Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 204: 11 Dong family


As she sat there with her hands outstretched to hold the flowers, she looked melancholy, fragile and lovable. However, when she drew her sword in a rage, her appearance changed in an instant.

Peng Yuan was startled by her, but after he came to his senses, he became more interested in her. He dismounted his horse and approached her, teasing her, "Why do you have to do this? I just like you and can't help but come here to make friends with you. It's not a good thing for a woman to draw a sword against a man who admires you."

—“I just like you, I can’t help it, it’s just an accident…”

There is another voice in my memory, saying similar words.

Who said that... Ah, it was Pan Hui, the star.

Luo Yujing's eyes were bloodshot, and she thrust the sword forward, stabbing directly into Peng Yuan's eyes. Peng Yuan didn't expect her to be crazy and actually acted without hesitation. When he saw the sword thrusting at him, he screamed in fear.

"Ding." Kusheng clamped the blade with one hand to stop the sword from moving forward, and with the other hand pinched Luo Yujing's wrist, took back the Zhuxie Sword and put it back into the scabbard. His movements were sharp, and Luo Yujing realized that the sword had been taken away, and gritted her teeth to try to grab it again.

Peng Yuanze fell backwards as if he had escaped death, and was supported by two servants. He shouted with a sweat on his forehead, "He looks good, but how could he be a madman who dares to hurt people in the street? Report him to the police and have him arrested!"

Kusheng was busy dealing with Luo Yujing, and thought Peng Yuan was being noisy, so he drew out the sword with the scabbard and swung it at Peng Yuan's face. His strength was not comparable to Luo Yujing's, and Peng Yuan was thrown out with just one blow, and fell to the ground with a swollen face and a bruised nose.

After slapping the source of the noise away, Kusheng raised the Zhuxie Sword, not letting Luo Yujing touch it, and said, "The Zhuxie Sword cannot kill people."

Seeing that Luo Yujing was so angry that her eyes were about to bleed and she was still struggling, he had no choice but to pick her up and take her away under his armpit to prevent her from losing her mind and killing someone again.

After walking half a street away, Luo Yujing finally stopped struggling. She was crying.

Kusheng felt his scalp tingling, and quickly put her down, letting her sit on a stone pier by the roadside, and said to her: "You must not kill anyone again, otherwise the evil spirit in you will become more and more serious, and you will die faster."

Evil spirits usually cannot control themselves, even those in human bodies cannot avoid such impulses.

"But I hate it so much, I hate it so much." Luo Yujing was trembling all over.

Ku Sheng was silent for a moment, then asked, "Do you hate that person just now?"

"I hate them... all of them. Men like this, the ones who deserve to die the most are not me, but them..." Luo Yujing gritted her teeth.

Kusheng: "If that's the case, how did you manage to kill so many people? You've already died once for this, are you going to die a second time for this?"

Before Luo Yujing could answer, the street became noisy and a group of people chased after them. Kusheng sighed, picked up the still trembling Luo Yujing, and walked into another street.

When it came to avoiding pursuit, Kusheng was already familiar with the route, and he quickly got rid of those people, and walked into a tea stall on the roadside to let Luo Yujing rest.

"Have some hot tea here, and then we'll go."

Finally she looked a little calmer, and at this moment a group of men with white scarves tied around their waists and wearing white hats put down their carrying poles, rushed into the tea stall, sat down, and asked the boss to serve them some noodles.

This group of people are porters, and they also help with weddings and funerals. Today they helped a family bury a body, carrying the coffin and burying it in the wilderness. The deceased was an ordinary family, and died suddenly, so the burial was hasty and nothing was done carefully, and they didn't make much money.

A group of people drank large bowls of coarse tea and talked about the deceased who was buried today.

The deceased was a young unmarried girl who was raped while picking spring tea in the suburbs. The man who raped her was a married vagrant who had a reputation as a powerful figure in Lucheng. The man refused to take responsibility and ordered her father, who came to seek justice, to be beaten out, injuring his leg and becoming unable to work.

The woman cried every day at home and was gossiped by neighbors. She was so depressed that she jumped into a well and committed suicide.

"With this suicide, the Dong family has raised their daughter for more than ten years in vain, and the Peng family is not even willing to pay for the funeral. In my opinion, they should take the daughter's body to the Peng family's door every day and make a scene, and they will have to pay some money!" said a man, taking off his hat.

"The Dong couple are the same. If they had known this would happen, they would not have let their daughter go to pick tea. If they had gone with her, this would not have happened. It's because they were not paying attention."

"I heard that the daughter of the Dong family fell in love with Peng Da. He was handsome and his family was rich. The girl was tempted. Otherwise, how could Peng Da succeed so easily? There were many people picking tea, so she would have struggled. She committed suicide because Peng Da didn't want to carry her home. If she had honestly married an honest man, she wouldn't have lost her life."

Luo Yujing turned her head to look at them, and when she heard this, she smashed the teacup in her hand onto the head of the man who was speaking.

"Hiss... Are you looking for death? Who hit me?" The man turned his head and saw a young woman staring at him with a frightening look. He hesitated for a moment and fell silent.

Ku Sheng subconsciously held down the Zhuxie Sword, alert for Luo Yujing to draw his sword again and attack.

Luo Yujing just sneered and said to the gossiping men: "The daughter of the Dong family you are talking about was killed by the gossips of you guys."

"Just wait, she will come back to find you."

For some reason, after hearing this, they felt a chill on their backs and shivered. They were still talking loudly just now, but seeing these two people with strange appearances, even if they felt that Luo Yujing's words were unpleasant, they did not dare to speak again, fearing that they would cause trouble, and just buried their heads in drinking water.

In Kusheng's eyes, when these men opened their mouths to speak, the tips of their tongues were all black, spewing out black air that ordinary people could not see. There was a kind of monster in their mouths that was bred by their tongues, called "hanging tongues". Harsh insults, slandering others, and gossiping were the most likely to breed this kind of thing.

He never cared about this kind of monster, but looking at Luo Yujing's appearance, she was easily irritated by the "hanging tongue". If she continued to stay here, she might not be able to calm down.

Kusheng lifted Luo Yujing from the stool, took her away, and lit a handful of soul-soothing incense and stuffed it into her hand.

As I walked out of the street, the incense was half burned, and another wave of even stronger and more pungent smoke came towards me.

There was a white lantern hanging on the door of a house in front of us. A woman was squatting at the door, burning incense and paper, making the air full of smoke. It happened to be the Dong family that the men had mentioned before.

Passing by the door of this house, Luo Yujing looked at the woman burning paper, while Kusheng held the buzzing sword of Zhuxie, his eyes sharp and intimidating.

"Is there an evil ghost here?" The reason for the question was that the aura of the evil ghost he felt was very weak, as if it was being covered by something.

Most evil people will turn into evil ghosts after death, and people who die due to sudden death or resentment are also likely to turn into evil ghosts. Once they become evil ghosts, as long as they kill someone, their resentment and hostility will increase. Taoists with cultivation can often sense it from a long distance, but he was only able to detect a trace of the evil ghost's breath when he was standing at such a close distance.

Kusheng walked towards the woman burning paper and said, "There is an evil ghost in your home. I can help you kill it."

The woman looked haggard and reacted slowly. Hearing what he said, she suddenly showed a look of panic and rejected him, "There is no evil ghost in my house, no, no need!" After refusing in a panic, she stood up and went back into the house, even closing the gate.

It was clear that she looked panicked and guilty, and she even pressed her arms when she talked about the evil ghost. Kusheng realized something was wrong and jumped directly over the wall and went into the Dong family.

In the past, he had killed evil spirits and demons, and there had also been situations where his family members were unwilling. Kusheng never cared about their wishes, as he had only one goal in mind, killing the evil spirits, and no one could stop him.

Seeing him break into the house, the woman backed away in fear: "What are you going to do!"

Kusheng took a step forward and was about to speak, but was pushed away by Luo Yujing. She asked, "Who killed your daughter? What's his name? Where does he live?"

The woman bowed her head and cried, "My daughter is dead. Don't mention this matter again. Let her rest in peace."

"What is there to rest in? She will never rest in peace as long as the person who hurt her is not dead!" Luo Yujing asked again.

Seeing that she was not willing to give up, the woman said, "This is not a secret. Everyone in the neighborhood knows it. It's Peng Yuan who lives in the Peng family in the west of the city. He likes to do this kind of thing and no one cares. I don't know who you two are and what you are going to do. I just hope you don't get involved with us and leave quickly."

Peng Yuan? Luo Yujing heard this name and it sounded familiar. She immediately remembered the man on horseback that she had met not long ago. Could it be such a coincidence that it was really him

Kusheng pushed Luo Yujing behind him and said directly to the woman: "Your daughter has turned into a fierce ghost. If you hide her now, she will attack you in three days at the latest. By then, you will be giving away your life in vain."

The woman's eyes widened, she became agitated, she covered her chest and said, "No, she is my daughter, she listens to me the most, how could she hurt me!"

"The evil ghost is no longer conscious, she won't recognize you." Ku Sheng said, "Hand her over."

When the woman heard him say this, she collapsed to the ground and cried, "No! No! My daughter is so pitiful. She didn't do anything wrong. Why should she suffer this? She has become like this. I finally found her. Don't kill her. Kill me if you want to!"

Ku Sheng did not move. When he saw her get up and suddenly turn around to run into the room to hide, Ku Sheng stepped forward and hit the woman on the back of the neck, causing her to faint.

The woman fell down, and a small clay figurine rolled out of her arms.

This clay figure was molded into the shape of a young girl, with hair tied around her body. The clay was light red and smelled bloody, and it looked like some evil method had been used to temporarily retain the soul.

Many people among the people are unaware of the power of these evil methods. Often, because they do not want their loved ones to pass away, they go to some wild temples to seek help from so-called immortals with evil intentions, and spend money to get these evil methods that will cause endless harm.

If it is to capture an ordinary soul, it would be fine. Possessing it in a clay figure, at most it would make the person full of resentment, and the person who carries the clay figure would be bedridden from then on. If it is to capture an evil ghost, when the evil ghost comes out of the clay figure, it will become extremely ferocious and will kill the entire family at any time.

After putting the fallen woman on a chair, Kusheng was about to pick up the clay figurine, but Luo Yujing picked it up first.

"… What are you doing?" Kusheng felt uneasy, "Give me the clay figurine."

Luo Yujing bit her lip and retreated with the clay figurine. There was a well in the corner of the Dong family's yard. Luo Yujing retreated to the well. Kusheng chased her for a few steps and then stopped.

"What do you want to do?" Ku Sheng asked, holding the trembling Zhuxie Sword.

Luo Yujing sat by the well and said, "I want her to come out and kill that Peng Yuan with my own hands."

Kusheng: “No.”

Luo Yujing: "Why not? She couldn't seek justice for herself when she was alive, so why can't she do that even after she dies?"

Kusheng: “…No.”

He took two more steps forward, and the Sword of Extermination began to tremble even more violently. Luo Yujing gritted his teeth and looked into the well behind him, wondering if he could hide in it.

"Wait!" Ku Sheng saw that she was about to jump, so he stepped back and said, "This well is very deep, not as shallow as the last time. If you fall in, I can't save you."