Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 209: 16 Fragrant


In the simple farmhouse with a jujube tree, the dark-faced peasant woman was full of gratitude, and kept saying thank you: "Thank you, immortal! Thank you, immortal! If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I should do!"

Luo Yujing was escorted out of the door by her, and she took out a yellow talisman from her sleeve and said, "Stick it on your door, and you will be safe when you go in and out."

She carried a basket of rice and flour and found Kusheng waiting for her under a tree near the village. She said, "It's settled. Let's go."

After learning how to draw spells, Luo Yujing began to try to take the initiative to help people exorcise evil spirits and kill ghosts to earn some money for food. Previously, Kusheng was the one who did this, but now Luo Yujing took over and earned food for himself. Kusheng returned to being the same as before, only killing evil spirits and zombies.

Helping others to get rid of disasters. Some people whose families are wealthier will give some money as a reward, but most people are poor and will only give a basket of food or a chicken as a reward. Luo Yujing doesn't care and will go to take a look if she sees someone like that.

Today, the man in the family went hunting in the mountains and was possessed by an evil spirit. The spirit went crazy and hurt people at home. Luo Yujing used a talisman to burn the evil spirit and restored the man's sanity.

When he went out, he saw that the woman had been beaten by her mad husband with black eyes and a listless look, so he gave her a talisman to calm her down.

Luo Yujing didn't really understand why everyone didn't even ask her name, but just called her Daxian when they saw her. Some even added the word "bai" and called her Bai Daxian.

It was just a one-time deal, so she was too lazy to argue and simply accepted it.

Kusheng said that her resentment was slowly dissipating, and Luo Yujing also felt that she was getting better, but compared to before, she had changed a lot after all.

She is indifferent and wary of strangers, especially adult men. Any look of "interest" in her will make her feel disgusted and stay away.

She was most gentle with younger girls, especially sisters.

They were buying some necessities in the town and saw someone selling persimmons on a shoulder pole on the street. A pair of little sisters were eating persimmons next to them. The elder sister took a bite and then gave another bite to the younger sister. The two children's mouths were yellow. Seeing this very ordinary scene, Luo Yujing's unhappy face naturally softened.

If she went to exorcise evil spirits and there were sisters in the family, she would rarely say a few words or even give the two children candies.

Sometimes, Ku Sheng looked at her and felt that all her tenderness seemed to be pinned on the word "sister".

"It's autumn again." Luo Yujing suddenly said as she looked at the yellow leaves floating down above her head.

"I just came here last autumn." She still remembered that she was in a daze at that time, with Kusheng carrying her on his back. He picked bitter and astringent persimmons in the mountains and threw them into her arms for her to eat. She really didn't want to move at that time, otherwise she would have thrown the persimmons on his head.

She didn't notice the transition from summer to autumn, until suddenly she saw the orange-yellow persimmons on the trees and realized that a year had passed.

She followed Kusheng everywhere, on the road every day, without time to stop and think about anything, so the days were like this long road, constantly being left behind by her. Suddenly looking back, the rugged and difficult road had been stepped on by her feet, and she had walked a long way.

Luo Yujing suddenly liked autumn because it was a comfortable season. She didn't sweat easily and didn't need to think about how to clean up the bitter life.

As you walk on the road, you will have more food. If you don't meet anyone and the food you carry with you is gone, you can find food in the mountains and fields to fill your stomach.

"The stored food is all gone again." Luo Yujing sat on a rock in the mountains, emptied the food bag, and called out to Kusheng, "Xiangxiang, please help me find something to eat in the mountains."

Hearing her call Xiangxiang, Kusheng showed that very depressed expression again.

He had refused this title many times and shouted "hateful" a thousand times, but it was of no use. Luo Yujing just wanted to call him that.

The reason was naturally that in the summer, Kusheng repeatedly refused to take a bath. Luo Yujing initially wanted to call him "stinky", but he was gifted with a natural bone fragrance, so it was not easy to ignore the fact, so she had to change "stinky" to "fragrant". Anyway, the effect was the same.

Kusheng wanted to lose his temper at first, but Luo Yujing said to him, "Kusheng sounds very bitter, isn't Xiangxiang more suitable for you?"

"A person's name is very important. If you call yourself "Kusheng Kusheng" too often, your life will seem bitter. But if you call yourself "Xiangxiang", your future life will definitely be full of fragrance, don't you understand?"

—She didn't know where this weird idea came from, and she was extremely stubborn, so Kusheng didn't know whether she wanted to make fun of him by calling him this name, or really wanted to give him a good omen.

Anyway, no matter which one, after calling her for a whole summer, Kusheng no longer objected and let her do whatever she wanted. Fortunately, she didn't call him often.

"Xiangxiang, next time if you are going to walk into the mountains for several days, please tell me in advance so that I can prepare more food. Otherwise, we will run out of food like we are doing now." Luo Yujing said.

Kusheng blocked his ears and went into the dense forest.

He left, and the Sword of the Evil Slayer stayed with Luo Yujing. The forest at night was not safe, as there were many mountain goblins, wood spirits, mountain ghosts, and mandrills. Under the light of the campfire, the shadows of the rocks and trees nearby were jumping abnormally. Luo Yujing ignored these rustling and peeping shadows and just kept making a fire and waiting for food.

Kusheng hadn't come back for a while, and the shadow nearby was ready to move. It climbed to the edge of Luo Yujing's skirt and even climbed onto her. The more powerful of these mountain monsters can eat human souls and then transform into human forms, while the weaker ones can also confuse people's minds and make them crazy.

Luo Yujing stretched out her hand and summoned the Zhuxie Sword that was leaning against a large rock not far away, and thrust it at her feet. Zhuxie Sword has the ability to restrain ghosts, so it is no problem to deal with this kind of thing.

"Squeak--" There was a tiny scream, and the dark shadow crawling on her skirt curled up into a ball.

The tip of the sword was raised, and a twisting tree root-like object was pulled out of the soil. Luo Yujing watched it struggle expressionlessly, then put it into the fire and burned it.

Kusheng came back with the food he had found. When he saw her roasting this thing, he was surprised and said, "You are so hungry that a mountain goblin wants to eat it!"

She must be crazy to eat this. Luo Yujing opened her mouth and said, "Yes, if you come back later, I will eat it when I am very hungry."

Kusheng showed a conflicted look, handed the food to her, and urged: "Hurry up and make something to eat, don't delay."

Luo Yujing was eating her dinner when she saw Kusheng squatting beside her, looking in a certain direction, looking a little anxious, so she asked him, "Why did you take so long?"

Kusheng looked back at her and said, "I found a fierce ghost in the forest."

He always used the Sword of Evil-Slaying to kill evil spirits, but the Sword of Evil-Slaying was in her hands, so he definitely failed to kill the evil spirit.

Luo Yujing was stunned: "Why didn't you say so earlier!"

Kusheng looked at her with a look that said "Why are you being unreasonable?" and said in surprise, "Didn't you say you were very hungry? Eat quickly and then go kill the evil spirits."

In the past, he always prioritized killing evil spirits without any delay, but now he asked her to eat first.

Luo Yujing put down the bowl and stood up and said, "Why are you still eating? Go now. What if he runs away?"

In forests like this, there are always more zombies than evil spirits. If an evil spirit appears in such a place, it is most likely because it was brought to such a secluded place by someone to rob and kill people.

The people who were killed were unwilling to turn into evil spirits, but many of them could not leave this place and could not take revenge on their enemies. When passers-by passed by this place and were killed by evil spirits, the evil spirits had more blood and resentment, and the place of death could not hold them, so they were able to leave this place.

Seeing Kusheng kill another evil ghost, Luo Yujing looked at a corpse with white bones not far away and suddenly asked, "Xiangxiang, you have killed so many evil ghosts, have you ever thought about... whether they were good or evil in their lives?"

She was by Ku Sheng's side and had seen him kill several evil spirits. Every time, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of resentful story was behind this evil spirit.

But Kusheng never had such emotional fluctuations. Whether he was killing evil spirits, zombies, or other demons and ghosts, he was always calm and never hesitated or hesitated.

Kusheng sheathed his sword and said, "If we care about these things, there are probably more people to kill in this world than evil spirits."

He walked over to her, held out his hand, pulled her up and said, "Go back."

As he walked back from the cliff, the two of them walked in the roadless forest at night. Luo Yujing looked at his back and asked, "You said before that you can't kill anyone. What will happen if you kill someone?"

Kusheng said without even turning his head: "I will suffer the same fate as the evil spirit that killed people. Someone will come to kill me."

Luo Yujing: "But you are different from those evil spirits."

Kusheng: "They are all inhuman beings, what's the difference?"

Luo Yujing felt that this was harsh and said unhappily, "What's wrong with whether you are a human being or not? You are doing a good thing."

Kusheng: "Killing evil spirits is not a good thing. I am just doing what I should do. How can I judge whether it is good or bad?"

He was walking very fast, but he noticed Luo Yujing had stopped where she was. He looked back and said, "Hurry up! Aren't you hungry? You've only eaten half of your meal!"

But she frowned and said, "This is unfair. It's unfair that good people are harmed. It's unfair that evil spirits can't take revenge. It's also unfair that you kill evil spirits and save many people but still get sealed!"

Kusheng saw that she looked angry with the sky and said, "She is really a child."

Luo Yujing said angrily: "You look even more childish than me when you yell 'damn' every day. How dare you criticize my childish nature!"

Kusheng carried her on his shoulders and led her through the forest. Luo Yujing heard him say in the whistling wind: "It's good to look at problems with a child's mentality, but you can't use a child's mentality to solve problems... Wait until you grow up a little bit."

Hearing him calling her a child, Luo Yujing kicked his knee angrily: "Damn it!"

Kusheng also said: "Damn it, stop kicking my knee!"

Luo Yujing: "Not only will I kick your knee, I'll also wash your clothes!"

Kusheng: “…”

Luo Yujing: "Don't think you can give up on yourself just by becoming a zombie!"

Kusheng: "Have I ever given up on myself?!"

Luo Yujing: "You didn't even change your clothes. It's not like you're lying in a coffin without any conditions! You piece of rotten wood! I'll wash your clothes and wipe you again later!"

Ku Sheng felt uncomfortable just by hearing her say this, and immediately said: "Wait, let's talk about the matter of good and evil and fairness..."

Luo Yujing: "Let's not talk about it! Damn it!"