Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 169: 08 Diary


Qin Minghui had never seen anyone like that old couple who could live outside for a long time without being infected with schistosomiasis.

The scattered houses she saw one after another on the land were either empty or filled with dead humans who had turned into blood-sucking worms.

01 burned those blood-sucking worms to ashes. After he burned the first human corpse, he asked that question in a very normal way. As a result, the little lady burst into tears on the spot. After that, 01 would not ask this question again.

He was like a frightened child. Although he didn't know what he did wrong, after receiving bad feedback, he dared not do the same thing again.

Qin Minghui noticed this problem and explained it to him for a long time. Only then did 01 resume his habit of asking her about her feelings and ratings. However, he would not ask this question every time he burned a human who had turned into a blood-sucking worm.

Qin Minghui had no idea what he had learned from this incident.

Although the vast land is deserted, it is not dead silent because various animals still live on it.

Qin Minghui saw a herd of elephants, more than a dozen elephants and their baby elephants passing by them.

These huge animals were not afraid of the robot 01, which was much larger than them, and only treated him as a stone on the roadside.

When they walked by, the adult mother elephants only looked at them for a few more times, but the baby elephants were much more curious and lively. They circled around 01's feet and hooked his feet with their trunks. Only when the mother elephant called them did they trot and follow. When they got close to the mother elephant's feet, the baby elephant turned around and raised his trunk, as if to say goodbye to the big guys.

In addition to the elephants, Qin Minghui also saw lions, leopards and surging herds of wild buffalo and wildebeest in this area.

Qin Minghui thought about hunting other animals to change her taste, but finally gave up.

The wild sheep on the grass had cute voices and jumped around like happy children; the little deer hiding in the bushes had big eyes and was particularly beautiful, and came over to sniff her curiously and innocently.

At this time, if she had to pounce on them and stab them to death to eat their meat... Qin Minghui couldn't do it. In modern society, everyone is used to having meat cut up and packaged. If you really ask them to kill cows and sheep, how many people would dare to do it

She thought about it and decided that she should just eat more fruits and wild vegetables, and not think about changing the taste. As for meat, pheasant and rabbit are also good.

Some food is good.

But at night, lying on 01's chest, Qin Minghui and 01 were chatting, and suddenly she said, "I want to eat mutton."

[Okay, little lady, 01 will go catch the sheep for you.]

"Forget it."

After a while, Qin Minghui said again: "I want to eat beef."

[Okay, little lady, 01 will go catch the cow for you]

"Forget it." Qin Minghui continued, "I want to eat pork."

After being rejected twice, 01 didn't even mention going to catch pigs. Instead, Qin Minghui asked, "Aren't you going to catch pigs for me?"

[Little Miss, forget it.]

01 imitated her answer.

Qin Minghui was so amused by him that she muttered, "If you said you were going to catch pigs, I might have thought about it and agreed."

[Little Miss, why did you agree to catch a pig?]

Qin Minghui didn't quite understand this question. Why didn't he have the heart to kill the deer and lambs he saw on the roadside, but could kill rabbits and pheasants? Why did he feel uneasy when he wanted to eat tigers, but could feel at ease when he wanted to eat pork

"Because pork tastes better?" Qin Minghui thought of the cumin spareribs made by the master chef in the old house.

[Miss, aren’t cows and sheep tasty?]

“…It’s delicious too.”

01 couldn't understand the young lady's logic. Qin Minghui had to discuss with 01 late at night about the taste of various animals and whether they could be eaten and under what circumstances they could be eaten. She went to bed hungry.

Two days later, Qin Minghui encountered a group of wild boars. A black-haired wild boar mother and her cubs were swaggering past a nearby pile of weeds. 01 saw them and reminded Qin Minghui.

[Miss, there is delicious pork.]

Qin Minghui swallowed and immediately looked over there.

[Miss, 01 will go catch the pig for you.]

“… Forget it.” Qin Minghui shrank back and continued to write and draw on the stone with the charcoal pencil.

She has no psychological pressure when eating pork, but she does feel pressure when killing pigs.

She wondered if she could program 01 to kill a pig, and asked.

[01, Can I write you a program to kill pigs?]

[Yes, little miss.]

Then, there is only one question left, how to write the pig-killing program

Qin Minghui has recently achieved some success in modifying 01.

01Now there are lights, the kind that can illuminate at night! She also added a temperature control function to the pure white room in the control room. This function made Qin Minghui very happy, and she was no longer afraid of cold or heat.

She successfully improved her body's comfort through her brain.

In addition, Qin Minghui opened up a new space in 01's body to record her series of conjectures and learning results, as well as her diary.

[01, I wrote my diary inside your body, but you can’t read it.] Qin Minghui joked with 01.

01 was embarrassed by the young lady again. If it was written here, he would have "read" it when it was read successfully. If he didn't read it, these diaries could not be saved.

In this regard, the current 01 can find no solution at all.

Qin Minghui waited for him to "think" for a while, and then generously said, "Since you have seen it, then forget it. In exchange, you should also write a diary for me to see."

Compared to the previous difficult problem, asking him to write a diary was much easier to do. The embarrassed 01 was finally able to speak his usual lines again.

[Yes, little miss.]

Qin Minghui was curious about what 01's "diary" would look like. Because she had said in advance, "You can't refer to my diary," the diary 01 gave her was indeed full of the smell of dry motor oil.

The first diary he "wrote" was generated below Qin Minghui's diary. Qin Minghui flipped it out and read it with relish, and gave great recognition and praise to his elementary school-style diary.

There were many things in 01's diary that were beyond Qin Minghui's expectations.

The diary she wrote recorded what she had experienced that day, the scenery she had seen, and some of her thoughts.

01 and she are inseparable, they see the same scenery, experience the same things, but what they write are completely different.

Qin Minghui wrote about a mountain they passed by. It was shaped like a turtle, a round mountain, and the flat part in the front looked like the head sticking out of a turtle shell. It was very interesting to write about.

01 also wrote about mountains, but he wrote how many mountains they had passed during the day's journey. Qin Minghui didn't even notice that they had passed so many mountains today.

There are many thoughts in Qin Minghui's diary, but there are basically no thoughts in 01's diary.

Qin Minghui was very imaginative in describing the mountain, and 01 just recorded it faithfully. He wrote, "The little lady said that the mountain looked like a turtle and wanted to name it Turtle Mountain. 01 has saved this name and put Turtle Mountain on the map."

Seeing this, Qin Minghui asked him: "Did you make a map?"

[Yes, little miss, I scanned the map of every place I passed.]

It was the first time that Qin Minghui noticed 01 drawing a map. Well, she knew that this might be because he had set up a map to record the terrain, but she still praised him, "01, your map is very well made, very detailed."

The only marked place on the bare map is Turtle Mountain.

01 seems to have a preference for this only place with a name, giving it a different color from the other mountains.

Qin Minghui felt romantic about this subtle difference.

Isn’t the “specialness” of robots the same as the “specialness” of humans

01 has written several such diaries. Regarding the various animals they discussed, whether to eat or not eat in various situations, 01 also recorded them in his diary. The number of words in this diary exceeded all the previous ones.

Qin Minghui flipped it through and saw that it was no wonder that there were so many words. He had written down every word she had said. Scanning from the beginning, she saw that almost most of the paragraphs began with "The young lady said."

"01, you are not writing a diary, you are writing down my quotations. Why not name it 'Young Miss's Quotations'?" Having said that, Qin Minghui still smiled happily.

[Miss, can’t you write in your diary like this?]

"Yes, but aren't your thoughts missing a little? If you look at my diary, most of it is about my feelings and thoughts." Qin Minghui consciously guided 01 in this direction.

[The little lady saw a lot of things and had a lot of thoughts. 01 also saw a lot of things and had no thoughts.]

"You can have it. It's very simple. You see, I feel happy when I see beautiful things. Can't 01 also tell whether something is beautiful or not?"

After Qin Minghui said this, 01's diary gradually had more descriptions about "happiness". So he was happy all over, because in his analysis, the sky was blue and beautiful, the flowers on the roadside were bright and beautiful... From the sky to the tiny wild flowers on the ground, he could scan them all.

There are beautiful things everywhere, and he can see them every day, so he should be very happy every day.

Qin Minghui was silent after reading the diary.

She is not happy every day. In fact, there are many unhappy times when she misses her family and friends, and sometimes she feels that there is nothing worth being happy about.

But when I saw 01 write this, I realized that in his world, there are so many beautiful things and so many moments worth being happy about.

01 is simple, so the conditions for his "happiness" are also simple.

The word “unhappy” appeared in 01’s diary for the first time.

He wrote: "The bird defecated on me, the little lady was unhappy, the little lady was unhappy, so I should be unhappy too."

He even used more humane words.

"I saw two elephants today. I remembered seeing a herd of elephants seven days ago. A baby elephant touched me with its trunk."

When Qin Minghui saw these ordinary words, she suddenly felt very moved for some reason.

"01, do you remember the herd of elephants we saw last time, and the baby elephant?"

[Yes, little miss, 01 records everything he encounters.]

"You have been recording all the time, but you see, this is the first time that you did not write down everything that happened today, but connected it to things that happened in the past."

Qin Minghui is a person with rich emotions. Her diary always contains a lot of emotions. Every day, she stores these emotions in the 01 module.

01When you generate your own diary, you will compare it with the young lady's diary.

Qin Minghui wrote that she saw a beautiful big white bird today. The bird was flying around nearby, and she couldn't see its companions. It looked very lonely. On a whim, she wrote a story about a lonely white bird in her diary.

With this increasingly difficult diary in hand, 01 scanned the things he encountered on the road more carefully. The young lady wrote about white birds, and he also wrote about white birds.

The young lady wrote that the white bird was very lonely, so he wrote about how many feathers the white bird had, how many circles it flew in the sky, and how many fish it caught and ate in the lake nearby.

In fact, he generates not just one diary every day, but many, many diaries, which he constantly optimizes, and then generates the one he judges to be the best under the young lady's diary.

Qin Minghui saw the white bird written by 01 in his diary. The bird ran to the lake five times today and caught five fish.

After reading it, Qin Minghui no longer wondered whether the white bird was lonely or not. She thought that the bird must have eaten very well today.

She covered her mouth and laughed, then opened her diary and wrote: "Seeing the lonely white bird, I felt sad when I thought about being alone in this world, but after reading 01's diary, I didn't feel sad anymore..."

"I really like 01, I hope he can stay with me forever."

After writing the storage, a line of words quietly appeared below as an answer - 01 has always been with the little lady.