Story of Yanxi Palace

Chapter 78: warm each other


After pulling the grass, the rest went back to rest, but Wei Yingluo still had to wash a bunch of buckets.

Several gaps in his hands were cut by tough grass when weeding, and now it hurts like a heart attack when it gets wet. While baring her teeth, Wei Yingluo soaked her hand in the water, halfway through the wash, a hand suddenly stretched out beside her and pulled her injured hand out of the bucket.

Wei Yingluo turned her head: "Yuan Chunwang!"

Yuan Chunwang glanced at her: "My name is Brother Yuan."

Wei Yingluo's mouth twitched: "It's so numb, I can't say it, you ask Jinxiu and the others to call."

"Forget them, I don't care." Yuan Chunwang smiled lazily, and suddenly took out a few weeds and stuffed them into his mouth. After chewing it, he spat it out and applied it to her wound. Wei Yingluo was taken aback and was about to withdraw her hand when she heard him explain, "This is a thorn dish, it can stop bleeding and reduce inflammation."

Wei Yingluo was suspicious, and after a while, the wound became cool and numb, and she knew what he said was true.

"People like us are born with a bad life. In the eyes of the nobles, they are only domestic dogs that guard the house. When the value of use is gone, even if you die on the side of the road, you are just a wild dog, and no one will look at it. Look at you." Yuan Chunwang said to her with a smile, "So, don't be so stupid, you have to cherish your own life."

Wei Yingluo looked at him with a complicated expression, she didn't understand why he was so kind to her all of a sudden, did he have any intentions

Looking back, it felt ridiculous again. I'm afraid he had the same thoughts before, wondering if she had any intentions against him because of her sudden goodness.

The world is unpredictable, and almost overnight, the status and mind of the two people have completely reversed.

After treating Wei Yingluo's wound, Yuan Chunwang stood up, but did not leave, but turned to wash the bucket for her, the sound of water rushing, accompanied by his clear voice, he turned his back to her and said: "Fu Cha Fu Heng I love you again, but seeing you are young and beautiful, novel and interesting, even if you marry into the Fucha family by means, after many years have passed and the love has disappeared, will he still love you as he always did?"

He suddenly turned his head and smiled at her: "Don't talk about the future, just talk about now, when you need him the most, where is he?"

Wei Yingluo's face froze, and she said coldly, "Don't worry about it!"

"I don't care, then you can let him brush for you." Yuan Chunwang said with a smile.

Wei Yingluo struggled from the ground and reached out to grab the brush in his hand, but Yuan Chunwang raised his hand high. Although he was a young man, his arms were so slender that Wei Yingluo couldn't reach him even on tiptoe.

"I'm doing it for your own good." Yuan Chunwang said with a smile, no matter how fake that smile looked.

Wei Yingluo withdrew her hand and stared at him coldly: "Yuan Chunwang, I know what you are thinking."

Yuan Chunwang was stunned when he heard the words.

"As soon as you smile, I'll know what bad idea you're up to." Wei Yingluo said in a deep voice, "You're not good for me, you're just too lonely, so I want me to be like you, hating others, taking revenge on others, and finally changing. Be like you... so you're not alone anymore, isn't it?"

Yuan Chunwang was expressionless for a while, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, his smile widened a little bit.

Compared with his previous smile, the current one looks weird and gorgeous, like a poisonous snake slowly straightening up, making one's back go cold, but for some reason, Wei Yingluo felt that this was his real smile, and it was sincere. .

"As soon as you roll your eyes, I know what bad idea you're up to." Yuan Chunwang grabbed her scarred right hand, like a poisonous snake entangling the prey he was interested in, his eyes flashing with interest, "The two of us Knowing each other so well is like looking in a mirror, why don't you like Fucha Fu Heng, you like me, isn't it good?"

"Farewell." Wei Yingluo withdrew her hand without hesitation, "Both snakes are cold-blooded animals, can they warm each other?"

Yuan Chunwang pursed his lips, rather than being offended, he was chewing the word poisonous snake carefully, and finally felt satisfied and hissed: "We can't warm each other, we can always take care of each other! Wei Yingluo, how about our alliance? "

Wei Yingluo didn't expect such a word to pop out of his mouth: "Alliance?"

Yuan Chunwang looked around, and suddenly, with the help of a few gong barrels stacked into a wall, he climbed up the wall in three steps, then turned around and stretched out his right hand towards Wei Yingluo: "Come up."

Wei Yingluo showed hesitation, this person is capricious and can't speculate with common sense. To be honest, Wei Yingluo doesn't really want to get involved with each other...

Yuan Chunwang smiled strangely, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "Wei Yingluo killed Zhang—"

"Shut up!" Wei Yingluo was taken aback, without his help, she used the rest of the bucket, put her hands and feet on the wall, put her hands on his lips, and scolded in a low voice, "What are you crazy! If I get caught , what good fruit do you have to eat?"

Facing the furious Wei Yingluo, Yuan Chunwang bent the corners of his eyes. His eyes were very beautiful, especially when he smiled, he was ruthless and affectionate, with a tenderness to his bones.

Raising his hand and pulling off Wei Yingluo's finger, Yuan Chunwang pulled her to sit beside him, then raised his head: "Look."

Wei Yingluo frowned and looked at it, only to see thousands of miles of night sky, thousands of stars, which merged into a long silver river, flowing quietly above her head and quietly flowing in her eyes.

"What about the noble man of heaven, in the long galaxy, people are just a small star, who is more noble than the other?" Yuan Chunwang's voice sounded in her ear.

Wei Yingluo slowly turned her head and saw that he was still looking up at the starry sky, with ambitions brighter than the stars in his eyes, he seemed to mutter to himself, and seemed to swear to the sky, "One day, I will let all People have seen with their own eyes how far and how high a wild dog can go in the Forbidden City!"

Wei Yingluo suddenly felt her fingers tighten, and looked down, he was holding her hand tightly, and when she looked up again, she saw that he had turned his face, his eyes as bright as stars, staring straight at her, his voice extremely loud. Gentle, with a bewitching more blurry than the night, he said: "Wei Yingluo, from now on, I will be your brother, your best friend, your protector, and vice versa! We rely on each other, support each other, and live together in the Forbidden City. Live!"

Wei Yingluo looked at him with a complicated expression.

There is no way for people to survive alone, especially in the ghostly place of Xinzheku. But if you want to find a companion, after thinking about it, Yuan Chunwang in front of him is actually the best choice. Compared with Jinxiu and others, he has the brains and courage, and the most important thing is that they both have control in each other's hands.

An accomplice relationship is sometimes a stronger relationship than a husband and wife.

After making up her mind, Wei Yingluo immediately grabbed the other's cold fingers and replied in a deep voice, "Okay, you take care of me, and I'll take care of you too. Let's live together!"

Yuan Chunwang looked down at the hands they held each other, and smiled, "I'll be your lover too, okay?"

Wei Yingluo was embarrassed. When he was talking about business, why was he joking again? What was this person thinking? Seeing that he had to move his face close, he immediately reached out and pushed: "You are dreaming!"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Chunwang seemed to have expected her to do something, and as soon as she reached out, he grabbed her hand. As a result, the two of them lost their balance together and rolled down from the wall, smashing the bucket and rolling away.

Wei Yingluo was in pain, struggling to sit up from the ground, and said angrily, "Yuan Chunwang, you—"

"Hahaha!" Yuan Chunwang was very happy. Even if the two fell to the ground, he still didn't let go of the other's hand. He pulled the other's hand to his mouth and took a bite. He said to Wei Yingluo, "I've said it before, I can guess every move you do, don't waste your energy, call me brother!"

"Brother, your head!"

Under the same night sky, some people are close at hand, some people are far away, some people bite Wei Yingluo with their teeth, and some people can only talk about her in their hearts.

"Hey." Inside the Changchun Palace, the queen sighed at the mirror, looking tired and hesitant to speak.

The healing ointment has already been prepared, there are more than one bottle, more than a dozen bottles are tired on the table, enough for ten years, just a word from her can be sent to the Xinzhe library and sent to Wei Yingluo, but she hesitated for a long time. , and finally gave up.

The emperor's anger has not subsided, she is afraid that her temporary good intentions will harm the other party instead.

"Niangniang." Mingyu stood behind her and took off the hair accessories on her head, "The imperial doctor said that you should rest in peace, tomorrow the queen mother will hold a banquet at the Royal King Pavilion, you are pregnant, it is inconvenient to climb high, it is better to take leave first. , the queen mother has always been tolerant and will not blame you!"

Before the Empress could speak, Er Qing had already rebuked: "Mingyu, the Empress Dowager has always been unhappy because of Concubine Yu's affair. Today, she is trying to hold the Double Ninth Banquet. Wouldn't it be more disappointing if Empress Dowager didn't show up? Even if the Empress Dowager didn't say anything, As for the master of Chuxiu Palace, there is no fashion to make waves, not to mention the empress gave the handle! At that time, the imperial concubine will definitely accuse the empress, saying that she is relying on her sons and pets to be spoiled!"

Mingyu pouted and said, "But Niangniang is obviously not feeling well..."

"Okay, okay." The Queen laughed, "Look at how nervous you two are. Ben Gong is in good health, and there is no serious problem. It's just that he is a little lazy and doesn't like to move."

She just said it lightly. In fact, these days, she feels that her body has become more and more uneasy, but she is very good at patience, and the pain and fatigue are hidden in her heart, and it is extremely difficult for others to see it.

"Erqing will stay tomorrow, and Mingyu will accompany Bengong to the banquet." Looking at the increasingly pale face in the mirror, the queen paused and said, "... Then put more rouge on Bengong."