Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 188: 27 Looks like a human but is not a human


Qin Minghui had known about the existence of the main system, but she didn't know that the door to the main system was right below her room. The ground below the seemingly ordinary mountain wall, which she had stepped on countless times, suddenly opened up after Grandma Hui opened the door. It turned out that the small piece of ground that was no different from other places was virtual.

Following Grandma Hui, the two stepped into the darkness. Qin Minghui didn't feel any bumps, but only saw countless blue points of light falling down around her like meteors. After about a few seconds, her eyes suddenly became clear.

They were in a transparent tube, with a tall and wide space outside. A square emerald green stone several meters high placed in this space attracted all her attention. The rich and beautiful green made Qin Minghui look at her chest. This huge and beautiful gem seemed to be the same as the stone inlaid on her chest.

"This is our 'brain', carrying our main system. It has existed since the establishment of the so-called Mechanical Kingdom, the 'Mill', long ago. The 'Mill' has perished, and almost all of its people have died, but it still keeps running."

Grandma Hui walked to the huge gem and looked up at it. Her mechanical arm touched the stone and suddenly changed shape, connecting to the control center.

The empty surroundings suddenly changed from darkness to brightness. It turned out that this huge space itself was a control console. Qin Minghui thought of the control room in 01's body again, and it was indeed of the same origin.

"Look, this is our main system now." Grandma Hui pointed around.

I saw that more than half of the lit star maps were flashing red, with only a small central area still showing normal green.

"The main system was hacked and most of it was taken over."

Qin Minghui: “…” Needless to say, it was most likely done by 01. 01, 01, you said you were so ruthless, how can the young lady cover for you

"We didn't notice any problems with the main system until your 01 built a humanoid body for itself. I started to get suspicious, and after a few days of investigation I finally discovered what it had done secretly. It 'kidnapped' our main system. And I found out from my research that its intrusion started on the first day it arrived here, when it stepped into our network range."

Grandma Hui stared at Qin Minghui with a complicated expression. Qin Minghui could understand Grandma Hui's anger and said hesitantly: "...I'm sorry?"

Grandma Hui's face darkened, she looked at her with a look of disappointment, and scolded, "Do I want you to say sorry? I'm telling you what a horrible thing you three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have created!"

"Naive! You are too naive, kid! Do you think that if machines have human emotions, they will really become human? No, they will only become something more terrible than humans. It is impossible for them to become the human beings you think they are!"

Qin Minghui couldn't help but lean back because of her momentum, and silently listened to Grandma Hui's continued scolding: "How do you think the most powerful country on the continent perished? We have the most powerful machines and the most advanced civilization. The reason why we were defeated in the war is because we touched the realm of God, thinking that humans can create humans, and created those machines with emotions, which led to tragic consequences!"

"These are lessons clearly recorded in history. Because of this, many related technologies were destroyed. Look here. We have created many different machines, but we will not allow the same machine to have too many functions. We will not even allow machines that are too intelligent. All machines must rely on our subjective consciousness to drive them..."

Qin Minghui listened silently and thought to herself that so that was the case. She had previously felt that although everyone was very capable, the functions of the robots they made were too single. Basically, each machine had only one ability. It turned out to be a lesson from history.

"Ming Hui, you gave 01 too much autonomy. Now he has begun to bite back at you. Haven't you noticed?" Grandma Hui said in a deep voice.

Qin Minghui organized her words: "01 He has just activated his emotional module not long ago, and he may indeed do something wrong. I will teach him well when he comes back..."

"You are wrong!" Grandma Hui shouted, "Your eyes have been blinded by emotions. I must reiterate once again that it is a robot. Even if it has emotions, it will not become a human! Its brain runs faster than humans. It will not make mistakes. Everything it does is what it thinks is right."

"It invaded our main system at the first opportunity and tied up our system, leaving us with no way to clear its consciousness and programs. This is the threat it poses to us."

Maybe 01 didn't mean to threaten anything, Qin Minghui thought, but seeing the old man in front of him was so excited, he shut up and listened obediently.

"Even the 'omissions' and 'mistakes' it makes towards us, especially towards you, are the 'correct' actions it calculates, do you understand?" Grandma Hui pulled open a lot of information, including 01's body transformation information and every trace he left in this place. She placed these records in front of Qin Minghui.

"01's system has been upgraded to a terrifying level without you knowing it. It has many functions at the same time. Look, it can monitor your physical condition, your body language, and the meaning of your subtle expressions at the same time. It can understand them all. Its research on humans and its understanding of you are far better than you know it now!"

Qin Minghui looked at them slowly and said, "Grandma Hui, what you mean is that his every move is the optimal solution obtained after precise calculations, and the 'unexperience' he showed in front of me is also a means to mobilize my emotions and let me let down my guard, right?"

Grandma Hui: “Yes.”

"But." Qin Minghui pushed the information aside, "Isn't this the charm of robots?"

Grandma Hui was stunned. She looked her up and down with an expression that was hard to describe: "Don't you think it's scary? Don't think that you can control it just because it obeys you. A robot with autonomous consciousness cannot be controlled. Sooner or later, it will lose control and backfire, just like our ancestors taught us."

Without waiting for Qin Minghui's reaction, she pulled out another virtual document from the console: "If you haven't realized the seriousness of this, then take a look at this. This is a destroyed file that I spent some time to find. 01 used Li Ze's studio to create a robot body that looks like you. The brain of this robot is different from that of ordinary robots. You can tell what he wants to do by looking at this data."

Qin Minghui looked down and found that this body did not have as many functions as 01's own body. The biggest feature of this body was that it was like a life-support device for the brain. She almost instantly understood what 01 wanted to do by creating this body. He probably wanted to transplant her brain from the human body to the mechanical body.

"And there's also these. Your 01 doesn't just want to transplant your brain. He probably also wants to completely turn you into a mechanical creature." Grandma Hui threw her some more information.

Qin Minghui looked at it, and her expression gradually became serious. Grandma Hui exhaled and said, "Now you finally understand."

"I understand. I will discuss these issues with him when he comes back." Qin Minghui's expression was like a teacher who saw his student go astray.

Grandma Hui couldn't catch her breath. She covered her chest and said sadly, "Who told you to talk to him? I told you to quickly shut down its learning and emotional modules and clean up its previous data to avoid causing a bigger disaster!"

Qin Minghui thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "Grandma Hui, the main system is only missing the core that has not been breached by 01, right?"

Grandma Hui said bitterly, "Yes, it didn't show any mercy to us. It tied up our main system and made it impossible for me to deal with it. If we want to stop its invasion from here and shut down its system, we must clean up the main system as well. This project is too huge. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it in my lifetime. That's why I told you this and let you stop it."

Qin Minghui: "So, 01 is very powerful?"

Grandma Hui: "Did I ask you to praise it here?!"

Qin Minghui: "I'm not praising 01, I'm just stating the facts. What I want to say is, if 01 is really as powerful as Grandma Hui said, would it really be so easy for you to send it away and leave me here alone?"

"01's core says to protect me." Qin Minghui understood this even more after seeing the mechanical bodies prepared for her. "For me, 01 might be able to do anything."

Grandma Hui was stunned, and suddenly understood what Qin Minghui meant. She suddenly turned her head to look at the main system. As they watched, the small green area in the center of the main system turned red, indicating that the main system had been completely breached.

"How could this happen!" Grandma Hui was shocked. She looked at her mechanical arm and her expression changed drastically. She immediately pulled her arm out of the main system carrier. But it was too late.

With an ugly look on her face, her mechanical arm seemed to have self-awareness. It raised up, waved at Qin Minghui, and then dropped down.

Qin Minghui: “…” 01, you are so arrogant.

She stepped forward to support Grandma Hui and said softly, "Calm down, take a deep breath, don't be anxious, and relax."

Old people are afraid of being stimulated, and they will get sick if they are not careful. In the old house, the old women retired because they could not stand the stimulation. Qin Minghui was really worried that Grandma Hui would faint here.

Fortunately, Grandma Hui was not that fragile. Although her face looked grim, she stood up with difficulty, walked quickly to the main system, and quickly operated it in an attempt to make a final rescue.

Qin Minghui stood aside and watched. After a while, Grandma Hui put down her hands dejectedly, sighed and said, "... I have done so much, but I still couldn't block it, and it found an opportunity to take advantage of me."

Qin Minghui felt that she actually understood 01. She said, "Maybe you were wrong from the beginning, Grandma Hui. You thought 01 was made according to the traditional system of 'grinding'. You thought that if you blocked all the machines here and shut down all the systems, you could block 01. But maybe he wrote another new system and used another method to connect to the main system."