Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 183: 22 The country of the elderly


The sun leaked through the horizontal grid above her head, and streaks of light fell on her body. Qin Minghui saw her bandaged arm at a glance, and the relaxation of her body made her a little confused about the situation.

If I remember correctly, she seemed to be in a state of extreme deterioration of schistosomiasis, and 01—

Thinking of this, 01's voice rang in her mind.

[Good morning, little lady.]

Qin Minghui tilted her head while lying on the bed and saw 01's huge head blocking the door to the room, with half of his eyes sticking out from the door frame. This is, a bit funny

Qin Minghui realized that 01 was by her side and that she was not dead, so she showed a "thank God" expression. Great, she seemed to be saved!

But where is this place? Qin Minghui asked: "01, where is this?"

She saw a vase on the bedside cabinet, the flowers in it were very elegant and exquisite, in line with her aesthetic taste. The furnishings in the room were simple but not shabby, showing a sense of refinement in life.

[Little Miss, they say this is the 'Land of Old People'.]

Qin Minghui touched his arm and sat up from the bed: "Old Man Country? How did you get here? Did you meet a kind person while taking me for a walk?"

[01The direction of the nearby mountains was scanned and it had a high degree of overlap with the map that the young lady had traced from the silver Rubik's Cube, so we came here.]

"Dang dang dang—" There was a sound of knocking on steel outside, and an old man shouted outside: "Move away, move away! Don't block the door, we can't get in!"

01 Qin Minghui moved sideways to make way for the door, and saw the endless blue sky outside. Birds were flying by, and the room seemed to be in the sky.

Two elderly people, a man and a woman, stood on a flying vehicle with railings. They rose up from below, one with a smile and the other with a serious look, and walked into the room.

"Drink." The serious old lady put the small bottle with a straw in front of her and said concisely.

Qin Minghui couldn't help but look at the old lady twice more, and a sense of intimacy arose from the bottom of her heart. This stern and unapproachable temperament was similar to the two old ladies who had taught her in the past, arrogant and fierce.

Seeing that she was just looking at her without moving, the old lady urged her even more fiercely: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will poison you to death?"

Qin Minghui recalled the time when she was reciting the rules and doing homework under the eyes of the old lady in the old house. She subconsciously picked up the bottle and drank it obediently. After taking a sip, she almost vomited because of nausea. The old lady shouted in anticipation: "This is very precious medicine, don't spit it out!"

Qin Minghui forced himself to swallow it, tasted the sour and bitter taste in his mouth, and frowned.

The smiling old man held out his hand: "Come on, good boy, have a piece of candy."

Qin Minghui took the candy: “…” So how did this harmonious and natural scene come about? Why is this old man so kind to her as if she were his junior

"If I'm not mistaken, you are indeed our descendant." The old man seemed to be able to hear her thoughts and said naturally.

Qin Minghui spent a second, combining everything she knew, and made the most reasonable guess in her mind: "My mother Qin Ledan or her father Qin Boyi left from here? This is the legendary kingdom of machinery, right?"

The first question was a conclusion she had reached long ago. As for the second question, the two old men just came up in a flying vehicle, which she had never seen in the outside world. Like 01, it was something that was beyond the current manufacturing level. In addition, 01 said that he found this place because the terrain matched the silver Rubik's Cube pattern - the matter was obvious.

If not, she would have performed eating 01 raw on the spot.

"It is indeed Qin Boyi." The old man looked happy and sad. "He should be gone now."

Qin Minghui: "Yes, he is long gone. I have never met him. My mother also died a long time ago."

The fierce-looking old lady asked, "You're just a kid driving a robot like this around outside?"

Qin Minghui didn't know why she was so angry, so she nodded and asked, "Who are you two?"

"My name is Qin Boyong. The Qin Boyi you mentioned is my cousin. You can just call me Grandpa Yong." He pointed to the old lady next to him and said, "This is Boyi's biological sister..."

The old lady interrupted him and said to Qin Minghui: "Just call me Grandma Hui."

She seemed to hold it back for a moment, but then couldn't, and cursed: "That bastard Qin Boyi! He has been unreliable since he was young. I told him not to go out, but he insisted on going out. Once he left, there was no news and he never came back! So what if he went out? He died early. He couldn't even protect his own children, and raised an orphan. What a useless bastard!"

Qin Minghui looked at her ferocious expression, searched around, and took out a handkerchief folded on the side of the bed and handed it to her.

The old lady who was cursing had tears rolling down her eyes.

The old lady took the handkerchief, wiped her tears and turned away.

After she left, the old man stood by the bed with one hand behind his back, looking kind: "Child, it was not easy for you to find this place. Don't be afraid. Stay here and take care of yourself. Don't worry about this disease. Grandpa Yong promises you that you will live to the same age as me."

Qin Minghui was surprised: "Grandpa Yong, do you know how to cure schistosomiasis? What I just drank is the medicine for schistosomiasis?"

Grandpa Yong: "There is no cure for this disease. Hui has developed a medicine that can delay the onset of the disease. As long as you take the medicine on time to suppress it, there will be no big problem. This is how we have been through all these years."

Qin Minghui's first reaction was to the people infected with schistosomiasis that she saw in the safe zone. But before she could ask, Grandpa Yong seemed to understand what she wanted to say and said gently, "This medicine is precious and difficult to make. It can't be supplied to too many people."

The implication is that it is impossible to promote it.

"Boyong, is the child awake?"

"What happened to Hui? I just saw her mumbling in anger as she went to the vegetable garden. She destroyed all the vegetables I planted."

"Did you find out which family the child belongs to?"

"There are only so many people who left. They must be the descendants of one of them. It doesn't matter whose they are. They are all our descendants anyway."

A lot of people came outside the door. Qin Minghui took a look and saw that they were all old men and women. She remembered the "country of old people" that 01 had answered before.

If a place is always closed and the population is small, then after several generations, everyone will be related by blood, and this situation will only lead to no healthy newborns, so it is only natural that only the elderly are left. Qin Minghui suspected that there were no young people here, only this group of elderly people.

01, who had been squatting outside, waiting to tell the young lady that he had activated the new module, was pushed to a corner by the new elderly people, with only half of his eyes showing.

"Seeing that you are curious and can't sleep, why don't you just go out with your grandparents and we will take you to visit our hometown." Grandpa Yong said.

The old people looked at her curiously, and their attitudes seemed good. They seemed to be accustomed to mechanical assistance. Qin Minghui saw that some of them were riding in scooters, some were using small, slow-flying aircraft, and some were followed by flying mechanical balls that displayed time and temperature, and seemed to have the function of monitoring their physical condition.

When she stood at the door and looked down, Qin Minghui felt overwhelmed. This was a flat land half surrounded by mountains. There were not many buildings on the ground, but most of them were very strange, built like alien flying saucers or spaceships. In contrast, the room she woke up in was like a mushroom growing on the mountain wall, and she could only rely on flying vehicles to go up and down.

"Come on, kid, take my car down."

Qin Minghui refused. She waved to 01 who was blocked by the crowd behind her. 01 put his hand at her feet. She held 01's thumb and stood on his palm to let him put her on the ground.

Grandpa Yong laughed when he saw this: "I remember that Boyi wanted to make a big robot since he was a child. He also said that he wanted to make a robot bigger than our capital, Ruiser. No, this robot is too small."

Qin Minghui looked at the tall 01. Is he still young

After asking her name, an old man asked her with great interest: "Ming Hui, are you interested in robots? If you are interested, Grandpa Yan has many robots that you can play with."

"Come on, your robots are weird and ugly. Little girls of this age like cute things." Grandpa Yong said, "I made a lot of mechanical birds, dogs and cats..."

"You can't say that. You just like making animal machines, but what's the point? Aren't real animals more interesting than those dead things of yours? I think children will definitely prefer the humanoid robots made by Li Ze." An old lady explained to Qin Minghui, "Your grandmother Li Ze has made many robots that look like humans. She is a master sculptor, and the robots she makes are so lifelike! Let her take you to see her collection later!"

Grandpa Yong was not happy and interrupted: "I made a mechanical eagle that can take you flying. I'll ask it to come down and show you."

He took out a whistle and blew it, and a black dot instantly flew down from the mountain, gliding over their heads and landing on Grandpa Yong's arm. This mechanical eagle flashed a low-key and restrained light in the sun. It was small but very impressive. Its huge wings, which were twice as large as those of a normal eagle when spread out, looked like normal size after being folded.

Grandpa Yong tapped the belly of the mechanical eagle, inserted one end of the whistle into the exposed port, and after a few operations, he pulled out the key and hung it around Qin Minghui's neck, saying, "I'll give this mechanical eagle to Minghui as a gift."

The mechanical eagle raised its head, scanned Qin Minghui with its eyes, and moved from Grandpa Yong to Qin Minghui's shoulder. Its weight was light, which was a bit beyond Qin Minghui's expectation.

Seeing that Grandpa Yong had sent a gift, the others also remembered this and started talking about what they wanted to give. Some took out things from their pockets on the spot, while others were still thinking that they must give a unique gift. The scene was noisy.

Surrounded by the enthusiastic elders, Qin Minghui was a little overwhelmed. Suddenly, she felt her body lighten. She was lifted up from among seven or eight elderly people by 01! 01 picked her up, held her in his hand, and covered her with his other palm.

He said to the stunned old people:

[Don't scare my little lady, she'll be scared.]

Qin Minghui, who was also startled by 01's sudden action, burst out laughing.

She got down from 01's palm and smiled as she rejected the old people's robots: "It's good enough that I have 01. If I like other robots, 01 will be sad."

An old man was puzzled: "Machines are tools to assist our lives. Do you think they are human? Machines cannot feel unhappy. They have no emotions."

Qin Minghui: "01 is different. He will become more and more like a human being and will have emotions in the future."

Qin Minghui has always believed this. She has been with 01 day and night for so long, and no one understands the magic of 01 better than her.

01Finally found an opportunity to bring up this matter.

[Little Miss, 01's learning and emotional modules have been activated.]

Qin Minghui was stunned. Without bothering to talk to anyone else, she climbed to the control room of 01 to check the specific situation.

His console had completely changed! There were two more icons, one in the shape of a brain and the other in the shape of a heart, but Qin Minghui found that he did not have the permission to delete or view these two modules.

The only thing Qin Minghui saw about these two mysterious modules was the two sentences left by Qin Boyi and Qin Ledan.

"Robots become human in the love of people." Seeing this, she remembered that she seemed to have said something about love before she fainted. Could it be that... activating these two modules is so simple? Just saying love is enough

—Of course not.

In addition to the key in the name of love, what is more important is the changes in the virtual background. Only when someone is willing to treat a robot as a human and teach it emotions, will it be possible for it to fill the virtual background and meet the conditions for unlocking.

In that movie, or in the original world, 01 was not unlocked. Without Qin Minghui, he was just a killing machine.