Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 153: 25 Beep beep beep


"A woman's life is just like that, getting married, having children... you can see the end of it at a glance."

When Qin Minghuang was a child in the Qin's orphanage, an aunt who was in charge of cleaning was chatting with the teachers in the orphanage.

A group of children were also nearby at the time. Everyone else was confused, but Qin Minghuang was different. She dropped the ball in her hand, stood up and said loudly: "I won't! I won't get married or have children! I want to marry a man and have him give birth to a child for me!"

She was not very big at the time, but her voice was loud and resounding. It not only shocked the other children, but also intimidated the old lady.

Then there was exaggerated laughter from a group of adults. They explained to her in a joking manner that men cannot have children and that only men marry women, not women marry men.

Qin Minghuang felt it was very unfair at the time, so she decided at a young age that she would never marry again! Later, she successfully became a daughter of a clan, which was in line with what she said when she was a child.

But she didn't expect that fate would take such a tortuous turn. Many years later, she actually fulfilled her childhood dream by accident - the child was indeed born by her husband, and apart from sex life, she had no sense of participation in the birth of the child.

She didn't go through the suffering of pregnancy, the pain of childbirth, the recuperation after giving birth, and the psychological pressure. She just had a good sleep.

Qin Minghuang was still a little dazed after eating the pear. She stretched her hand stained with pear juice to the side, and Ji Lun automatically cleaned it for her.

Retracting his hand, Qin Minghuang stood in front of the glass tank and continued to ponder, looking at the little pink jellyfish sticking to the glass one by one, forming a neat row.

Ji Lun watched with her for a while and said, "My dear, if you find it interesting, you can watch it for a while longer. I'll make you some soup. You haven't eaten anything in the past two days, so you need to make up for it."

He left after he finished speaking, leaving the newborn baby in the water tank, without any intention of caring about them. Qin Minghuang almost suspected that he was lying to him. This was actually a small jellyfish he bought from the seafood market, not his own child. Otherwise, his tone and attitude were too casual.

Or is this the way their race raises their children

Turning her head to look at Ji Lun's back in the kitchen, Qin Minghuang stretched out her finger and poked the glass. The little pink jellyfish immediately swam to the tip of her finger and squeezed itself against the glass, becoming a deflated little pancake, as if it really wanted to touch her.

She moved her finger to another location, and the jellyfish followed her fingertips to another location. Qin Minghuang found it interesting, so he swiped back and forth on the glass, making the jellyfish swim back and forth.

They all seemed very active, and Qin Minghuang inexplicably felt that they were having a lot of fun.

Looking at Ji Lun who was cooking seriously in the kitchen, Qin Minghuang moved a chair over. She stood on the chair, opened the opening on the top of the water tank, and put her fingers into the water to tease the jellyfish.

She shook her fingers, and the small jellyfish at the bottom swam up and came towards her like little balloons and cannonballs.

They were so small that when they were wrapped around her, they could just cover one of her fingers.

Qin Minghuang put down five fingers in total, and they were wrapped by the five fastest swimming small jellyfish. When he lifted his hands, it seemed as if he was wearing five pink finger gloves.

She took a look at them and put them back into the water to prevent them from dying of dehydration if they left the water.

But she didn't expect that in this short period of time, the other small jellyfish in the water had already floated to the surface, and they flew up! They left the water and floated in the air!

There is a humidifier on next to it, so the air in the room is relatively humid. These newly born little creatures can actually use such floating skills.

When they are in the air, they swim just like they are in the water. Under a round little umbrella cap are thin and soft little feet like skirts. When they swing their bodies, they make small "flapping" sounds.



Qin Minghuang was amazed for a while, and suddenly realized something was wrong. These little guys who had escaped from the water tank were flapping their bodies happily and freely, and floated away!

"Shit!" Qin Minghuang exclaimed in a low voice and quickly reached out to grab it.

In the blink of an eye, all the little jellyfish ran away, including the five that were previously wrapped around her fingers. They floated to various places in the room. Because they were too small, Qin Minghuang almost couldn't see where they were at first glance.

She glanced guiltily at the kitchen, quickly jumped off the chair, reached out to grab a small jellyfish that had escaped, stuffed her back into the tank, and went to look for the second one, using the same method to arrest her and send her back to her birthplace.

She jumped up and down in the living room, stepped on the sofa and climbed on the cabinets to catch jellyfish. There was one that was floating very high, sticking to the ceiling, and she couldn't reach it, so she could only use a broom to try to sweep it down.

While she was fighting wits with the air, she secretly glanced at Ji Lun, hoping he would not look back.

After finally catching most of them, she opened the lid of the water tank and put them back. At that moment, a few more small jellyfish escaped from the gaps and floated around her.

"Dear." Ji Lun's voice came from behind.

Qin Minghuang subconsciously closed the lid of the water tank and turned back to smile, "What?"

She prayed in her heart, don't find out that there are no jellyfish in the tank! Don't find out that there are no jellyfish in the tank! Then she felt a coolness on her cheek, and a small jellyfish stuck to her cheek.

Little jellyfish: "Beep."

Qin Minghuang: “…”

The gentle expression on Ji Lun's face did not change at all. He was not dissatisfied with her behavior of playing with the child. In fact, after seeing the water splashing out from the side of the water tank, he said considerately: "If you want to play, it is really inconvenient in the water tank."

He quickly prepared a basin for her, filled it with water, and fished out the small jellyfish from the tank and put them in the basin. The other small jellyfish that were wandering around the room were caught by the legs that stretched out from his body. In less than ten seconds, all twelve small jellyfish were put into the basin.

"Stay here. You are still young and shouldn't run around." He stirred his feet in the water, as if he had communicated with these overly lively little guys. He placed the basin on the coffee table in the living room and handed Qin Minghuang a large spoon.

"Go on, honey."

Qin Minghuang watched him walk away, then looked at the big spoon in his hand, and finally at the twelve pink jellyfish swimming obediently in the basin. He felt like a child scooping goldfish.

—"Hey, SpongeBob, let's go catch jellyfish!" Qin Minghuang hit his head to get rid of the words that suddenly popped up in his mind.

It's hard to refuse such a kind offer, so she just... plays

She used a spoon to scoop up the small jellyfish in the basin. They swam flexibly and did not let her spoon catch them. Qin Minghuang tried for a long time but found that she could not beat these newly born creatures. She ignited her fighting spirit and worked harder and harder, and finally caught one.

The next moment after she showed a victorious smile, she realized that Ji Lun was standing beside her, leaning over and watching them play.

"Let's play later, let's go eat first." Ji Lun held her shoulders.

Qin Minghuang was not very hungry yet. She sat on the sofa with her bowl in hand, looking at the little jellyfish in the basin eating, and asked with great interest: "Can they eat?"

After getting a positive answer, Qin Ming no longer wanted to eat the rice. She took the biscuits that Ji Lun gave her, crushed them and threw the crumbs into the basin.

The little jellyfish tentatively stretched out their short legs to pick up the biscuit crumbs floating on the water, making popping sounds.

Seeing that they really ate, Qin Minghuang continued to pinch biscuits to feed them happily. When she came to her senses, she found that this was not like feeding children at all, but really just feeding fish.

At night, at Qin Minghuang's request, Ji Lun, who had originally planned to stuff them into the water tank for the night, had to carry a basin and arrange for them to go into the bedroom.

Qin Minghuang was lying on the bed playing with jellyfish. She circled her fingers around, and the little jellyfish tried to move their legs, making tender popping sounds and floating around her fingers.

When Ji Lun walked into the room, all the little jellyfish immediately dived back into the water and started swimming and exercising obediently.

One leg was placed in the basin, and the others belonged to the female. Qin Minghuang lay on the bed, and finally thought of a question before going to sleep.

"Are you okay? Thank you for your hard work." She was so ashamed. After all, he gave birth to the child. But when she woke up, she only remembered to play with the child and completely forgot to care about the health of the "pregnant woman". She was such a scumbag.

Ji Lun rubbed her with satisfaction, wrapped her in his arms and sucked hard, "It's okay, I have stored a lot of nutrients."

It is normal for males in their race to raise children on behalf of females and be responsible for providing nutrition to the children, so he certainly would not have any complaints.

Qin Minghuang didn't know much about their breeding, but he felt relieved after hearing what he said. Although he was frightened at the beginning of the day, those little things were still quite fun.

The next morning, Qin Minghuang woke up and almost screamed at what he saw.

She sat on the bed, looking at a small jellyfish that she had crushed on the sheet. She picked it up with two fingers and shook it gently, but the small jellyfish did not move.

"Ahhh, don't die! How did you get onto the bed? You won't be crushed to death by me!"

With disheveled hair and barefoot, Qin Minghuang ran from upstairs to the kitchen. He opened his hand to show Ji Lun the shriveled jellyfish in his palm and asked nervously, "Is she dead?!"

Seeing her face full of despair, Ji Lun quickly comforted her: "It's okay, she's just a little dehydrated, just throw her in the water for a while and she'll be fine."

He casually put the little jellyfish into the sink in front of him.

Qin Minghuang watched the little jellyfish slowly regain its full size, graze on the green leaves, and bite a small hole in the leaves, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The father was scared to death, and thought a tragedy had happened - the mother didn't check the child while sleeping and rolled over and crushed the child to death.

Ji Lun wiped the sweat off her face distressedly, "Why are you so scared? Don't worry, they are different from humans and have strong vitality."

After that, he brought a pot of small octopus next to him to coax her: "Look, I bought some small octopus today and made octopus balls for you to eat to calm your nerves."

What kind of trick is this

Qin Minghuang: "... No, no, I don't want to eat octopus. I will never eat octopus in my life."

After the twelve little jellyfish appeared, Qin Minghuang would carefully observe whether there were any little jellyfish on the ground with every step she took in the house, so as not to step on them accidentally; before sitting on the sofa, she would check whether there were any jellyfish on the sofa, so as not to crush them; when drinking water, she would also carefully observe whether there was a jellyfish soaked in it, so as not to accidentally drink it... They wandered around everywhere, and were omnipresent.

But after just a few days, Qin Minghuang gradually got used to it and was no longer restrained, because she found that these little jellyfish were really very tenacious and could not be treated by the standards of human children at all.

Even if there is any problem, they will send out a distress signal and the octopus father will come to rescue them.

Three days after the little jellyfish was born, Qin Minghuang was sitting on the sofa watching TV as usual, with her feet resting on the basin of water on the coffee table. A little jellyfish was standing on her thumb, shaking its thin legs, making her toes itchy. Several jellyfish were lying on her head, playing with her hair, and a few were playing with the puppy Xiangxiang.

The phone rang twice, scaring away a small jellyfish lying on the phone, and attracting two more curious little jellyfish to come over. Qin Minghuang picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

"I'm going to come to your place right now." Qin Feimo on the other end of the phone walked onto the plane with his luggage.

Qin Minghuang: "Okay, let me remind you first, there will be some relatively... magical beings here, Brother Feimo, be mentally prepared and don't be afraid."

The more she said this, the more Qin Feimo thought about it, and the more scared he became. He forced himself to maintain his elite persona, calmly pushed up his glasses and said, "I'm a member of the Qin family, I'm not afraid."