Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 137: 09 Abandonment


Qin Minghuang sat in the driver's seat, with weapons placed on the passenger seat so she could reach them easily. Dr. Ji Lun and Barry were in the back seat, with Ji Lun's hands tied behind his back, and the crazy and stupid Barry was treated the same way.

Without paying too much attention to the two people behind her, Qin Minghuang had been observing the situation on both sides of the road. She drove very far away and could no longer see the base behind her, but the scenery on both sides of the road remained unchanged.

Opening the car window, the wind outside blew towards him. Qin Minghuang felt as if he could smell the saltiness and slight fishiness of the sea breeze, but there was no trace of the ocean around him.

So this smell probably comes from the sky above your head.

Qin Minghuang began to feel a little tired as she had not encountered any living people or buildings. She stretched her body while steering the car and adjusted the music in the car. Surprisingly, some music actually started playing.

The song had a strong sense of rhythm, and the singer sang with a smoky voice, which was heart-wrenching. Qin Minghuang was shocked, focused a little, and hummed and swayed to the rhythm.

She didn't notice that the two men in the back seat were having a slight conflict at this time.

Barry, who was in a state of confusion, had been lying there listlessly since he got on the bus. The sudden sound of the rock song awakened him a little and he started to go crazy. He cried and squeezed towards Ji Lun, throwing himself on him.

Ji Lun didn't like the smell that Barry secreted, just like a person who hated coriander facing coriander, even though it was edible, he absolutely didn't want to eat it.

This coriander, emitting a smell that he hated, was rubbing against his body.

His hands were tied and he couldn't use them, so a crack appeared in Ji Lun's body, and a thick leg stretched out, which hit Barry's head with a snap, knocking him into the car window on the other side.

Just then, a heavy drum beat sounded in this rock music.


Barry's head gave a passionate accompaniment.

Another series of drum beats, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The two legs in the back seat of the car filled the small space with their claws and fangs, forcing Barry to squeeze into the seat and no longer dare to get close to Ji Lun.

The fragile Barry looked at the two terrible legs, a gurgling sound came from his throat, and finally he suddenly screamed in a high-pitched voice.

Qin Minghuang, who had been paying attention to the road ahead, turned his head.

She saw the idiot Dr. Ji Lun sitting there, giving her that inexplicably obsessed smile.

Qin Minghuang: “…”

Looking at Barry again, he was waving his hands in front of him, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. His screams came one after another, directly covering up the sound of the music.

Qin Minghuang had to stop the car, "Hey, hey, hey, stop shouting."

Barry: "Aa ...

Qin Minghuang: "Wake up, we have left the base, there are no monsters."

Barry: "Ah! Monster, let me go, ah, I will die!"

Qin Minghuang: "Look at your cellmate, Dr. Ji Lun. Although he is stupid, he is still well-behaved. Why are you making so much noise?"

Seeing that he couldn't calm down, Qin Minghuang found some tape and taped Barry's mouth.

After this small incident, she continued on her way. She drove for almost a whole day, but still did not see any human habitation at night.

Qin Minghuang didn't know much about this world. She only knew the general regional divisions. Previously, she thought that the area where humans lived was very small. Now, after driving for so long and still not leaving the outskirts of District 118, it seemed that the area of each district was not small.

Suddenly it started to rain heavily and she couldn't see the road ahead clearly in the rain. She also began to feel a little tired, so she stopped by the roadside to rest.

She'll just tear open a chocolate bar and have a ton of snacks - she'll always love junk food and unhealthy snacks!

When she was a shi girl, she couldn't eat much, but now she can eat as much as she wants! She has already decided to find a region rich in delicious food and indulge herself, then travel to each region and try the specialties of each region.

I feel happy just thinking about it.

She was happy, and Ji Lun was happy too, because the smell she exuded when she was happy was particularly wonderful, which intoxicated him and made him want to get closer to smell it.

At dawn, Qin Minghuang squinted for a while, and then was awakened by a sound like hail. She subconsciously held down the gun beside her and looked out the window. In the dim light of dawn, she saw blue "fruits" mixed with rain falling from the sky.

These fruits fell to the ground, burst open with a "pop", and instantly grew light blue roots that took hold in the soil, extending translucent blue filaments as thin as hair. At first glance, they looked like clusters of blue flowers on the ground, which was quite beautiful.

But Qin Minghuang watched helplessly as several fruits hit the windshield of the car. The roots could not find any soil, so they squirmed and tried to insert their tentacles into the glass. After trying for a long time and failing to find any gaps, they gave up and the twisted roots fell to the ground.

Is this thing a living creature? Qin Minghuang had a bad feeling and turned on the wipers to wipe off the other twisting things on the glass.

There was also a blue fruit on the roof near the back seat. It had already opened, revealing the filaments inside. Those filaments were like worms, twisting in the air looking for something, and gradually groped for the gap in the glass of the back seat and twisted in through the gap.

Barry, who had been excited and crazy all day, fell asleep by the window, and the blue filaments that entered the car just touched his head. They seemed to have found food, quickly detached from the base, attached to the side of Barry's head, and finally drilled into his ears.

Ji Lun, who had been staring at Qin Minghuang, noticed that something was wrong with Xiangcai beside him, but he didn't even look at her.

It was just a feeding behavior. He had seen this kind of blue filaments many times before. They were a kind of sea creature and were not on the diet of their tribe. He ignored them, just like sharks in the sea would ignore inedible corals.

Qin Minghuang turned on the windshield wipers and drove the car away from the area, carefully avoiding those strange blue creatures.

Going further, the sky brightened, she finally saw a small town on the roadside. A small town in such a place certainly couldn't be very prosperous, similar to the urban-rural junction of underdeveloped areas. Qin Minghuang drove into the town and saw that there were mostly two-story and three-story houses on both sides, covered with dust outside, with doors and windows closed.

… No way, is this really the end of the world

Qin Minghuang had just thought about this when he saw two men running down the street in front of him. The two men were walking hurriedly. One of them was holding a lady's bag with food sticking out of the bag, and the other was holding a lady's wallet. Both of them were holding guns.

After seeing their appearance clearly, Qin Minghuang felt something was not good, as these two people looked like they had just finished a robbery.

The two men also saw their car, their faces lit up with joy, and they turned a corner and ran towards her.

"Stop the car!" They pointed their guns at her and shouted, and another one simply fired a shot at the front of the car as a threat.

Qin Minghuang's mouth twitched, she weighed it for a moment and slowly stopped the car, stroking the gun in her hand, thinking about how to deal with these two people. Unexpectedly, the two men approached the car, and before they spoke, they saw the back seat of her car, their faces immediately changed, and they ran back without looking back.

What's going on? Qin Minghuang didn't understand and looked back subconsciously.

"Oh shit!" She almost jumped up. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would have hit the roof of the car.

Barry in the back seat was dead. He leaned back in his seat with his head tilted back, his eyes wide open, blue filaments growing from around his eye sockets, ears, nose, and all the gaps in his head. It looked like his head was moldy and covered with fungus.

The scene was both horrific and disgusting.

In one second, she unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door and walked out. Qin Minghuang held the weapon, opened the back seat and pulled out the silly doctor who was still smiling at her.

It turns out that being stupid has its advantages. At least you can sit next to such a scary corpse and ignore it without changing your expression.

Qin Minghuang suppressed her nausea and pushed Barry out of the car with a stick. After making sure that he was dead, she frowned and thought of the blue fruit rain she encountered on the road. She guessed it was because of that thing.

Judging from the reactions of the two men just now, it should not be the first time they have seen such a dead person. The situation outside is a bit bad.

She stuffed the idiot Doctor into the passenger seat, separating the back seat from the front seat, and said, "You'd better pray that the police station is still there, or I'll throw you on the side of the road and prepare for your doomsday escape, Doctor."

The doctor looked at her sweetly. He digested a little more of Dr. Ji Lun's body and was able to control it better.

After wandering around the deserted streets, Qin Minghuang found a police station. Although it was a bit run-down, it seemed that there were still people there.

She dragged Ji Lun out of the car, "Is there anyone? I need help."

"I'm the only one left here." A tired middle-aged man's face appeared from the window at the door, holding a cigarette, "Little girl, everyone needs help now, but no one can help anyone else."

He glanced at the car parked on the side and said, "At least you still have a car. Leave Area 118 as soon as possible. It may be better to go somewhere else."

Sure enough, a terrible disaster had already happened here, so the situation was chaotic. Qin Minghuang was not surprised at all, but was embarrassed, "I picked up a person, can I leave him in front of the police station?"

Middle-aged man: "Did you find... a child?"

Qin Minghuang patted Ji Lun on the shoulder and said, "No, it's this idiot who can't speak but only laugh."

Ji Lun looked at her tenderly, grabbed her hand with his backhand, then knelt on one knee and stammered, "I... love you, please, marry me."

Qin Minghuang: “Huh?”

Middle-aged man: "Alas, the world is like this now, young couples should stop making trouble and leave quickly."

He slammed the window shut and ignored them.

Qin Minghuang got back into the car with an expressionless face and drove for a while. He stopped the car again at an intersection, opened the door, pointed outside to Ji Lun, and said, "Get out."

Realizing what was about to happen, Ji Lun, who had adapted a little to human thinking, sat tight in his seat and refused to leave.

Qin Minghuang: "Listen, no matter what crazy things you did before, no one cares about you now, and I don't care either. Get out of the car."

"Dear—" he said sadly.

Qin Minghuang kicked him out of the car, quickly closed the door, and started the car!

Okay, the trouble is over.

Ji Lun, who was kicked out of the car, floated up from the ground with a melancholy face, and then bounced and landed on the roof of the car in front. He lay on the roof sadly, with several legs sticking out from the cracks in his body and sticking to the roof.

Because of sadness, his limbs were no longer beautiful, but revealed a hideous and ferocious appearance.

Qin Minghuang, who didn't realize that he hadn't gotten rid of the man at all, saw a group of young men coming out of the street ahead. They were holding weapons and cursing, with smashed shops behind them.

They saw her car passing by.

Qin Minghuang drew her gun, thinking they were bound to be intercepted. But before she could show it, the group of young men with weapons suddenly turned around and ran away in fear, some even pried open the manhole cover and jumped down.

Qin Minghuang: "?" What's wrong? Is this car scary

In the eyes of those young people, there was a monster perched on the roof of the car, with its ugly legs dancing and shaking, and it looked like it was not something that could be messed with.

They have seen many monsters these days, but this one is definitely the scariest one, both in terms of size and appearance.

Why are you still trying to rob the car? Just run away!