Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 112: 16 islands


In a hall near Qingshan University, a dozen young men and women sat in a private room, each with a similar pale and weak look on their faces. They looked at the door from time to time with anxiety.

Finally, the door opened and a girl wearing glasses walked in. She was wearing simple trousers and a sweater, holding a few books in her hands, and looked like a student from a nearby university.

"Loran!" Leon stood up first, then realized that he seemed too eager. He smiled to cover it up, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"I won't go back on my word once I've promised." Qin Feichang walked into the box and saw a girl who had also stood up and was looking at him with admiration and trust in her eyes.

She was familiar with this look. The subordinates she had led in the past had followed her for more than a year, and basically all looked at her with this look.

This was obviously a special situation. A group of young people who were on the verge of collapse developed trust in her within a few days, mainly because the contrast was too tragic. She was the only one who had not shown any fear from beginning to end. She also set up a chat room to bring them together, which at least prevented them all from giving up on saving themselves.

"What happened?" Qin Feichang found a place to sit down. Seeing that they kept looking at their phones subconsciously and showing uncontrollable bad emotions, she knew something must have happened.

Mei Shan, who had curly hair, sat next to her. Even her thick makeup couldn't cover her ugly face. She said, "Just now, someone committed suicide in the chat room!"

Qin was not surprised. Everyone has different tolerance levels. Some people are like steel balls and are difficult to be crushed; some people are like rubber balls and have great elasticity in dealing with pressure; and some people are like balloons and will explode with the slightest pressure.

Among more than fifty people, sooner or later, there will always be such a person.

She took a look at the phone the girl handed over. The man who committed suicide had posted a picture of himself cutting his wrists. The bathroom was bright red, and she could smell the rust even through the screen.

Qin Feichang looked at the man's thin, sunken cheeks and thick eye bags, and suddenly remembered who he was. The first time he entered the ruined castle, this warrior tried to rape Eggbert, but she smashed his head.

He looked so completely different from what he had looked then that she almost didn't recognize him.

Thinking about it now, Qin Feichang found that he and this man seemed to be "kindred spirits". What he wanted to do at first failed to be accomplished, but she accomplished it.

"Is his condition the most serious among everyone?" No one knew what Qin Feichang was thinking, and his face still had that indifferent expression.

Mei Shan, who was holding her phone, turned away and didn't look at the bloody photo. She just said with a pale face, "He seemed to be tortured there. He was cursing here before. I asked him to see a psychiatrist, but he turned around and cursed me."

Qin understood very well that this unlucky guy must have been targeted by Egbert in that world. That little lunatic likes to find other people's weaknesses and attack them. The more afraid others are, the happier he is. He changed his attitude again and again because he couldn't do anything to her, but when dealing with other young people who had no training, it was easy for him to catch them. He could play them to the point of collapse with just a little targeting.

The man collapsed and posted this picture to others, leaving a message, "I don't want to die again! This is my last death. Sooner or later, you will be like us. We will all die in this curse!"

His purpose was to influence other people's mentality, and he succeeded. Several people in the chat room couldn't stand the frequent deaths. With this beginning, it was estimated that someone would soon follow suit and commit suicide.

"What should we do now?" Leon sat on the other side of Qin Feichang with his cell phone in hand.

Those sitting here are also affected by the man's death. They need a little hope to break free from the curse, otherwise they may not be able to hold on for long.

Qin Feichang thought for a moment and said, "I found where the ruined castle is."

All the young people who are still immersed in the shadow of death: "???"

Qin Feichang: "On Tomani Island."

Leon was confused. "What? What island is that? Does that ruined castle really exist?"

Mei Shan was even more confused: "I thought, I thought it was just an imagination in our minds?"

Seeing how confused and helpless they all looked, Qin Feichang could only simply repeat his speculations and conclusions.

"… After determining the era through the styles of oil paintings and architecture, I speculated that it was one of the nine palaces built by Lost XV. Based on the more than 30 guessed locations given by scholars, I locked on Tomani Island. This island is also called the Mist Island, and it is said to be covered by fog. Ten years ago, there was a news report that a ship ran aground near the Mist Island and sent out a distress signal, but the search and rescue was unsuccessful for more than ten days…"

"I know!" said a boy sitting in the corner. "I saw a post on a horror adventure forum. It also said there is a foggy island. If you get close to it, your navigation will fail. A few years ago, a ship disappeared nearby... I think so. I can't quite remember if it is this Tomani Island."

Everyone had countless questions. A pretty and lovely girl couldn't help but ask, "Luolan, why did you guess it was there?"

Qin Feichang looked at Leon and the others and said, "Didn't you see from the bell tower that there was thick fog around the edge of the ruined castle?"

When Leon and the others thought of the weightlessness of falling from the building, their faces turned pale and they nodded: “Yes, we all saw it.”

Qin Feichang: "Also, there are a lot of roses in the ruined castle. The most common are two types, which are very similar to the Juliet and Shirley varieties on the market. These two types of roses are suitable for growing in a warm environment and are not cold-resistant. Only the area where Tomani Island is located meets this climatic condition. In addition, the specialty of the Ethiopian Peninsula in the same area as Tomani Island is roses... Do you understand?"

The young people listened blankly and nodded blankly.

Leon came to his senses and suddenly felt that he was a mentally retarded person. He had been to the castle several times, but he was just afraid and felt uneasy every day. He had to rely on Roland to adjust his mood. However, Roland had observed it so carefully that he had even guessed the location of that place.

"I feel like a fool." Mei Shan murmured.

Leon nodded silently, yes, he felt the same way.

"So what should we do next?" someone asked weakly after the excitement.

Meishan was full of energy, "Of course we should go to the island to see it! Right Luolan!"

Leon also said: "The wizard said that this curse comes from blood, so should we check what our ancestors did? Just like those puzzle games, we have to find the reason to completely lift the curse."

After they finished speaking, they both waited for Qin Feichang's confirmation. But Qin Feichang said, "It's not easy to figure out what happened to our ancestors three hundred years ago. We don't have much time left. It's best to arrange a boat to Kirishima as soon as possible."

If it drags on for a few more days, she is afraid that all these young people will collapse and commit suicide.

Leon was surprised, "We don't know anything, how can we remove the curse by going to Kirishima?"

Qin looked at these young masters and young ladies from well-off families very calmly: "Now, it's time for you to contribute."

"Aren't there many psychic wizards in this world? You should be able to invite some of them and have them go to Kirishima with us to directly find a way to remove the core of this curse. This is the simplest way."

"The core of the curse?"

Qin Feichang smiled and said, "Of course it's Egbert. He is so special. As long as we get rid of him, our curse will definitely be lifted."

She was quite sure of that.

Although she did like beautiful people, she could not start a new life properly and could not even work with all her strength unless the curse was lifted. She could only find a way to remove this obstacle first.

Everyone was anxious and looking forward to whether they could kill Egbert and remove the curse. But finally there was something they could do, and this sense of participation greatly inspired everyone. Even the girl who was the most depressed and desperate when she came left with a determined light in her eyes.

They each went about their business, and soon Leon convinced his father to arrange for the family's boat.

"I have arranged the boat here. We can set off for Kirishima tomorrow morning. I will also go with my father to ask Wizard Ross to go with us."

Mei Shan also quickly said: "My father said that he would bring us the most advanced and sophisticated instruments. Maybe we can successfully reach Kirishima this time! Also, I used my private money to hire a psychic. Although he is very young, he is said to be very powerful!"

This news was also announced in the chat room. Leon was good at organizing activities, and most people were influenced by their attitude and responded positively.

The young people who have been seeing no hope are preparing to go out to sea tomorrow. Someone even joked in the chat room, "I feel like we are the protagonists in a movie now, fighting to save our lives! Do you think we can make a movie after this is resolved?"

"Yes, I also want to tell my relatives and friends about this terrible and unforgettable experience. Now I can't say anything, they all think I'm crazy... I'm not crazy! Then they will know what kind of torture I have suffered!"

Amid the excitement, some people were still depressed and pessimistic. "What if we get lost in the fog island? What if we go there and can't come back? What if the real world is even scarier? If we die there this time, we will really die! I don't want to go, so if you guys want to go, don't drag me with you."

Mei Shan had the worst temper, and she immediately replied rudely: "If you don't dare to go, don't go. Just hold your baby and cry at home. Hide in your mother's arms and don't come out! I know what good things you are thinking. If you don't go, if the curse is lifted by us, you don't have to do anything. If we fail, you won't be implicated, right?"

"I'm telling you, this curse is shared by all of us, and no one can escape it. If you don't go, then we will be the only ones who can lift the curse, so don't cry."

There was silence in the chat room for a while, and then a girl who had previously collapsed and said she wanted to commit suicide sent a message, "I can't bear it anymore. No matter what the result of this trip is, it can't be worse than it is now."

This statement triggered more people to agree, "Yes, I can't stand it anymore. The feeling of death is too painful. If I have to endure it countless times, I would rather end it completely this time."

"I have always been following others. I don't know how to do anything and I am timid. This time I want to go with everyone. I must be brave!"

Qin Feichang didn't pay attention to the excitement in the chat room. When she returned home, she happened to encounter a farce. Lang Suo was about to commit suicide, and the psychic grandmother was trying to stop him.

Qin Feichang glanced at the knife that Lang Suo held to his neck and sneered. He didn't dare to commit suicide. The most likely thing was that he would drop the knife if the skin was slightly cut, and shout in panic to find a doctor.

"Oh my God! It hurts! My blood is flowing out! Help me! Find a doctor to save me!"

—Just like this.

After receiving the bandage, Lang Suo slumped on the sofa, his whole body filled with despair and dejection.

The old grandmother who was also sitting in the hall looked much more haggard within a day. She was almost as thin as a stick of firewood. At first glance, she looked like a ghost from a horror movie.

In order to help Langso transfer the curse, she has now suffered the backlash. As they enter the cursed world more and more times, she will become more and more haggard. From the looks of it, she will die if it happens twice more.

"Let's talk." Qin Feichang sat in front of the two of them holding a teacup.

Ten minutes later, the grandmother agreed to sell the house and transfer most of the money to her.

"This is what Luo Lan deserves. I won't thank you enough. I'll go to the notary tomorrow morning, and then we'll go to the dock to take the boat. Have a good rest tonight."

Qin went back to the room with the hot tea in a very calm manner.

She actually had many other ways to make money, but now she was using Luo Lan's body, and asking her to let go of the selfish grandparents was not her style. She felt bad for the little girl because she didn't get what she deserved.