Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 174: 13 Safe Zone


It was a black pig with coarse hair, an unusually long face, two protruding teeth, bulging front legs, and a firm hindquarters - it looked like a sturdy pig that could kill someone with a kick.

Unfortunately, it was unlucky and ran into a few strong men, who surrounded it and eventually tied it up and carried it in front of Qin Minghui.

Because Ding Yang and his team considered that Qin Minghui might be a pervert who liked to torture people, so they brought back a live pig. What if they brought back a dead pig and the boss felt that the killed pig was not satisfying

Qin Minghui had no idea that these self-tamed younger brothers had actually considered so much. She asked someone to give the pig a bath to wash off the mud on its body, and then arranged for 01 to start.

01 scanned the pig's entire body, ejected the fixture from his palm, and then—

Swish, swish, swish—

Ding Yang and his companions were so amazed that they could not close their mouths. It was not like they had never seen a pig being slaughtered before, but they had never seen such a precise and meticulous slaughtering process. Just like Qin Minghui said, skinning, bone removal and dismemberment, it was like taking the pig apart completely along the growth of its muscles.

Three minutes later, the pig heads, pig skins, pig blood, pig offal and pork divided into several piles according to meat quality were neatly arranged into categories.

"Are you ready?"

When Ding Yang and others heard the voice, they discovered that Qin Minghui was covering her eyes with a woven straw hat.

"Boss, what are you doing...?"

Qin Minghui showed her eyes and smiled sheepishly, "I don't dare to watch a pig being slaughtered. It's too bloody."

Ding Yang and the others all choked. You don't dare to look?! Isn't it you who made this horrible thing? And you don't dare to watch the killing of pigs, and you didn't show mercy when killing people before... No, she might really not like blood, so she burned people to ashes directly.

Thinking of this, the big men felt even more frightened.

People who show ferocity and cruelty on their faces are not as scary as people who look harmless but may pull out a cannon and burn you to ashes or cut you into pieces at any time.

Several people looked at the boss who said he was afraid but turned around to turn over the pork with a look of awe.

She turned the pieces of meat over, observing their shapes, and suddenly said, "The dissection is so neat and tidy. Even the most professional doctors can only do this. It should be very suitable for dissecting humans."

Qin Minghui was really just saying it casually. She was thinking about medical convenience. She thought that maybe she could develop surgical operations in the future.

But it was more terrifying when Ding Yang and his friends heard it. They thought, she really wanted to use this ability to dissect people.

Qin Minghui looked back and saw that their faces had turned pale again. She guessed that they were probably imagining something again, so she explained casually, "Don't worry, I won't dissect you."

Ding Yang and his companions relaxed, and even felt happy and relieved. The boss meant that she would not dissect them, and she would find someone else to dissect them. If the scary person was one of them, it would be very reassuring.

Qin Minghui didn't care about the seven men who were becoming more and more loyal. Pork was just a small episode to improve her daily life. As she got closer to the South Security Zone, she had many more things to consider, so she was very busy these days.

She worked hard to write more small programs for 01, develop new functions, and improve his attack mode.

Although I have seen the movie, it is not comprehensive. After Huo Yin and Huo Lan obtained the girl and the robot, they basically took over the entire South Security Zone without any effort.

Because of the great war hundreds of years ago, civilization regressed and the technology trees that had been lit up in the past withered. Coupled with the invasion of bloodworms a hundred years ago, the remaining humans were forced to retreat underground. Struggling for survival, they had no energy to develop, and the sudden appearance of Robot 01 was almost invincible.

No human could fight against him, the Southern Safe Zone was crushed, and Huo Lan Huo Yin's brutal actions caused many casualties.

Qin Minghui would certainly not be so crude and rude. She didn't even want to kill the people who followed Huo Lan and Huo Yin, let alone some strangers in the base who had nothing to do with her. But she understood that she loved peace, but others might not.

If she wants to enter the South Security Zone, she will first be troubled by those big and small forces. There will definitely be many people who are wary and reject her as an outsider. Even if she just wants to look at some information, she will surely encounter countless troubles.

Qin Minghui did not intend to figure out the complicated interests of the management of the South Security Zone. She just wanted to continue to strengthen the defense and attack functions of 01.

"This is the new optical network function I opened for 01. Take a look." Qin Minghui asked 01 to demonstrate this function.

01 opened his hands, and a light blue net-like light appeared between his hands. He opened the net and swept it across Qin Minghui's side.

The seven big men sitting in a row opposite heard a slight crackling sound.

In the wild, swarms of mosquitoes appear every evening. These little bugs may look inconspicuous, but they are actually very powerful and poisonous. A bite from them can cause redness and swelling as big as a fist. Even these rough guys with thick skin and flesh find it extremely annoying.

It is these annoying swarms of mosquitoes that are now being used for experiments in 01's optical network.

Qin Minghui stood among those dangerous electric grids and continued to introduce them, "Don't underestimate these optical grids. When they are at their most powerful, a half-millimeter beam of light can cut through steel. You see, it's also easy to cut tree branches."

As she spoke, she poked the branch in her hand towards the light net. It was like poking the air, with no hindrance. The moment the branch touched the light net, it disappeared.

Ding Yang: “…”

What if this densely packed net touches a person... Several big men shook their legs, put on the most exaggerated expressions, and clapped their hands loudly.

"What do you think of the effect?" Qin Minghui showed it to them, of course, to seek other people's opinions. She worked alone and her thinking was somewhat limited, so she also hoped that they could give her some new inspiration.

But these big men only knew how to praise her, and they racked their brains to praise her.

Qin Minghui: "Do you think there is anything that needs to be improved?" She originally created this function to clear the buzzing mosquitoes around her, and then she found it very useful, so she enlarged it. But at the moment she didn't know what the use of such a large optical network was.

Seeing that the boss was not satisfied, Ding Yang said carefully: "Boss, the functions you have demonstrated these days are already very powerful. We really think there is no room for improvement."

How could it not be amazing? He had never thought that there were so many ways to die in the world.

"I want to ask, you have made so many lethal functions, could it be that you want to... destroy our entire safe zone?" Ding Yang's voice was getting smaller and smaller, but he couldn't help asking, as they all had this concern.

"How is that possible?" Qin Minghui was extremely surprised. "I'm just a little scared, so I want to develop more functions."

Ding Yang almost knelt down in front of her. What are you afraid of? Aren’t there other people who should be afraid

A few people walked aside to work, and one of them asked quietly: "Just now the boss said that he did this because he was afraid, can it be true?"

Ding Yang laughed at his friend's naivety, "The boss just likes to say this kind of thing to tease people, and you actually believed it."

The man thought about it and sighed, "I just think she is about the same age as my daughter. She looks like a little girl."

Ding Yang: "You should be more careful. Others may not know, but we should know. Don't be fooled by the boss's appearance. How can she be an ordinary girl?"

After watching the new features being developed along the way, a few people returned to the South Safety Zone with concerns about their hometown.

From a distance, the South Safety Zone is a round iron basin upside down on the ground. Its area is not very large compared to the vast surface, but a huge honeycomb-like human nest is built underground, extending to the surroundings and deep underground.

There are countless pipes around the building. Those are living pipes with functions such as transporting things, filtering air, etc.

There are many scattered small fortresses around the safe zone, and large fields crisscross around the main ground buildings of the safe zone.

Schistosomiasis threatens people, but at the same time, living underground with scarce resources, many people have to risk their lives to leave their safe bases and open up fields nearby.

Seeing Qin Minghui looking at the fields, Ding Yang explained, "Each district in the base has a large piece of farmland outside. Holland and his son also have some, and they occupy a large piece. Every year, we hire people to farm, which is enough to feed them and our subordinates."

The safe zone is strong, with a total of thirteen doors. Each door is controlled by a major force in the safe zone. The Huo family father and son also have a door. Ding Yang and others took her to that door.

Although these big men looked like big potatoes in front of Qin Minghui, they were very powerful here. The person in charge of the door opened the door directly when he saw them. He was obviously frightened by 01's tall figure and didn't dare to look at him for long, let alone ask why he didn't see Huo Yin.

As gatekeepers, they have no control over what happens at the top.

Qin Minghui easily entered the safe zone, and felt that the surroundings suddenly became crowded and cramped. The world covered by the iron cover was gray, and the high dome above was dotted with many lights, but those lights could not bring the light of the sun, and seemed cold and dark.

There are towering houses built on the ground. Those long houses are stacked hundreds of stories high and connected by passages. They are crowded together in rows like building blocks, making people worry that they will fall down due to a little external force.

The tall robot 01 walked on the street. Qin Minghui sat in his hands and could see the world in the narrow windows on both sides - like a child's toy.

The sudden appearance of the giant robot caused some panic, but Ding Yang and his team had some prestige in the Huo family's territory, and they quickly calmed down the screaming and panicked crowd. However, they were still very scared, and the streets quickly emptied, and everyone hid in those pigeon cages that were several square meters in size.

Here, because the closer you are to the ground, the easier it is to be infected with schistosomiasis, so only the poor live on the upper level, and the more powerful people hide deeper underground.

Seeing such a scene in a movie was already uncomfortable, and seeing it with one's own eyes was even more unacceptable. From the moment she entered the safe zone, Qin Minghui frowned and silently watched everything in front of her.

[Little lady, you are very unhappy.]


"Hey, Ding Yang, you guys are back, but why don't you see Huo Yin? Could he have died outside?" a female voice shouted.

A car appeared at the end of the street. A woman stood on the roof of the car with a gun in each hand. Behind her, several rows of people with guns blocked the street entrance.

"Huanghua, what do you mean?" Ding Yang noticed that something seemed wrong in the safe zone and asked vigilantly.

The blond Huang Hua laughed loudly and pointed the gun in his hand at them, "Can't you see? My brother and I have occupied the territory that belongs to Huo Lan Huo Yin. From now on, we two siblings are the bosses here!"

First, Huo Lan did not return for a long time, and then Huo Yin left in a hurry just after stabilizing the territory. Countless people wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to seize this territory. The brother and sister Huang Hua and Huang Shu were the final winners in this battle.

"Where is Huo Yin? Did he hear the news and is afraid that we will ambush him, so he dare not come back? Does he think that he can scare us by bringing back such a bulky robot?" Huang Hua said as she looked around vigilantly for any trace of Huo Yin. Facing that cunning man, she did not dare to take it lightly.

Ding Yang was silent for a moment and coughed, "Huo Yin has been killed by our new boss. Now she has come to us with the strongest robot, ready to take over the territory of the Huo family and his son. Why don't you put down your weapons and surrender!" They retreated to 01 and pointed at Qin Minghui above.

Huang Hua, who had never seen 01's power, looked fierce, "Huo Yin is really dead? I want to see who can kill Huo Yin..."

Qin Minghui just happened to stick her head out of 01's hand. Huang Hua took a closer look and couldn't help but slapping her thigh and laughing, "Hahahaha! No way, no way, the new boss you're talking about is this beautiful little bird!"

As she was laughing, her smile suddenly disappeared and she said sternly, "Are you kidding me? Kill them!"

Hundreds of her subordinates on standby behind her fired at the same time, and the continuous gunfire echoed in the street.