Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 106: 10 Belt


Qin Feichang had just stood by the window for a while when he heard Lang Suo's pig-slaughtering scream from upstairs.

Although the flow rate in this world is different from that world, this time it was too fast. It seemed that Egbert was really angry, and he might kill everyone back in a rage. Qin very reasonably suspected that if he continued to irritate him a few more times, he might be able to make him angry and alive.

She didn't know why, but she couldn't help but smile when she thought of the neatly dressed Egbert she saw this time.

She has been professionally trained and usually doesn't laugh unless something is really funny.

Lang Suo was still shouting upstairs, his voice filled with tears. Qin Feichang was standing downstairs, covering the lower half of his face, swallowing back the smile that was about to come to his face, and returning to the face of a mature career man.

In Lonzo's room, the depressed grandmother and the maid with a bitter face were beside Lonzo's bed, trying to comfort this guy who suddenly went crazy. But he was a strong man and the beloved baby of this family. The grandmother and the maid could not control him and could only watch him yelling.

Qin Feichang walked upstairs and stood at the door, watching coldly. He found that he kept covering his intact hands and feet. He knew that he was too traumatized in that world and his brain had not yet reacted. So even though his body was not hurt now, he was still immersed in that pain.

She could understand those who went crazy because of this. After all, the pain was real, and those who had not experienced it could not empathize with the despair. Ordinary people were afraid of dying once, let alone dying repeatedly.

Moreover, no one around them can understand their pain, and they just think they are crazy or sick. They have no one to talk to. Under such double pressure of physical and psychological pressure, it is not surprising that most people eventually fall into madness.

Lang Suo seemed to be the more vulnerable one among them. Qin Feichang walked into the room, picked up a belt that Lang Suo had thrown on the chair, and raised his hand to swing it hard at him.

"Snap—" Lang Suo was suddenly brought back to his senses by the real pain, and finally realized that he had returned to the real world.

He collapsed on the bed as if he had escaped death, his eyes wide open and his body soaked with sweat.

Qin Feichang threw away his belt and said, "Pack up and come find me later."

Before Lonzo could respond, their grandmother, who had been a medium, called out to her, “Lorraine!”

Qin Feichang turned around to look at her and saw that her face was full of dejection and death. Even though she was so weak, she still had a mean and fierce look on her face: "You are not Luo Lan, you are the evil spirit that has occupied her body, right!"

Qin was very surprised, but he still remained polite and said, "I thought you had seen through it a long time ago. After all, I never thought of pretending. As a psychic, when you chose to abandon this child, you should have been prepared to lose her. Now, why do you show such hatred for me? I didn't kill this child. You killed her yourself, didn't you?"

As a member of the Qin family who respects the elderly and loves the young, she saw the old man's wide eyes full of resentment, so she had to comfort him again: "Don't be so sad. If you really miss your granddaughter Luo Lan, maybe you can reunite with her soon... I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

According to Egbert, if this curse is triggered, he will not live long.

"I curse you!"

Hearing the old man's roar behind him, Qin Feichang nodded politely. There is a saying among them, "Too much debt is not a worry", there is already such a terrible curse, what other curses are there to be afraid of.

A few more people joined her newly opened chat room, which was linked to the Feiwang account "Castle Decryption". As long as you passed the questions and confirmed that you were the cursed person, you could enter the chat room. Andy, who was helping her, was sending messages like "I'm dead, I'm dead, it hurts so much", and it seemed that he had just returned.

They have restrictions and cannot say many things. Everything they can say must be carefully considered. Qin Feichang can only take advantage of some loopholes.

She sent out the information she had collected before and mobilized everyone to dig for more similar information.

[Loran: We need to find more detailed information and figure out the source of this curse before we can think of a way to completely solve it.]

[Libby: Will this really work? Even if we find the source, we can't break the curse! There's no way we can do it! I'm dying, I don't want to go through this horror again!]

[Libby: If I die in real life, I won't have to go through this again!]

Seeing these discouraging words, Qin Feichang didn't even move her eyebrows as she continued typing on the keyboard.

[Loran: Maybe if you die, your soul will continue to reincarnate and die in that terrible place, but no one knows.]

This sentence was extremely terrifying when one thought about it carefully. The girl named Libby disappeared in an instant. Qin Feichang could even imagine her breaking down and crying on the other end.

Someone in the chat room soon responded with new content.

[Leslie: I don't believe you have a way. I will ask my father to find many wizards, sorcerers and mediums. They will definitely have a way to lift the curse.]

[Leon: My father took me to see Wizard Ross, he said it was a blood curse, he couldn't do anything about it.]

Even people who didn't believe in it had heard about the fame of Wizard Ross. At this point, Leslie remained silent, and the rest of the people's responses were all discouraging.

After Qin Feichang checked the basic information of Wizard Rhodes, he turned back and continued to send messages.

[Loran: Now we know that death will escape from there, and if we cannot bear it, we will choose death immediately.]

[Oh no!!! It hurts so much, I can't do it!]

[I don’t dare either, I’m scared!]

[You say it so easily, do you dare to commit suicide?!]

[Luo Lan: After returning, I went to a psychologist to adjust my mental state and took tranquilizers. We are all adults now, so we should not cry like children. We must find the problem first before we can solve it.]

[Leon: You are right. I will help you find the information. I will share the information I find here. Lorraine, do you have any other suggestions?]

Qin Feichang actually didn't want to be the leader of this group of young people. She set up this chat room to gather people together simply because she couldn't bear to see them continue to waste time like headless flies, and she also hoped that they could help as soon as possible and find more useful information. She hoped that someone would take the initiative to help, and Leon seemed to be a good example.

As for her—

[Loran: I am considering investing in a network project recently. If you are interested, you can contact me to cooperate and invest.]

She sent a link. There are many wealthy young men and women among these people, and maybe they can really attract investment.

Without looking at the confused questions on the faces of the young people, Qin Feichang held his coffee and looked towards the door. Lang Suo was standing there, looking more well-behaved than ever before.

Qin Feichang: "Come in."

She took out the attitude she used to talk business with her subordinates in the past, "In order to find out the secret of the curse on us and solve it as soon as possible, I need money, so I want to sell this mansion to raise funds. You are responsible for convincing grandmother, is that okay?"

Lang Suo looked at her fearfully and asked tremblingly: "You, you are not Luo Lan, but a devil? Are you looking for me to sell my soul?"

Qin Feichang: “…” Yeah, it has that flavor.

Without much preparation, they entered the castle world without warning for the third time that night.

Still looking at himself first, Qin Feichang did a little experiment this time. Small things like lighters and candies were brought in his pockets, and the knife necklace hanging around his neck was still there, but the larger fruit knife was not brought.

At another glance, she saw the hall full of corpses, the floor and walls were all covered in blood, and there was Egbert waiting there, covered in blood and without having changed his clothes.

Judging from this tragic scene, he was indeed very angry before.

The young people, who had already experienced the first two times, were once again shocked by the familiar corpses on the ground. Their own corpses were right at their feet, and if they were unlucky, they could even see the big cuts on their chests, with the tender internal organs inside looking very fresh.

When he turned his head again, he saw another corpse. He held back his nausea and looked away, but suddenly he saw the owner of the corpse standing next to him with the same grim expression on his face.

This time they didn't need anyone to remind them. The first thing they reacted was to run out of the hall and away from the murderer Egbert.

However, the door was closed before his eyes once again.

As they looked on in despair, Egbert sheathed his sword and thrust it back into his staff.

He stared at Qin Feichang and said, "How about this, why don't we play a game?"

"She—" He pointed at Qin Feichang, "All of you, this is a game to hunt her down. As long as you kill her, I won't kill you."

Qin Feichang: "Don't be fooled by him. Even if he doesn't kill you, you will die. Otherwise, how can you live here forever?"

Egbert snorted and laughed, "If you kill her, at least I will let you die quickly, otherwise..."

Qin Feichang didn't even raise his eyelids: "If you want to die, come to me. I can also help you die quickly. Don't forget, we are in the same group. He is a 'villain'. You must have watched a lot of horror movies. I don't need to tell you what the consequences of cooperating with him will be."

Although this generation's psychological endurance is a bit fragile, at least they have watched a lot of horror movies and understand the routines.

Seeing that his lie was exposed by Qin Feichang, Egbert didn't care that he failed to achieve his goal of making them kill each other. He was completely calm at this moment, and countless death games were running through his mind. He smiled and said, "In this case, forget it. Since you don't want to play games with her, let me play games with you."

"Now, you can run." The door opened with a click. Egbert tapped his cane and smiled. His lips were as red as a carnivorous plant. "If I catch you, you will die a very painful death."

People rushed out in a swarm.

Even if you know there is no point in running away, but the exit is in front of you and there is a terrifying murderer behind you, your first reaction is still to escape death.

Soon, the hall became empty. Egbert looked at the last person who didn't run away. "You know you can't escape, so you don't run?"

Qin Feichang stood there and looked back at him calmly, "I see you haven't figured out how to torture me yet."

Indeed, Egbert did not intend to let her die so easily. It would be better to make her suffer as much as possible. He was already waiting for her to escape, and then he would entertain her with all the horrors in this castle.

For many years, she was the only one who had the honor of being able to make him ignore everyone else and only focus on her.

Qin walked up to Egbert as if nothing had happened, took out a ribbon from his pocket, and said, "This is a gift for you. I see that your hair is always loose, so use this to tie it up."

No one spoke in the hall. Egbert became expressionless again, looking at the ribbon in her hand without any reaction.

Putting the ribbon on his hand, Qin Feichang left the hall.

As soon as he walked out, a person jumped out from the side. It was the yellow-haired Andy. He was still terrified and spoke incoherently when he was excited. "Luolan, you just said, can you let me die quickly? I don't dare to commit suicide, and I don't want to stay here anymore. Please help me!"

Qin Feichang: "Okay, go back and continue to collect information, and don't forget to take medicine to stabilize your emotions."

As she spoke, she pulled out her belt and strangled Andy from behind as he looked at her in confusion.

Andy: “Uh—”


Qin Feichang loosened his belt and dragged his body aside and laid it out.