Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 196: 03 Yellow leaves


Sitting cross-legged on a stone, Kusheng stared at Luo Yujing across from him with dissatisfaction across a blazing fire.

A fierce ghost that can be seen but cannot be killed is like a poor man who is not allowed to pick up a silver ingot that has been dropped in front of him. It is very uncomfortable.

Kusheng was born in the Baihe Temple of Lingyue. He studied under the Taoist priest Baixu. About a hundred years ago, he began to practice as a living zombie. Ten years later, he came down the mountain and has been traveling around to rescue evil spirits ever since.

More than ninety years have passed since then, and he has killed nine hundred and ninety evil spirits. His master said that once he has saved the souls of one thousand three hundred evil spirits, his mission will be completely accomplished, and he can remove the gag and finger shackles that seal his body and be free from then on.

The shackles and seals on his body caused him to suffer day and night, and he wished they could be removed as soon as possible, so he was unwilling to let go of any evil spirit.

Moreover, in recent years, evil spirits have become rare in the world. Before he encountered the evil spirit of the Qi family, he had not seen any trace of evil spirits for three months. So, how could he let the woman in front of him go

Seeing that she was in a coma, full of death and no will to live, she might die at any time. Once this body died, he could naturally kill the evil spirit hiding inside. Kusheng thought, why not take her with him, so that when the time comes, he can kill her nearby.

After thinking about it, Kusheng made up his mind and casually broke off a piece of firewood and threw it into the fire. Then he ignored Luo Yujing and practiced under the moonlight.

Zombies are thirsty for blood and want to suck the vitality of living people, but their mouths are tightly sealed with a gag on their faces, and a cinnabar red thread is used to seal their mouths underneath. Not to mention drinking blood, they can't even open their mouths wider.

The only thing I can do is bask in the moonlight for some comfort.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden noise in the mountains. Dozens of people holding torches and leading dogs came over. I could vaguely hear someone saying, "Is the criminal who kidnapped Qi's wife Zheng coming up this mountain?" "He should be. Look at the broken branches. I guess he's just ahead." "There's a reaction. The dog smelled something!"

Hearing a dog barking, Kusheng suddenly opened his eyes.

When someone came to him, he was not afraid of crowds, but he hated communicating with people. There were many ignorant people in the world, and many of them did not have eyes like his that could identify ghosts. Most of them could not understand his explanation and would quarrel over anything.

In the past, when he went to people's homes to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, some women were clearly not ghosts, but the people at home still insisted on having him exorcise and kill the ghosts, and they didn't want to hear the truth.

Sometimes there really were evil spirits in the house and he caught them. Those people would cry and scream and not let him kill them. It was really ridiculous. They had all become evil spirits, without any mind and only knew how to harm people. How could he not kill them

Last time, he had killed a demon who had transformed into a beautiful woman to suck people's essence. The men in that family were bewitched and were about to die. They still refused to believe that the woman was a demon and reported him to the government, saying that he was harming people. This caused a group of police to want to arrest him and chase him through several counties.

To avoid trouble, Kusheng jumped up and stomped out the fire, reaching out to grab Luo Yujing and take her away. Suddenly, he remembered her crying before, and was frightened. He took the broken bamboo basket and put her in it again. He used the scabbard of the Zhuxie Sword to pick up the broken bamboo basket and went deep into the forest.

He was a zombie who knew no fatigue and was determined to get rid of the troubles behind him. He kept moving forward day and night, even into the deep mountains and forests where tigers and pythons roamed.

By noon the next day, Kusheng had already climbed over two mountains with a broken bamboo basket on his back. Those who were chasing him could not catch up with him even if they had four legs.

The sun was scorching. As a zombie, Kusheng naturally didn't like the heat of the sun. He stopped under a tree to rest and put down the broken bamboo basket.

The woman inside didn't make a sound. Ku Sheng thought to himself, could this broken bamboo basket be a tool to seal this strange and evil ghost? Why was there no sound every time she put the things into the bamboo basket

After taking the person out, we discovered that she seemed to have fainted, with more exhalation than inhalation.

Kusheng was overjoyed when he saw this. It looked like he was going to die! It just so happened that he was waiting here!

At this moment, the Zhuxie Sword came out of its sheath again, with the tip of the sword pointing directly at him.

Kusheng felt wronged: "… Why! I didn't mean to kill her. I just wanted to wait for her to die."

The Sword of Extermination approached him, and a bright light flickered on the sword.

This sword of slaying evil belongs to the founder of Baihe Temple. As it has accompanied the founder in exorcising demons for many years, it has become spiritual and has become a precious sword. Later, it was broken during an exorcism. In order to repair it, the founder threw himself into the sword furnace to forge the sword. From then on, the founder's soul and spirit remained in the sword of slaying evil and condensed into a sword spirit.

This spiritual sword for killing evil was passed on to Kusheng by the Taoist priest Baixu, mainly for the purpose of taking on the responsibility of guarding Kusheng - in short, this spiritual sword for killing evil will always watch over him and prevent him from doing bad things.

When the Zhuxie Sword feels that this guy is about to do something evil, it will automatically unsheath itself and warn him like this.

If he does not change and continues to do bad things, the Sword of Evil-Slaying will strike him first.

An ordinary evil ghost would die if stabbed by this sword, which shows how powerful it is. Although Kusheng would not die if stabbed by the sword, he would never forget the pain in his next life.

Seeing that the Zhuxie Sword was unreasonable and getting closer and closer, Kusheng was furious: "I didn't do anything!"

Kusheng: "You want me to treat her? I'm not a doctor, and I can't treat mortals!"

Driven mad by the sword, Kusheng went to check on Luo Yujing with a sour face and the tip of the sword pointed at his head. After his desperate operation, he found that the man seemed to have fainted from hunger.

No matter what the soul inside was like, this body was still an ordinary person. When Zheng was still alive, she cried every day. When Luo Yujing came into this body, she was depressed and couldn't sleep at night or eat. How could she bear it? After being tossed around like this by Kusheng for a whole day and night, she naturally fainted.

"Do I have to find food for her?" Kusheng angrily pounded the tree trunk beside him. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound above his head. A thorn ball fell from the tree and hit him on the head.

Kusheng reached out and grabbed a chestnut ball from his head. It turned out that the tree next to him was a chestnut tree. Looking up, he saw that the chestnuts were sparse, with only a few at the top of the tree.

Zombies have iron bones and steel skin, and ordinary knives cannot penetrate their flesh. Of course, they don't care about the small thorns on the chestnut ball. They pinch it open with their bare hands and take out the chestnuts inside.

"Can mortals eat this fruit?" he asked Zhuxie Jian.

The sword of extermination did not move. Seeing that it did not object, Kusheng squatted beside Luo Yujing and stuffed chestnuts into her mouth. He peeled one and stuffed one into her mouth, and soon Luo Yujing's mouth was filled with chestnuts, until it was bulging.

"She won't swallow it, what should we do?" Kusheng lifted Luo Yujing's head, "Let me help her swallow it."

Luo Yujing, who was in a coma, showed a painful expression, her throat was choked.

The Zhuxie Sword trembled and began to point at Kusheng. Kusheng then turned Luo Yujing over and hit her on the back, forcing her to spit out the chestnut in her mouth.

He complained to Zhuxie Sword: "Didn't you agree to feed this just now? Why are you blaming me?"

"Damn it, I haven't eaten since I was born, how do I know what to feed her now!"

He picked up the limp person and looked around in annoyance. This place was deep in the mountains, sparsely populated with people.

Fortunately, it was autumn and there were some ripe wild fruits in the mountains. Kusheng found one and asked Zhuxie Jian, "Can this be eaten?"

"Zhu Xie Jian, don't play dead, give me some response! Otherwise, if there is any problem with the food, don't point fingers at me!"

The gag cannot be removed and one cannot taste the food, so one can only rely on the hardness of the food when pinched with fingers to judge whether it will choke to death, and rely on the smell to guess whether it is edible.

"It tastes sweet and is edible." He picked up a persimmon and put it into Luo Yujing's mouth.

When this person was awake, he would suddenly scream and cry if touched. Now that he had fainted, he leaned in his arms and hid his head in his clothes, looking quiet and pitiful.

Kusheng didn't think much about it, so he raised his hand, pulled her head out and fed her persimmons, covering her face with a yellow stain.

He found another wild fruit, cracked the shell and smelled it. The smell was very strange. Kusheng thought that the smell was the same as the food that his master used to cook, so it should be edible. He stuffed it into Luo Yujing's mouth without hesitation.

Luo Yujing was awakened by a disgusting stench. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a hand with iron gloves pinching something and stuffing it into her mouth. She struggled to avoid it and asked faintly, "Are you...feeding me shit?"

Washing the residue off her face by the water, Luo Yujing combed her messy hair and began to daydream again as she stared at her reflection in the water.

"Why is she in a daze again?" Kusheng squatted on a big rock nearby and waited, asking Zhuxie Jian next to him.

Generally speaking, evil spirits are not conscious and cannot communicate, but this woman has the aura of an evil spirit, but she is also human, like a ghost but not a ghost, like a human but not a human. In a sense, she is very similar to him.

The reason why people become evil spirits is nothing more than hatred or unwillingness, but this woman didn't know why. If it was hatred, she didn't seek revenge on her enemies, and if it was unwillingness, she didn't have a strong desire to do anything, only sadness and pain.

"That evil ghost, you will follow me from now on." Kusheng said, "Don't even think about running away, you can't escape, do you understand?"

Luo Yujing said nothing and slowly combed her hair with her hands.

Kusheng added: "Even if you hide in a mortal body, the evil spirit's resentment will corrode your body. You can't keep using this body. You will die in a few years."

"Really?" Luo Yujing finally said two words, still looking indifferent.

Kusheng wanted to continue looking for the evil ghost and didn't want to waste time here. He picked up the broken bamboo basket and prepared to put the person away as he did before. However, the broken bamboo basket fell apart after being tossed around for so long.

Throwing away the broken bamboo basket, Kusheng kicked a tree and broke it into pieces, breaking off the trunk to make a rack for carrying firewood. He put Luo Yujing on it and carried her on his back.

This person was slow to react to the outside world, so needless to say, he just carried her away like a Bodhisattva. As long as he didn't touch her, she wouldn't react.

Walking along the mountain road, Luo Yujing sat on an uncomfortable firewood rack, her legs hanging down, her white skirt fluttering, staring in a trance at the trees on both sides receding.

A gust of wind blew from behind, blowing Luo Yujing's long hair to Kusheng's cheek. He grabbed a handful and threw it back in disgust: "Tie your hair up, or I'll burn it for you."

Luo Yujing grabbed her hair and looked up at the sky in a daze.

There was a persimmon tree in front. Kusheng picked two persimmons and threw them casually. They landed accurately on Luo Yujing's legs and rolled into her arms.

The autumn leaves in the mountains were a mixture of red and yellow, deep and light. Kusheng waved the branches above his head, and a few yellow leaves fluttered and fell into Luo Yujing's arms.