from the Empress?" The confidant hurriedly turned around and asked.

"You go and tell Fangcao..." Jiabi pondered, "The shell powder needs to be carefully prepared, and it has to be prepared in two days. See you at the lychee banquet."

The confidant had doubts on his face: "The shell powder is obviously still there..."

Jia Concubine interrupted her: "Do as I tell you!"

Although his heart was full of doubts, since it was the master's order, the confidant had to swallow all the doubts back into his belly, and Fu Liaofu turned around and left.

"I hope I'm just thinking too much, it's not like Mr. Yu can come up with such a scheme." Looking at her leaving back, Jiabi muttered to herself, "But just in case..."

Today, as always, Wei Yingluo came to Yonghe Palace to deliver pearl powder.

Fangcao had been waiting for her for a long time, and when she saw her coming, she immediately rushed up impatiently: "Yingluo, Jiabi just sent someone to find me, and asked me to go to her to collect shell powder during the lychee banquet."

"She's well-informed." Wei Yingluo laughed, "The Empress just decided to hold a lychee feast, and she got the news..."

It can be seen that Jia Concubine is not a simple person, and he quietly stretched his claws into the Changchun Palace.

"You did a good job, keep it up." Wei Yingluo patted Fangcao on the shoulder, "As long as you help me catch her, you will make up for it."

Fangcao Qiqi Ai Ai said: "You have to keep your word."

The two agreed to each other, and the next step was to quietly wait for the lychee feast.

Half a month later, the protagonist was the three lychee trees that the emperor gave to the queen. One lychee was not picked, but the whole length of the lychee was on the tree. Deliver to guests.

When passing by the banquet, Wei Yingluo took a peek at the banquet. There were Concubine Xian, Concubine Chun, Concubine Hui, Jiabi, and the two outstanding girls she saw in the previous draft, and finally, the emperor... Wei Yingluo hurriedly lowered her head. head, quicken your steps to leave.

Walking to the agreed dark alley, Wei Yingluo stood quietly for a moment in the shadow of the wall, and two people gradually approached not far away.

One is Fangcao, and the other is a confidant beside Jiabi.

The other party acted very carefully, afraid that the partition wall would have ears, and did not talk too much with Fangcao, pretended to pass by, stuffed an embroidery bag into the other party's arms, and immediately lifted his feet to leave.

Wei Yingluo didn't want to let her go, she quickly jumped out from behind the wall, grabbed the opponent's arm and said, "How dare you replace the pearl powder of the noble, you are murdering the emperor's heir!"

She thought she was the first to win, and if she was lucky, she would be able to scare some words out of the other party's mouth.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked back at her very calmly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Her calmness made Wei Yingluo suspicious. After a while, she suddenly unfolded the embroidery bag in her hand in front of her.

I saw in the kit, not half a grain of pearl powder, only a bunch of vanilla.

"Apart from vanilla, what else could it be?" The confidant on the other side smiled half-smiling, "This is a blessing bag embroidered by the concubine's wife for the future younger brother, not pearl powder and shell powder."

"Niangniang Jiabi is really alert, so she was prepared for a long time... not good!" Since Jiabi has already discovered the abnormality, why did she send someone to make an appointment, unless... Wei Yingluo's face changed, "It's a trick!"

She left the two behind, turned and ran towards the warehouse where the protagonist was stored tonight.

Before entering the door, I heard a cry from inside.

"It's not me!" When she entered the door, the little palace maid who was in charge of guarding the lychee tree turned pale, and tried to explain to her, "I didn't know who it was, so I walked away for a while, and came back to find that the lychee tree was being People, being poured to death with boiling water!"

Wei Yingluo pushed her away and walked a few steps to the lychee tree.

I saw that the tree was soaked from the root, and the tree was full of lychees and fell to the ground.

"What should I do?" the little palace maid burst into tears, "the emperor will kill my head..."

More than her head, the tribute was destroyed, and even Wei Yingluo was not sure whether she could stay out of it.

"Don't cry!" Wei Yingluo's face was ugly, she squatted down, picked up a few lychees from the ground and observed it for a moment, then said to the little palace maid who was crying behind her, "Do you want to die or live?"

"I, of course I want to live..." The little palace maid choked.

"Open your hand." Wei Yingluo put the lychee in her palm, "According to this standard, pick out the lychees on the ground that can catch your eye, and send them to the Imperial Tea Restaurant, telling them that the queen is going to hold a lychee feast, and let them They immediately thought of something! When the time comes, you will report to the Empress, the lychees from two trees are cooked, and the remaining one is freshly picked!"

"Now, pick it now?" The little palace maid was startled, "Well, wouldn't that leak immediately."

"You don't care about this, you are only responsible for what I tell you!" Wei Yingluo said coldly, "Why don't you go quickly?"

"Yes, yes!" The little palace maid saw that she was willing to take half of the responsibility, and there was no reason for her unwillingness. She immediately knelt on the ground and hurriedly picked up the lychees on the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wei Yingluo left in a hurry. warehouse.

Since the queen said early in the morning that she would pick lychees and present them to the emperor herself, of course, she could not easily retort, there must be a tree to carry to the banquet.

What if the last tree is not sent up

"The Empress will definitely lose face." Wei Yingluo said in her heart, "Concubine Huigui and Jia Concubine will definitely take the opportunity to accuse the palace staff of being unfavorable, and let the emperor deal with the group of palace staff responsible for the lychee banquet, and these palace staff... precisely The most powerful confidant around the queen, and the object to be cultivated."

Because the lychee banquet involved tributes and the emperor, the queen was responsible for the most capable and most optimistic palace servants around her, including Wei Yingluo.

If there is an accident at the lychee banquet, this group of people will definitely be punished, and they have to be punished.

In this way, the queen not only loses face, but also hurts her muscles and bones. Maybe she will lose several confidants at once...

"How can I let such a thing happen to her?" Wei Yingluo thought through gritted teeth, "I have to think of a way, I have to think of a way... Someone! Find her!"