Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 164: 03 Apple


Sitting with her knees hugged in the dim light in the dim room, Qin Minghui finally felt a sense of reality as she traveled through time, lost in thought about her family and friends.

The wilderness was so quiet that there was no other sound except the whistling wind.

After a while, Qin Minghui called out 01 again.

[01, Let’s talk.]

Ashamed, as a soft girl, she wanted to find someone to talk to for courage. Although No. 01 was a robot, not a human, at least he could speak.

Who hasn't talked to a home robot or a mobile app

[All right, little miss.]

No. 01 responded to every request, answered woodenly, and then fell silent.

Qin Minghui thought about it and came up with a topic for conversation.

[01, Do you know how to write the word hui? ]

There was a clicking sound, and No. 01's head, which had just been raised, fell down to his chest again. The light red light in his two big round eyes kept flickering, as if a person was blinking nervously. Qin Minghui suspected that he would burn his brain if he continued, and hurriedly prepared to change the subject.

[Sorry, little miss, I don't have an answer, I only have the protection and attack modules turned on.]

No. 01 spoke first.

Qin Minghui learned an unexpected piece of information from this sentence: there are other sections in No. 01! She immediately became interested.

[01, So you have other modules that you haven’t turned on? What are they?]

[Yes, Little Miss, Mister and Miss were designed for me, along with the Learning and Relationship modules, which are disabled.]

Learning and emotions? Qin Minghui was extremely surprised. Is this really possible? If she said learning, she could understand it. Both rigid learning and dynamic learning can be called learning. But emotions, can robots made by humans really have emotions like humans

Thinking of the powerful destructive ability of robot 01 in the movie, Qin Minghui felt that the two geniuses Qin Boyi and Qin Ledan might have really done it.

If it is true, then Qin Minghui probably understands why these two modules are not turned on.

A robot that can learn autonomously will not only learn the good side, but also the bad side. However, good and bad things must be placed in specific situations. Even humans may not be able to make the right choice, and it is even more difficult for robots. And emotions, if they learn emotions, will they be "emotional" like humans

There are many, many issues that need to be considered.

Qin Ledan and his daughter may have gone through a lot of thinking, but they finally made these two modules, so they must have thought about turning them on. The reason why they are now disabled is probably because they don’t have time to do this experiment.

By the time Qin Ledan had completed this work, he had been infected with schistosomiasis and his body was ulcerated. He died after making arrangements for his young daughter.

Therefore, it is highly likely that 01, which has these two modules, has not had time to run.

When I think about it this way, it feels even more regrettable that he was destroyed in the original plot.

Qin Minghui made a decision without much hesitation. She wanted to activate these two modules for him!

She was so curious about robots that could learn and develop emotions. Also, it would be a pity if such a perfect work could not be fully displayed. As the only "driver" of No. 01, she was the most suitable person to do this.

If he could have emotions and independent consciousness, and someone could teach him to cherish life and treat others gently, he would no longer be the lifeless killing machine in the original movie who was used by bad guys to start a war.

[01, I want to open the learning and emotional modules for you.]

[Sorry, little miss, the module is disabled. You do not have permission to enable it.]

Qin Minghui: “…” After imagining this passionately for a while, it was all in vain.

[… It’s okay. Once I understand your kernel, I will definitely find a way to enable it. Just wait for me.]

Qin Minghui felt that she had found something to do, and her spirits lifted. If she had something to do, she wouldn't always miss her relatives and friends whom she would never see again, and she wouldn't be immersed in sadness.

[Okay, I'll wait for you.]

Robot 01 didn't understand her feelings and just answered stupidly.

However, before achieving the goal, Qin Minghui faced more realistic problems.

She is hungry.

I didn’t have this trouble when I was sleeping in the nutrient solution before. Now that I’m awake, my body has been exhausted, so of course I feel sleepy and hungry.

[01. I’m hungry.]

Qin Minghui subconsciously said to the only person she was currently communicating with.

01's round eyes flashed red again, and he was in trouble again.

After a while, the wall opened up, revealing two large bottles of nutrient solution, the same nutrient solution used for bathing before.

Qin Minghui shook the two large jars, sniffed the smell, and was very skeptical, "Can this be drunk?"

It felt undrinkable, with a strange, faint smell of disinfectant. Qin Minghui didn't dare to drink it, and she wanted to eat something.

"I have slept for so many years and haven't eaten anything. Is my digestive system still functioning well? Can I eat?" Qin Minghui was caught in this doubt.

Yesterday, Qin Minghui was wandering aimlessly, and robot 01 was also moving around randomly according to her casual pointing. Today, they both have a short-term goal.

Find something edible first.

The area was deserted and uninhabited, so they could only find some wild fruits to fill their stomachs. After finally seeing a tree with fruits, Qin Minghui saw from afar that the small animals eating the fruits on the tree were scared away by the noise made by the big robot.

When I walked over to take a look, I found it was an apple tree, but the fruits were still green and small.

This apple tree was very tall, and there were not many fruits, all of which were at the top. Robot 01 held her in his hands and carried her to the top of the tree.

Qin Minghui picked an apple from the top of the tree and tried to take a bite.

Her legs went limp and she knelt on the palm of robot 01, covering her mouth with one hand and punching the gray mechanical palm twice with the other hand.

It was awful, sour and bitter. She had never eaten anything so awful in her life.

Robot 01 stared at her with a pair of big round eyes. Qin Minghui held the bitten apple and muttered with a bitter face, "It's not ripe yet, it's still green, why is there not a single red apple?"

Red. 01 captured this key word, scanned the entire apple tree, stretched out his other hand, bent two huge fingers, and broke off a branch.

Seeing a large branch handed to her, Qin Minghui took out a half-red apple from the branch. In fact, it was only light red and also unripe, but after taking a bite, it was at least not as sour and bitter as the previous one and was barely edible.

Compared to Apple, Qin Minghui cares more about 01's behavior.

"01, I didn't ask you for help just now, but you took the initiative to find a red apple for me. I think you are very smart!"

[Okay, little miss, red apple.]

Qin Minghui: “…” This reaction is very similar to a sweeping robot in her home.

"Thank you 01, this apple tastes better than other apples." Qin Minghui pressed 01's thumb and shook it as a token of gratitude.

[You're welcome, little miss.]

Qin Minghui held her stomach and said, "But I'm still very hungry."

Robot 01 held her in his hands and walked slowly forward, looking for other things to eat.

Qin Minghui sat in his hand and looked out through his fingers.

Suddenly, she sat up straight and pointed at the grass below with a little excitement, "01Look, look at the grass below, is there a gray rabbit there! Quick, don't let it run away!"

Rabbits are cute, but when you are hungry, cute rabbits can also taste delicious.

Just after Qin Minghui finished saying that excitedly, robot 01 raised a finger, and the fingertips separated to form a laser cannon muzzle.


After a burst of dazzling light, all the grass within a one-meter radius centered on the hare was instantly turned into scorched earth by the laser cannon.

The hare was perfectly cooked... no, probably completely charred.

Qin Minghui: “… … …”

She walked to the circular burnt circle that was still emitting white smoke, put her hand on it to feel it, and found that it was still emitting scorching heat. She waited for a while, and then broke off a branch and dug in the center of the circle, scraping off a layer of ash. Not to mention the rabbit, the soil was burned down a layer.

Looking back at the tall robot, he was looking down at himself, standing still in a daze.

All right.

Qin Minghui dropped the branch and said, "01, let's keep going forward. We should be able to find something else to eat."

"01, next time you encounter a rabbit, don't use this kind of artillery to attack the enemy." Qin Minghui spoke in a serious tone as if teaching a silly child.

[Yes, little miss.]

"It's best not to use other artillery fire." Qin Minghui remembered the power of 01 in the movie to destroy a building with one shot, stretched out her hand and made a gesture, teaching him, "You can try to grab it with your hands like this."

[Yes, little miss.]

Wild rabbits have a strong reproductive capacity. If there is one wild rabbit here, there must be many wild rabbits. More than one wild rabbit was frightened by the noise made by the movement of robot 01. They soon saw the second wild rabbit.

This time, Qin Minghui tapped 01's fingers and said, "01, grab it, grab it with your hands, grab it with your hands!"

01 suddenly shoveled the ground, raised his clenched fist and placed it in front of Qin Minghui. Qin Minghui looked at the ground and saw a big hole there. It seemed that his hand had suddenly turned into a bulldozer

01, with his hands full of dirt, opened his palms slightly at Qin Minghui's instruction, and an ugly gray-haired, long-legged rabbit popped its head out from between his fingers.

Then it jumped and escaped from 01's huge palm. Qin Minghui rushed over to catch it, but the rabbit was too agile. Qin Minghui, who was not good at fighting with people, suffered a great loss and could only watch it jumping around in this small place to provoke.

01 held up both hands and watched his little lady running around to catch rabbits. Finally, the rabbit was so panicked that it slipped and fell from the robot's raised hands, dying instantly.

Qin Minghui, who was leaning on the edge of his palm and looking down, thought to herself, if I had known this would happen, why did I try to catch the rabbit instead of just letting 01 throw the rabbit down

None of that mattered now, all that mattered was that she had something to eat.