Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 129: 01 Kūkai


Barry slammed the freezer shut and swore angrily.

"Damn it, what's going on? It's been three days and no new food has been delivered. How can there be enough food left? Are they going to starve us to death here?"

Wearing a dark blue work suit, he walked into the small restaurant and saw a woman sitting in front of the TV in the small restaurant, looking up attentively at the boring news report on it.

Barry recognized that this was the new employee who had come three days ago, an Asian woman with black hair and black eyes.

Nowadays, people live together in mixed races, and most districts are of mixed race. Judging from the woman's face and body shape, she is a relatively rare pure Asian race. She is very likely from District 6, which has the largest number of Asians.

He remembered that her name seemed to be—

"Qin Min?" Barry called out, and saw that person pause for a moment before turning to look at him, as if she didn't realize that he was calling her.

"Are you calling me?" Qin Minghuang said with a smile.

The name written on this body's ID card is Qin Min, but when this old man called her, it sounded like "Qingming", which sounded unlucky.

Barry found it a little strange. This woman seemed timid before, and after coming here, she always wanted to hide herself like a little mouse, and she didn't say a word when others talked to her.

But now, she was talking to him openly and even smiling at him - what the hell.

Ignoring the weirdness in his heart, Barry thought about the current bad situation and had no intention to explore her changes. His expression became irritable. He sat down at the side, put his legs on the dining table and ordered, "You, go make me something to eat."

According to the woman's personality and habits, she would usually quietly lower her head and work in the kitchen. But today, she really seemed like a different person. She sat there without moving, and asked him curiously, "Am I the chef here?"

Of course she is not the chef here, but he can only order her around.

Barry's eyebrows shot up instantly, "Are you mocking me?!"

Qin Minghuang swore that she really had no intention of making fun of him, nor did she intend to make him angry. She had just woken up not long ago and had no memory of this body. She had not figured out the current situation yet and was trying hard to observe the environment. What she had just said was purely a serious question.

But Barry had already started to scold her for her attitude, "You damn District 6 short monkey, lazy pig..."

Qin Minghuang: "Tsk, it sounds hard." His fist hardened.

Just when she was considering whether to let this Zuan brother see Qin's Kung Fu, two more people came into the small restaurant. A man and a woman, sticky and sticky, they looked like a couple. The man had dark skin and a tall stature, a head taller than Barry.

When he saw them, Barry glared at Qin Minghuang and stopped cursing.

The woman had honey-colored skin and a curvy figure, and she looked like she had just woken up. Well, the word "sleep" here is a verb.

"Li Xi, you, the chef, get up too late. I'm almost starving to death." Barry complained, his tone much better than when he spoke to Qin Minghuang just now.

"You're almost starving. Can't you do it yourself?" Li Xi said unhappily.

She was the cook and logistics here, but it was so chaotic recently that no one was taking care of this small base. Only four of them were left in the base, so of course she was lazy. Barry slept during work hours and was too lazy to clean the pool, but he still had the nerve to criticize her.

Barry muttered "bitch" in his heart, but he didn't dare say it out loud in case Li Xi heard it, otherwise, the tall man Lei would definitely fight with him. So he could only vent his anger on Qin Minghuang, the weakest person here, and glared at her again with his eyes bulging.

Qin Minghuang didn't have time to pay attention to him as she was busy watching TV.

What was reported on TV was the latest research progress of "Ku Hai" - this was the most incredible thing in the world for Qin Minghuang.

There actually appeared a sea floating in the sky!

The empty sea appeared about three months ago. It suddenly appeared in the sky like a cloud. The wide blue sea replaced the clouds and their shadows covered the earth.

When this type of air-sea situation first appeared, reconnaissance planes were sent from the ground to investigate.

It is said that the area of this sea of air is about five million square kilometers. Because it is in the air, the thickness varies in many places. The deepest or thickest place is five thousand meters, and the thinnest place is the edge, which is only a few meters. The sunlight can shine through the edge. Looking up at the sky from the ground, the edge of the sea of air looks like a circle of blue-green light.

The inhabited areas on the ground are divided into 120 areas, and the rest are uninhabited areas. The place where the sky sea first appeared was above the uninhabited area, but it can move. It has been moving slowly for the past three months and is now approaching the outermost areas 120, 119 and 118.

As soon as Qin Minghuang woke up, she checked some information and notes left by the body in the room, and knew that the "xx Marine Biological Research Base" where she was now was in Area 118.

She had just walked out of the room and was startled when she saw the outline of the empty sea in the distance. She found the small restaurant, turned on the TV and listened for a while before she figured out what was going on.

This world is so magical. The sudden appearance of Kong Hai is like a doomsday movie.

It wasn't just her, a "tourist" from another world, who thought so. When Kukai first appeared, he brought great panic to the people of this world, and a series of arguments about "doomsday" became rampant.

Then everyone panicked, and three months passed, and nothing happened, so they did what they had to do. The imagined doomsday never came, and everyone still had to work to earn money to eat.

However, this constantly moving sea of air that is getting closer and closer to human living areas has put tremendous pressure on the three outer districts.

No one knows when this thing above their heads will suddenly fall down. If it all falls down suddenly, needless to say, the ground will instantly turn into an ocean.

Even if it doesn't fall down, it will stay above our heads and the sunlight won't be able to shine through, and all the plants in the covered area will die.

The exploration of this empty sea has been progressing slowly. No one knows what unknown dangers it will bring, and guessing is the most likely to cause panic.

After having a thorough understanding of the current world setting and the current environment, Qin Minghuang finally understood why Barry, the Zaun brother, was so irritable and restless.

Because of the approach of the sky and the sea, their informal and small-scale marine life research base suffered a large number of staff losses, and only a few people were left.

Of course Barry and his friends wanted to leave, but the person in charge was not happy about that. After talking to them, he gave them a large salary increase and only then did they stay.

Qin Minghuang learned from the notes left by the original body that she came here three days ago and the person in charge of the base gave her a generous salary, so she came. Qin Minghuang swore by his sixth sense that the original body was definitely deceived.

Since the original body arrived three days ago, this small base has been completely blocked. The person in charge said it was to ensure their safety, but Qin Minghuang felt that he might be afraid that the few employees would escape.

The four of them are now locked up here, with no news from the outside world, the person in charge cannot be contacted, and no one is delivering food that used to be delivered every three days... Faced with such a situation, no one present is in a good mood.

In addition to Qin Minghuang, she is now full of curiosity about this world and Kong Hai.

She knew very well that she woke up in a strange world with a different identity because she died in her original world. How could she survive a plane crash? Of course, it was worth being happy to have a life saved and live again.

There were several members of the Qin family on the plane at that time. She knew Qin Minghui, her friend who was also from the same clan as her, and Qin Feichang... Maybe she could find other people in this world.

After finishing off the food that Li Xi prepared for the occasion with a good appetite, Qin Minghuang listened to them complaining about not much food left in the freezer and that they could not contact the person in charge. He then packed up his own plate and left the small restaurant to stroll around.

Explore the new world, starting from your surroundings.

She turned around and first discovered a problem. The high wall surrounding the base was ridiculously high, and there were electric fences and iron spikes on it, as if to prevent people from climbing over the wall. The door was also tightly closed, and a small door seemed to be welded shut and could not be opened. It was so exaggerated that if you didn't know, you would think it was a military base.

Compared to the tight defense, the interior of the base is quite simple. There are only two buildings in total. One big building contains some messy equipment and incomprehensible old equipment, and the other is a dormitory, which is mostly empty.

In addition, there is the largest indoor pool and several outdoor pools, as well as a large ice storage next to the indoor pool.

Qin Minghuang opened the ice storage and took a look. There were many fish inside, which should be food for the marine life in the pond.

This is a serious embezzlement. The fish here have basically not been touched. I guess Barry and the others haven't fed them for several days... What are the things in the water? Could they have starved to death

The pool is large, but this small base is shabby and simple. So what kind of irregular marine life research base is this

And what about the marine life in the base? She walked around and didn't see anything alive in the water

Of course, it might also be because the water in the pool was too turbid. Anyway, Qin Minghuang looked around and didn’t see a single live fish.

The indoor pool and the outdoor pool can be connected, but they are usually separated. Qin Minghuang saw that the small pool in the middle was locked.

It's okay outdoors, at least it's breathable and the smell is dissipated, the water in the pool is dark green as if a lot of algae are growing there, but the indoors, the smell as soon as you walk in is enough to make you not want to eat seafood for the rest of your life.

Walking to the indoor pool, Qin Minghuang squatted down and took a look at the turbid and smelly water, wondering how long it had been since Barry and Lei had properly cleaned the pool and changed the water, causing it to be ruined like this.

There were soft footsteps behind her, and someone was approaching quietly. Qin Minghuang raised her eyebrows and pretended not to notice. When the person behind her raised his leg to kick her, she spun around to avoid it.

"Ah!" Barry's kick missed and his body became unstable. Qin Minghuang hurried to help him, kicked his butt with his toes, and helped him enter the turbid and smelly pool water.


Barry emerged from the water and climbed the edge of the pool in a rage. Qin Minghuang, who had already retreated to avoid the splashing water, pretended to cover his mouth and screamed, "Ah, are you okay? I was really scared just now. How did you suddenly fall into the water!"

"You bitch, you pushed me down on purpose!" Barry said, coughing twice to spit out the water in his mouth. He was irritated by the strange smell and felt nauseous, rolling his eyes continuously.

Qin Ming Huanglian didn't even bother to hide the smile on his face. Hearing him vomiting with dirty words in his mouth, he simply kicked him back into the pool.

"Hahahaha man you are so funny. Grass stinks. Hahaha!"

She was laughing and suddenly pointed at the water behind Barry and exclaimed, "Ah, there's a monster in the water!"

Barry's face turned pale, he crawled out of the pool, and ran all the way to the gate. Halfway, he slipped and slid three meters away, got up and continued running without looking back.

Qin Minghuang: "... No way, buddy, I was just lying, why are you so scared?"

She glanced at the water stains on the ground that gave off a strange smell, clicked her tongue twice, and followed him out.

The door was closed, and in the huge turbid pool, a black shadow spread out like a flower and emerged from the water.