Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 65: Dragon Son Dragon Son


Pearl gasped and looked at Wei Yingluo in disbelief.

Fu Heng looked at Yingluo and asked seriously, "Yingluo, I don't believe what other people say. You say it yourself. Do you want to kill me?" Wei Yingluo smiled coldly, walked quickly to the queen, and raised the teacup in front of the queen. , drink it all.

Fu Heng dashed forward, clasped her wrist tightly, and asked, "What are you doing!"

Wei Yingluo smiled slightly, pushed his hand away, showed the bottom of the cup for everyone to see, and said, "Prove it to you, is it okay now?"

Fu Heng was relieved, and the queen smiled and said, "Don't do this, this palace has never doubted you."

Wei Yingluo's heart warmed, she nodded, and said, "Xie Niangniang, Concubine Huigui called me into the Chuxiu Palace last night, and asked me to kill you. She told me that my sister, Aman, was defiled by Fu Heng. crime, expel my sister from the palace, and send someone to assassinate her!"

The queen clenched her fists and said with a sullen expression, "Yingluo, Ben Gong has never done it! Ben Gong also believes that Fu Heng is definitely not such a person!"

Wei Yingluo smiled at the empress and said, "Empress Empress, Yingluo is not blind and can judge right and wrong. You teach Yingluo calligraphy and painting, and you do your best, far exceeding the love between master and servant. Whatever, believe it."

Concubine Chun heaved a sigh of relief and said apologetically, "I'm the one who blamed you."

The queen asked worriedly, "Yingluo, why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

Wei Yingluo was silent for a moment, then said, "This is a personal vendetta, and I dare not disturb the queen."

The queen disapproved and said: "But this palace can trace for you—"

Wei Yingluo shook her head and said firmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Niangniang, Yingluo has her own method to find out the real culprit, and there are still errands, so please retire first!"

Fu Heng hurriedly said, "Empress, I also have something to deal with, so I'll leave now!" After saying that, he immediately chased Yingluo away.

Concubine Chun looked at Wei Yingluo and Fu Heng exiting the hall one after another, turned back to look at the empress, and said solemnly, "Niangniang... Wei Yingluo acts extreme and unpredictable, such a person... It is best not to stay by your side, To prevent endless troubles!"

The queen tilted her head and said disapprovingly: "Concubine Chun, Yingluo's nature is indeed a little extreme, but she has become more calm by reading and writing with Ben Gong. Ben Gong believes that her nature is upright, and her right and wrong are clear, and she should be cultivated well. What's more, about this matter, Ben Gong has a clear conscience, why did you transfer her away?"

Concubine Chun wanted to persuade again: "But—"

The queen waved her hand and said, "No need to say more, this palace has made up her mind."

Wei Yingluo walked quickly to the courtyard, Fu Heng caught up, stretched out his hand to pull her, and said her name in a low voice: "Yingluo..."

Wei Yingluo turned around and threw the belt on his face, and said angrily, "Now you dare to say that this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Fu Heng grabbed the court belt, his face changed and changed, and finally asked, "Yingluo, do you believe I did it?"

Wei Yingluo said with a cold face, "I want to believe that it was you who did it, why are you standing here and doing nonsense to you!" Fu Heng's expression immediately softened and she said happily, "Thank you for believing in me."

Wei Yingluo, however, looked away and said, "Even if it's not, you're not completely innocent. The jade pendant can be lost accidentally, and the court belt is always inseparable, so how could it be thrown in the imperial garden for no reason, unless it's undressing! I guess, at the beginning of the first lunar month. On the eleventh day, someone put on your clothes and entered the imperial garden! If he is a palace guard, he does not need to change his clothes. The purpose of changing his clothes is to avoid the patrolling! Therefore, this person must be the Qianqing Palace. The clan who attended the banquet! As for the little eunuch found by Concubine Huigui, she was afraid of the name of the imperial guard and did not dare to approach it easily, and she did not see who it was! Therefore, she logically led me to believe that the master of the court was the murderer!"

Fu Heng looked nervous, and immediately took Wei Yingluo's hand and said, "Enough! Yingluo!"

Wei Yingluo threw off his hand, looked at him fixedly, as if to look into his heart, and asked, "According to your power and position today, even Prince Yi doesn't care about you, let alone an ordinary clan! I'm really curious, who can let you protect him regardless of your reputation!"

Fu Heng shook his head and said, "Yingluo, I'm not protecting him, but you."

Wei Yingluo sneered and asked sarcastically, "Protect me?"

Fu Heng's voice was hoarse and said, "If you continue to investigate, it will involve more grievances. I don't want you to encounter any danger."

Wei Yingluo took a deep breath and said, "Fu Cha Fu Heng, let me ask you, who is this person?"

Fu Heng looked at her with pain and guilt in his eyes. He said, "I'm sorry."

Wei Yingluo turned around and left.

It seemed that I was in a thick fog, I thought someone in the fog could hold hands and walk together, but finally I was alone. Wei Yingluo walked forward aimlessly, when she heard someone ask her, "Miss Yingluo, where are you going?"

Wei Yingluo returned to her senses. Seeing that Desheng and the others were passing by holding a stack of tea trays and other items, she raised a smile and said, "I'm going to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get something, where are you in a hurry?"

Desheng smiled and said, "The emperor, on a whim, held a tea banquet at Chonghua Palace, and invited Prince Baylor to taste a piece of tea, and the servants went to arrange it!"

Wei Yingluo moved in her heart and asked, "Prince Baylor?"

Desheng said: "Yes, those who can participate in the tea party at the Chonghua Palace are all prominent figures in the clan! Oh, I can't say more, you bring a good gift to the empress, and say that the slaves will go to her another day to say hello! "

Yingluo nodded with a smile, watched Desheng go away, and said to herself, "Chonghua Palace..."

In the Chonghua Palace, Feng Zilong and his grandson are together. But no matter how the phoenix and the grandson are, they are also human beings.

Yunxi ate a grape and sighed, "Prince Yi is out of luck, why is Hong Zhou still doing well?"

Hong Zhan asked inexplicably: "Why can't fifth brother be fine?"

Yunxi said mysteriously: "You don't know yet, Hong Zhou made a coffin and made his wives, concubines and servants cry for him. What about himself? He sat in the lobby with Erlang's legs crossed, listening to people crying. , while laughing, do you think he is crazy?"

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter outside the door, and a man said, "Where in the world are there people who live to be 100 years old, what's the taboo!" Everyone was shocked, Hong Zhou had already swayed his folding fan and walked away in a dashing manner. Come in.

Hong Zhan said curiously, "Brother Fifth, did you really make a coffin for yourself?"

Hong Zhou said with a smile: "I want to enjoy the honor behind me in advance. By the way, let's see who cried the most and who is most sincere to me!"

Fu Peng slapped the wine glass on the table and was about to reprimand Hong Zhou when he suddenly heard Hong Li ask, "Are you all there?"

Hongli waved his hand, smiled slightly, and said, "Today is a family banquet, and everyone here is close relatives, so why bother! Everyone is seated." After speaking, he looked at Hong Zhou again, and asked in a warm voice, "You are in trouble again. already?"

Hong Zhou smiled innocently and replied, "How can I do it, brother, brother, I always remember your words, work diligently, and be a good person!"

Everyone had a look of disapproval. Hongli saw it in his eyes and just smiled slightly and said, "Have some tea!"

The tea tray was brought up, and each clan was served a cup of tea, accompanied by pastry snacks.

Hong Zhou lifted the tea lid, snorted, and asked, "What is this?"

Hongli replied: "The snow water is rich in plum blossoms, pine nuts, bergamot, and Longjing, which is called Sanqing tea."

Everyone picked up the tea cup and tasted it, and they all showed admiration.

Hong Zhou said hesitantly: "Brother Huang, I heard that the combination of Songshi and Bergamot is easy to produce poison!"

Hongli asked amusingly: "Where does this weird talk come from!"

Hong Zhou laughed twice and said, "Yesterday, when I was lying in the coffin, Lord Yama told me!"

Hongli glared at him and reprimanded: "Drink your tea with peace of mind!"

Hong Zhou smiled and grabbed the teacup and drank it, but after a while, his face turned pale, his lips trembled, his whole body seemed to be swaying.

Hong Zhan was startled and asked, "Brother Fifth, what's the matter with you?" Hong Zhou rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

Hong Zhan rushed up and pushed Hong Zhou hard, who kept twitching. Everyone was surprised, and Hongli stood up all of a sudden.

Hong Zhan was anxious and said, "Is it really poisonous to mix Songshi and Bergamot? Spit it out!"

Everyone was terrified, and they were busy scratching their throats, desperately trying to spit out the tea they drank, and Fu Peng exaggeratedly beat his chest. Yun Xi desperately pressed the base of her tongue, and with a wow, the tea and snacks she took poured down. Yunxi was even more exaggerated, holding the spoon and extending it to her throat.

Instead, Hongli was not in a hurry, without lifting his eyelids, he sat quietly eating pastry.

In the midst of chaos, Hong Zhou sat up straight, with a confused look on his face, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yun Xi raised her neck and asked in disbelief, "Aren't you poisoned to death—"

Hong Zhou smiled mischievously, and said, "Sanqing tea tastes so good, I lost track of myself for a while, and almost fell into epilepsy! What's the matter with you, you are all like me, are you sick?"

Fu Peng was furious: "Hong Zhou, you are clearly trying to tease us! Your Majesty, Hong Zhou is so absurd, you can't just ignore it!"

Hongli said sternly: "Everyone sit down!" Everyone was stunned.

Everyone was forced to return to their original positions, and they all stared at Hong Zhou with hatred. Hong Zhou shook his fan and glanced at everyone proudly.

After the banquet, everyone left the Chonghua Palace, and it rained heavily at night. Hong Zhou walked at the front, and the others walked behind, muttering indignantly.

Hong Zhou, who was walking at the front, suddenly turned around and asked maliciously, "What bad idea are you two discussing? Do you want to sue the emperor!"

Just as Fu Peng was about to speak, his eyes suddenly widened, with a look of fear, and he shouted loudly, "Look!"

Hong Zhou said disdainfully, "I've already played this old trick, trying to scare me, dreaming!"

Hong Zhan trembled and said, "Brother Fifth, no!"

Hong Zhou frowned and turned his head, a lightning bolt just lit up the palace wall, and the maid's figure appeared on it, just as Hong Zhou's eyes widened, the maid turned her head, covered her hair, her face was not real, only He raised his lips and smiled at them.

Hong Zhan turned his head and ran away, the others lost their umbrellas without thinking, and flew into the heavy rain like a lifeless death.