Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 111: 15 bedrooms


In the northwest corner of the gallery, there is an entire wall painted with a banquet of the gods in the garden of heaven. Although most of it has been destroyed, in the remaining part, you can still see many goddesses with plump bodies and charming expressions. They lower their eyelashes, as if looking out of the picture.

There was an inexplicable magic in that look, which was fascinating. Qin Feichang passed by the gallery and carefully looked at the architectural structure of the gallery and the remaining fragments of the painting.

Then, she turned her eyes to the other side, where there was a dining table similar to the one in the picture, which seemed to be used for garden banquets. When the weather was good, sitting here to eat and drink, looking at the murals and the garden, was indeed a pleasure.

However, there were now more than a dozen stiff corpses sitting at the dining table. Some of them were smiling and pretending to eat; some were standing by their seats pointing at the flowers outside; others were leaning against the pillars with a smile... Their postures were exactly the same as those of the people in the mural.

No one knew what had happened to these people, but they were stuck in this position. But compared to the miserable corpses in the hall, they were still decent.

Qin Feichang walked past the wall, and the people painted on the wall moved one after another. They changed their just happy attitude and looked at Qin Feichang's back, whispering to each other, revealing greedy looks.

But soon, Egbert holding a cane walked to the middle of the gallery, and the people in the paintings immediately restrained their expressions and pretended that nothing had happened.

Egbert didn't do anything to these murals. He just stayed behind Qin Feichang, not taking any action nor showing up.

The bodies that die here will not be refreshed. The same bodies will appear here as many times as you die. Therefore, wherever a body appears, it means there is danger nearby.

Qin deliberately stayed in several places where there were corpses, but he did not encounter any danger.

This was so unusual that she guessed it immediately. It was most likely that Egbert was following nearby. If he wasn't following, how could this place, which should have been full of dangers, become so quiet

She accepted it well and went all the way to the edge without any obstacles. Unfortunately, her exploration of the edge of the castle ruins was not so smooth. She came to the edge of the white fog at dusk, and after seeing the white fog, she could no longer move forward - according to the game, she encountered an air wall.

Maybe the map ahead has not been loaded at all.

She waited here until dark. The entire sky turned into the night sky at an extremely fast speed. However, the white fog was still the same white fog. It did not disperse because of the darkness. It just became darker because of the disappearance of light. It looked even more sinister. One felt that there would be no good ending if one entered it.

Since he couldn't touch it and couldn't see clearly, Qin Feichang let it go. The problem could be solved in another way. There was no need to stick to it.

The ruined castle at night was a playground for ghosts. Qin Feichang couldn't see them, but could only hear various sounds, such as footsteps, clapping, music, etc., but the voices of people seemed vague and fragmented, and could not be heard clearly.

She had felt several times that she was walking on the road and there were ghosts passing by not far away. Every time she thought the ghosts were coming to "play" with her, they would disappear quickly. Judging from the series of clattering footsteps, they were running away.

There was no doubt that they were not afraid of her, but of Egbert who refused to show up nearby.

Qin was not surprised that this little lunatic, who had hated her so much that he wanted to kill her the previous two times, suddenly changed his attitude. She took this opportunity to take a closer look at those distinctive buildings.

Guessing the age based on the architectural features and artwork style was a routine task in art appreciation classes. She had guessed in the outside world, and her main task here was to confirm it.

Wherever she went, the ghosts there would avoid her. There might be lively noises in the distance, but they would disappear as soon as she got close, and even the candles that were originally lit would go out.

This perfectly illustrates the sentiment that "the excitement is theirs, and I have nothing."

In this strange atmosphere of being an outsider, Qin Feichang finished visiting the three buildings. She felt that it was enough and she didn't need to look at it anymore. Although this place was big, it was boring and lifeless. It would be a waste of time to stay there any longer. She might as well go back and continue to look up information and work.

At this time, she found that death became a problem.

The knife that was prepared to cut his throat rusted and bent in the blink of an eye, the sharp candlestick that he found in the room rotted before it even touched his neck, the rope for hanging broke, he ran to a high place and jumped down, but was caught by the overgrown vines halfway.

Qin sighed as she was hung in the air by the vines. Egbert was unwilling to let her die so easily, which was a bit troublesome.

"Even if you stop me temporarily, I will still die in the end. There is no food or water here that I can eat. I will die of starvation and thirst in three days at most." She said, looking at the green vines that were bound around her wrists.

The vines slowly pulled her to the third floor, and Qin Feichang saw Egbert sitting by the open window. She stepped on the window sill, grabbed the window frame and got in. The moment she successfully entered the room, the vines consciously let go of her and lurked on the windowsill.

"I guess you don't want to kill me just because you slept with me." She pulled out a chair and sat down, saying the most coquettish words in the calmest tone.

Egbert sat opposite her, neatly dressed, stroking the silver cane in his hand with a proud and cold expression, "You are not afraid of death, so I don't want you to die."

Qin Feichang looked at him through his glasses for a while, his eyes lingered on the hairband behind his head for a moment, and suddenly said seriously: "This is your room, right?"

This was a bedroom, and just as the information she had found before showed, it belonged to the complex and gorgeous style favored by the nobles at the end of the reign of Lost XV.

There were three large glass chandeliers, and the candlelight refracted through the glass, illuminating the room brilliantly. The floor was covered with thick blankets, the walls were decorated with gilded patterns, and the ceiling was designed with arched corners, with gilded patterns of intertwined branches and leaves spreading upwards.

There are large mirrors inlaid on both sides, and the most eye-catching thing is the large bed in the middle. Red four-cornered curtains hang from the ceiling, half-covering the fluffy and soft bed.

Egbert didn't answer her. He looked uncooperative and held his chin with his hand, looking at the night outside.

Qin Feichang sat up and took off his jacket without changing his expression.

Egbert still looked outside, but sat up a little straighter and asked in a bad tone, "What are you doing?"

Qin Feichang: "I'm tired and ready to take a rest."

Of course, I took off my clothes to sleep, otherwise what? I couldn't go back to rest, so I had to rest here.

She hadn't gotten much sleep outside these days, so she might as well try to catch up on some sleep here and see if she can regain her energy when she returns.

Seeing her walking towards the big bed, Egbert stared at her back with his eyebrows jumping, and spoke louder: "This is my bed, how dare you sleep here?"

Qin Feichang took off his glasses and sat on the edge of the bed. "I've slept with you twice. What's wrong with sleeping in your bed?"

As she spoke, she naturally pulled back the corner of the embroidered quilt and prepared to lie down. Egbert watched her movements and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up.

Qin Feichang paused in her lying down action and saw a skeleton hidden in the big bed turning its head and looking at her with two black eye sockets.

"Is this skeleton your corpse?" Qin Feichang turned his head and asked.

Egbert changed his sitting position, propped up his chin and waited for her to do something. "Guess."

Qin Feichang: "I guess not." As she said that, she shook the quilt and pushed the skeleton off the bed.

The skeleton fell to the ground with a loud crackling sound.

Egbert's face darkened and he said angrily: "How dare you treat my corpse like this!"

Qin Feichang: "This skeleton is at most twelve years old. It's not you at all. Stop pretending."

Seeing that she was not fooled, the anger on Egbert's face disappeared instantly. The kid who changed his expression very quickly knocked his cane in disappointment and boredom. Then the little skeleton lying on the ground got up, opened the door with a click, and walked out.

Qin Feichang peeled off a layer of the quilt that the little skeleton had slept on. There were many quilts underneath anyway, so he could still sleep with one less layer.

But the bed was too soft. She had never slept on such a soft bed before. As soon as she lay down, she sank completely into the soft quilt, and she always felt like she could smell the scent of roses.

Seeing that she was really lying motionless on the bed, Egbert stood up and walked slowly to the bedside. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a hand stretched out from under the quilt, holding a pair of pants and throwing it to the side of the bed.

Egbert: “…”

Qin Feichang actually took a nap. She had never thought that she could rest here. She had just woken up and was not quite clear-headed. Her first reaction was that she wondered if she could bring her work in next time, which would save her a lot of time in real life.

Then she was completely awakened by the heavy body on top of her.

She pulled back the covers and looked inside, and saw a head resting on her chest.

The person on top of her raised her head, revealing a beautiful face. This scene was erotic and weird, like a scene from a horror movie, and it was not suitable for minors to watch.

Pulling the quilt back, Qin Feichang breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to get up, but she couldn't push it away because it was too heavy on her body, so she could only look at the curtains hanging above and said, "Have I ever told you that your technique is really bad? If you do it a few more times, I might become frigid."

Egbert snorted in the quilt, "That's not better."

He hadn't intended to do anything, but as soon as she opened her eyes, he found her pretending to be calm and composed particularly annoying.

He opened his mouth and bit down.

Qin Feichang took a deep breath, reached into the quilt, grabbed Egbert's hair and pulled him away, whispering: "Let go, if you don't stop, it will become like before."

The quilt arched up, completely covering her. Egbert's voice was slightly excited, "Why, are you scared?"

Qin Feichang: "... I don't want you to be more excited?"

It is impossible for her to admit defeat. Facing provocation, she will only fight forward and not retreat.

This accidentally turned into a kind of war. No one wanted to lose, so the result was that they rolled around in the big bed for a long time.

Qin Feichang finally drowned herself in a bathroom next to the bedroom. She got up to wash herself and solved the problem of death at the same time and logged out successfully.

For some reason, Egbert did not stop her. Before Qin Feichang lost consciousness, she saw him standing by the door through the distorted water.

The woman's soft body sank in the pool. Egbert walked over barefoot and sat by the pool for a while, bored.

The night that should have ended long ago finally left. The smooth tiles under his feet became mottled and worn, and the pool he sat in quickly dried up. Everything that was bright and gorgeous turned into ruins in an instant. He was the only one who remained bright in this bleak color.